Destiny 2 Vault of Glass Loot Table: Raid Weapons & Armor

by | Feb 10, 2025 | Weapons

Vault of Glass is about to get a lot more popular. With Episode 3: Heresy, VoG is getting updated weapons featuring new Perks and an exclusive Origin Trait. And let’s not forget about the revamped Fatebringer.

This guide covers the entire Vault of Glass loot table, including armor sets, Legendary weapons, and Exotics.

Vault of Glass Loot Table (Episode 3 Update)

This is the up-to-date VoG raid loot table as of Episode: Heresy:

Vault of Glass Loot Table
1st Encounter
2nd Encounter
3rd Encounter
4th Encounter
Final Encounter
Vision of Confluence Destiny 2 featuredVision of Confluence
Scout Rifle | Solar Solar
Praedyth's Revenge Destiny 2 featuredPraedyth's Revenge
Sniper Rifle | Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic
Fatebringer Destiny 2 featuredFatebringer
Hand Cannon | Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic
Fatebringer Destiny 2 featuredFatebringer
Hand Cannon | Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic
Vex Mythoclast Destiny 2 featuredVex Mythoclast
Fusion Rifle | Solar Solar
Found Verdict Destiny 2 featuredFound Verdict
Shotgun | Arc Arc
Vision of Confluence Destiny 2 featuredVision of Confluence
Scout Rifle | Solar Solar
Vision of Confluence Destiny 2 featuredVision of Confluence
Scout Rifle | Solar Solar
Hezen Vengeance Destiny 2 featured rocket launcherHezen Vengeance
Rocket Launcher | Solar Solar
Praedyth's Revenge Destiny 2 featuredPraedyth's Revenge
Sniper Rifle | Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic
Corrective Measure Destiny 2 featuredCorrective Measure
Machine Gun | Void Void
Found Verdict Destiny 2 featuredFound Verdict
Shotgun | Arc Arc
Corrective Measure Destiny 2 featuredCorrective Measure
Machine Gun | Void Void
Found Verdict Destiny 2 featuredFound Verdict
Shotgun | Arc Arc
Corrective Measure Destiny 2 featuredCorrective Measure
Machine Gun | Void Void
Hezen Vengeance Destiny 2 featured rocket launcherHezen Vengeance
Rocket Launcher | Solar Solar
Kabr's Brazen Grips Destiny 2 featuredKabr's Brazen Grips | ArmsKabr's Brazen Grips Destiny 2 featuredKabr's Brazen Grips
| Arms
Kabr's Brazen Grips Destiny 2 featuredKabr's Brazen Grips
| Arms
Battlecage of Kabr Destiny 2 featuredBattlecage of Kabr
| Helm
Battlecage of Kabr Destiny 2 featuredBattlecage of Kabr
| Helm
Light of the Great Prism Destiny 2 featuredLight of the Great Prism
| Class item
Kabr's Forceful Greaves Destiny 2 featuredKabr's Forceful
| Legs
Kabr's Wrath Destiny 2 featuredKabr's Wrath
| Chest
Kabr's Forceful Greaves Destiny 2 featuredKabr's Forceful
| Legs
Kabr's Wrath Destiny 2 featuredKabr's Wrath
| Chest

💠 Recommended Power: 1950

✅ Requirements: Free-to-Play.

Vault of Glass Loot Table 2025 infographic Destiny2

Vault of Glass Loot Table (2025), Destiny2

Vault of Glass loot changes

With Episode 3, to be released on February 4, 2025, the Vault of Glass loot pool will be significantly updated:

When Heresy launches, Vault of Glass will see its weapon pool reprised with new perks and will be craftable once you unlock their patterns.

Don’t forget you can also complete the raid on Master difficulty if you are looking for an extra challenge and their Adept counterparts. The more patterns you have unlocked, the higher the chance your third and fourth columns will have a third weapon trait.

💠 PS: Our Sundered Doctrine Loot Table (verified) is now available! 

Vault of Glass Weapons and Rolls

Vault of Glass features 7 Legendary weapons and an Exotic Fusion Rifle:

Reprised Vault of Glass Weapons, Destiny 2

Reprised Vault of Glass Weapons, Destiny 2

VoGweapons now feature an exclusive Origin trait: Timelost Magazine:

Final blows with this weapon grant bonus Super energy. When your Super expires, this weapon’s magazine size is doubled for a long duration and reloads from reserves.

Also, Vault of Glass also features Adept versions of every one of its Legendary weapons. Called Timelost weapons, they can only be acquired by completing VoG Master Challenges.

Legendary Weapons

Found Verdict Destiny 2 featured

Found Verdict

Found Verdict is an Arc Aggressive frame shotgun that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Threat Detector, Threat Remover, Barrel Constrictor, Rewind Rounds, Slideshot, Pugilist, Discord
  • Perk 2: One-Two Punch, Trench Barrel, Opening Shot, Rolling Storm, Elemental Honing, Desperate Measures, Voltshot 

We cover the most sought-after Found Verdict God Rolls here. 


Fatebringer hand cannon Destiny 2 featured


Fatebringer is a Kinetic Adaptive frame hand cannon that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Osmosis, Opening Shot, Keep Away, Rewind Rounds, To The Pain, Kinetic Tremors, and Explosive Payload
  • Perk 2: Frenzy, Eye of the Storm, Firefly, Elemental honing, One for All, Magnificent Howl, and Precision Instrument

We cover the most sought-after Fatebringer God Rolls here. 


Praedyth's Revenge Destiny 2 featured

Praedyth’s Revenge

Praedyth’s Revenge is a Kinetic Rapid-Fire frame sniper rifle that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: No Distractions, Osmosis, Fourth Time’s the Charm, Kinetic Tremors, Discord, Envious Arsenal, Rewind Rounds.
  • Perk 2: High-Impact Reserves, Frenzy, Firefly, Opening Shot, Precision Instrument, Elemental Honing, Bait and Switch.

We cover the most sought-after Praedyth’s Revenge God Rolls here. 


Hezen Vengeance Destiny 2 featured rocket launcher

Hezen Vengeance

Hezen Vengeance is a Solar Aggressive frame rocket launcher that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Overflow, Impulse Amplifier, Auto-Loading Holster, Cluster Bomb, Demolitionist, Envious Arsenal, Incandescent.
  • Perk 2Collective ActionBipod, Elemental Honing, Lasting Impression, Explosive LightVorpal WeaponBait and Switch.

We cover the most sought-after Hezen Vengeance God Rolls here. 


Vision of Confluence Destiny 2 featured

Vision of Confluence

Vision of Confluence is a Solar Precision frame scout rifle that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: RedirectionRewind RoundsSubsistenceDemolitionistDynamic Sway ReductionFireflyDestabilizing Rounds.
  • Perk 2: Adrenaline Junkie, Demoralize, High-Impact Reserves, Withering Gaze, One-for-All, Elemental Honing, Killing Tally.

We cover the most sought-after Vision of Confluence God Rolls here. 


Corrective Measure Destiny 2 featured machine gun

Corrective Measure

Corrective Measure is a Void Adaptive frame machine gun that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: RedirectionRewind RoundsSubsistenceDemolitionistDynamic Sway ReductionFireflyDestabilizing Rounds.
  • Perk 2: Adrenaline Junkie, Demoralize, High-Impact Reserves, Withering Gaze, One-for-All, Elemental Honing, Killing Tally.

We cover the most sought-after Corrective Measure God Rolls here. 

Vault of Glass Raid Exotic

Vault of Glass features an exclusive Exotic weapon, the Vex Mythoclast fusion rifle. This Raid Exotic can drop from the Final encounter after completing the Raid.

Vex Mythoclast Destiny 2 featured fusion rifle

Vex Mythoclast

The Vex Mythoclast Exotic features the following Exotic perks:

  • This weapon fires a single bolt with each trigger pull. Defeating targets builds stacks of Overcharge. Swap firing modes when fully Overcharged to charge up and fire more powerful linear fusion shots.

We cover How to get the Vex Mythoclast here.

Timelost Weapons

Timelost weapons are the same as Adept weapons—the kind you can find from farming Grandmaster Nightfalls or going flawless in Trials of Osiris. They offer slightly better stats (via an improved Masterwork) and can use Adept mods, which are superior to normal mods.

Timelost weapons are locked behind specific weekly challenges that must be completed in the Master difficulty of the raid. We cover all VoG Master Challenges here.

Vault of Glass Raid Armor

The Vault of Glass also offers one set of armor for each class:

Vault of Glass Destiny 2 featured 900p

Titan Raid Armor:

  • Battlecage of Kabr
  • Kabr’s Brazen Grips
  • Kabr’s Wrath
  • Kabr’s Forceful Greaves
  • Light of the Great Prism

Warlock Raid Armor:

  • Facade of the Hezen Lords
  • Gloves of the Hezen Lords
  • Cuirass of the Hezen Lords
  • Tread of the Hezen Lords
  • Fragment of the Prime

Hunter Raid Armor:

  • Prime Zealot Helm
  • Prime Zealot Gloves
  • Prime Zealot Cuirass
  • Prime Zealot Greaves
  • Shattered Vault Cloak
Armor SetReleasedTitan PreviewHunter PreviewWarlock PreviewSourceObtainable?
Vault of Glass Raid
Season 14Kabr's armor Titan Destiny 2Prime Zealot Armor HunterHezen Lords Armor WarlockVault of Glass RaidYes

Vault of Glass Exotic items

VoG also features one exclusive Exotic: The Vaultstrider Exotic Ship.

Vaultstrider ship Destiny 2

Vault of Glass Exotics, Destiny 2

Finally, you can also earn the following exclusive Shaders and Emblems:

  • Bitterpearl Shader
  • Continuum Alloy Shader
  • Corrective Protective Shader
  • Omnichromia Shader
  • Exotemporal Emblem
  • Infinite Reflections Emblem
  • Share a Glass Emblem

Is Vault of Glass farmable?

You can earn farm this raid once per character per week. However, whenever Vault of Glass is one of the weekly featured raids, it can be farmed for unlimited loot, including its Exotic. All you’ll need is a committed Fireteam.

This is how you can farm raids in Destiny 2, including VoG:

  1. Go through the raid on your first character until you reach the encounter you want to farm.
  2. Start the encounter and wipe (i.e., die without beating it).
  3. Ask your Fireteam to wait. Change characters and log into a character that hasn’t run the raid that week.
  4. On that second character, join your Fireteam again.
  5. Wipe again. Now, your second character has the proper checkpoint.

And that’s it. You’ll then be able to farm that encounter ad nauseam until reset! To continue farming, you’ll need to:

  1. Launch the raid using your second character (the one that is holding the checkpoint).
  2. Change characters and rejoin your Fireteam on your first character.
  3. Complete the encounter for loot.
  4. Exit the raid, switch characters again, and repeat Step 1.

You can also farm Vault of Glass loot by spending Spoils of Conquest at its vendor.

Cache of Kabr Destiny 2 featured

Before you go…

Are you looking forward to farming more top-tier loot from Destiny 2’s endgame activities? Next week, you’ll be able to farm Vow of the Disciple Loot (the featured Raid next week).

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. Chip

    So the raid gear drops as powerful? Not Legendary? With the ability to try more difficult things to get the adept versions?

    Just trying to figure out if playing it will level me up from 1750 to 1800.

  2. roblox app

    Great breakdown of the Vault of Glass loot table! I’m especially excited about the possibility of getting the Fatebringer. It’s always been one of my favorite weapons in Destiny lore. Thanks for the detailed info!

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