Best Fusion Rifles in Destiny 2: Tier List for PvP & PvE

by | Sep 26, 2024

Fusion Rifles are a staple of any loadout in Destiny 2. Whether you’ll be tearing it up in the Crucible or fighting wave after wave of ads, there is a Fusion Rifle right for the occasion.

This guide covers every Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2, including both Exotic and Legendary Fusions, as well as the best rolls for PvE and PvP.

Episode 1 Echoes icon Destiny 2Updated as of Episode 1: Echoes. See Updates.

Top-Tier Fusion Rifles (Episode 1)

This Tier list features the best Exotic and Legendary Fusions right now:

ItemWeaponsTypeArchetypeAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?RankSourceAvailable?Tier rankSource ❘ DLCFinal VerdictReleasedPerksBest of?
Techeun ForceTecheun Force art Destiny 2
Techeun Force
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleAdaptiveSpecialArcForsaken PackYesS › BestLast Wish RaidCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Last Wish Raid
Forsaken Icon (final) Destiny 2
Forsaken Pack
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Reconstruction (also good: Rewind Rounds) + Controlled Burst
PvP God Roll: Under Pressure (also good: Kill Clip) + High Impact Reserves (also good: Kickstart)

► From zero to hero, Techeun Force is yet another example of a reprised weapon done right. While most adaptives are looked over, Techeun Force breaks the mold with both solid stats and solid perks for any content. And yes, it can still get double damage perks.
Season 4
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Reconstruction (also good: Rewind Rounds) + Controlled Burst
PvP God Roll: Under Pressure (also good: Kill Clip) + High Impact Reserves (also good: Kickstart)
Scatter SignalScatter Signal art Destiny 2
Scatter Signal
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleRapid-FireSpecialStrandLightfallYesS › BestStarcrossedCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Lightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Overflow + Controlled Burst (also good: Slice)
PvP God Roll: Perpetual Motion + Under-Over

► Scatter Signal is the Fusion rifle everybody's talking about in Season of the Wish. With amazing PvE perks, including Overflow and Controlled Burst, and the benefits of the Rapid-Fire Frame, it's easy to see why Scatter Signal is one of the most sought-after weapons this season.
Season 23
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Overflow + Controlled Burst (also good: Slice)
PvP God Roll: Perpetual Motion + Under-Over
DeliveranceDeliverance art v2
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RiflePrecisionSpecialStasisThe Witch QueenYesS › BestVow of the Disciple RaidCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Vow of the Disciple Raid
The Witch Queen Icon (final) Destiny 2
Witch Queen
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Rolls: Demolitionist (also good: Perpetual Motion) + Chill Klip

► With Chill Clip having more utility than ever, Deliverance is now an S tier weapon. Not only does it deal with all champion types, but being craftable means that you are essentially guaranteed to get a god roll. It's also one of two fusions to roll with Demolitionist, perfect for Osmiomancy builds!
Season 16
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Rolls: Demolitionist (also good: Perpetual Motion) + Chill Klip
RiptideRiptide art
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleRapid-FireSpecialStasisFree-to-PlayYesS › BestPlaylist: CrucibleCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Playlist: Crucible
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Auto-Loading Holster (also good: Compulsive Reloader) + Chill Clip

► Thanks to Crucible focusing and Chill Clip's ability to combat all champions, Riptide is not only a must-have weapon; it's also extremely easy to get. Riptide currently dominates the PvE meta, and TTK changes to Rapid-Fire fusions mean this could be a welcome addition to a PvP loadout.
Season 17
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Auto-Loading Holster (also good: Compulsive Reloader) + Chill Clip
The EremiteThe Eremite art
The Eremite
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleHigh-ImpactSpecialSolarFree-to-PlayYesS › BestXûrCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Envious Assassin (also good: Compulsive Reloader) + Reservoir Burst (also good: Controlled Burst)

► A fusion to match Loaded Question, The Eremite quickly became a favorite thanks to it being craftable, and with some solid perks to boot. Like most high-impact fusions, the only real issue you'll have with it is the slower charge time.
Season 22
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Envious Assassin (also good: Compulsive Reloader) + Reservoir Burst (also good: Controlled Burst)
Burden of GuiltBurden of Guilt art
Burden of Guilt
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleAdaptiveSpecialStasisThe Final ShapeYesS › BestTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Roll: Killing Wind + High-Impact Reserves (also good: High-Impact Reserves)

► Burden of Guilt is proof that adaptive fusions are the rising stars of PvP. Here since Haunted, Burden has fought off all the nerfs and somehow taken them as buffs, now standing neck and neck with precisions and even some high-impacts for one burst ranges.
Season 17
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Roll: Killing Wind + High-Impact Reserves (also good: High-Impact Reserves)
Iterative LoopIterative Loop art
Iterative Loop
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleRapid-FireSpecialArcLightfallYesA › StrongNeomunaCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Lightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Compulsive Reloader + Voltshot
PvP God Roll: Under Pressure + Kickstart

► A craftable fusion with Voltshot, Iterative Loop swung hard upon release. Not only do rapid fusions take care of tougher targets with ease, but they are slowly becoming a meta PvP pick thanks to Time-To-Kill changes. Just be ready to spend quite a bit of time on Neptune.
Season 20
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Compulsive Reloader + Voltshot
PvP God Roll: Under Pressure + Kickstart
Axial LacunaAxial Lacuna art Destiny 2
Axial Lacuna
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RiflePrecisionSpecialSolarThe Final ShapeYesA › StrongThe Pale HeartCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
The Pale Heart
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Roll: Reconstruction + Controlled Burst (also good: Incandescent)
trong>PvP God Roll: Firmly Planted (also good: Eye of the Storm) + Kickstart

► Axial Lacuna has a nice array of perks available to it, and with fusion rifles being in a generally good place right now, especially for backup damage and super regeneration, it could be a very viable option.
The Final Shape
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Roll: Reconstruction + Controlled Burst (also good: Incandescent)
trong>PvP God Roll: Firmly Planted (also good: Eye of the Storm) + Kickstart
MercilessDestiny 2 Merciless art
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleExoticSpecialSolarFree-to-PlayYesA › StrongExotic EngramCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Exotic Engram
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Non-lethal hits make this weapon charge faster. Reloading immediately after a kill increases weapon damage for a short time."

► Merciless is unmatched in the Fusion Rifle department. With the changes to the Conserve Momentum perk lasting through reloading, Merciless became a beast overnight and can put out some ridiculous burst damage.
Season 1
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Non-lethal hits make this weapon charge faster. Reloading immediately after a kill increases weapon damage for a short time."
BastionDestiny 2 Bastion
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleExoticSpecialKineticShadowkeep PackYesA › StrongExotic KioskCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Exotic Kiosk
Shadowkeep Icon (final) Destiny 2
Shadowkeep Pack
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Charge to fire 3 spreads of Kinetic slugs. This weapon fires Unstoppable rounds staggering projectiles. Strong against Unstoppable Champions."

►A recent rework has brought Bastion back into the limelight. Maintaining its old functionality, it now has two additional melee-focused traits, with one acting like a One-Two Punch and the other like a melee-activated Controlled Burst. Perfectly synergizes with many Titan builds!
Season 9
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Charge to fire 3 spreads of Kinetic slugs. This weapon fires Unstoppable rounds staggering projectiles. Strong against Unstoppable Champions."
GlacioclasmGlacioclasm art Destiny 2
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleHigh-ImpactSpecialVoidFree-to-PlayTimed-EventA › StrongEvent: Dawning


Excels in:
Event: Dawning
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Subsistence + Reservoir Burst

► A refreshed perk pool has breathed new life into Glacioclasm, and while it is held back by its charge time, the introduction of Repulsor Brace and Golden Tricorn allows for a perfectly synergized Void 3.0 build. Pair it with your favorite Void exotic and go to town.
Season 12
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Subsistence + Reservoir Burst
Cartesian CoordinateCartesian Coordinate art
Cartesian Coordinate
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleRapid-FireSpecialSolarFree-to-PlayYesA › StrongWorld loot poolCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
World loot pool
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Lead from Gold + Vorpal Weapon

► As a Solar weapon, Cartesian Coordinate synergizes perfectly with a powerful Solar Heavy weapon to generate lots of Elemental Surges. Plus, featuring solid perks and being part of a competitive weapon frame, Cartesian remains a staple in the energy slot Fusion Rifle meta.
Season 13
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Lead from Gold + Vorpal Weapon
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RiflePrecisionSpecialArcFree-to-PlayYesA › StrongNightfall: The OrdealsCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Nightfall: The Ordeals
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Roll: Bottomless Grief (also good: Feeding Frenzy) + Reservoir Burst (also good: Cornered)

► Still as strong as ever, PLUG ONE.1 is certainly not the best arc fusion out there, but it is a tried-and-true weapon that is a fun addition to any PvE loadout. While it may lack Voltshot, it still pairs nicely with Arc 3.0 when using Spark of Beacons.
Season 14
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Roll: Bottomless Grief (also good: Feeding Frenzy) + Reservoir Burst (also good: Cornered)
Aurvandil FR6Aurvandil FR6 art

Aurvandil FR6
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleHigh-ImpactSpecialStasisFree-to-PlayYesA › StrongGunsmithCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Rolls: Reconstruction + Chill Clip

► Aurvandil shines in its ability to roll with Reconstruction, a formerly raid-exclusive perk. Doubling the magazine allows Chill Clip to have a higher uptime, and the punch of a High-Impact frame will help take down larger targets. This is an exceptional PvE weapon.
Season 19
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Rolls: Reconstruction + Chill Clip
Royal ExecutionerRoyal Executioner art
Royal Executioner
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleAdaptiveSpecialSolarLightfallYesA › StrongAvalonCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Lightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Rolls: Envious Assassin + Reservoir Burst (also good: Incandescent)

► One of two craftable fusions with Reservoir Burst, Royal Executioner is an Adaptive fusion that heavily outshines all others. With Envious Assassin, Reservoir Burst has a high uptime on this fusion, and Incandescent provides synergy with Solar 3.0 builds.
Season 20
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Rolls: Envious Assassin + Reservoir Burst (also good: Incandescent)
Nox Perennial VNox Perennial V art
Nox Perennial V
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleHigh-ImpactSpecialStrandFree-to-PlayYesA › StrongLost SectorCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Lost Sector
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Envious Assassin (also good: Lead from Gold) + Controlled Burst

► While Nox lacks the highly sought-after Reservoir Burst, it is the only Kinetic slot fusion rifle that could be considered a backup DPS weapon. Controlled Burst only deals 5% less damage than Reservoir and also decreases the charge time, letting it eke out that extra damage that could make or break a DPS phase.
Season 22
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Envious Assassin (also good: Lead from Gold) + Controlled Burst
Zealot's RewardZealots Reward Destiny 2 art
Zealot's Reward
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleRapid-FireSpecialVoidShadowkeep PackYesA › StrongGarden of Salvation RaidCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Garden of Salvation Raid
Shadowkeep Icon (final) Destiny 2
Shadowkeep Pack
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvP God Roll: Under Pressure + High-Impact Reserves

► Zealot's Reward has been recently outshined by Iterative Loop, but that's not to say it's past its prime. Offering similar stats, Zealot prefers consistency over damage, and since rotator raids are farmable, this is much easier to acquire than the elusive Iterative.
Season 8
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvP God Roll: Under Pressure + High-Impact Reserves
Main IngredientMain Ingredient Destiny 2 art
Main Ingredient
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RiflePrecisionSpecialArcFree-to-PlayYesA › StrongWorld loot poolCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
World loot pool
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvP God Roll: Under Pressure + High Impact Reserves (also good: Tap the Trigger)

► With great stats and an insane perk selection (that had to be nerfed due to its potency), Main Ingredient is one of the most used weapons in the Crucible right now, and with reason.
Season 11
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvP God Roll: Under Pressure + High Impact Reserves (also good: Tap the Trigger)
Snorri FR5Snorri FR5 art
Snorri FR5
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RiflePrecisionSpecialVoidFree-to-PlayYesA › StrongGunsmithCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvP God Roll: Firmly Planted + High-Impact Reserves (also good: Successful Warm-up)

► With tons of good perks for both PVE and PVP players, Snorri FR5 is arguably the most well-rounded fusion rifle in the game. With extremely high range, Firmly Planted, and Successful Warm-up, this is an obvious pick for PVP. With good range and stability, the Snorri FR5 can be the perfect tool against shotgun apes or just map people from surprising distances. Plus, with the great combination of Compulsive Reloader and Reservoir Burst, Snorri can excel in PVE too.
Season 16
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvP God Roll: Firmly Planted + High-Impact Reserves (also good: Successful Warm-up)
Pressurized PrecisionPressurized Precision art Destiny 2
Pressurized Precision
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleAdaptiveSpecialStrandFree-to-PlayYesA › StrongIron BannerCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Iron Banner
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Auto-Loading Holster (also good: Discord) + Vorpal Weapon (also good: Hatchling)
PvP God Roll: Firmly Planted (also good: Perpetual Motion) + High-Impact Reserves

► Thanks to some changes to damage falloff, Pressurized Precision is one of the best PvP fusions, hands down. Excellent stats let it one burst considerably farther than most would expect, and Discord is sure to be a hit once Checkmate becomes the norm.
Season 21
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Auto-Loading Holster (also good: Discord) + Vorpal Weapon (also good: Hatchling)
PvP God Roll: Firmly Planted (also good: Perpetual Motion) + High-Impact Reserves
The EpicureanThe Epicurean art
The Epicurean
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RiflePrecisionSpecialVoidWitch Queen Dungeon KeyYesA › StrongDuality DungeonCheckmark icon V3


Duality Dungeon
Episode 3 Heresy Icon Destiny 2
Episode 3: Heretic
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvP God Roll: Quickdraw (also good: Well-Rounded) + Moving Target (also good: Backup Plan)

► With the right roll, The Epicurean can have a base stability that matches Main Ingredient's god roll, and when using Counterbalance Stock, can achieve 100 recoil direction. If that isn't enough, consider that Well-Rounded x2 adds 20 range and stability, and you can see why this gun is so powerful.
Season 17
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvP God Roll: Quickdraw (also good: Well-Rounded) + Moving Target (also good: Backup Plan)

Destiny 2 Fusion Rifles: Complete List

This database includes every viable Fusion rifle currently in the game:

ArtNameTypeArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
Destiny 2 Arbalest artArbalestLinear Fusion RifleExoticExoticSpecialKineticLightfallYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialKinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic
B › Average
-Exotic QuestError icon V2 NoLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 6KineticNo
Destiny 2 BastionBastionFusion RifleExoticExoticSpecialKineticShadowkeep PackYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialKinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic
A › Strong
PvEExotic KioskError icon V2 NoShadowkeep Icon (final) Destiny 2
Shadowkeep Pack
Season 9KineticNoTop-tier
Delicate TombDelicate TombFusion RifleExoticExoticSpecialArcThe Witch QueenYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
C › Weak
-Exotic KioskError icon V2 NoThe Witch Queen Icon (final) Destiny 2
Witch Queen
Season 18EnergyNo
Euphony FINAL art Destiny 2EuphonyLinear Fusion RifleExoticExoticSpecialStrandThe Final ShapeYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStrand Element Strand
S › Best
PvESalvation's Edge RaidError icon V2 NoThe Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
The Final ShapeKineticNoTop-tier
Finality's Auger art 2 Destiny 2Finality's AugerLinear Fusion RifleExoticExoticHeavySolarThe Final Shape Dungeon KeyYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavySolar SolarSundered Doctrine DungonError icon V2 NoThe Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape Dungeon Key
Episode 3HeavyNo
Destiny 2 JotunnJötunnFusion RifleExoticExoticSpecialSolarForsaken PackYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
C › Weak
-Exotic KioskError icon V2 NoForsaken Icon (final) Destiny 2
Forsaken Pack
Season 5EnergyNo
Lorentz Driver artLorentz DriverLinear Fusion RifleExoticExoticSpecialVoidBeyond Light PackYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
C › Weak
-Exotic KioskError icon V2 NoBeyond Light Icon (final) Destiny 2
Beyond Light Pack
Season 15EnergyNo
Destiny 2 Merciless artMercilessFusion RifleExoticExoticSpecialSolarFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
A › Strong
PvEExotic EngramError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 1EnergyNoTop-tier
Destiny 2 One Thousand Voices artOne Thousand VoicesFusion RifleExoticExoticHeavySolarForsaken PackYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavySolar Solar
B › Average
PvELast Wish RaidError icon V2 NoForsaken Icon (final) Destiny 2
Forsaken Pack
Season 4HeavyNo
Destiny 2 Sleeper Simulant artSleeper SimulantLinear Fusion RifleExoticExoticHeavySolarFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavySolar Solar
A › Strong
PvEExotic KioskError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 3HeavyNoTop-tier
Destiny 2 Telesto artTelestoFusion RifleExoticExoticSpecialVoidFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
C › Weak
-Exotic EngramError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 2EnergyNo
Tessellation artTessellationFusion RifleExoticExoticSpecialKineticThe Final ShapeYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialKinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic
B › Average
PvEPre-order bonusError icon V2 NoThe Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Season 22EnergyNo
Destiny 2 The Queenbreaker artThe QueenbreakerLinear Fusion RifleExoticExoticHeavyArcFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyArc Arc
S › Best
PvEExotic EngramError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 4HeavyNoTop-tier
Vex Mythoclast artVex MythoclastFusion RifleExoticExoticPrimarySolarFree-to-PlayYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimarySolar Solar
B › Average
PvE + PvPVault of Glass RaidError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 14EnergyNo
Afterlight art Destiny 2AfterlightFusion RifleAdaptiveLegendarySpecialVoidEpisode 3: HereticYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid VoidHeretical ActivitiesError icon V2 NoEpisode 3 Heresy Icon Destiny 2
Episode 3: Heretic
Episode 3EnergyNo
Aurvandil FR6 art
Aurvandil FR6Fusion RifleHigh-ImpactLegendarySpecialStasisFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStasis Stasis
A › Strong
PvEGunsmithError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 19KineticNoTop-tierReconstruction
Axial Lacuna art Destiny 2Axial LacunaFusion RiflePrecisionLegendarySpecialSolarThe Final ShapeYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
A › Strong
PvE + PvPThe Pale HeartCheckmark icon V3 YesThe Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
The Final ShapeEnergyCraftableTop-tierIncandescent
Briar's Contempt artBriar's ContemptLinear Fusion RifleAggressiveLegendaryHeavySolarLightfallYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavySolar Solar
S › Best
PvERoot of Nightmares RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20HeavyCraftableTop-tierIncandescent,Reconstruction
Burden of Guilt artBurden of GuiltFusion RifleAdaptiveLegendarySpecialStasisThe Final ShapeYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStasis Stasis
S › Best
PvPTrials of OsirisError icon V2 NoThe Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Season 17KineticNoTop-tier
Cartesian Coordinate artCartesian CoordinateFusion RifleRapid-FireLegendarySpecialSolarFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
A › Strong
PvEWorld loot poolError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 13EnergyNoTop-tier
Cataclysmic art v2CataclysmicLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavySolarThe Witch QueenYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavySolar Solar
S › Best
PvEVow of the Disciple RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesThe Witch Queen Icon (final) Destiny 2
Witch Queen
Season 16HeavyCraftableTop-tierBait and Switch
Coriolis Force Destiny 2 artCoriolis ForceFusion RifleAggressiveLegendarySpecialVoidBeyond Light PackYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
B › Average
PvEEmpire HuntsError icon V2 NoBeyond Light Icon (final) Destiny 2
Beyond Light Pack
Season 12EnergyNo
Corsairs Wrath Destiny 2 artCorsair's WrathLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavySolarFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavySolar Solar
D › Worst
-World loot poolError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 12HeavyNo
Cruoris FR4 art Destiny 2Cruoris FR4Fusion RifleAggressiveLegendarySpecialArcFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc ArcWorld loot poolError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Episode 3EnergyNo
Deliverance art v2DeliveranceFusion RiflePrecisionLegendarySpecialStasisThe Witch QueenYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStasis Stasis
S › Best
PvEVow of the Disciple RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesThe Witch Queen Icon (final) Destiny 2
Witch Queen
Season 16KineticCraftableTop-tierBait and Switch
Doomed Petitioner art Destiny 2Doomed PetitionerLinear Fusion RifleAggressiveLegendaryHeavyVoidLightfallYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyVoid Void
S › Best
PvEStarcrossedCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 23HeavyCraftableTop-tierReconstruction
Dream Breaker artDream BreakerFusion RifleAdaptiveLegendarySpecialSolarFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
C › Weak
-MoonError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 14EnergyNo
Exiles Curse Destiny 2 artExile's CurseFusion RifleHigh-ImpactLegendarySpecialArcThe Final ShapeNoSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
B › Average
PvPTrials of OsirisError icon V2 NoThe Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Season 10EnergyNo
Eyes Unveiled art 2 Destiny 2Eyes UnveiledLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavyVoidEpisode 3: HereticYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyVoid Void
A › Strong
PvPHeretical ActivitiesError icon V2 NoEpisode 3 Heresy Icon Destiny 2
Episode 3: Heretic
Episode 3HeavyNoTop-tier
Fire and Forget art
Fire and ForgetLinear Fusion RifleAggressiveLegendaryHeavyStasisThe Witch QueenYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyStasis Stasis
C › Weak
-Operation: Seraph's ShieldCheckmark icon V3 YesThe Witch Queen Icon (final) Destiny 2
Witch Queen
Season 19HeavyCraftable
Glacioclasm art Destiny 2GlacioclasmFusion RifleHigh-ImpactLegendarySpecialVoidFree-to-PlayTimed-EventSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
A › Strong
PvEEvent: DawningError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 12EnergyNoTop-tierRepulsor Brace
Hollow Words Destiny 2 artHollow WordsFusion RiflePrecisionLegendarySpecialArcFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
C › Weak
-Arrivals EngramsError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Episode 3EnergyNo
Iota Draconis artIota DraconisFusion RifleHigh-ImpactLegendarySpecialSolarFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
C › Weak
-XûrError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 15EnergyNo
Iterative Loop artIterative LoopFusion RifleRapid-FireLegendarySpecialArcLightfallYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
A › Strong
PvE + PvPNeomunaCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20EnergyCraftableTop-tierVoltshot
Laser Painter art Destiny 2Laser PainterLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavyStrandFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyStrand Element Strand
C › Weak
-Playlist: GambitError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 21HeavyNo
Likely Suspect artLikely SuspectFusion RifleRapid-FireLegendarySpecialVoidFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
B › Average
PvE + PvPThrone WorldCheckmark icon V3 YesDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 16EnergyCraftable
Line in the Sand Destiny 2 artLine in the SandLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavyArcEpisode 1: EchoesYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyArc Arc
B › Average
-Dawn EngramsError icon V2 NoEP1 Echoes Icon (final) Destiny 2
Episode 1: Echoes
The Final ShapeHeavyNoVoltshot,Bait and Switch
Loaded Question art Destiny 2Loaded QuestionFusion RifleHigh-ImpactLegendarySpecialArcFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
B › Average
PvENightfall: The OrdealsError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 21EnergyNo
Main Ingredient Destiny 2 artMain IngredientFusion RiflePrecisionLegendarySpecialArcFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
A › Strong
PvPWorld loot poolError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 11EnergyNoTop-tier
Midhas’s Reckoning artMidha’s ReckoningFusion RifleHigh-ImpactLegendarySpecialArcFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
B › Average
PvE + PvPKing's Fall RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 18EnergyCraftable
Mistral Lift art Destiny 2Mistral LiftLinear Fusion RifleAdaptiveLegendaryHeavyVoidFree-to-PlayTimed-EventHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyVoid VoidEvent: DawningError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Episode 2HeavyNo
Nox Perennial V artNox Perennial VFusion RifleHigh-ImpactLegendarySpecialStrandFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStrand Element Strand
A › Strong
PvELost SectorError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 22KineticNoTop-tier
Null Composure artNull ComposureFusion RifleRapid-FireLegendarySpecialVoidFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
B › Average
PvEExotic KioskError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 14EnergyNo
PLUG ONE.1 artPLUG ONE.1Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendarySpecialArcFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
A › Strong
PvENightfall: The OrdealsError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 14EnergyNoTop-tier
Pressurized Precision art Destiny 2Pressurized PrecisionFusion RifleAdaptiveLegendarySpecialStrandFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStrand Element Strand
A › Strong
PvPIron BannerError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 21KineticNoTop-tier
Reed's Regret artReed's RegretLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavyStasisThe Final ShapeYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyStasis Stasis
B › Average
PvETrials of OsirisError icon V2 NoThe Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Season 15HeavyNo
Resounding art Destiny 2ResoundingFusion RifleAggressiveLegendarySpecialStrandFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStrand Element StrandPlaylist: PursuitError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Episode 3KineticNo
Riptide artRiptideFusion RifleRapid-FireLegendarySpecialStasisFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStasis Stasis
S › Best
PvEPlaylist: CrucibleError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 17KineticNoTop-tier
Royal Executioner artRoyal ExecutionerFusion RifleAdaptiveLegendarySpecialSolarLightfallYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
A › Strong
PvEAvalonCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20EnergyCraftableTop-tierIncandescent
Sailspy Pitchglass artSailspy PitchglassLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavyArcFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyArc Arc
C › Weak
-XûrCheckmark icon V3 YesDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 18HeavyCraftableVoltshot
Scatter Signal art Destiny 2Scatter SignalFusion RifleRapid-FireLegendarySpecialStrandLightfallYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStrand Element Strand
S › Best
PvE + PvPStarcrossedCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 23KineticCraftableTop-tier
Scintillation art Destiny 2ScintillationLinear Fusion RifleAdaptiveLegendaryHeavyStrandFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyStrand Element Strand
S › Best
PvENightfall: The OrdealsError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final ShapeHeavyNoTop-tierBait and Switch
Snorri FR5 artSnorri FR5Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendarySpecialVoidFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
A › Strong
PvPGunsmithError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 16EnergyNoTop-tier
Stormchaser artStormchaserLinear Fusion RifleAggressiveLegendaryHeavyArcWitch Queen Dungeon KeyYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyArc Arc
B › Average
PvEDuality DungeonError icon V2 NoEpisode 3 Heresy Icon Destiny 2
Episode 3: Heretic
Season 17HeavyNo
Suspectum-4fr art Destiny 2Suspectum-4frLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavyStasisFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyStasis Stasis
B › Average
-World loot poolError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final ShapeHeavyNo
Taipan-4fr artTaipan-4frLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavyVoidFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyVoid Void
B › Average
PvEGunsmithCheckmark icon V3 YesDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 18HeavyCraftableRepulsor Brace
Tarantula artTarantulaLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavyArcFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyArc Arc
D › Worst
-World loot poolError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 13HeavyNo
Techeun Force art Destiny 2Techeun ForceFusion RifleAdaptiveLegendarySpecialArcForsaken PackYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
S › Best
PvE + PvPLast Wish RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesForsaken Icon (final) Destiny 2
Forsaken Pack
Season 4EnergyCraftableTop-tierReconstruction
The Epicurean artThe EpicureanFusion RiflePrecisionLegendarySpecialVoidWitch Queen Dungeon KeyYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
A › Strong
-Duality DungeonCheckmark icon V3 YesEpisode 3 Heresy Icon Destiny 2
Episode 3: Heretic
Season 17EnergyCraftableTop-tierRepulsor Brace
The Eremite artThe EremiteFusion RifleHigh-ImpactLegendarySpecialSolarFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
S › Best
PvEXûrCheckmark icon V3 YesDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 22EnergyCraftableTop-tier
The Wizened Rebuke artThe Wizened RebukeFusion RifleHigh-ImpactLegendarySpecialArcFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
B › Average
PvPIron BannerError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 17EnergyNoVoltshot
Threaded Needle artThreaded NeedleLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavyVoidFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyVoid Void
C › Weak
-World loot poolError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 13HeavyNo
Timelines Vertex Destiny 2 artTimelines' VertexFusion RifleAdaptiveLegendarySpecialSolarFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
C › Weak
-XûrError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 10EnergyNo
Trinary System artTrinary SystemFusion RifleAdaptiveLegendarySpecialSolarFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
B › Average
-Playlist: GambitError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 13EnergyNo
VS Gravitic Arrest art Destiny 2VS Gravitic ArrestFusion RifleAdaptiveLegendarySpecialVoidThe Final Shape Dungeon KeyYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid VoidVesper's Host DungeonError icon V2 NoThe Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape Dungeon Key
Episode 2EnergyNo
Zealots Reward Destiny 2 artZealot's RewardFusion RifleRapid-FireLegendarySpecialVoidShadowkeep PackYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
A › Strong
PvPGarden of Salvation RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesShadowkeep Icon (final) Destiny 2
Shadowkeep Pack
Season 8EnergyCraftableTop-tier

Tier Ranks used for our list:

  • S+ Tier – Meta: Weapons so good they singlehandedly shifted the current meta
  • S Tier – Best: Highest ranking weapons.
  • A Tier – Strong: Very strong weapons, but not on the same level as S Tier Choices.
  • B Tier – Average: Either decent weapons or weapons that fit a very specific niche/use case.
  • C Tier – Weak: Mediocre weapons that are easily outclassed by the competition.
  • D Tier – Worst: Weapons that don’t have much to offer and don’t deserve your attention.

Best D2 Fusion Rifles Today

Ready to dig deeper into the absolute best Fusions in Destiny 2? These are the cream of the crop, our favorites (for PvE and PvP):


Vex Mythoclast Destiny 2 featured fusion rifle

5. Vex Mythoclast

Vanguard logo Destiny 2 Excels in PvE

Returning from D1 and more lethal than ever, Vex Mythoclast lives up to its legendary status.

Now that exotic primaries do 40% more damage to red bar enemies, Vex’s Overcharged rounds are a reliable way to help put down beefier targets in end-game content, and the 20% damage buff after a kill will help get there quicker. It’s also getting a massive buff next season, dealing 200% more damage to Champions when using the Overcharged mode, as well as 25% more to bosses.

Vex is also able to take advantage of any mod or perk that modifies fusions, so for Solar Warlocks running Rain of Fire, this is a must-have weapon. While it might take a while to acquire, once you do, you might never put it down.

Exotic Perk: “This weapon fires a single bolt with each trigger pull. Defeating targets builds stacks of Overcharge. Swap firing modes when fully Overcharged to charge up and fire more powerful linear fusion shots.”

How to get it: Vex Mythoclast can be acquired by completing the Vault of Glass Raid.


Techeun Force Fusion rifle Destiny 2

4. Techeun Force

PVE and PVP logo Destiny 2 Excels in PvE and PvP

Once overlooked by many, Techeun Force’s reprisal has made it an S-tier fusion.

One of the Best Last Wish weapons, Techeun Force is an Adaptive frame fusion with a swathe of perks and solid stats that make it lethal anywhere. Rewind Rounds or Reconstruction can let players get massive benefits from Controlled Burst in PvE, and Under Pressure with Kickstart will secure kills with ease in PvP, even with the nerfs. It’s also craftable, so don’t fret if you don’t land the god roll right away.

Grab your fireteam and dive into Last Wish so you, too, can have this amazing fusion rifle!

  • PvE God roll: Rewind Rounds + Controlled Burst
  • PvP God roll: Under Pressure + Kickstart

How to get it: Techeun Force can be acquired from the Last Wish Raid.


Burden of Guilt fusion featured Destiny 2

3. Burden of Guilt

Crucible logo Destiny 2 Excels in PVP

You can’t keep a good fusion down, and Burden of Guilt is proof.

While Burden of Guilt has been around since Haunted, it’s gained a lot of traction thanks to its insane stats and resilience to fusion rifle nerfs. Adaptives are not the easiest to pick up, but mastering them can make you a menace in PvP. This is due to their mix of quick charge time and solid one-burst difference, going neck and neck with some Precisions and even High-Impacts! What’s more, is that an upcoming buff means High-Impact Reserves won’t be as needed!

  • PvP God roll: Killing Wind + Successful Warmup (also good: High-Impact Reserves)

How to get it: Burden of Guilt is a Trials of Osiris Weapon that can be acquired from Trials completions, Engrams, and/or rank-ups.


Scatter Signal preview Destiny 2

2. Scatter Signal

PVE and PVP logo Destiny 2 Excels in PVE and PVP

A fusion to contend with Riptide, Scatter Signal has everyone’s attention.

Dropping from Season of the Wish activities, Scatter Signal is our third Strand fusion and the one we’ve all been waiting for. Its ability to roll with Over Under makes dealing with overshield chuds a breeze, and Slice is a powerful perk in both PvP and PvE thanks to its reduction of enemy damage. Let’s not forget Controlled Burst, the hottest fusion rifle perk to date. It’s also craftable, meaning that god roll is just a few activities (or deepsight harmonizers) away from being yours! These are the top Scatter Signal God Rolls:

  • PvE God roll:Slice + Under Over
  • PvP God roll: Slice + Controlled Burst

How to get it: Scatter Signal can be acquired from the Starcrossed Exotic Mission.


Riptide Fusion rifle

1. Riptide

Vanguard logo Destiny 2 Excels in PvE

A Crucible drop, Riptide is a PvE powerhouse that’s never been easier to acquire.

In Lightfall, Bungie made a major overhaul to combating champions, with Stasis coming out on top thanks to freeze no longer resetting the stun. As a result, what was once seen as a liability in Chill Clip is now the king of verb-based stunning and a must-have for any Champion-containing content.

Not only this, but reduced costs to focus engrams at Shaxx means that it is cheaper for people to get their roll, and the resetting system means you could end up with a multi-perk drop! Hop into Crucible and snag your roll today! These are the top Riptide God Rolls:

  • PvE God roll: Auto-Loading Holster + Chill Clip

How to get it: Riptide is a Crucible Weapon that can be acquired from Crucible: Playlist completions, Engrams, and/or rank-ups.

Fusion Rifles and the PvP Meta: TTK

We covered which Fusions are considered top-tier (and should be farmed) and which ones can be safely ignored. But how do they compare to other Special weapons in PvP?

Weapon Type RankTierTrendRole ❘ Current StateCategory
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2
S › Best


-► With the introduction of fixed (and consistent) pellet spread patterns per archetype and the reversal of some widely disliked nerfs, Shotguns are finally back. With consistent changes in the right direction, Shotguns are once more a staple pick among many PvP players.

► Best Archetype: Precision (65 RPM) - Example: Matador 64
PVP Specials
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Fusion Rifles
S › Best


-► Fusion Rifles have been at the top of the meta for a while now, and it doesn't seem to be changing. Fusions can cover the close to medium ranges excellently, and a good Fusion Rifle player can be incredibly frustrating to play against, no matter the range of the engagement.

► Best Archetype: Precision (780ms Charge Time) - Example: Main Ingredient
PVP Specials
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Sniper Rifles
A › Strong


Trend down► Sniper Rifles are still remarkably powerful, but due to certain flinch changes, they've become slightly harder to use. All this, as well as how strong certain Shotguns are, it's natural for Snipers to fall down a tier, but they are still strong, especially in Trials of Osiris.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (90 RPM)- Example: Beloved
PVP Specials
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Linear Fusion Rifles
A › Strong


-► The special ammo Linear Fusion category of weapon is rather barren, but the two weapons that occupy it, Arbalest and Lorentz Driver, are both forces to be reckoned with. While they have received some deserved nerfs throughout Seasons 17-19, they remain a solid choice for many players wanting a long range option.PVP Specials
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Trace Rifles
B › Average


-► Trace Rifles are quite a niche pick and will fall short as a competitive option in most players' hands. Even once you learn to master Trace Rifles, you'll be better off with a Special weapon that can provide a one-hit-kill t rather than one that can be out-dueled by a Primary weapon.

► All Archetypes are 1000 RPM - Best Option: Coldheart
PVP Specials
Glaive weapon type Destiny 2 art
B › Average


-► With their buffs in Season 19 and the hit registration improvements they've seen, Glaives can be quite annoying to play against. That said, they are outclassed by other mid/long range options and can't compete at close range due to their lackluster melee.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (55 RPM)- Example: The Enigma
PVP Specials
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2
Grenade Launchers
C › Weak


-► Grenade Launchers are annoying to play against, and that's about it. They can be used in a hot-swap loadout, but you'll be better served by a Bow like Le Monarque. Grenade launchers can put pressure on your enemies, but they can't bring the heat like some other Special Weapons can.

► Best Archetype: Lightweight - Example: Truthteller
PVP Specials

Remember that when it comes to PvP, TTK is perhaps the most important factor. As you know, the lower the TTK, the faster you can kill your opponent. We have a TTK guide/chart that includes TTK figures, but that mostly applies to Primary weapons, not Specials.

Suffice it to say: When it comes to PvP, top Fusions can dominate a Crucible lobby. The many nerfs and buffs in the game are slowly changing the PvP meta and Fusions appear to be clear winners.

Fusion Rifles and the PvE Meta: DPS

How do Fusions compare to other Special weapons in PvE?

Weapon Type RankTierTrendRole ❘ Current StateCategory
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Fusion Rifles
S › Best


Trend up►Fusion Rifles are brilliant right now. Outside of Sniper Rifles, Fusion Rifles are the traditional 'backup damage' weapons due to options like Scatter Signal or Cartesian Coordinate. On top of this, you can use Fusions like Riptide for some utility instead, or even Merciless as a unique burst DPS option.

► Best Archetype: Rapid-Fire (500ms Charge Time) - Example: Scatter Signal
PVE Specials
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Sniper Rifles
S › Best


Trend up► Sniper Rifles have continued to grow into a strong Special Weapon subtype. With options like The Supremacy, Ikelos Sniper Rifle, and Still Hunt, it's very common for Sniper Rifles to be included in DPS rotations.

► Best Archetype: Rapid-Fire (140 RPM) - Example: Supremacy
PVE Specials
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2
A › Strong


Trend down► Shotguns are pretty decent right now. Slug Shotguns aren't as strong as they once were, and Shotguns have mostly been demoted to being a funnel for One-Two Punch Melee builds. However, they are definitely still capable, and can be used in a general loadout.

► Best Archetype: Lightweight (90 RPM) - Example: Wastelander M5
PVE Specials
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2
Grenade Launchers
A › Strong


Trend down► Grenade Launchers are brilliant right now. They are versatile and are arguably the best pick in almost all areas. GLs have excellent ad control through Blinding Grenades or Wave Frame GLs like Forbearance, and they also have good boss damage in certain hot-swap builds due to Spike Grenades. Simply put, having a strong arsenal of Grenade Launchers is something you should definitely try to do as a player looking to get into high-level content.

► Best Archetype: Wave-Frame - Example: Forbearance
PVE Specials
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Trace Rifles
B › Average


-► With the nerfs to the double-special ammo economy, Trace Rifles have been knocked down a notch. Using a Primary weapon is just more efficient these days. However, they remain solid utility weapons and a go-to if players still want to run double-special lodouts. They also have a couple of solid Exotic options too, making them a decent pick right now.PVE Specials
Glaive weapon type Destiny 2 art
B › Average


-► Glaives require a bit of getting used to, but when you do, they can grant you crazy levels of damage resistance. However, they are quite a risky pick, especially if you haven't learned how to master them first. Glaives are also one-dimensional. There is basically no reason to use their melee attack, which is unfortunate as that is probably the most fun part of the Glaives.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (55 RPM) - Example: The Enigma
PVE Specials
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Linear Fusion Rifles
C › Weak


-► Linear Fusion Rifles are difficult to rank as there are only two of them. While Arbalest is definitely a powerful weapon, it is by no means a must-pick anymore. And Lorentz Driver isn't exactly a serious contender for PvE. Overall, this archetype is quite weak, especially now that Arbalest isn't the top-pick it used to be.PVE Specials

Keep in mind that when it comes to PvE, DPS is one of the most important factors. As you know, the higher the DPS, the more damage you can deal to a Boss or Major. This D2 DPS chart includes the DPS numbers for every weapon in Destiny 2.

When it comes to actual DPS, Fusions are well-placed and offer the benefit of having longer ranges than shotguns:

-Weapon TypeArchetypeSustained DPSMag DPSTotal DamageSpecs---Best in ClassChange?Ammo
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


3186235866525080-Destiny 2 One Thousand Voices artOne Thousand VoicesSameHeavy
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion Rifle


2971734498703216/w CatalystDestiny 2 Sleeper Simulant artSleeper SimulantBuffedHeavy
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


2341324551451119-Destiny 2 Merciless artMercilessSameSpecial
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion Rifle


2090125186483576With "Marksman Sights"Destiny 2 The Queenbreaker artThe QueenbreakerBuffedHeavy
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion RifleAggressive1986621459712188-Stormchaser artStormchaserNewHeavy
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion RiflePrecision1849020453500066-Reed's Regret artReed's RegretBuffedHeavy
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion Rifle


1817020574488819-Destiny 2 Arbalest artArbalestSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


1796320882701631-Destiny 2 BastionBastionSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


1615618956/w CatalystDestiny 2 JotunnJötunnSameSpecial
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion Rifle


1580017891425063-Lorentz Driver artLorentz DriverSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


1512616859546240-Delicate TombDelicate TombSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


1404715491470316/w CatalystDestiny 2 Telesto artTelestoSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion RifleAggressive1403014867318752- class=Coriolis ForceSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion RifleHigh-Impact1396115043431585-Glacioclasm art Destiny 2GlacioclasmSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion RifleRapid-Fire1344014519360954-Cartesian Coordinate artCartesian CoordinateSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion RifleAdaptive1323614607388850-Trinary System artTrinary SystemSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


1271114853406525-Tessellation artTessellationSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion RiflePrecision1033411331334026-Deliverance art v2DeliveranceSameSpecial

Endgame content

For the record, while Fusion rifles can hold their own in most PvE content, they aren’t the top choice for Master and Grandmaster content. For the most difficult activities, you want a longer-range option that allows you to easily peek shoot.

Before you go…

Are you looking for a top-tier Primary and Heavy weapon to round out your loadout? We cover the Best Destiny 2 Auto Rifles and Best Destiny 2 Swords, too.

You now know everything there is to know about Fusion rifles in Destiny 2, whether that is for PvP or PvE content.

See latest Updates

We keep our content up to date! These are the latest changes made to this guide:
  • September 26, 2024: General updates according to The Final Shape Meta.
  • February 29, 2024: General updates and the inclusion of Fusion Rifles from Season 23.
  • October 30, 2023: Inclusion of Season 21 and 22 weapons.
  • May 19, 2023: General updates and the inclusion of Season 18, 19, and 20 Fusions.
  • April 10, 2022: The guide is published for the first time.

Stay tuned, and don’t forget to bookmark this page for next season!

About The Author

Wyatt Lamb
Wyatt Lamb
If you asked any of my friends what I like to do with Destiny 2, they’d probably say “break it”. Build the biggest DPS, clear ads the fastest, zip zoom across the room; that’s my game. And with, I hope to show you all how to top the charts and make your friends go “wow”. You can find Wyatt on Twitter.
More from Wyatt Lamb
  1. Nathanael ligon

    Update “It’s the season of void”

    • Wyatt Lamb

      Hey, author here! Things got a little mixed up, tier list has been updated.

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