Destiny 2 Warlord’s Ruin Loot Table: Weapons & Armor

by | Dec 8, 2023

The Warlord’s Ruin dungeon is finally here and we’re here to share everything we know and, more importantly, help you farm its top-tier loot. 

As we’ve done since the release of the Deep Stone Crypt raid, we take on the challenge of putting together the first verified loot table for this new Dungeon. This guide will cover the entire Warlord’s Ruin loot table, including the new armor set, Legendary weapons, and Exotics.

D2 Warlord’s Ruin Dungeon Loot Pool

This is the complete Warlord’s Ruin loot table, including weapons and armor:

Warlord's Ruin Loot Table
First Encounter
Locus of Wailing GriefFinal Encounter
Hefn's Vengeance
Vengeful Whisper bow Destiny 2
Vengeful Whisper
Combat Bow | Kinetic symbol Kinetic
Vengeful Whisper bow Destiny 2
Vengeful Whisper
Combat Bow | Kinetic symbol Kinetic
Buried Bloodline Exotic sidearm Destiny 2
Buried Bloodline
Sidearm | Void Void
Dragoncult Sickle sword Destiny 2
Dragoncult Sickle
Sword | Strand Element art Strand
Naeem's Lance sniper Destiny 2
/Naeem's Lance
Sniper Rifle | Strand Element art Strand
Naeem's Lance sniper Destiny 2
/Naeem's Lance
Sniper Rifle | Strand Element art Strand
indebted Kindness sidearm Destiny 2
indebted Kindness
Sidearm | Arc Arc
indebted Kindness sidearm Destiny 2
indebted Kindness
Sidearm | Arc Arc
indebted Kindness sidearm Destiny 2
indebted Kindness
Sidearm | Arc Arc
Dragoncult Sickle sword Destiny 2
Dragoncult Sickle
Sword | Strand Element art Strand
Warlord's Ruin Helm art Destiny 2
Dark Age Mask
| Helmet
Warlord's Ruin arms art Destiny 2
Dark Age Fists
| Arms
Warlord's Ruin Helm art Destiny 2
Dark Age Mask
| Helmet
Warlord's Ruin arms art Destiny 2
Dark Age Fists
| Arms
Warlord's Ruin Chest art Destiny 2
Dark Age Harness
| Chest
Warlord's Ruin arms art Destiny 2
Dark Age Fists
| Arms
Warlord's Ruin Legs art Destiny 2
Dark Age Strides
| Legs
Warlord's Ruin Class item art Destiny 2
Dark Age Bond
| Class item
Warlord's Ruin Chest art Destiny 2
Dark Age Harness
| Chest
Warlord's Ruin Legs art Destiny 2
Dark Age Strides
| Legs
Warlord's Ruin Class item art Destiny 2

💠 Recommended Power: 1790

Requirements: Lightfall Deluxe Edition or Lightfall Dungeon Key (2,000 Silver) will be required to enter this dungeon.

Warlord's Ruin loot table Infographic BlueberriesGG v2

Warlord’s Ruin loot table Infographic, Destiny 2

💠 The New Raid is out! You can find Salvation’s Edge Loot table here.

Warlord’s Ruin Weapons

Warlord’s Ruin features 4 Legendary weapons and one Exotic sidearm:

ArtNameTypeArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
Buried Bloodline art preview Destiny 2Buried BloodlineSidearmExoticExoticSpecialVoidLightfall Dungeon KeyYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
A › Strong
PvEWarlord's Ruin DungeonError icon V2 NoLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Lightfall Dungeon Key
Season 23KineticNoTop-tier
Dragoncult Sickle art preview Destiny 2Dragoncult SickleSwordCasterLegendaryHeavyStrandLightfall Dungeon KeyYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyStrand Element Strand
D › Worst
-Warlord's Ruin DungeonError icon V2 NoLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Lightfall Dungeon Key
Season 23HeavyNo
Indebted Kindness art preview Destiny 2Indebted KindnessSidearmRocket-AssistedLegendarySpecialArcLightfall Dungeon KeyYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialArc Arc
A › Strong
PvEWarlord's Ruin DungeonError icon V2 NoLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Lightfall Dungeon Key
Season 23EnergyNoTop-tierVoltshot
Naeem's Lance art preview Destiny 2Naeem's LanceSniper RifleRapid-FireLegendarySpecialStrandLightfall Dungeon KeyYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStrand Element Strand
A › Strong
PvEWarlord's Ruin DungeonError icon V2 NoLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Lightfall Dungeon Key
Season 23KineticNoTop-tier
Vengeful Whisper art preview Destiny 2Vengeful WhisperCombat BowPrecisionLegendaryPrimaryKineticLightfall Dungeon KeyYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimaryKinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic
B › Average
-Warlord's Ruin DungeonError icon V2 NoLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Lightfall Dungeon Key
Season 23KineticNo

On top of featuring top-tier stats, Warlord’s weapons also come with an Origin trait specific to this dungeon.

-TraitSourceActivation | EffectsSpecsSource TypeReleased
Sundering origin trait art Destiny 2SunderingWarlord's Ruin DungeonDestroying vehicles and constructs grants this weapon bonus reload speed and charge rate.-ActivitySeason 23

Warlord's Ruin Weapons featured Destiny 2

Warlord’s Ruin Weapons, Destiny 2

Legendary weapons

Naeem's Lance sniper Destiny 2

Naeem’s Lance (Sniper)

The Naeem’s Lance is a Rapid-fire Strand Sniper Rifle that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Reconstruction, Keep Away, Hatchling, Discord, Loose Change
  • Perk 2: Demolitionist, High Ground, Slice, Attrition Orbs, Deconstruct, Precision Instrument

We cover all Naeem’s Lance god rolls in detail here.


indebted Kindness sidearm Destiny 2

Indebted Kindness (Sidearm)

The Indebted Kindness is a Rocket-Assisted Arc Sidearm that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Lead from Gold, Impulse Amplifier, Offhand Strike, Enlightened Action, Loose Change, Beacon Rounds
  • Perk 2: Surrounded, Adagio, Voltshot, Attrition Orbs, Deconstruct, Permeability

We cover all Indebted Kindness god rolls in detail here.


Vengeful Whisper bow Destiny 2

Vengeful Whisper (bow)

The Vengeful Whisper is a Precision Kinetic Combat Bow that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Hipfire Grip, Archer’s Tempo, Explosive Head, Keep Away, Enlightened Action, Slice
  • Perk 2: Successful Warmup, Offhand Strike, Hatchling, Collective Action, Precision Instrument, High Ground

We cover all Vengeful Whisper god rolls in detail here.


Dragoncult Sickle sword Destiny 2

Dragoncult Sickle (Sword)

The Dragoncult Sickle is a Caster Strand Sword that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Tireless Blade, Assassin’s Blade, Demolitionist, Unrelenting, Duelist’s Trance, Slice
  • Perk 2: Whirlwind Blade, Surrounded, Chain Reaction, Golden Tricorn, Hatchling, Attrition Orbs

We cover all Dragoncult Sickle god rolls in detail here.

Warlord’s Ruin Exotic

The Buried Bloodline Exotic can only drop from the Warlord’s Ruin final boss, Hefnd’s Vengeance, Blighted Chimera. Although we prefer more deterministic Exotic quests that are not connected to RNG, you can complete specific triumphs that, when completed, increase your chances of earning the Dungeon Exotic. 

Buried Bloodline Exotic sidearm featured Destiny 2

Buried Bloodline Exotic sidearm, Destiny 2

Warlord’s Ruin Dungeon Armor: Dark Age

As with every other dungeon in Destiny 2, Warlord’s Ruin features one armor set per class.

Slot Titan Hunter Warlock
Helm Dark Age Helm Dark Age Mask Dark Age Visor
Arms Dark Age Gauntlets Dark Age Grips Dark Age Gloves
Chest Dark Age Chestrig Dark Age Harness Dark Age Overcoat
Legs Dark Age Sabatons Dark Age Strides Dark Age Legbraces
Class Item Dark Age Mark Dark Age Cloak Dark Age Bond
Warlord's Ruin Armor featured Destiny 2

Warlord’s Ruin Armor, Destiny 2

Exotic & Cosmetic items

Finally, the new dungeon also features one exotic Ghost Shell, a Catalyst, and two exclusive emblems.

Warlord's Ruin Ghost featured Destiny 2

Warlord’s Ruin Ghost, Destiny 2

Is Warlord’s Ruin farmable?

Warlord’s Ruin is farmable for unlimited loot, meaning you can run it as many times per week as you want. The Dungeon Exotic, however, can only be farmed once per character per week.

This is how you can farm dungeons in Destiny 2, including the Warlord’s Ruin:

  • Go through the dungeon on your first character until you reach the encounter you want to farm.
  • Start the encounter and wipe (i.e., die without beating it).
  • Ask your Fireteam to wait. Change characters and log into a character that hasn’t run the dungeon that week.
  • On that second character, join your Fireteam again.
  • Wipe again. Now your second character has the proper checkpoint.

 And that’s it. You’ll then be able to farm that encounter ad nauseam until reset! To continue farming, you’ll need to:

  • Launch the dungeon using your second character (the one that is holding the checkpoint).
  • Change characters and rejoin your Fireteam on your first character.
  • Complete the encounter for loot.
  • Exit the dungeon, switch characters again, and repeat Step 1.

Warlord’s Ruin Dungeon Release Date

The Warlord’s Ruin dungeon was released on December 1, 2023, at 9 AM PST.

Guardians who dare to infiltrate the enemy’s hidden fortress will take on dire challenges to secure the bones of an Ahamkara, a wish-granting dragon that has seemingly gone extinct.

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. Zachary Campbell

    Got my buried bloodline upon completion of the dungeon. No idea if it was random or not but; none of my fireteam members said anything about getting it. Also it seemed the loot from secret chests was limited ended up with some dupes

    • Christian Lalor

      Secret chest loot is limited to items that you have received from the dungeon before.

      Example: You’ve only gotten the sidearm, then the secret chests will only drop the sidearm.

  2. Joshua weys

    they dont seem to be craftable like your chart suggests

  3. Flay_

    who are the champions? and in what quantity? per encouter

  4. anonymous

    Corrections for the DLC required: It is Lightfall and not Witch Queen.

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