Destiny 2 Root of Nightmares Loot Table: Weapons & Armor

by | Oct 1, 2024

With a World’s First Clear in 2.5 hours, Root of Nightmares is arguably one of the most accessible raids ever released in Destiny 2. But despite being “too easy” for some, Root of Nightmares continues to impress thanks to its outstanding visuals, environments, and music.

This guide covers the entire Root of Nightmares loot table, including armor sets, Legendary weapons, and Exotics.

Root of Nightmares Raid Loot Pool

This is the entire Root of Nightmares loot table:

Root of Nightmares Loot Table
First Encounter
Survive the Onslaught
Second Encounter
Enter the Root
Third Encounter
Final Encounter
Briar's Contempt Linear Fusion RifleBriar's Contempt
Linear Fusion Rifle | Solar Solar
Mykel's Reverence SidearmMykel's Reverence
Sidearm | Strand Element art Strand
Mykel's Reverence SidearmMykel's Reverence
Sidearm | Strand Element art Strand
Conditional Finality ShotgunConditional Finality
Shotgun | Stasis Stasis
Koraxis's Distress Grenade LauncherKoraxis's Distress
Grenade Launcher | Strand Element art Strand
Koraxis's Distress Grenade LauncherKoraxis's Distress
Grenade Launcher | Strand Element art Strand
Rufus's Fury Auto RifleRufus's Fury
Auto Rifle | Strand Element art Strand
Root of Nightmares WeaponsAny weapon from previous encounters
Nessa's Oblation ShotgunNessa's Oblation
Shotgun | Void Void
Acasia's Rejection Trace RifleAcasia's Rejection
Trace Rifle | Solar Solar
Acasia's Rejection Trace RifleAcasia's Rejection
Trace Rifle | Solar Solar
Nessa's Oblation ShotgunNessa's Oblation
Shotgun | Void Void
Koraxis's Distress Grenade LauncherKoraxis's Distress
Grenade Launcher | Strand Element art Strand
Robes of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Robes of Detestation
| Chest
Robes of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Robes of Detestation
| Chest
Robes of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Robes of Detestation
| Chest
Mask of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Mask of Detestation
| Helmet
Wraps of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Wraps of Detestation
| Arms
Wraps of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Wraps of Detestation
| Arms
Bond of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Bond of Detestation
| Class Item
Boots of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Boots of Detestation
| Legs
Mask of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Mask of Detestation
| Helmet
Boots of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Boots of Detestation
| Legs
Boots of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Boots of Detestation
| Legs
Bond of Detestation armor art Destiny 2
Bond of Detestation
| Class Item

💠 Recommended Power: 1950

⛔ Requirements: Lightfall Dungeon Key

Root of Nightmares Loot table infograhic

Root of Nightmares loot table infograhic, Destiny 2

This infographic from irrezolut covers the entire loot table of the Root of Nightmares raid. If you’re looking for a visual loot table to share on Discord (or print), look no further than this. Feel free to download it and share it with your clanmates and friends.

💠 The New Raid is out! You can find Salvation’s Edge Loot drops here.

Destiny 2 Root of Nightmares weapons and rolls

Root of Nightmares features 6 Legendary weapons and an Exotic Shotgun:

ArtNameTypeArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
Conditional Finality artConditional FinalityShotgunExoticExoticSpecialStasisLightfallYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStasis Stasis
S › Best
PvE + PvPRoot of Nightmares RaidError icon V2 NoLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20KineticNoTop-tier
Acasia's Dejection artAcasia's DejectionTrace RifleAdaptiveLegendarySpecialSolarLightfallYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialSolar Solar
S › Best
PvERoot of Nightmares RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20EnergyCraftableTop-tierIncandescent,Reconstruction
Briar's Contempt artBriar's ContemptLinear Fusion RifleAggressiveLegendaryHeavySolarLightfallYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavySolar Solar
S › Best
PvERoot of Nightmares RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20HeavyCraftableTop-tierIncandescent,Reconstruction
Koraxis's Distress artKoraxis's DistressGrenade LauncherRapid-FireLegendaryHeavyStrandLightfallYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyStrand Element Strand
B › Average
-Root of Nightmares RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20HeavyCraftableReconstruction
 artMykel's ReverenceSidearmRapid-FireLegendaryPrimaryStrandLightfallYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimaryStrand Element Strand
B › Average
PvERoot of Nightmares RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20KineticCraftable
Nessa's Oblation artNessa's OblationShotgunPinpoint SlugLegendarySpecialVoidLightfallYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialVoid Void
B › Average
PvERoot of Nightmares RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20EnergyCraftableDestabilizing Rounds,Repulsor Brace,Reconstruction
Rufus's Fury artRufus's FuryAuto RifleRapid-FireLegendaryPrimaryStrandLightfallYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimaryStrand Element Strand
S › Best
PvE + PvPRoot of Nightmares RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20KineticCraftableTop-tierReconstruction

On top of featuring top-tier stats, RoN weapons also come with unique Perks and an exclusive Origin trait: Harmonic Resonance.

Also, Adept versions of these weapons are available weekly to those able to conquer Root of Nightmares’ challenges:

Weapons and Perks

Koraxis's Distress Grenade Launcher

Koraxis’s Distress

The Koraxis’s Distress is a Rapid-fire Frame Strand Grenade Launcher that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Impulse Amplifier, Field Prep, Danger Zone, Envious Assassin, Reconstruction, Demolitionist, Chain Reaction
  • Perk 2: Surrounded, Frenzy, Harmony, Wellspring, Full Court, Paracausal Affinity, Hatchling

We cover all Koraxis’s Distress god rolls in detail here.


Nessa's Oblation Shotgun

Nessa’s Oblation

The Nessa’s Oblation is a Pinpoint Slug frame Void Shotgun that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Compulsive Reloader, Envious Assassin, Dragonfly, Repulsor Brace, Reconstruction, Demolitionist, Fourth Time’s the Charm
  • Perk 2: Frenzy, Harmony, Opening Shot, Paracausal Affinity, Hatchling, Destabilizing Rounds, Vorpal Weapon, Focused Fury

We cover all Nessa’s Oblation god rolls in detail here.


Mykel's Reverence Sidearm

Mykel’s Reverence

The Mykel’s Reverence is a Rapid-Fire frame Strand Sidearm that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Elemental Capacitor, Unrelenting, Perfect Float, Tresh, Rewind Rounds, Pugilist, Perpetual Motion
  • Perk 2: Offhand Strike, Frenzy, Harmony, Tap the Trigger, Swashbuckler, Paracausal Affinity, Hatchling

We cover all Mykel’s Reverence god rolls in detail here.


Briar's Contempt Linear Fusion Rifle

Briar’s Contempt

The Briar’s Contempt is an Aggressive frame Solar Linear Fusion Rifle that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Keep Away, Envious Assassin, Slideshot, Incandescent, Rewind Rounds, Demolionist, Reconstruction
  • Perk 2: Surrounded, Frenzy, Harmony, Adagio, High-Impact Reserves, Paracausal Affinity, Focused Fury

We cover all Briar’s Contempt god rolls in detail here.


Rufus's Fury Auto Rifle

Rufus’s Fury

The Rufus’s Fury is a Rapid-Fire Frame Strand Assault Rifle that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Tresh, Perpetual Motion, Reconstruction, Moving Target, Rewind Round, Pugilist, Demolitionist
  • Perk 2: Harmony, Target Lock, Adrenaline Junkie, Frenzy, Tap the Trigger, Paracausal Affinity, Hatchling

We cover all Rufus’s Fury god rolls in detail here.


Acasia's Rejection Trace Rifle

Acasia’s Rejection

The Acasia’s Rejection is an Adaptive frame Solar Trace Rifle that can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Field Prep, Hip-fire Grip, Keep Away, Reconstruction, Envious Assassin, Rewind Rounds, Perpetual Motion
  • Perk 2: High-Impact Reserves, Frenzy, Harmony, Target Lock, Incandescent, Paracausal Affinity, Vorpal Weapon

We cover all Acasia’s Dejection god rolls in detail here.

Root of Nightmares Raid Exotic

As every other raid in Destiny 2 does, Root of Nightmares features an exclusive Exotic weapon, in this case, the Conditional Finality Exotic shotgun. This Raid Exotic can drop from the Final encounter after completing the Raid.

Conditional Finality Shotgun

Conditional Finality

The Conditional Finality is a Stasis Exotic Shotgun that features the following Exotic perks:

  • Paracausal Pellets: Landing nearly all Stasis pellets will freeze targets; landing nearly all Solar pellets will ignite targets.
  • Split Decision: Dual Barrels split into Stasis and Solar damage.

We cover How to get Conditional Finality in detail here.

Root of Nightmares Raid Armor

The Root of Nightmares offers one armor set for each class.

Root of Nightmares Armor

Root of Nightmares armor sets, Destiny 2

Agony armor set for Titans:

  • Helm of Agony
  • Gauntlets of Agony
  • Plate of Agony
  • Greaves of Agony
  • Mark of Agony

Trepidation armor set for Hunters:

  • Mask of Trepidation
  • Grips of Trepidation
  • Vest of Trepidation
  • Boots of Trepidation
  • Cloak of Trepidation

Detestation armor set for Warlocks:

  • Mask of Detestation
  • Wraps of Detestation
  • Robes of Detestation
  • Boots of Detestation
  • Bond of Detestation

Root of Nightmares Exotic items

Finally, the raid also features two Exotic exclusive items:

  • An Exotic Sparrow
  • An Exotic Ship

The raid also offered an exclusive emblem for those who managed to beat it on Contest mode within the first 48 hours of the raid.

Root of Nightmares Day 1 emblem

Is Root of Nightmares farmable?

You can absolutely farm Root of Nightmares loot, either by spending Spoils of Conquest at its vendor or by farming the raid whenever it becomes the featured raid of the week. Raids could only be completed once per character per week, but that changed with the introduction of weekly raids and dungeons. 

Root of Nightmares can also be farmed with Spoils of Conquest. Once you have defeated the final boss, you’ll see a chest appear. There you can use your Spoils of Conquest to purchase weapons and armor. Note you can only purchase weapons and armor you have already earned by completing encounters within the raid. This system gives you more opportunities to find good rolls on the specific gear you’re interested in. Each item costs 20 Spoils of Conquest.

Before you go…

Are you looking forward to farming more top-tier loot from Destiny 2’s endgame activities? Next week, you’ll be able to farm Last Wish loot (the next featured Raid in the rotation).

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. Minato

    The weapons are craftable

    • DrGodroll

      Some of the perks are spelled wrong ‘Rewing Rounds’ for example, also ‘Auto Rifle’ is callled ‘Assault Rifle’

      • Ric Molina

        Thank you for the heads up regarding the Rewing typo

        They’re called Auto rifles though. Maybe it was assault rifle in Halo? No idea

    • Ric Molina

      Good point, post corrected accordingly!

  2. nitrousgranola

    The loot table graphic doesn’t have a clickable .jpg version like the other graphics on your website. The text is blurry on the .avif version. Can someone fix this please? 🙂

  3. q

    Conditional Finality is not craftable

  4. flubian

    Is it possible to get the exotic dropped even if you’ve already done the Raid this week? Because when I play a Raid more than one time a week, I’ll only get Points dropped, no more loot. Can I farm the exotic even if i’ve already played it?

    • gauvaine

      you have a chance to get it once a week per character

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