Relativism God Rolls: Hunter Exotic Class Item

by | Nov 21, 2024

Relativism is the first of its kind as it is an Exotic Class Item, which has never been seen before in Destiny 2. Additionally, Relativism is even more unique as it is the first exotic to come with true random rolls.

While other exotics roll random stats, Relativism instead steals components of other exotic perks from other exotics, making it truly special.


How to get Relativism

To get Relativism (or any other exotic class item), you must first complete the Dual Destiny mission in the Pale Heart destination.

Dual Destiny Mission

This mission forces you to be in a fireteam of two (going in solo or as a trio will not work), and it’s the only way to obtain your first class item. Finding a friend or teammate on LFG for one run isn’t too hard, nor does it require you to enter a voice chat.

After obtaining your first Relativism from Dual Destiny, additional exotic class items can be farmed in various ways.

1 – Weekly Dual Destiny: Replaying the activity will grant another class item each run. Additionally, a weekly challenge (viewable from the Pale Heart map) will grant an additional class item once per week, giving you two for your first run each reset.

Dual Destiny Guide screen 5 Destiny 2

How to get Relativism, Destiny 2

2 – Overthrow Chests: The second method of farming Relativism is participating in Overthrow in the Pale Heart. While generic world chests don’t contribute to it, opening Overthrow chests grants an increasing probability of receiving a class item, granting more with higher chest tiers.

3 – Buy it from Xur: The final way of obtaining Exotic class items was added with Update Xur now (sometimes) sells randomly rolled exotic class items for 41 Strange Coins each. You can purchase as many class items as you’d like, assuming you have the Strange Coins.

🚨 The only requirement is to have unlocked the regular acquisition path through the Dual Destiny mission for each character/class. 

Xur Offers screen Destiny 2

Xur items, Destiny 2

How good is Relativism

Relativism’s value depends on the state of Prismatic Hunter, as this Exotic Class Item only works when you have a Prismatic subclass equipped. This exotic’s quality also depends on how good the randomly rolled exotic traits you have on your roll of Relativism.

Despite this dependence on a number of factors doesn’t detract from the fact that there are incredibly powerful perk combinations available on Relativism, and it is an absolute must-have for anyone looking to make some broken Prismatic Builds.

Relativism Perks and God Rolls

Relativism can roll with the following Exotic perks:

ClassArt 1Column 1Art 2Column 2
HunterAssassin's Cowl Hunter Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of The Assassin:
Finishers and powered melee final blows grant invisibility.
Star Eater Scales Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of The Star-Eater:
While your Super energy is full, picking up an Orb of Power overcharges your Super, granting it bonus damage.
HunterHeart of Inmost Light Titan Destiny 2
Spirit Of The Inmost Light:
Using an ability empowers the other two abilities granting them improved energy regeneration.
Synthoceps Titan Destiny 2
Spirit Of The Synthoceps:
Improved melee damage when you’re surrounded.
HunterOphidian Aspect Warlock Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of The Ophidian:
Weapons ready very quickly.
Verity's Brow Warlock Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of Verity:
Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade grant a stacking grenade damage bonus.
HunterThe Dragon's Shadow Hunter Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of The Dragon:
Using your class ability reloads all weapons and increases weapon handling speeds for a brief time.
Cyrtarachne's Facade Hunter exotic
Spirit Of The Cyrtarachne:
Gain Woven Mail when you use your grenade.
HunterShards of Galanor Hunter Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of Galanor:
Hits and final blows with your Super will return Super energy after it ends.
Gyrfalcon's Hauberk Hunter Exotic
Spirit Of The Gyrfalcon:
Your Void weapons gain Volatile Rounds after you emerge from being invisible.
HunterFoetracer Hunter Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of The Foetracer:
Damaging a powerful combatant or Guardian with an ability grants you a temporary damage bonus for weapons matching that ability’s element.
Liar's Handshake Hunter Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of The Liar:
Dealing damage with a powered melee or being hit by a melee attack will allow you to follow up with an extremely powerful melee counterpunch.
HunterCaliban's Hand Hunter Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of Caliban:
Powered melee final blows trigger an ignition.
Wormhusk Crown Hunter Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of The Wormhusk:
Dodging gives a small health and shield bump.
HunterRenewal Grasps Hunter Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of Renewal:
Allies inside the Duskfield take reduced damage, and targets inside the area deal reduced damage.
The Sixth Coyote Hunter Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of The Coyote:
Gain an additional class ability charge.
HunterApotheosis Veil Warlock Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of Apotheosis:
Temporarily gain greatly increased melee and grenade regen after your Super ends.
Claws of Ahamkara Warlock Exotic Destiny 2 art
Spirit Of The Claw:
Gain an additional melee charge.

💠 PS: We cover some of our favorite Hunter Prismatic Builds here.

Some of the Best Rolls for Relativism

Relativism God Rolls screen Destiny 2

Relativism God Rolls, Destiny 2

Spirit of Caliban and Spirit of the Liar

The combination of Spirit of Caliban and Spirit of the Liar is a pretty deadly combo as it takes the incredibly high damage from Liar’s Handshake and the explosive capabilities of Caliban’s Hand and meshes them together to create one of the best AoE, high damage builds in the entire game. The Combination Blow and Gambler’s Dodge loop works perfectly with this build and allows you to dive into the fight, deal ridiculous melee damage against a tanky enemy, and watch the enemies around it ignite in a high-damage explosion.

Spirit of the Ophidian and Spirit of the Wormhusk

This combination is geared much more towards PvP players, as it massively improves the neutral game by taking the high handling speed bonus of Ophidian Aspect on Warlock and pairing it with Wormhusk’s Crown’s heal-on-dodge. This combo is a major quality-of-life roll, and is brilliant for Hunters that want some direct bonuses without having to worry about build crafting.

Spirit of Renewal and Spirit of the Cyrtarachne

Spirit of Renewal and Spirit of the Cyrtarachne will allow you to turn into the tankiest Hunter the world has ever seen. By using Duskfield Grenades alongside this combo, throwing a Duskfield at your feet will grant you Woven Mail from Cyrtarachne and damage-reducing properties of Duskfield Grenades, when combined with Renewal, will make you outrageously tanky.

Before you go

Interested in the other Exotic Class Items? We cover the Warlock Solipsism Exotic here.

About The Author

Matthew Evans
Matthew Evans
I've been hooked on Destiny 2 for years now... I've racked up countless hours and plenty of experience, which I hope to share with Blueberries who want to get involved with Destiny. You can find Matthew on Twitter.
More from Matthew Evans
  1. Sean Hight

    This is not a great list, in my opinion. God rolls for me include:

    Foetracer + Verity
    Inmost Light + Coyote


    Ophidian or Dragon + Wormhusk for PvP.

    That is, in addition to the commonly accepted God rolls of:

    Caliban + Liar
    Renewal + Cyrtarachne
    Galanor + Star-Eater

  2. Steve

    why did you add a 9th column with two that aren’t available???….there’s no ‘apothesis’ or ‘claw’ on hunter class items

  3. fish

    is a spirit of the dragon and spirit of the star-eater good on this? and if it is what would be a good build

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