Destiny 2 Indebted Kindness: God Rolls & How to get it

by | Mar 4, 2024

There’s nothing more exciting than the release of a new weapon type. They typically contain new perks, interactions with other options, and more. Rocket-assisted frame sidearms are no exception, combining two great weapon archetypes into one of the most unique special weapon types to date. Indebted Kindness is the first weapon in this frame.


How to get Indebted Kindness

As stated earlier, Indebted Kindness comes from the new Warlord’s Ruin dungeon. In fact, this weapon is the only piece of gear that can come from any of the three encounters, making your chances of obtaining this weapon in a casual run pretty high.

If you’re eager to get the exact roll you’re looking for, we have good news: just like all other recent dungeons, Warlord’s Ruin is farmable. Regardless of how many times you’ve completed it in a given week, the dungeon will still offer new loot from all three encounters. If you’re looking specifically for Indebted Kindness, we’d recommend farming the first encounter (Rathil), as it’s the shortest out of the three and has a relatively small loot pool. You can find the entire Warlord’s Ruin Loot Table here.

How to get Warlord's Ruin weapons screen Destiny 2

How to get Indebted Kindness, Destiny 2

You can find all of our D2 God Rolls here.

How good is Indebted Kindnes

Because it’s the first of its kind, it has taken a while for the community to warm up to Indebted Kindness. A special ammo sidearm—let alone one that fires rockets—is something completely new to Destiny 2, leaving it in a state of limbo while the community discovers its perk rolls and damage potential.

In PvE, Indebted Kindness is clearly still attempting to secure its footing. While its high total damage and variety of optimal ranges help it excel in a host of situations, it’s clear that Indebted Kindness (and all future rocket-assisted sidearms) will need a buff to fully enter the meta. Regardless, the weapon’s perk pool is promising, containing new options like Beacon Rounds and old favorites such as Voltshot.

Indebted Kindness’ position in PvP is sadly a little less hopeful; with its long projectile travel time and relatively weak damage per shot, the weapon can’t compare to other special ammo options. While a high-skill player could find use in this weapon and work around its abysmal travel time, there’s really no use in doing so when shotguns, fusion rifles, and snipers exist.

A-tier for PvE C-tier for PvP

Best Alternatives:

Indebted Kindness God Rolls and Perk Pool

The Indebted Kindness sidearm can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Lead from Gold, Impulse Amplifier, Offhand Strike, Enlightened Action, Loose Change, Beacon Rounds
  • Perk 2: Surrounded, Adagio, Voltshot, Attrition Orbs, Deconstruct, Permeability
  • Origin Trait: Sundering
Indebted Kindness God Rolls Destiny 2

Indebted Kindness God Rolls, Destiny 2

Indebted Kindness PvE god roll

  • Barrel: Quick Launch
  • Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
  • Perk 1: Impulse Amplifier (also good: Beacon Rounds)
  • Perk 2: Voltshot (also good: Surrounded)
  • Masterwork: Velocity

Regardless of what activity you’re thinking of playing, Indebted Kindness’ most important stat is velocity. Because of this, we’ll be using Quick Launch, High-Velocity Rounds, a velocity masterwork, and Impulse Amplifier. Beacon Rounds, a perk currently exclusive to rocket-assisted sidearms, is also a great choice for perk one.

For the final column of perks, Voltshot is what many are seeking. Surrounded is also great for total damage if you can get it to proc, but those are really the only two perks worth keeping an eye out for in this column.

Indebted Kindness PvP god roll

  • Barrel: Quick Launch
  • Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
  • Perk 1: Impulse Amplifier (also good: Beacon Rounds)
  • Perk 2: Adagio
  • Masterwork: Velocity

Regardless of what perks you have on the weapon, Indebted Kindness just isn’t that strong for PvP. However, if you are set on using it for one reason or another, you’ll want to spec into some of the same things here as in PvE.

Once again, we’ll start by going for high velocity with Quick Launch, High-Velocity Rounds, and Impulse Amplifier. Beacon Rounds is also a good substitute here, assuming you can get a kill with the weapon before entering another engagement.

The final column is extremely weak, only containing the mediocre picks of Adagio and Surrounded. Beyond these, however, you more than likely won’t even feel the traits in this column working in your gameplay.

Before you go

Interested in more top-tier weapons from Warlord’s Ruin? You should definitely check out the Buried Bloodline Exotic.

About The Author

Andrew Sideris
Andrew Sideris
With my over seven years of game knowledge, six months of writing experience for, and hundreds of Blueberries already guided through endgame content, I hope to allow newcomers to have the same great introduction I had all those years ago. You can find Andrew on Twitter.
More from Andrew Sideris
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