And by the way, as with all the best Destiny 2 builds out there, these builds will guide you every step of the way, including essential Exotics, Mods, and more.
Best Titan PvE builds
Updated as of Episode 2: Revenant. See Updates.
-- | Name | Subclass | Rank | Excels in | Gear | Area | Class | Status |
![]() | Come on and Slam | ![]() | 1 🥇 | Endgame | ![]() ![]() | PvE | Titan | Top 3 |
![]() | Undying Flame | ![]() | 2 🥈 | Grandmasters | ![]() | PvE | Titan | Top 3 |
![]() | Point-Contact Assassin | ![]() | 3 🥉 | Endgame | ![]() ![]() | PvE | Titan | Top 3 |
![]() | Stasis Tank | ![]() | 4 | Endgame | ![]() | PvE | Titan | |
![]() | One Punch (Bash) Man | ![]() | 5 | Endgame | ![]() ![]() | PvE | Titan | Best in Class |
![]() | Super Supreme | ![]() | 6 | Endgame | ![]() | PvE | Titan | |
![]() | Ursa Furiosa Enhanced | ![]() | 7 | Endgame | ![]() | PvE | Titan | |
![]() | Cuirass of the Falling Star | ![]() | 8 | Grandmasters | ![]() | PvE | Titan | |
![]() | Transcendental Titan | ![]() | 9 | Casual Content | ![]() ![]() | PvE | Titan | Best in Class |
![]() | Ice Fortress | ![]() | 10 | Endgame | ![]() ![]() | PvE | Titan | Best in Class |
💠 PS: We cover in detail the top Titan Prismatic Builds here.
Best Titan Builds: Top 3
Come on and Slam
Excels In: Endgame (Dungeons, Raids, Legend content)
Goal of the Build: Combine Titan’s most powerful exotics into one explosively destructive build.
Mandatory Gear: Stoicism with Spirit of Synthoceps and Spirit of Inmost Light. Khvostov 7G-0X is recommended.
![]() Name: Stoicism | Class: TitanSlot: Class Item | Source: Master RahoolRequires: The Final Shape | Exotic Perk: Can randomly roll with two of the following Stoicism Exotic Traits. |
![]() Name: Synthoceps | Class: TitanSlot: Arms | Source: Exotic EngramsRequires: Free-to-Play | Exotic Perk: Increased melee lunge range. Improved melee and Super damage when you're surrounded. |
![]() | Khvostov 7G-0X | Auto Rifle | ![]() | ![]() | The Pale Heart |
- Aspects: Consecration and Knockout (alternative: Diamond Lance).
- Fragments: Facet of Courage, Facet of Balance, Facet of Protection, Facet of Ruin, and Facet of Purpose.
- Abilities: Glacier Grenace, Frenzied Blade, Thruster. Choose between Glacial Quake and Twilight Arsenal for Super.
- Stats: Resilience 🡒 Strength 🡒 Recovery → Discipline.
- Mods:
- Helmet: Hands-On and a Siphon Mod matching your Primary weapon.
- Arms: Heavy Handed, Momentum Transfer
- Chest: Relevant Resistance and Reserve Mods.
- Legs: Better Already, Absolution, and Recuperation.
- Class Item: Powerful Attraction, Outreach, and Bomber.
Gameplay Loop
As a pure ability spam build, there is no nuanced loop here, but to help take down larger targets, toss your Glacier Grenade prior to rushing in, as you’ll gain a 10% bonus to the Consecration slams. If you went with Diamond Lance, the slow/freeze it applies will also count. Make sure to be tossing your grenade as much as possible to maintain the juiced regen. With this, you should be able to build Transcendence and Super extremely quick as well.
The real strengths here are the ease of use and raw power. Simply activating any of your abilities buffs the regen of the others, and with Frenzied Blade giving you three charges, it’s very rare you’ll find yourself on cooldown. On top of this, the 165% damage buff from Synthoceps also applies to the Consecration slam, so it shouldn’t be hard to see why this build is our #1!
Undying Flame
Excels In: Solo, Endgame, Grandmasters.
Goal of the Build: This build aims to create an unkillable Titan by harnessing the power of Solar 3.0 and the Loreley Splendor exotic helm.
Mandatory gear: Loreley Splendor Helm. Solar weapons are recommended.
![]() Name: Loreley Splendor Helm | Class: TitanSlot: Helm | Source: Lost SectorsRequires: The Witch Queen | Exotic Perk: When you have Sun Warrior, your Sunspots heal you. When you are critically wounded, create a Sunspot at your location. |
- Aspects: Sol Invictus and Roaring Flames (for endgame content) or Consecration (fun and solid too).
- Fragments: Ember of Solace, Ember of Singeing, Ember of Empyrean, and Ember of Torches.
- Abilities: Healing Grenade for extra survivability or Solar Grenade for ad clear. Throwing Hammer, Rally Barricade.
- Stats: Max Resilience.
- Mods:
- Helmet: Siphon matching your subclass.
- Arms: Heavy Handed.
- Chest: Resistance Mods based on your enemies.
- Legs: -
- Class Item: -
Gameplay Loop
This is one of the easiest and most straightforward builds for Titan. It requires little to no setup and functions extremely well in all levels of content.
This build revolves around the Loreley Splendor exotic helmet. Its exotic perk, “Cauterizing Flame,” creates a sunspot upon barricade cast or when you are critically wounded. This allows you to get the Restoration buff which regenerates your health and shields over time. This cannot be stopped by damage and only runs out when the buff itself runs out. Ember of Solace increases this duration.
Ember of the Empyrean allows you to maintain this restoration buff by chaining solar weapon kills to refresh the duration. Opting for Synthoceps instead of Loreley Splendor removes your barricade from the loop, but the whole idea of throwing your hammer over and over at enemies stays the same.
Point-Contact Assassin
Excels In: Endgame (Dungeons, Raids, Legend content)
Goal of the Build: Breeze through solo content through invis and massive AoE damage thanks to Prismatic and Stoicism
Mandatory Gear: Stoicism with Spirit of the Assassin and Contact. Buried Bloodline or Khvostov are recommended.
![]() Name: Stoicism | Class: TitanSlot: Class Item | Source: Master RahoolRequires: The Final Shape | Exotic Perk: Can randomly roll with two of the following Stoicism Exotic Traits. |
![]() | Buried Bloodline | Sidearm | ![]() | ![]() | Warlord's Ruin Dungeon | |
![]() | Khvostov 7G-0X | Auto Rifle | ![]() | ![]() | The Pale Heart |
- Aspects: Consecration and Drengr's Lash.
- Fragments: Facet of Dawn, Facet of Hope, Facet of Balance, Facet of Protection, Facet of Blessing, Facet of Purpose.
- Abilities: Thruster, Frenzied Blade, Shackle Grenade, Bladefury.
- Stats: Resilience 🡒 Strength 🡒 Recovery.
- Mods:
- Helmet: Siphon Mod matching your weapon, Hands-On.
- Arms: Heavy Handed.
- Chest: Relevant Resistance and Reserve Mods.
- Legs: Better Already, Recuperation, Invigoration.
- Class Item: Outreach, Powerful Attraction.
Gameplay Loop
The loop is quite simple: use Consecration on a group of enemies to ignite and jolt them, granting yourself healing, invis, amplified, and radiant. Activate Thruster when you approach the next group to proc Drengr’s Lash and pick up orbs, which activates Woven Mail through Facet of Purpose. Kill the suspended enemies, and start from the top. Using this in tandem with Episode 1’s artifact perk “Galvanic Armor'' will enhance your survivability even more!
Once you have Transcendence, activate it to make the loop go even faster. While Transcendent, you’ll be nigh unkillable thanks to its intrinsic damage resistance on top of Facet of Protection, Galvanic Armor, and Woven Mail.
More Destiny 2 Builds:
Stasis Tank
Excels In: Endgame (Dungeons, Raids, Legend content)
Goal of the Build: Become a walking tank thanks to Icefall Mantle and Diamond Lance reworks.
Mandatory gear: Icefall Mantle and a Stasis Primary. A Stasis Heavy weapon is recommended as well.
![]() Name: Icefall Mantle | Class: TitanSlot: Arms | Source: Lost SectorsRequires: Beyond Light | Exotic Perk: Stasis final blows have a chance to grant an escalating bonus to Stasis weapon damage. Replaces your Barricade ability with a personal overshield. When you activate your Barricade, you gain the highest-tier Stasis weapon damage bonus and create a burst around yourself that slows combatants. While you have this overshield, you are slowed and Barricade does not recharge. |
- Aspects: Diamond Lance and Tectonic Harvest
- Fragments: Whisper of Conduction, Whisper of Fissures, Whisper of Shards, Whisper of Rime, and Whisper of Chains.
- Abilities: Towering Barricade, Shiver Strike, and Glacial Grenade
- Stats: Resilience 🡒 Discipline🡒 Strength.
- Mods:
- Helmet: Harmonic Siphon, Heavy Ammo Finder.
- Arms: Bolstering Detonation, Focusing Strike.
- Chest: Relevant Resistance Mods.
- Legs: Stasis Surge.
- Class Item: Powerful Attraction, Time Dilation.
Gameplay Loop
A lot changed with Icefall Mantle’s rework. First and foremost, you are no longer slowed to walking speed when activating your class ability and it begins regeneration the moment it is activated, as opposed to needing to fully expire. Secondly, you heal a small amount of HP when gaining Frost Armor stacks, and the class ability activation gives you full Frost Armor stacks (5 base, 8 with Rime) as well as freezing enemies within a small radius. Finally, it no longer provides a Stasis weapon buff.
With this in mind, the loop is as follows: using your grenade or Diamond Lance, create Stasis crystals and then shatter them to create Stasis Shards and boost your grenade regen. Picking up these shards grants you Frost Armor and health. Repeat this loop, making sure to slam your Diamond Lances down when possible to generate free Frost Armor stacks. When things get dicey, pop your class ability to get full Frost Armor stacks and regen 80 HP, as well as freezing anything that dared get close.
One Punch (Bash) Man
Excels In: Endgame (Dungeons, Raids, Legend content)
Goal of the Build: Titans are known for their punching skills, and this build aims to take it to a new level. Peregrine Greaves now refunds all melee energy when hitting a miniboss, Champion, or Tormentor, and when paired with Void 3.0, cuts them down to size too.
Mandatory gear: Peregrine Greaves. Tractor Cannon is recommended.
![]() Name: Peregrine Greaves | Class: TitanSlot: Legs | Source: Exotic EngramsRequires: Forsaken Pack | Exotic Perk: All shoulder charge abilities (Seismic Strike, Hammer Strike, or Shield Bash) deal bonus damage when activated in the air. |
![]() | Tractor Cannon | Shotgun | ![]() | ![]() | Exotic Engram |
- Aspects: Bastion and Offensive Bulwark.
- Fragments: Echo of Undermining, Echo of Leeching, and Echo of Expulsion.
- Abilities: Vortex Grenade or Void Wall, Shield Bash.
- Stats: Resilience 🡒 Recovery 🡒 Discipline 🡒 Strength.
- Mods:
- Helmet: Hands-On.
- Arms: Heavy Handed, Melee Kickstart, Focusing Strike.
- Chest: Relevant Resistance and Reserve Mods.
Gameplay Loop
The aspects used in this build work hand in hand with each other to help strengthen your melee damage you output. Bastion grants an overshield when using your barricade, allowing Offensive Bulwark to activate. This increases your melee damage, range, and regeneration. It also allows for melee final blows to increase the duration of the overshield. This loop of constant overshield helps you regen your other abilities faster and help keep the melee chain going.
Peregrine Greaves add to this by enhancing all shoulder charge abilities after being airborne for a short duration. To most enemies, this would be a 225% increase, but to anything classified as a mini-boss (Champions, Tormentors), this is a staggering 1000%!
So when going up against any of them, the idea is to apply Tractor Cannon’s debuff, sprint, jump, and then Shield Bash right into them. If they aren’t dead on the first go around, your melee should be back in time to do it again. It is important that you are in the air for at least half a second. Otherwise, the perk will not activate and you will not receive the damage buff, nor the melee energy.
Going further...
Super Supreme
Excels In: Endgame
Goal of the Build: Dish out damage unlike never before with both your Super and Heavy Weapon.
Mandatory gear: Stoicism with Spirit of the Eternal Warrior and Spirit of the Star-Eater, as well as a Heavy Weapon that matches your Super.
![]() Name: Stoicism | Class: TitanSlot: Class Item | Source: Master RahoolRequires: The Final Shape | Exotic Perk: Can randomly roll with two of the following Stoicism Exotic Traits. |
- Aspects: Consecration. Second aspect is up to you.
- Fragments: Facet of Blessing, Facet of Courage, Facet of Mending, Facet of Awakening, Facet of Balance, Facet of Protection.
- Abilities: Pulse Grenade, Frenzied Blade, Thruster, and a Super that works on the boss you are facing.
- Stats: Resilience → Intellect → Recovery.
- Mods:
- Helmet: Hands-On, Ashes to Assets, and a matching Siphon mod.
- Arms: Heavy Handed and Firepower.
- Chest: Relevant Resistance and Reserve Mods.
- Legs: Innervation, Invigoration, Absolution.
- Class Item: Powerful Attraction, Bomber, Outreach.
Gameplay Loop
Before we explain the very basic loop, let’s go over why it’s so powerful. Feast of Light grants all Supers except for Thundercrash and Twilight Arsenal a 70% damage buff, while giving a 50% and 25% buff to the others, respectively. Eternal Warrior grants a x4 weapon surge to any weapon matching the Super’s element for 30 whole seconds, which translates to a 25% damage buff. While it might not seem like much more than slapping on 3 surge mods, that’s a whole 9 armor energy, which leaves little room for a stat mod and takes up all the combat mod slots which could be used for things like Better Already or Recuperation.
The loop is simple here: charge your Super and then pick up extra orbs to build your Feast of Light stacks prior to the damage phase. Once it starts, fire off your Super and after it is done, lay into the boss using your matching Heavy weapon.
Enhanced Ursa Furiosa
Excels In: Endgame (Dungeons, Raids, Legend content)
Goal of the Build:Generate Super energy for both you and allies while also creating a safe zone for revives.
Mandatory gear: Ursa Furiosa.
![]() Name: Ursa Furiosa | Class: TitanSlot: Arms | Source: Exotic EngramsRequires: Forsaken Pack | Exotic Perk: Move faster while guarding when Sentinel Shield is active. Guarded damage converts to Super energy when the Super ends. |
- Aspects: Unbreakable is the only requirement.
- Fragments: Echo of Expulsion, Echo of Leeching, Echo of Remnants, and Echo of Reprisal.
- Abilities: Vortex Grenade, Shield Toss, Towering Barricade, Banner Shield.
- Stats: Resilience 🡒 Strength.
- Mods:
- Helmet: Ashes to Assets, Harmonic Siphon.
- Arms: Firepower.
- Chest: Resistance Mods based on your enemies.
- Legs: Better Already, Recuperation.
- Class Item: Bomber.
Gameplay Loop
Using the new Void Titan Aspect, Unbreakable, we are able to take this build to new heights thanks to its interaction with Ursa Furiosa. Much like Banner Shield, Unbreakable will generate Super energy based on damage taken, albeit at a maximum of 25% vs 50%, and without the orbs for allies.
The loop is much like before: build super as fast as possible then pop it during times of distress. With Unbreakable, we’re able to build it even faster, both with Ursa and mods like Ashes to Assets and Firepower, which activate on any kill with the shield blast. Pairing this with Buried Bloodline is highly recommended, as Devour’s grenade energy will help the uptime of Unbreakable, meaning even faster Supers!
Cuirass of the Falling Star
Excels In: Endgame Content (Dungeons, Raids, Legend Content)
Goal of the Build: Deal massive damage to large targets using one of the strongest one-off Supers in the game and its accompanying exotic.
Mandatory Gear: Cuirass of the Falling Star. A weapon with Demolitionist is recommended.
![]() Name: Cuirass of the Falling Star | Class: TitanSlot: Chest | Source: Lost SectorsRequires: Beyond Light | Exotic Perk: Greatly increases your Thundercrash impact damage. Gain an overshield that lasts longer the farther you travel before striking a target. |
- Aspects: Knockout and Touch of Thunder.
- Fragments: Spark of Resistance, Spark of Amplitude, Spark of Magnitude, and Spark of Shock.
- Abilities: Pulse Grenade, Seismic Charge, Thruster, Thundercrash.
- Stats: Resilience 🡒 Discipline → Intellect.
- Mods:
- Helmet: Ashes to Assets, Matching Siphon.
- Arms: Firepower, Grenade Kickstart, Bolstering Detonation.
- Chest: Resistance Mods based on your enemies.
- Legs: Innervation, Insulation, Elemental Charge.
- Class Item: Powerful Attraction (as many as possible).
Gameplay Loop
Although the days of Thundercrash being the best damage super for Titans have long passed, there is no denying the fun and power behind this Super. Cuirass of the Falling Star buffs its damage by 100% and gives an overshield after it ends.
Gameplay loop is rather simple: use your grenade as much as possible to spawn orbs and gain Super energy, and then use Thruster to pick the orbs up from afar. With Touch of Thunder, these grenades will also spawn Ionic Traces, which will give you Armor Charges from Elemental Charge. Use these Armor Charges in tandem with Grenade Kickstart to make the loop quicker!
Once your Super is charged, find whatever high-tier enemy needs removal, and fire it off. Use the overshield to reposition to safety, and start from the top.
Transcendental Titan
Excels In: Casual Content (Seasonal Activities, Strikes, etc.)
Goal of the Build: Take full advantage of Prismatic and Stoicism to become an ability machine with high Transcendence uptime.
Mandatory gear: Stoicism with Spirit of the Inmost Light and Armamentarium. A Strand primary and Buried Bloodline are recommended.
![]() Name: Stoicism | Class: TitanSlot: Class Item | Source: Master RahoolRequires: The Final Shape | Exotic Perk: Can randomly roll with two of the following Stoicism Exotic Traits. |
![]() | Buried Bloodline | Sidearm | ![]() | ![]() | Warlord's Ruin Dungeon |
- Aspects: Consecration is the only required aspect.
- Fragments: Facet of Awakening, Facet of Balance, Facet of Honor, Facet of Bravery, Facet of Devotion, Facet of Sacrifice.
- Abilities: Thruster, Pulse Grenade, and Frenzied Blade.
- Stats: Resilience 🡒 Discipline → Strength.
- Mods:
- Helmet: Siphon mod matching your main weapon.
- Arms: Heavy Handed and Firepower.
- Chest: Reserve or Resist mods.
- Legs: Better Already, Innervation, Invigoration.
- Class Item: Bomber, Outreach, Powerful Attraction.
Gameplay Loop
An evolution of past Inmost Light builds, this one takes full advantage of Prismatic to not only enhance our abilities’ regen, but to supercharge our Transcendence gains, which further improves ability regen when active.
As usual, the main loop is using abilities as often as possible to enhance their regen rates. However, before getting there, it's important to activate Devour from Buried Bloodline as it gives us extra grenade energy on kills, and health as well. Once you do, you’re free to let loose. Keep in mind to use your Strand primary as well to build Dark Transcendence energy, and once the bar is full, activate it to go even further beyond.
Ice Fortress
Excels In: Endgame (Dungeons, Raids, Legend content)
Goal of the Build: In a similar fashion to a Heart of Inmost Light build, this build utilizes the Hoarfrost-Z exotic to cover an area in stasis crystals and maintain high ability uptime.
Mandatory gear: Hoarfrost-Z. Salvation’s Grip or Verglas Curve are recommended for their nearly on-demand crystal generation.
![]() Name: Hoarfrost-Z | Class: TitanSlot: Chest | Source: Lost SectorsRequires: The Witch Queen | Exotic Perk: When using the Stasis subclass, your Barricade becomes a wall of Stasis crystals that slows nearby targets when created. Standing behind this barricade will grant you and your allies increased weapon reload speed, stability, and range. |
![]() | Verglas Curve | Combat Bow | ![]() | ![]() | Exotic Kiosk |
- Aspects: Tectonic Harvest and Howl of the Storm.
- Fragments: Whisper of Shards and Whisper of Conduction. The rest is up to you.
- Abilities: Rally barricade and Glacier grenades.
- Stats: Resilience 🡒 Discipline.
- Mods: Mods that reduce the cooldown for abilities are best suited for this build. Grenade Kickstart and Utility Kickstart/Bomber are some examples. This build can also incorporate an Orbs of Power build by using Heavy Handed or Firepower mod to create Orbs of Power.
- Helmet: Harmonic Siphon, Heavy Ammo Finder.
- Arms: Grenade Kickstart, Firepower .
- Chest: Resistance Mods based on your enemies.
- Legs: x2 Elemental Charge.
- Class Item: Utility Kickstart, Bomber.
Gameplay Loop
This build can fill entire areas with stasis crystals and use them to deal high shatter damage to close-by enemies.
The Hoarfrost-Z exotic perk, “Glacial Fortification,” takes the normal Titan barricade and replaces it with a wall of stasis crystal. This special wall can be shattered like a normal stasis crystal. This means it can be used to create another source of stasis crystals.
The gameplay loop is simple: Use both the Hoarfrost-Z and the glacier grenade to create a mass of stasis crystals. Standing next to these crystals will provide more damage resistance. Shattering a crystal will provide you with enhanced ability regeneration and a small portion of an overshield. The shards created can then also be used with the Elemental Charge mod to act as an easy source of Armor Charges. A quick and easy way to shatter lots of crystals is to use a wave frame grenade launcher.
Best Titan PvP builds
PvP Essentials
PvP is a different ball game when it comes to gearing up and taking your Titan to the max level. Unlike PvE, most gameplay mods such as Elemental Wells and Warmind Cells are disabled in PvP. Those slots are then freed up for more PvP-orientated mods such as Targeting or Unflinching mods.
One thing that does carry over between the game modes is the importance of certain stats. Recovery replaces Resilience as the most important stat. You should always aim to get 100 Recovery or as close as possible. Recovery dictates the speed at which you can engage in fights and can be the difference between a loss and a win.
Due to the current sandbox that focuses on abilities, your next port of call should be to increase your Discipline, Strength, and Resilience as high as possible. Whilst Resilience doesn’t give a damage reduction like in PvE, the increased health can allow you to survive certain weapons and combos. It also grants you a faster barricade, which is always helpful.
Titan is actually in a pretty good spot when it comes to the strength of its subclasses in PvP.
Arc 3.0: Striker
The latest class to get the 3.0 treatment, Arc titan, is incredibly strong in this current meta. Strong Aspects such as Knockout and Touch of Thunder, make titan a force to be reckoned with in close-range engagements. The new thruster class ability adds a new level of movement to the class which has previously lacked behind the other classes. This allows titans to rapidly close the distance and get it to key positions/melee range.
Fragments such as Spark of Magnitude and Spark of Feedback enhance Arc titan’s ability to be a menace in close range. Spark of Magnitude combined with Touch of Thunder grants Titan arguably the best grenades in PVP.
Void 3.0: Sentinel
With the ability to combine the best of the old trees together, Void Titan has been at the top of the PVP meta since the Witch Queen. Void Titan shines the most in smaller game modes such as Elimination, Competitive, and Trials. Bastion provides it with an easily accessible over-shield that is extremely strong in PVP. Combined with one of the best supers for elimination modes, Ward of Dawn, Void Titan has one of the best kits in the game.
Fragments such as Echo of Leaching can be extremely beneficial when in close range, and when combined with Bastion and Offensive Bulwark, can make a very strong close-range class. Other fragments such as Echo of Dilation strengthen the neutral game of this class.
Solar 3.0: Sunbreaker
Whilst having a slightly weaker neutral game when compared to Void or Arc, Solar titan can still hold its own. The aspects are more tailored to PVE however aren’t awful in PVP. Sol Invictus can help to create space and provide you with a source of healing. Whilst its effect is very niche, Roaring Flames can lead to some unexpected one-hit kills if enough kills are chained together. Both supers are usable, with Burning Maul being a relatively unknown counter to Ward of Dawn.
Fragments and Abilities is where Solar 3.0 Titan shines. Healing grenades are a game changer and are often picked over an offensive grenade due to their potency. Radiant is a great buff to have inside PVP. While not an enormous increase, it can be used to change the optimal TTKs of certain weapons and allows you to engage at longer ranges than normal, sometimes catching your opponents off guard. Fragments that buff this, such as Ember of Solace, can be great to choose and build around.
Berserker is the king of Titan movement. The combination of Grapple and the three charges of Frenzied Blade melee allows Berserker to move around the map much faster than any other titan subclass.
Whilst not meta-defining, Berserker can still be used effectively in all the different PVP playlists. Building into the suspend mechanic is the best way to go around creating a Berserker PVP build.
- Powerful crowd-control abilities (Suspend)
- Fantastic movement
- Great Super
- Weaker Neutral Game
- Long Cooldowns
- Higher Skill Floor
Stasis: Behemot
The strengths of the Stasis Titan are similar in PvE and PvP: Area denial and control. While it may be weaker than the other subclasses in terms of killing potential, the utility of Stasis can sometimes be a good choice. The aspects and fragments that are usually chosen in PvE also work well inside the crucible. Whisper of Chains is a great choice, as the extra resistance it provides can affect the optimal TTK of certain weapons used by your opponents.
Glacier grenades and Howl of the Storm are great choices to help gain map control too. The crystals not only serve as a source of ability regeneration and resistance but can also be used to block sight lines or cut down longer lanes. These can also be used to help close the gap or provide some respite from your opponents.
Best PvP Titan Exotics
General Exotics
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
![]() Dunemarchers | Titan | Legs | Free-to-Play | Exotic Engrams | Season 1 | ![]() Free-to-Play | Increases sprint speed. Sprinting builds up a static charge. After melee-attacking an enemy, that charge will chain damage to nearby enemies. |
![]() One-Eyed Mask | Titan | Helm | Forsaken Pack | Exotic Engrams | Season 4 | ![]() Forsaken Pack | Highlights the enemy who dares to damage you. Track down and destroy your enemy for an overshield. |
![]() Synthoceps | Titan | Arms | Free-to-Play | Exotic Engrams | Season 1 | ![]() Free-to-Play | Increased melee lunge range. Improved melee and Super damage when you're surrounded. |
There are loads of viable exotics for Titans to use inside the Crucible.
Dunemarchers are a good example of an exotic that has stood the test of time. The added mobility they provide as well as the extra lightning chain upon punching an opponent makes them extremely strong for all subclasses. Titans have struggled to keep up with the other classes, and Dunemarchers help to close that gap.
The infamous One-Eyed Mask is still a solid choice inside PVP. While is nowhere near as strong as it once was, it still is a competitive option for all subclasses. Its exotic perk “Vengeance” grants you an over-shield for defeating an opposing guardian. This gives you an advantage when it comes to the next fight due to the health increase.
Synthoceps are another strong exotic that work with any titan subclass. The extra melee range can catch opposing guardians off guard and pair well with a close-range weapon such as a shotgun or SMG.
Subclass-specific Exotics
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
![]() Loreley Splendor Helm | Titan | Helm | The Witch Queen | Lost Sectors | Season 16 | ![]() The Witch Queen | When you have Sun Warrior, your Sunspots heal you. When you are critically wounded, create a Sunspot at your location. |
Perhaps the better-known and strongest subclass-specific exotic for Titan is the Loreley Splendor helmet. Even after receiving a nerf, it is still widely used and surprisingly strong. The extra source of instant restoration makes it very strong for 1v1 situations as opposing guardians have to hit additional shots in order to take you down.
Before you go…
The new Titan Exotic is definitely worth chasing this season. We cover how to get the Pyrogale Gauntlets in Destiny 2 here.
See latest Updates
- September 13, 2023: Updates based on the Season 22 meta and the addition of the “Berserker of War” build.
- July 3, 2023: Updates based on the Season 21 meta
- October 4, 2022: The guide is published for the first time.
Stay tuned, and don’t forget to bookmark this page for next season!
Seems like this is the titan page instead of hunter.
The literal title is best builds for Titans lol.
Can this be updated for season of the wish?
theese seriously need to be updated
Please please please can these builds be updated? The Hunter and Warlock pages are all recent-ish.
This really needs to be updated.