Destiny 2 Forbearance: God Rolls & How to get it

by | Apr 23, 2024

One of the most powerful weapons in Destiny 2 history has been reprised with the release of Into the Light. Forbearance returns with some fan-favourite perks but also some options that look to shake up the meta.


How good is the BRAVE Forbearance?

Forbearance is returning with many of the same perks, which immediately makes it one of the best weapons in the entire game. However, somehow, Forbearance has reached another level as it has come with Demolitionist, a brilliant perk for builds involving Grenades.

In PvP, Forbearance isn’t too good, as it comes with hardly any PvP-focused perks. While certain Wave Frames are decent in PvP, like Explosive Personality, Forbearance doesn’t really follow this trend.

Forbearance, especially the BRAVE variant, is a game-changer in PvE. Packed with a plethora of powerful perks, both old and new, Forbearance can single-handedly take care of your add-clearing needs. It’s a must-have for any player serious about PvE in Destiny 2.

Tier Rank & “Roles”: Forbearance is S-Tier in both PvE (General use and Ad clear) and C-tier for PvP.

S-tier for PvE C-tier for PvP

Best alternatives:

Forbearance Perks and God Rolls

The Forbearance grenade launcher can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Unrelenting, Stats for All, Demolitionist, Ambitious Assassin, Surplus, Steady Hands, and Disruption Break
  • Perk 2: Wellspring, Golden Tricorn, One for All, Bait and Switch, Rampage, Chain Reaction, and Desperate Measures
  • Origin Trait: Indomitability
Forbearance God Rolls infographic Destiny 2

Forbearance God Rolls, Destiny 2

Forbearance PvE god rolls

PvE Roll: All-Around
Barrel Quick Launch
Magazine High-Velocity Rounds
Perk 1 Demolitionist (also good: Ambitious Assassin)
Perk 2 Chain Reaction (also good: One for All)
Masterwork Reload Speed (also good: Handling)

Making sure that Handling is as high as possible is always good in PvE in order to make weapons feel nicer to use, so Quick Launch and High-Velocity Rounds are the best options here with a Reload Speed or Handling Masterwork.

Perk 1 allows you to choose between Demolitionist and Ambitious Assassin. Demolitionist is unique to this variant of Forbearance and should definitely be the focus, as you can always choose Ambitious Assassin on your Vow of the Disciple roll. Chain Reaction is the best perk for slot 2, but One for All is usable.

Forbearance PvP god rolls

PvE Roll: All-Around
Barrel Quick Launch
Magazine High-Velocity Rounds
Perk 1 Disruption Break (also good: Surplus)
Perk 2 Golden Tricorn
Masterwork Handling

High Handling is key in PvP, in particular, making Quick Launch, High-Velocity Rounds, and Handling must-haves as they make the gun feel much nicer to use.

Disruption Break in the first column allows players to potentially use Forbearance as a swap weapon, making it rather potent in this regard. However, the second column is entirely useless in this regard as the point of Disruption Break is to secure the kill with your Kinetic weapon. However, Golden Tricorn provides the highest 7-second kill buff at base, making it the best out of a bad bunch in the second column.

How to get Forbearance (Brave)

You can obtain Forbearance by completing 10-wave rounds in Onslaught. Upon defeating the boss at the end of each set of 10 waves, a chest (or two if you’re on Legend difficulty) will spawn. Players can also increase their odds of getting Forbearance by completing the attunement quest from Arcite, causing the game to drop many more Forbearances.

Alternatively, players can save up their Trophies of Bravery and unlock the chest near Shaxx repeatedly in hopes of obtaining the Grenade Launcher. Again, attuning to Forbearance will increase the drop rate from the chests. We cover the entire Brave Weapons Rotation here.

How to get The Recluse Screen Destiny 2

How to get Forbearance, Destiny 2

You can find all of our Destiny 2 God Rolls here.

Before you go

Interested in more top-tier weapons from Into the Light? You should definitely check out these Hammerhead God Rolls.

About The Author

Matthew Evans
Matthew Evans
I've been hooked on Destiny 2 for years now... I've racked up countless hours and plenty of experience, which I hope to share with Blueberries who want to get involved with Destiny. You can find Matthew on Twitter.
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