Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Rewards this Week: Weapons & Map

by | Feb 14, 2025 | Weapons

Trials of Osiris, Destiny 2’s infamous endgame PvP activity, has struggled a lot in the past, but it has always gotten one thing right: The rewards. Trials’ weapons, in particular, have always been considered some of the best in the game. And now that Trials is fun to play and rewarding, it’s the perfect time to farm some of its top-tier loot.

This guide covers all of its rewards, including weapons and armor, this week’s rotation, and more.

Trials weapon this week: January 31, 2025

This week’s Trials of Osiris weapon is Exalted Truth (Hand Cannon). 

💠 Requirements: In an effort to combat cheating, ownership of The Final Shape DLC is required to play Trials of Osiris.

New Trials weapons

Bungie released (and re-reissued) the following Trials of Osiris weapons with Episode 3: Heresy:

  • Keen Thistle (Sniper Rifle)
  • Exalted Truth (Exalted Truth)

Trials of Osiris Weapon Rotation

There are several Trials-specific weapons in Destiny 2, but only these are on rotation right now (as far as we know):

📅 Trials of Osiris Rotation: Episode 2

ArtWeaponTypeElementAmmoRotationWeek #
7 June 2024Week 1
The Summoner artThe SummonerAuto RifleSolar SolarPrimary ammo Destiny 2 Primary14 June 2024Week 2
Aisha's Care art Destiny 2 Aisha's CarePulse RifleStrand Element StrandPrimary ammo Destiny 2 Primary21 June 2024Week 3
Shayura's Wrath artShayura's WrathSubmachine GunVoid VoidPrimary ammo Destiny 2 Primary28 June 2024Week 4
5 July 2024Week 5
12 July 2024Week 6
The Summoner artThe SummonerAuto RifleSolar SolarPrimary ammo Destiny 2 Primary19 July 2024Week 7
The Prophet art Destiny 2The ProphetScout RifleStasis StasisPrimary ammo Destiny 2 Primary26 July 2024Week 8
Incisor art Destiny 2IncisorTrace RifleStrand Element StrandSpecial ammo Destiny 2 Special2 August 2024Week 9
Eye of Sol artEye of SolSniper RifleKinetic symbol Destiny 2 KineticSpecial ammo Destiny 2 Special9 August 2024Week 10
Aisha's Care art Destiny 2 Aisha's CarePulse RifleStrand Element StrandPrimary ammo Destiny 2 Primary16 August 2024Week 11
23 August 2024Week 12
30 August 2024Week 13
6 September 2024Week 14
13 September 2024Week 15
20 September 2024Week 16
27 September 2024Week 17
4 October 2024Week 18

Trials Map this Week

This week’s featured Trials of Osiris map is The Burnout.


The Burnout callout map

Trials Map this Week: Burnout.

Other Trials loot

With Season 23, Bungie changed how Trials rewards are handed out. There is now a weekly reward based on how many wins in a row you can get before your card becomes flawed. As confirmed by Bungie:

There will be one each for 3, 4, 5, and 6 wins on a card, and if you get to a higher win total first, you’ll get all the tiers below it, too!

  • 3 wins – Trials armor
  • 4 wins – 5 Enhancement Cores
  • 5 wins – Trials weapon
  • 6 wins – 3 Enhancement Prisms

Bungie also increased the drop rate of Adept weapons on 7-win cards after Flawless.

Finally, on top of offering the weekly rewards above, Trials also offers the following rank rewards:

Rank Reward
4 Upgrade Module (x2)
7 Enhancement Prism (x3)
10 Rotating weapon
13 Upgrade Module (x2)
16 Rotating weapon

But perhaps more importantly, you will also receive Trials of Osiris engrams every time you rank up. And if you decide not to focus them and simply decrypt them, you will receive a Trials item you don’t already have in your collection.

Trials of Osiris weapons Destiny 2 featured wide

The Summoner, Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris rewards

Destiny 2 Trials Weapons

Our Tier list starts with the S Tier weapons and moves down from there and covers both PvE and PvP:

ItemWeaponsTypeArchetypeAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?RankSourceAvailable?Tier rankSource ❘ DLCFinal VerdictReleasedPerksBest of?
Yesterday's QuestionYesterday's Question art Destiny 2
Yesterday's Question
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonHeavy BurstPrimaryArcThe Final ShapeYesTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3

Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Heavy Burst

Episode 2
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Heavy Burst

Shayura's WrathShayura's Wrath art
Shayura's Wrath
Submachine Gun
Submachine GunPrecisionPrimaryVoidThe Final ShapeYesS › BestTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Roll: Repulsor Brace + Kill Clip (also good: Destabilizing Rounds)
PvP God Roll: Killing Wind + Kill Clip

► While chasing Shayura's Wrath is no longer the no-brainer it used to be, the weapon still excels all throughout the game. From complimenting a Void build to helping you excel in The Crucible, this is one of the more well-rounded options out there.
Season 14
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Roll: Repulsor Brace + Kill Clip (also good: Destabilizing Rounds)
PvP God Roll: Killing Wind + Kill Clip
The ImmortalThe Immortal art
The Immortal
Submachine Gun
Submachine GunAggressivePrimaryStrandThe Final ShapeYesS › BestTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Aggressive

PvE God Roll: Perpetual Motion (also good: Keep Away) + Hatchling (also good: Demolitionist)
PvP God Rolls: Rangefinder (also good: Encore) + Target Lock

► The Immortal is perhaps the best legendary SMG in the game right now. From absurd PvP-centered stats and perks to synergistic options like Demolitionist and Hatchling for PvE, this weapon has no shortage of outstanding aspects. Sure, stepping into Trials of Osiris can be daunting, but this is worth it.
Season 20
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Aggressive

PvE God Roll: Perpetual Motion (also good: Keep Away) + Hatchling (also good: Demolitionist)
PvP God Rolls: Rangefinder (also good: Encore) + Target Lock
Unexpected ResurgenceUnexpected Resurgenc art Destiny 2
Unexpected Resurgence
GlaiveAdaptiveSpecialArcThe Final ShapeYesS › BestTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Subsistence (also good: Impulse Amplifier) + Close to Melee (also good: Voltshot)
PvP God Roll: Impulse Amplifier + Surrounded (also good: Unstoppable Force)

► Unexpected Resurgence does its best to excel in The Crucible, but as with all other glaives, the main draw to this weapon is in PvE. With solid perks like Close to Melee and even Voltshot, this glaive is relatively unique compared to other options. While it's not worth running for those not into glaives, we'd highly recommend this to anyone trying to dive further into this weapon type.
Season 21
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Subsistence (also good: Impulse Amplifier) + Close to Melee (also good: Voltshot)
PvP God Roll: Impulse Amplifier + Surrounded (also good: Unstoppable Force)
The SummonerThe Summoner art
The Summoner
Auto Rifle
Auto RifleAdaptivePrimarySolarThe Final ShapeYesS › BestTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Overflow (also good: Perpetual Motion) + Rampage
PvP God Roll: Dynamic Sway Reduction + Multikill Clip (also good: Rampage)

► One of the most sought after weapons in the Trials of Osiris loot pool, The Summoner is fantastic both in and out of the Curcible. Fantastic handling with great perk options for range and damage, this weapon is a versatile force to be reckoned with.
Season 23
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Overflow (also good: Perpetual Motion) + Rampage
PvP God Roll: Dynamic Sway Reduction + Multikill Clip (also good: Rampage)
Unwavering DutyUnwavering Duty art
Unwavering Duty
Machine Gun
Machine GunAdaptiveHeavySolarThe Final ShapeYesS › BestTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Subsistence + Incandescent (also good: Killing Tally)

► Unwavering Duty is one of the best Machine guns in the game right now. While you do need to play Trials of Osiris to get it, it will be absolutely worth it if you're looking for a top-tier Solar Adaptive Frame.
Season 19
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Subsistence + Incandescent (also good: Killing Tally)
Eye of SolEye of Sol art
Eye of Sol
Sniper Rifle
Sniper RifleAdaptiveSpecialKineticThe Final ShapeNoS › BestTrials of OsirisError icon V2


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Roll: Moving Target (also good: Surplus) + Snapshot Sights (also good: Opening Shot)

► Because of its similar stats and perks, Eye of Sol is said to be a kinetic version of Beloved. And while it is a little harder to obtain, its low zoom, high aim assist, and S-Tier perks in both columns make it easily worth the effort.
Season 10
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Roll: Moving Target (also good: Surplus) + Snapshot Sights (also good: Opening Shot)
Burden of GuiltBurden of Guilt art
Burden of Guilt
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleAdaptiveSpecialStasisThe Final ShapeYesS › BestTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Roll: Killing Wind + High-Impact Reserves (also good: High-Impact Reserves)

► Burden of Guilt is proof that adaptive fusions are the rising stars of PvP. Here since Haunted, Burden has fought off all the nerfs and somehow taken them as buffs, now standing neck and neck with precisions and even some high-impacts for one burst ranges.
Season 17
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Roll: Killing Wind + High-Impact Reserves (also good: High-Impact Reserves)
The MessengerThe Messenger art
The Messenger
Pulse Rifle
Pulse RifleHigh-ImpactPrimaryKineticThe Final ShapeNoA › StrongTrials of OsirisError icon V2


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE & PvP God Roll: Rapid Hit (also good: Outlaw) + Kill Clip(also good: Desperado)

► Because Desperado is no longer exclusive to this pulse (and because the perk has suffered from a handful of nerfs), The Messenger isn't as popular as it once was. Kill Clip allows this weapon to continue to excel in PVP, but it isn't the monster it was previously.
Season 13
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE & PvP God Roll: Rapid Hit (also good: Outlaw) + Kill Clip(also good: Desperado)
ForgivenessForgiveness art
SidearmAggressive BurstPrimaryArcThe Final ShapeYesA › StrongTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Aggressive Burst

PvE God Roll: Demolitionist + Adrenaline Junkie
PvP God Roll: Moving Target + Adrenaline Junkie

► The first sidearm with an Adept variant; many have been waiting for something like it. Sadly, it only partially lived up to expectations. Its base stats are easily best in class and can benefit even more from Adept mods, giving it a great feel at base. However, its perks are fairly niche for PvP, making a lot of players pass on this weapon for now.
Season 17
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Aggressive Burst

PvE God Roll: Demolitionist + Adrenaline Junkie
PvP God Roll: Moving Target + Adrenaline Junkie
Whistler's WhimWhistler's Whim
Whistler's Whim
Combat Bow
Combat BowLightweightPrimaryKineticThe Final ShapeYesA › StrongTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Lightweight

PvE God Roll: Rapid Hit + Kill Clip (also good: Archer's Tempo)
PvP God Roll: Rapid Hit + Swaschbuckler (also good: Kill Clip )

► Thanks to recent buffs, Whistler's Whim is arguably the strongest lightweight bow in Destiny 2 right now. Not only does it roll with solid damage perks for both PvP and PvE, but it has the highest accuracy of any lightweight!
Season 18
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Lightweight

PvE God Roll: Rapid Hit + Kill Clip (also good: Archer's Tempo)
PvP God Roll: Rapid Hit + Swaschbuckler (also good: Kill Clip )
Exalted TruthExalted Truth art
Exalted Truth
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonAdaptivePrimaryVoidThe Final ShapeYesA › StrongTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
PvE + PvP
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Outlaw + Rampage (also good: Repulsor Brace)
PvP God Roll: Rangefinder + Rampage

► Currently one of the best legendary hand cannons available, Exalted Truth's difficult method of obtainability is balanced out by the weapon's pure power. With buildcrafting options for PvE and a plethora of consistency perks for The Crucible, this is a weapon that will be hard to top with future releases.
Season 19
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Outlaw + Rampage (also good: Repulsor Brace)
PvP God Roll: Rangefinder + Rampage
Astral HorizonDestiny 2 Astral Horizon
Astral Horizon
ShotgunAggressiveSpecialKineticThe Final ShapeYesA › StrongTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Aggressive

PvE God Roll: Threat Detector + Cascade Point (also good: Vorpal Weapon)

► Astral Horizon is better suited for PvE these days due to its decent perk pool for general play. Cascade Point is an interesting option, and Vorpal Weapon can boost the damage even more, making it a decent option.
Season 10
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Aggressive

PvE God Roll: Threat Detector + Cascade Point (also good: Vorpal Weapon)
IncisorIncisor art Destiny 2
Trace Rifle
Trace RifleAdaptiveSpecialStrandThe Final ShapeYesA › StrongTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Slice (also good: Subsistence) + Killing Tally

► While Incisor has seen increased competition with Episode: Echoes, it still continues to be a top option if you're looking for a trace rifle specifically. Being Strand, Incisor also has the added benefit of being a legendary version of The Navigator for those who don't have the exotic just yet!
Season 23
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Slice (also good: Subsistence) + Killing Tally
Igneous HammerIgneous Hammer art
Igneous Hammer
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonAggressivePrimarySolarThe Final ShapeYesA › StrongTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Aggressive

PvE God Roll: Rapid Hit (also good: Outlaw) + Rampage

► Igneous Hammer definitely isn't as popular as it was when it was first released, but the weapon still sees use in all areas of the game. With excellent stats and some top-tier perks on its side, Igneous continues to be one of the better 120 RPM hand cannons available.
Season 13
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Aggressive

PvE God Roll: Rapid Hit (also good: Outlaw) + Rampage
Cataphract GL3Cataphract GL3 art
Cataphract GL3
Grenade Launcher
Grenade LauncherAdaptiveHeavyStrandThe Final ShapeYesA › StrongTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Rolls: Impulse Amplifier + Vorpal Weapon

► Grenade Launchers are reliable options for PvP as they can typically secure very easy kills on multiple targets if you are accurate. On top of that, Cataphract features great stats and all the right perks to excel in high stakes PvP.
Season 22
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Rolls: Impulse Amplifier + Vorpal Weapon
Aisha's CareAisha's Care art Destiny 2
Aisha's Care
Pulse Rifle
Pulse RifleHeavy BurstPrimaryStrandThe Final ShapeYesA › StrongTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Heavy Burst

PvP God Roll: Zen Moment (also good: To The Pain) + Headseeker (also good: Moving Target)

► Stacked with utility and damage perks, Aisha’s truly is a weapon made for the Crucible. It can kill in 0.87 seconds, which is respectable, especially given its base range. It is also amazing for ‘peek-shooting’, which Pulse Rifles typically struggle with.
The Final Shape
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Heavy Burst

PvP God Roll: Zen Moment (also good: To The Pain) + Headseeker (also good: Moving Target)
Reed's RegretReed's Regret art
Reed's Regret
Linear Fusion Rifle
Linear Fusion RiflePrecisionHeavyStasisThe Final ShapeYesB › AverageTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Roll: Triple Tap + Firing Line

► Reed's Regret is significantly less popular than it was previously, now even to the point where the majority of players don't consider it a part of the meta. While this may be the case, Reed's Regret does fall generally in the middle of the pack here; it doesn't stack up to any S-Tier linear fusions, but it's inarguably the next best thing.
Season 15
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Roll: Triple Tap + Firing Line
Exile's CurseExiles Curse Destiny 2 art
Exile's Curse
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleHigh-ImpactSpecialArcThe Final ShapeNoB › AverageTrials of OsirisError icon V2


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Slideshot + Kickstart (also good: High-Impact Reserves)

► With Wizened Rebuke back in the mix, it is hard to recommend focusing your Trials engrams for this fusion. The old God Roll of Slideshot and Kickstart is still as powerful as ever, but there are far better fusions out there for both PvP and PvE
Season 10
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Slideshot + Kickstart (also good: High-Impact Reserves)
The InquisitorThe Inquisitor art
The Inquisitor
ShotgunPinpoint SlugSpecialArcThe Final ShapeYesB › AverageTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Pinpoint Slug

PvP God Roll: Perpetual Motion + Opening Shot (also good: Killing Wind)

► The Inquisitor is one of the stronger options if you are looking for an energy Slug Shotgun to use. However, you will be better served in the long run by Exotics like Duality, or a solid pellet shotgun like the Matador 64.
Season 18
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Pinpoint Slug

PvP God Roll: Perpetual Motion + Opening Shot (also good: Killing Wind)
Aisha's EmbraceAisha's Embrace art
Aisha's Embrace
Scout Rifle
Scout RifleRapid-FirePrimaryVoidThe Final ShapeYesC › WeakTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Shoot to Loot + Fourth Time's The Charm (also good: Triple Tap + Multi killclip)

► With a weak archetype, poor stats, and an uninspiring perk selection, this is a weapon you can safely ignore...
Season 16
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Shoot to Loot + Fourth Time's The Charm (also good: Triple Tap + Multi killclip)
Tomorrow's AnswerTomorrows Answer Destiny 2 art
Tomorrow's Answer
Rocket Launcher
Rocket LauncherHigh-ImpactHeavyVoidThe Final ShapeNoC › WeakTrials of OsirisError icon V2


Excels in:
Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Auto-Loading Holster + Lasting Impression

► While it was the most popular rocket launcher for a short while, Tomorrow's Answer is now drowned out by newer choices. And even though there are no substantial problems with it, Tomorrow's Answer isn't used nearly as often because its competition is better (and easier to get!).
Episode 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Auto-Loading Holster + Lasting Impression
The ScholarThe Scholar Destiny 2 art
The Scholar
Scout Rifle
Scout RifleHigh-ImpactPrimaryKineticThe Final ShapeNoC › WeakTrials of OsirisError icon V2


Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE/PvP God Roll: Opening Shot (also good: Snapshot Sights) + Vorpal Weapon

► With a weak archetype, poor stats, and an uninspiring perk selection, this is a weapon you can safely ignore...
Season 10
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE/PvP God Roll: Opening Shot (also good: Snapshot Sights) + Vorpal Weapon
Sola's ScarSola's Scar art
Sola's Scar
SwordCasterHeavySolarThe Final ShapeNoD › WorstTrials of OsirisError icon V2


Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Caster

PvE God Roll: Relentless Strikes + Chain Reaction (also good: Vorpal Weapon)

► One of the absolute worst options within its archetype; do not waste your time farming one of these...
Season 13
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Caster

PvE God Roll: Relentless Strikes + Chain Reaction (also good: Vorpal Weapon)
The ProphetThe Prophet art Destiny 2
The Prophet
Scout Rifle
Scout RifleAggressivePrimaryStasisThe Final ShapeYesOngoingTrials of OsirisCheckmark icon V3Ongoing...

Trials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Aggressive

PvE God Roll:

► Ongoing
Season 23
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Aggressive

PvE God Roll:

These are the different Tier levels used for this tier list:

  • S Tier – Best: Highest ranking weapons.
  • A Tier – Strong: Very strong weapons, but not on the same level as S Tier Choices.
  • B Tier – Average: Either decent weapons or weapons that fit a very specific niche/use case.
  • C Tier – Weak: Mediocre weapons that are easily outclassed by the competition.
  • D Tier – Worst: Weapons that don’t have much to offer and don’t deserve your attention.

🚨 Remember that all Trials of Osiris weapons come with two exclusive Origin Traits: Alacrity and One Quiet Moment.

Trials of Osiris weapons Destiny 2 900p

Trials rewards, Destiny 2

Trials of Osiris Weapon Focusing

You can use your hard-earned Trials of Osiris Engrams to focus them into the weapons you’re actively chasing. Note that you can’t focus a weapon until you find it in Trials of Osiris.

Trials  focusing costs

The cost to focus an Engram into a Trials weapon will vary between standard weapons and Adept weapons:

Cost Weapon Adept Weapon
Engram 1 3
Glimmer 20,000 50,000
Adept Cipher 0 10

Trials of Osiris Armor

These are the three Trials of Osiris armor sets available in Destiny 2:

Armor SetReleasedTitan PreviewHunter PreviewWarlock PreviewSourceObtainable?
Atavistic Idol
Trials of Osiris
Season 17Atavistic Armor TitanAtavistic Idol Armor HunterAtavistic Idol Armor WarlockTrials of OsirisYes
Pyrrhic Ascent
Trials of Osiris Focusing
Season 13Destiny 2 Pyrrhic Ascent Titan femalePyrrhic Ascent Armor HunterPyrrhic Ascent armor WarlockTrials of Osiris FocusingYes
Trials of Osiris Focusing
Season 10Exile Armor TitanExile Armor HunterExile Armor WarlockTrials of Osiris FocusingYes

Armor Focusing costs

The cost to focus an  Armor piece will vary between previously discovered items by the player and new items:

Cost Trials New Trials
Engram 3 7
Glimmer 25,000 10,000
Legendary Shards 25 100

Adept Trials weapons

Trials of Osiris Adept weapons, reserved for Flawless runs, offer better stats (via an improved Masterwork) and can accept Adept mods, which are superior to normal mods. Needless to say, Trials Adept weapons are superior and a major flex for hardcore players.

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. Kodex

    The map spawns have changed in comp they are now both in the outer area

  2. NoTrialsWINs

    Opening Trials Engrams: “…you will receive a Trials item you don’t already have in your collection”

    Sadly, not true. Only missing Prophet and Summoner but got Messenger and Eye of Sol.

  3. 1nsanity

    Its listed as ‘This week’s Trial of Osiris weapon is The Messenger Scout rifle. ‘ suppose to say Pulse as this weeks drop not ‘Scout Rifle’ and its ‘Trials of Osiris’ not ‘Trial’.

    • Ric Molina

      100% correct. My toddler was screaming and I was on a rush….

      Thanks for the heads up!

  4. Zin Manga Apk

    Thanks for the update! I was hoping to see the new rewards this week and your post saved me some time.GL with next week’s playlist!

  5. chloe

    i think that having to buy the new dlc to get access to even play trails of Osiris is the dumbest idea ever it should be a free activity but then again its Bungie so i am not that surprised it is behind a pay wall


    Great breakdown of this week’s Trials rewards! I’m really excited to chase that new hand cannon. Any tips for maximizing my chances this weekend?

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