Where is Xur Today: August 30, 2024

by | Aug 30, 2024 | Leveling

Xûr, Destiny 2’s favorite vendor, is taking an increasingly important role in the game. He now sells Exotic weapons and armor, as well as several random rolls of Legendary weapons. In fact, every now and then, he happens to sell some absolute top-tier gear.

Destiny 2 Where is Xur Today (2024)

Xûr is at his new permanent location, the Bazaar at the Tower.

Xur will leave in...








Where is Xur 2024 TFS screen Destiny 2

What is Xûr Selling: Exotics

🪙 Exotic Weapons Cost: 23 Strange Coins


NameTypeSlotCatalyst SourceAvailable?RequirementsCatalystSource ❘ RequirementsReleasedHow to UpgradeCatalyst effect
The HuckleberrySubmachine GunKineticPlaylist Activity completionsYesFree-to-PlayHuckleberry Catalyst Destiny 2
The Huckleberry
| Submachine Gun
Playlist Activity completions

Season 14► 500 kills► Adds Bull Rider perk:
Kills with this weapon now reload the entire magazine.
Trinity GhoulCombat BowEnergyPlaylist Activity completionsYesForsaken PackTrinity Ghoul Catalyst Destiny 2
Trinity Ghoul
| Combat Bow
Playlist Activity completions

Forsaken Pack
Season 4► 400 kills► Adds Forked Lightning perk:
Reduces draw time by -108 and Lightning Rod now triggers from any arc damage final blow.

🪙 Catalysts Cost: 71 Strange Coins

Exotic Armor

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Crown of Tempests Warlock Exotic Destiny 2 art

Crown of Tempests

WarlockHelmFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Arc ability kills increase the recharge rate of your Arc abilities and extend the duration of Stormtrance.
Celestial Nighthawk Hunter Exotic Destiny 2 art

Celestial Nighthawk

HunterHelmFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Modifies Golden Gun to fire a single high-damage shot. Enemies eliminated by the shot explode and grant you Super energy.
Severance Enclosure Titan Destiny 2

Severance Enclosure

TitanChestShadowkeepExotic EngramsSeason 9Shadowkeep Destiny 2 icon
Powered melee final blows unleash a damaging explosion. Finishers and final blows against more powerful targets increase the radius and damage of the explosion.

Exotic Class Items

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Solipsism art Destiny 2


WarlockClass ItemThe Final ShapeMaster RahoolEpisode 1Lightfall Preorder icon
The Final Shape
Can randomly roll with two of the following Solipsism Exotic Traits.
Relativism art Destiny 2


HunterClass ItemThe Final ShapeMaster RahoolEpisode 1Lightfall Preorder icon
The Final Shape
Can randomly roll with two of the following Relativism Exotic Traits.
Gifted Conviction art Destiny 2


TitanClass ItemThe Final ShapeMaster RahoolEpisode 1Lightfall Preorder icon
The Final Shape
Can randomly roll with two of the following Stoicism Exotic Traits.

🪙 Exotic Armor Cost: 41 Strange Coins

Xur Inventory: Random Rolls

ArtWeaponTypeAmmoElementRoll TierFeatured RollRarity
Cataphract GL3 artCataphract GL3Grenade LauncherHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyStrand Element Strand


Envious Assassin + Bait and SwitchLegendary
Igneous Hammer artIgneous HammerHand CannonPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimarySolar Solar


Fragile Focus + Precision InstrumentLegendary
Horror's Least artHorror's LeastPulse RiflePrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimaryArc Arc


Perpetual Motion + Kill ClipLegendary
Riptide artRiptideFusion RifleSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStasis Stasis


Compulsive Reloader + Chill ClipLegendary

🪙 Legendary Weapons Cost: 17 Strange Coins

Xur Legendary Armor

Armor SetReleasedTitan PreviewHunter PreviewWarlock PreviewSourceObtainable?
Escalation Protocol
Escalation Protocol
Season 03Midnight Exigent armor TitanAbhorrent Imperative armor HunterYuga Sundown armor WarlockEscalation ProtocolNo

🪙 Legendary Armor Cost: 17 Strange Coins

Destiny 2 Xur location with The Final Shape

Can’t find Xur’s Location? With the release of The Final Shape, Xur now appears at the same location each week: The Bazar at the Tower.

Where is Xur 2024 TFS screen Destiny 2

Where is Xur: The Final Shape Update, Destiny 2

Your turn

If you liked our Xûr overview, be sure to bookmark this page as we will be updating it every Friday as soon as Xûr makes his weekly appearance!

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including MSN.com, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. david duarte

    I don’t get how the Dead Man’s Tale roll is a D, the roll for pvp i actually an A easily

  2. Nox

    An update would be nice?

  3. josh covey

    Does the exotic weapon ever change . seems hawkmoon is there every week

  4. Tim

    I’m pretty sure that Hawkmoon is an exception for Beyond Light. That’s why it’s always there.

  5. Vural Coskunoglu

    he is not there i was in winding cove i didnt see him

  6. Cam

    hey I think you guys are a couple of days behind with this page and updating it when Xur arrives, its currently still counting down to when Xur leaves but he left nearly two days ago already.

  7. Real Cricket 24

    Loving the help with tracking down Xur! Thanks for keeping us up to date on his whereabouts

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