Destiny 2 Spire of the Watcher Loot table: Weapons & Armor

by | Mar 13, 2024

Spire of the Watcher delivers more of the excellent scenery and gameplay mechanics Bungie has accustomed us to. Its loot is equally appealing in terms of lethality and aesthetics.

This guide covers the entire Spire of the Watcher loot table, including the armor sets, Legendary weapons, and exclusive Exotics.

Spire of the Watcher Dungeon Loot Pool

This is the complete Spire of the Watcher dungeon loot table, including Exotics and exclusive weapons and armor.

Spire of the Watcher Loot Table
First Encounter
Ascend the Spire
Second Encounter
Silence the Spire
Final Encounter
Terminus Horizon Machine gun featuredTerminus Horizon
Machine Gun | Arc Arc
Terminus Horizon Machine gun featuredTerminus Horizon
Machine Gun | Arc Arc
Spire of the Watcher weaponsAny weapon from previous encounters
Long Arm Scout rifle featuredLong Arm
Scout Rifle | Arc Arc
Seventh Seraph Revolver Hand cannon featuredSeventh Seraph Officer Revolver
Hand Cannon | Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 icon Kinetic
Liminal Vigil sidearm featuredLiminal Vigil
Sidearm | Stasis Stasis
Seventh Seraph Carbine Auto rifle featuredSeventh Seraph Carbine
Auto Rifle | Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 icon Kinetic
Wilderflight Grenade launcher featuredWilderflight
Grenade Launcher | Void Void
Hierarchy of Needs bow featuredHierarchy of Needs
Combat Bow | Solar Solar
TM Cogburn ArmsTM Cogburn Gauntlets
| Arms
TM Cogburn ArmsTM Cogburn Gauntlets
| Arms
Spire of the Watcher armorAny Armor from previous encounters
TM Cogburn LegsTM Cogburn Legguards
| Legs
TM Cogburn ChestTM Cogburn Plate
| Chest
TM Cogburn HelmetTM Cogburn Cover
| Helmet
TM Cogburn Class itemTM Cogburn Mark
| Class Item

💠 Recommended Power: 1600

⛔ Requirements: The Witch Queen Deluxe DLC (or The Witch Queen Dungeon Key)

Spire of the Watcher dungeon loot table inforgraphic Destiny 2 v2

Spire of the Watcher loot table infographic, Destiny 2

This infographic from irrezolut covers the entire loot table of the Root of Nightmares raid. If you’re looking for a visual loot table to share on Discord (or print), look no further than this. Feel free to download it and share it with your clanmates and friends.

💠 The New Raid is out! You can find Salvation’s Edge Drop table here.

Destiny 2 Spire of the Watcher weapons and rolls

Spire of the Watcher features 6 Legendary weapons and an Exotic bow. Four out of the six LEgendaries are brand-new Tex Mechanica Legendary weapons, while the remaining two are reprised versions of the Seventh Seraph weapons from Season of the Worthy:

ArtNameTypeArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
Hierarchy of Needs artHierarchy of NeedsCombat BowExoticExoticPrimarySolarWitch Queen Dungeon KeyYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimarySolar Solar
C › Weak
-Spire of the Watcher DungeonError icon V2 NoSeason 19EnergyNo
Liminal Vigil artLiminal VigilSidearmAggressive BurstLegendaryPrimaryStasisWitch Queen Dungeon KeyYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimaryStasis Stasis
S › Best
PvPSpire of the Watcher DungeonError icon V2 NoSeason 19KineticNoTop-tier
Long Arm artLong ArmScout RifleAggressiveLegendaryPrimaryArcWitch Queen Dungeon KeyYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimaryArc Arc
B › Average
PvPSpire of the Watcher DungeonError icon V2 NoSeason 19EnergyNo
Terminus Horizon art Destiny 2Terminus HorizonMachine GunHigh-ImpactLegendaryHeavyArcWitch Queen Dungeon KeyYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyArc Arc
B › Average
-Spire of the Watcher DungeonError icon V2 NoSeason 19HeavyNoVoltshot
Wilderflight artWilderflightGrenade LauncherDouble FireLegendarySpecialVoidWitch Queen Dungeon KeyYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
B › Average
PvESpire of the Watcher DungeonError icon V2 NoSeason 19EnergyNoRepulsor Brace
Spire of the Watcher weapons

Spire of the Watcher weapons, Destiny 2

On top of featuring top-tier stats, Spire weapons also come with an exclusive Origin trait: Tex Balanced Stock.

Weapons and Perks

Long Arm Scout rifle featured

Long Arm

The Long Arm Scout rifle is an Aggressive frame Arc Scout rifle that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Rapid Hit, Under Pressure, Wellspring, Hip Fire Grip, Subsistence, Compulsive Reloader
  • Perk 2: Redirection, High Impact Reserves, Opening Shot, Dragonfly, Explosive Payload, Adrenaline Junkie


Liminal Vigil sidearm featured

Liminal Vigil

The Liminal Vigil is an Aggressive Burst frame Stasis Sidearm that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Puglist, Perpetual Motion, Tap The Trigger, Tunnel Vision, Threat Detector, Headstone
  • Perk 2: Rangefinder, Desperado, Swashbuckler, Surrounded, Kill Clip, Quickdraw


Terminus Horizon Machine gun featured

Terminus Horizon

The Terminus Horizon is a High-Impact frame Arc Machine gun that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Rapid Hit, Hip Fire Grip, Compulsive Reloader, Demolitionist, Dragonfly, Triple Tap
  • Perk 2: High Impact Reserves, Voltshot, Wellspring, Target Lock, Adrenaline Junkie, Cascade Point


Wilderflight Grenade launcher featured


The Wilderflight is a Double fire frame (first of its kind) Void Grenade launcher that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Unrelenting, Feeding Frenzy, Repulsor Brace, Auto loading holster, Danger Zone, Demolitionist
  • Perk 2: Vorpal, Frenzy, Adrenaline Junkie, Lead from Gold, Pluglist, Disruption Break


Seventh Seraph Carbine Auto rifle featured

Seventh Seraph Carbine

The Seventh Seraph Carbine is a Precision frame Kinetic Auto rifle that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Puglist, Dynamic Sway Reduction, Reconstruction, Hip Fire Grip, Fourth Times The Charm, Threat Detector
  • Perk 2: Swashbuckler, Target Lock, Frenzy, Moving Target, Elemental Capacitor, Rangefinder


Seventh Seraph Revolver Hand cannon featured

Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver

The Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver is a Precision frame Kinetic Hand cannon that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Reconstruction, Ambitious Assassin, Air Assault, Fourth Times The Charm, Well Rounded, Threat Detector
  • Perk 2: Vorpal, Redirection, Gutshot Strait, Harmony, Rangefinder, Perfect Float

Spire of the Watcher Dungeon Exotic

As every other (modern) dungeon in Destiny 2 does, Spire features an exclusive Exotic weapon, in this case, the Hierarchy of Needs Exotic bow. This Dungeon Exotic can drop from the Final encounter after completing the Dungeon.

Hierarchy of Needs bow featured

Hierarchy of Needs

The Hierarchy of Needs is a Solar Exotic bow that features the following Exotic perks:

  • Guidance Ring: Precision hits and final blows build Guidance Ring energy. Opposing Guardians grant additional energy. At full charge, hip firing creates a Guidance Ring.
  • Apollonic Tangent: Arrows fired through a Guidance Ring release seeking projectiles, which do more damage based on distance traveled.

We cover How to get Hierarchy of Needs + Catalyst in detail here (including the triumphs you can complete to increase your drop rate).

Spire of the Watcher Dungeon Armor

The Spire of the Watcher offers one set of armor for each class. Going with a clear cowboy theme, the Spire of the Watcher armor sets are the following:

Spire of the Watcher armor

Spire of the Watcher armor, Destiny 2

TM-Earp Custom armor set for Hunters:

  • TM-Earp Custom Hood
  • TM-Earp Custom Grips
  • TM-Earp Custom Vest
  • TM-Earp Custom Chaps
  • TM-Earp Custom Stetson

TM-Moss Custom armor set for Warlocks:

  • TM-Moss Custom Hat
  • TM-Moss Custom Gloves
  • TM-Moss Custom Duster
  • TM-Moss Custom Pants
  • TM-Moss Custom Bond

TM-Cogburn Custom armor set for Titans:

  • TM-Cogburn Custom Cover
  • TM-Cogburn Custom Gauntlets
  • TM-Cogburn Custom Plate
  • TM-Cogburn Custom Leggings
  • TM-Cogburn Custom Mark

Master Spire of the Watcher Loot table

Like the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, Spire of the Watcher features a Master version where you can farm Articice armor.

In a nutshell, Artifice armor is unique because it offers a bonus Mod slot. This may not sound like much, but if you’re into endgame content, these can make a huge difference. We cover Destiny 2’s Artifice armor in detail here.

Artifice armor Destiny 2

Artifice armor, Destiny 2

Spire of the Watcher Exotic items

Finally, the Spire dungeon also features one exclusive item: The Into the Sunset Exotic Sparrow.

Into the Sunset Vehicle Destiny 2

Into the Sunset Vehicle, Spire of the Watcher Exotic

Is Spire of the Watcher farmable?

Whenever Spire of the Watcher is the featured dungeon of the week, it can be farmed for unlimited loot. All you’ll need is a committed Fireteam and a couple of hours ahead of you.

This is how you’ll be able to farm the Spire of the Watcher dungeon:

  1. Go through the dungeon on your first character until you reach the encounter you want to farm.
  2. Start the encounter and wipe (i.e., die without beating it).
  3. Ask your Fireteam to wait. Change characters and log into a character that hasn’t run the dungeon that week.
  4. On that second character, join your Fireteam again.
  5. Wipe again. Now your second character has the proper checkpoint.

And that’s it. You’ll then be able to farm that encounter ad nauseam until reset! To continue farming, you’ll need to:

  1. Launch the dungeon using your second character (the one that is holding the checkpoint).
  2. Change characters and rejoin your Fireteam on your first character.
  3. Complete the encounter for loot.
  4. Exit the dungeon, switch characters again, and repeat Step 1.

Spire of the Watcher’s hidden chests

On top of rewarding loot when completing the main encounters, the Spire of the Watcher has two hidden chests. This video explains how to get them:

Before you go…

Are you looking forward to farming more top-tier loot from Destiny 2’s endgame activities? Next week, you’ll be able to farm Pit of Heresy loot (the next featured Dungeon in the rotation).

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. Gdoomz

    Ric you are a legend thanks

  2. Madocult

    Probs, to whoever made the poster with the loot table on all of the raids and dungeons

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