Destiny 2 Briar’s Contempt: God Rolls and How to get it

by | Mar 4, 2024

Briar’s Contempt is the first Solar Aggressive frame Linear fusion rifle in the game and can be obtained from the Root of Nightmares raid. Briar’s Contempt is stacked with perks, and this article will help you find the best ones for your god roll and help you decide whether it’s worth the chase or not.

How to get Briar’s Contempt

Briar’s Contempt comes from the new Root of Nightmares raid that was made available in the Lightfall DLC. It drops from the first encounter, “Survive the Onslaught,” and the final encounter, “Nezerac.” Currently, the only farming methods are running the raid once per character each week in hopes of getting a drop or focusing it at the raid’s final chest using Spoils of Conquest. You can check the full loot table, including all Root of Nightmares loot, here.

For changes to earn the patterns required to craft this weapon, you can complete the weekly Deepsighted chest puzzle or purchase the weekly Deepsighted weapon with Spoils of Conquest from the chest that appears after beating the raid’s final boss. You can find the full Vow loot table here.

How to get Root of Nightmares gear screen Destiny 2

How to get Briar’s Contempt, Destiny 2

You can find all of our Destiny 2 Weapon God Rolls here.

How good is Briar’s Contempt

Whilst not the go-to DPS weapons of choice, Linear fusion rifles can still be extremely good options for certain boss fights. Briar’s Contempt is an Aggressive Frame, 3-burst, linear fusion rifle. Similarly to the other Aggressive Frame linears, Briar’s Contempt, with a good roll, can put up some serious damage numbers.

PvE is where Briar’s Contempt shines. It comes with several new perks and strong older perks, which make it a strong contender for the best linear fusion rifle in the game. Column 1 can get the new Envious Assassin perk and the recently reprived Rewind Rounds. Older perks like Demolionist and Reconstruction are also present in this column. Column 2 also has several great perks for PvE. Focused Fury, Frenzy, and Surrounded are all great damage perks.

Linear Fusion rifles have struggled to be the best Power option inside Crucible for a while. Aggressive Frames have a slight advantage over other Linears due to the 3 shot burst they fire. Only 1 of the shots has to be a headshot to get a kill, giving a lot of forgiveness to them. Briar’s Contempt can roll with Keep Away, a new perk that finds great value inside PvP due to its simple activation and the buffs it provides.

A-tier for PvE B-tier for PvP

Best alternatives:

Briar’s Contempt God Rolls and Perk Pool

The Briar’s Contempt linear fusion rifle can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Reconstruction, Rewind Rounds, Envious Assassin, Incandescent, Demolitionist, Keep Away, Slideshot
  • Perk 2: Focused Fury, Frenzy, High-Impact Reserves, Paracausal Affinity, Surrounded, Adagio, Harmony
  • Origin Trait: Harmonic Resonance
Briar's Contempt

Briar’s Contempt God Rolls, Destiny 2

Briar’s Contempt PvP god roll

For PvP, handling and accuracy are the two most important factors for a linear fusion rifle. Hence, Fluted Barrel is the best barrel due to the large bump in handling. Particle Repeater or Projection Fuse are the best magazine choices due to the flat bump in stats they give to stability/range, respectively. For column 1 perks, Keep Away is the stand-out choice. Keep Away provides several buffs for keeping your distance, most noticeably an increase in weapon accuracy. Paired with High Impact Reserves makes Briar’s Contempt a good option for a ranged heavy.

  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel
  • Battery: Particle Repeater or Projection Fuse
  • Perk 1: Keep Away
  • Perk 2: High-Impact Reserves
  • Masterwork: Handling or Range

Briar’s Contempt PvE god roll

DPS is the best-suited job for Briar’s Contempt inside PvE. Fluted Barrel is still the best option due to the large increase in handling. This means a faster swapping speed which can be crucial to maximizing DPS. For the magazine, either Liquid Coils or Ionized Battery are the best choices. Liquid Coils grant an increase in impact, resulting in higher damage per shot. Ionized Battery adds an additional round to the magazine, which helps during longer DPS phases.

The best perks in column 1 are Rewind Rounds, Demolionist, and Reconstruction. All three perks grant reloading effects/increase total magazine size, which removes/lowers the need to manually reload the gun. This is great for sustained damage. Frenzy and Focused Fury are the best column 2 perks due to the increase in damage that they provide. Surrounded can situationally be the best option, but the requirements to activate it can be difficult.

  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel
  • Battery: Liquid Coils or Ionized Battery
  • Perk 1: Rewind Rounds, Demolionist or Reconstruction
  • Perk 2: Frenzy or Focused Fury
  • Masterwork: Handling or Charge Time

Is Briar’s Contempt worth farming?

Whilst the Linear Fusion Rifle meta has passed, Briar’s Contempt is still a very good weapon to have in your arsenal. The combination of top-tier perks, a good frame, and the fact it can be crafted to your own perfect roll makes Briar’s Contempt a good weapon to farm for. In boss fights that don’t favor using rockets, Briar’s Contempt is a strong contender for the DPS weapon of choice.

Before you go…

Interested in more top-tier weapons from the Root of Nightmares raid? You should check out these Rufus’s Fury God Rolls.

About The Author

George Cannard
George Cannard
More from George Cannard
  1. Francis

    This was a good read.


    Why would i need handeling on an LFR

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