Best DPS Weapons Destiny 2: DPS Chart

by | Jan 11, 2024

Short for Damage per Second, DPS dictates how much damage you can deal to Bosses or Majors per second. Combining burst damage, rate of fire, and reload speeds, DPS is the best indicator of a weapon’s lethality in PvE.

For the sake of clarity, DPS in Destiny 2 is calculated per archetype and not per weapon (excluding some Exotics). For example, all adaptive Sniper Rifles deal the same damage per bullet at the same rate of fire and, therefore, do the same DPS.

Destiny 2 DPS Chart: Spreedsheet

Checkmark icon V3Updated as of Season of the Wish (S23).

In this section, DPS refers to the average damage per second a weapon can inflict. You can read more about the methodology used here. We will keep things simple and focus on the Sustained DPS values of every weapon archetype in the game, therefore excluding Damage perks.

The table below also includes examples of the most popular weapons per archetype.

Destiny 2 Highest DPS Weapons: Heavy ammo

-Weapon TypeArchetypeSustained DPSMag DPSTotal DamageSpecs---Best in ClassChange?Ammo
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2Combat Bow


3863638636780645/w CatalystDestiny 2 Leviathan's Breath artLeviathan's BreathBuffedHeavy
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2Rocket Launcher


3742537425791532-Destiny 2 Deathbringer artDeathbringerSameHeavy
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2Sniper Rifle


36113361131023196/w CatalystDestiny 2 Whisper of the Worm artWhisper of the WormBuffedHeavy
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade Launcher


3213932139467950x20 AveragedParasite artParasiteSameHeavy
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


3186235866525080-Destiny 2 One Thousand Voices artOne Thousand VoicesSameHeavy
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade Launcher


3143349979346771-Destiny 2 The Prospector artThe ProspectorSameHeavy
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion Rifle


2971734498703216/w CatalystDestiny 2 Sleeper Simulant artSleeper SimulantBuffedHeavy
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade LauncherAdaptive2701937692358074-Memory Interdict artMemory InterdictSameHeavy


2672928310641699-Winterbite artWinterbiteHeavy
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2Sniper Rifle


2588437128587922With "Personal Assistant"Destiny 2 DARCI artD.A.R.C.I.NerfedHeavy
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade LauncherRapid-Fire2556937715346978- class=Berenger's MemorySameHeavy
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2Shotgun


2324829425609900-Destiny 2 Legend of Acrius artLegend of AcriusBuffedHeavy
Machine gun weapon type Destiny 2Machine Gun


2245733064562088-Destiny 2 XenophageXenophageSameHeavy
Machine gun weapon type Destiny 2Machine Gun


222351365141378482-Grand Overture artGrand OvertureSameHeavy
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade Launcher


2201432618251622-Destiny 2 The Colony artThe ColonySameHeavy
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2Rocket Launcher


2166521665604460-Destiny 2 Two-Tailed Fox artTwo-Tailed FoxSameHeavy
Machine gun weapon type Destiny 2Machine Gun


21247309711994829-Destiny 2 Thunderlord artThunderlordBuffedHeavy
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion Rifle


2090125186483576With "Marksman Sights"Destiny 2 The Queenbreaker artThe QueenbreakerBuffedHeavy
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade LauncherCompressed Wave2077733600319200With Spike GrenadesDimensional Hypotrochoid artDimensional HypotrochoidSameHeavy
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2Rocket Launcher


2017929058363220-Gjallarhorn artGjallarhornNewHeavy
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion RifleAggressive1986621459712188-Stormchaser artStormchaserNewHeavy
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2Rocket Launcher


1953625267284256-Destiny 2 Truth artTruthSameHeavy
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2Rocket LauncherAdaptive1900319003401913-Apex Predator art Destiny 2Apex PredatorSameHeavy
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2Rocket LauncherAggressive1900319003401913-Hezen Vengeance artHezen VengeanceSameHeavy
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2Rocket Launcher


1876118761609720- class=Eyes of TomorrowSameHeavy
Machine gun weapon type Destiny 2Machine Gun


1872123640945600-Destiny 2 Heir Apparent artHeir ApparentBuffedHeavy
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion RiflePrecision1849020453500066-Reed's Regret artReed's RegretBuffedHeavy
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2Rocket Launcher


1775217752433152-Destiny 2 The Wardcliff CoilThe Wardcliff CoilSameHeavy
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2Rocket LauncherPrecision1734617346354382-Ascendancy artAscendancySameHeavy
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2Rocket LauncherHakke Precision1609616096365390-Palmyra-B artPalmyra-BSameHeavy
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2Shotgun


1594918136285642After debuffDestiny 2 Tractor Cannon artTractor CannonSameHeavy
Sword weapon type Destiny 2SwordLightweight703286703288-Quickfang artQuickfangSameHeavy
Sword weapon type Destiny 2SwordAggressive694000694000-Crown-Splitter artCrown-SplitterSameHeavy
Sword weapon type Destiny 2Sword


693680667667-Destiny 2 Worldline Zero artWorldline ZeroHeavy
Sword weapon type Destiny 2Sword


Sword weapon type Destiny 2SwordAdaptive545216550614-Half-Truths artHalf-TruthsSameHeavy
Sword weapon type Destiny 2Sword


468225485568-Destiny 2 Black TalonBlack TalonSameHeavy
Sword weapon type Destiny 2SwordCaster444176453432-Sola's Scar artSola's ScarSameHeavy
Sword weapon type Destiny 2SwordVortex437262439574-Falling Guillotine artFalling GuillotineSameHeavy
Sword weapon type Destiny 2Sword


63051917118-The Lament Destiny 2The LamentSameHeavy
Machine gun weapon type Destiny 2Machine GunRapid-Fire1388018930779916-Recurrent Impact artRecurrent ImpactBuffedHeavy
Machine gun weapon type Destiny 2Machine Gun


12771182041074280-Deterministic Chaos artDeterministic ChaosHeavy
Machine gun weapon type Destiny 2Machine GunAdaptive1212416290977400- class=CommemorationBuffedHeavy
Machine gun weapon type Destiny 2Machine GunHigh-Impact11837150601104400-THE SWARM artTHE SWARMBuffedHeavy
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade Launcher


10630106301013420-Destiny 2 AnarchyAnarchySameHeavy
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade Launcher


3410392270596-Salvation's Grip Destiny 2Salvation's GripHeavy

Destiny 2 Best DPS Weapons: Special ammo

-Weapon TypeArchetypeSustained DPSMag DPSTotal DamageSpecs---Best in ClassChange?Ammo
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2Shotgun


29183134242/w CatalystDestiny 2 The Fourth Horseman artThe Fourth HorsemanBuffedSpecial
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2Sniper Rifle


2822634280-Cloudstrike Destiny 2CloudstrikeSameSpecial
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2Shotgun


2622925858620587-Conditional Finality artConditional FinalitySpecial
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2Shotgun


2520435055/w Catalyst, "Release the Wolves"Destiny 2 Lord of Wolves artLord of WolvesBuffedSpecial
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2Shotgun


2477244011225078With "Roadborne"Destiny 2 The Chaperone artThe ChaperoneSameSpecial
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2Shotgun


2420224202/w Catalyst, aiming down sightsDuality Destiny 2DualitySameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


2341324551451119-Destiny 2 Merciless artMercilessSameSpecial
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2Sniper Rifle


2220022200/w Catalyst, 4x "Honed Edge"Destiny 2 Izanagi's BurdenIzanagi's BurdenSameSpecial
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2Sidearm


1932125653669552-Forerunner artForerunnerSameSpecial
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion Rifle


1817020574488819-Destiny 2 Arbalest artArbalestSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


1796320882701631-Destiny 2 BastionBastionSameSpecial
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2Sniper RifleRapid-Fire1677823240368520-IKELOS_SR_v1.0.2 artIKELOS_SR_v1.0.3SameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


1615618956/w CatalystDestiny 2 JotunnJötunnSameSpecial
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade Launcher


1602716027Max "Enrage"Ex Diris artEx DirisSpecial
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Linear Fusion Rifle


1580017891425063-Lorentz Driver artLorentz DriverSameSpecial
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2Sniper RifleAggressive1539119722302404- class=SuccessionSameSpecial
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand Cannon


1527217801474680With "First Glance"Destiny 2 Eriana's Vow artEriana's VowSameSpecial
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2Trace Rifle


1519518525685425-Ruinous Effigy Destiny 2Ruinous Effigy Special
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2Sniper RifleAdaptive1514019307386136-Uzume RR4 artUzume RR4SameSpecial
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2Sniper Rifle


1514019307386136-Destiny 2 Borealis artBorealisSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


1512616859546240-Delicate TombDelicate TombSpecial
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2SidearmRocket-Assisted1418814595595476-Indebted Kindness art preview Destiny 2Indebted KindnessSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


1404715491470316/w CatalystDestiny 2 Telesto artTelestoSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion RifleAggressive1403014867318752- class=Coriolis ForceSameSpecial
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2ShotgunRapid-Fire1398524052319704-Dead Weight artDead WeightBuffedSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion RifleHigh-Impact1396115043431585-Glacioclasm art Destiny 2GlacioclasmSameSpecial
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2Trace Rifle


1381916638410868At Max chargeDestiny 2 Coldheart artColdheartBuffedSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion RifleRapid-Fire1344014519360954-Cartesian Coordinate artCartesian CoordinateSameSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion RifleAdaptive1323614607388850-Trinary System artTrinary SystemSameSpecial
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2Sidearm


1302414760761616-Buried Bloodline art preview Destiny 2Buried BloodlineSpecial


1296415327379335-Vexcalibur artVexcaliburSpecial
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2ShotgunPinpoint Slug1288917718343455- class=HeritageNerfedSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion Rifle


1271114853406525-Tessellation artTessellationSpecial
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2ShotgunLightweight1262818816297065-Wastelander M5 artWastelander M5BuffedSpecial
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2ShotgunAggressive1241115708398559-Found Verdict artFound VerdictBuffedSpecial
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2ShotgunPrecision1168615912358006-Matador 64 artMatador 64BuffedSpecial
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2Trace Rifle


1126513585543400AverageDestiny 2 Wavesplitter artWavesplitterBuffedSpecial
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2Fusion RiflePrecision1033411331334026-Deliverance art v2DeliveranceSameSpecial
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2Trace Rifle


1029511388With "Judgement"Destiny 2 Divinity artDivinitySameSpecial
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade Launcher


97799779-Witherhoard art Destiny 2WitherhoardSameSpecial
 class=GlaiveRapid-Fire971911237261268-Greasy Luck art Destiny 2Greasy LuckSpecial
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade LauncherDouble Fire94909490322854-Wilderflight artWilderflightSameSpecial
 class=GlaiveAdaptive91599829332413-Ecliptic Distaff artEcliptic DistaffSpecial


91599829310967-Edge of Action artEdge of ActionSpecial
 class=GlaiveAggressive89059169366750-Albedo Wing art Destiny 2Albedo WingSpecial


865011237261268-Edge of Concurrence artEdge of ConcurrenceSpecial
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2Trace RifleAdaptive848910170407478-Appetence art Destiny 2AppetenceSpecial
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2Trace Rifle


838910170394596-The Navigator art Destiny 2The NavigatorSpecial


79139776430155-Edge of Intent artEdge of IntentSpecial
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade LauncherLightweight77577757289041-Ignition Code artIgnition CodeSameSpecial
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2Trace Rifle


74138940298000-Destiny 2 Prometheus Lens artPrometheus LensBuffedSpecial
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade LauncherWave67416741251160-Forbearance art v2ForbearanceSameSpecial
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade Launcher


67416741251160-Dead Messenger artDead MessengerSpecial
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2Trace Rifle


27587354947/w CatalystAger's Scepter artAger's ScepterSameSpecial

Destiny 2 DPS Weapons:Primary ammo

-Weapon TypeArchetypeSustained DPSMag DPSTotal DamageSpecs---Best in ClassChange?Ammo
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto Rifle


1656118221-Destiny 2 Tommy's Matchbook artTommy's MatchbookSamePrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto Rifle


1578815788w/ Catalyst, Rounds + RocketsQuicksilver Storm artQuicksilver StormSamePrimary
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2Combat Bow


1570615706w/ Catalyst, "Guidance Ring"Hierarchy of Needs artHierarchy of NeedsPrimary
SMG weapon type Destiny 2SMG


1570022425With "Ravenous Beast"Destiny 2 Tarrabah artTarrabahSamePrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2Sidearm


1460718390Laser mixFinal Warning artFinal WarningPrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout Rifle


1415314153"TOM"Touch of Malice artTouch of MalicePrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse Rifle


1132814573With x5 "nanites"Destiny 2 Outbreak Perfected artOutbreak PerfectedSamePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand Cannon


1094313668/w CatalystDestiny 2 Malfeasance artMalfeasanceSamePrimary
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2Combat Bow


1074110741-Destiny 2 Wish Ender artWish-EnderSamePrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto Rifle


1072312702Precision damage DPSDestiny 2 Cerberus+1 artCerberus+1SamePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand Cannon


1067815274/w Catalyst class=HawkmoonSamePrimary
SMG weapon type Destiny 2SMG


1066614300-Osteo Striga artOsteo StrigaSamePrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse Rifle


984398434-burst, Rounds + "Hunter's Trace"Revision Zero artRevision ZeroPrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2Sidearm


974911841-Destiny 2 Devil's Ruin artDevil's RuinSamePrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto Rifle


961411814-Vex Mythoclast artVex MythoclastSamePrimary
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2Combat Bow


93709370w/ Catalyst and x6 "Causality Arrows"Ticuu's Divination artTicuu's DivinationPrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto Rifle


931311022Average per magDestiny 2 Sweet Business artSweet BusinessSamePrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2Sidearm


856011022With "Rat Pack x2"Destiny 2 Rat King artRat KingSamePrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout Rifle


80228022With "Perfect Fifth"Destiny 2 Polaris Lance artPolaris LanceSamePrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2Sidearm


77489640/w CatalystTraveler's Chosen Destiny 2Traveler's ChosenPrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2SidearmOmolon Adaptive77189084High stability, decent elsewhereThe Vision artThe VisionSamePrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2SidearmAdaptive (3-burst)77189084High aim assist, decent elsewhere class=DrangSamePrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout Rifle


75888396When aiming down sightsDestiny 2 Skyburner's Oath art V2Skyburner's OathSamePrimary
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2Grenade Launcher


75557555/w CatalystDestiny 2 Fighting Lion artFighting LionSamePrimary
SMG weapon type Destiny 2SMG


746011124"Ride the Bull" averageDestiny 2 The Huckleberry artThe HuckleberrySamePrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout Rifle


727010770/w CatalystDead Man's Tale artDead Man's TaleSamePrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2SidearmSUROS Rapid-Fire72509128Good recoil, very low range & aim assistPunching Out artPunching OutSamePrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2SidearmPrecision70798441Excellent aim assist, low stability & handlingA Swift Verdict artA Swift VerdictSamePrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2SidearmLightweight70319054High handling, very low rangeRedback-5si artRedback-5siSamePrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2SidearmAggressive Burst69737860High aim assist, low stability & handlingBrass Attacks artBrass AttacksSamePrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2Sidearm


65518441-Cryosthesia 77K artCryosthesia 77KPrimary
SMG weapon type Destiny 2SMG


64989540w/ "Arc Conductor"Destiny 2 RiskrunnerRiskrunnerSamePrimary
SMG weapon type Destiny 2SMGLightweight64639255High aim assist and handling, low rangeFunnelweb artFunnelwebSamePrimary
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2Combat Bow


63896389-Destiny 2 Le Monarque artLe MonarqueSamePrimary
SMG weapon type Destiny 2SMG


63599255GroundedThe Manticore artThe ManticorePrimary
SMG weapon type Destiny 2SMGAggressive62938904High range, low aim assistUnforgiven artUnforgivenSamePrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse Rifle


62857117-Destiny 2 Graviton Lance artGraviton LanceSamePrimary
SMG weapon type Destiny 2SMGPrecision61498180Excellent range & aim assist, low handlingShayura's Wrath artShayura's WrathSamePrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout Rifle


61158471-Wicked ImplementWicked ImplementPrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand Cannon


60987022"Soul Devourer"Destiny 2 ThornThornSamePrimary
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2Sidearm


60759084-Trespasser artTrespasserPrimary
SMG weapon type Destiny 2SMGAdaptive60658685High stability & range, poor recoilThe Hero's Burden artThe Hero's BurdenSamePrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout Rifle


56235623-Destiny 2 The Jade Rabbit artThe Jade RabbitPrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto Rifle


56166023-Centrifuse art Destiny 2CentrifusePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand Cannon


55139803-Destiny 2 The Last WordThe Last WordSamePrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto RifleRapid-Fire54566216High aim assist, low rangeChroma Rush artChroma RushSamePrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto Rifle


54356840-Necrochasm art Destiny 2NecrochasmSamePrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse Rifle


53945394w/ Catalyst; "Time-skip Portal"No Time to Explain Destiny 2No Time to ExplainSamePrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto Rifle


53826630-Destiny 2 Monte CarloMonte CarloPrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse Rifle


53306316-Destiny 2 Vigilance Wing artVigilance WingSamePrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto Rifle


53067223Spinning Up modeDestiny 2 SUROS RegimeSUROS RegimeSamePrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto RiflePrecision51726023High range, low aim assistPrice artShadow PriceSamePrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto RifleAdaptive51156030High handlingGnawing Hunger artGnawing HungerSamePrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout RifleRapid-Fire50555889High stability, very low rangeAisha's Embrace artAisha's EmbraceBuffedPrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto Rifle


49916030-Destiny 2 Hard LightHard LightPrimary
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2Auto RifleHigh-Impact48235436Excellent range, low stabilityAge-Old Bond art Destiny 2Age-Old BondSamePrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout Rifle


47805717-Destiny 2 MIDA Multi Tool artMIDA Multi-ToolPrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout RiflePrecision46725307High stability, decent elsewhereVision of Confluence artVision of ConfluenceSamePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand Cannon


46366418"Momento Mori"Destiny 2 Ace of Spades artAce of SpadesPrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout RifleHigh-Impact46275113Excellent range, low aim assist class=The ScholarSamePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand Cannon


45526730-Destiny 2 CrimsonCrimsonSamePrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout RifleLightweight44935197Excellent aim assist & handling, low range class=Night WatchSamePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand CannonPrecision43365244High stability, poor handling class=PosterityBuffedPrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand CannonLightweight43275215-Rose artRosePrimary
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2Combat BowPrecision43184318680 ms Draw timeUnder Your Skin artUnder Your SkinSamePrimary
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2Combat Bow


42074207-Destiny 2 Trinity Ghoul artTrinity GhoulPrimary
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2Combat BowLightweight41794179640 ms Draw time class=Arsenic Bite-4bSamePrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse RifleRapid-Fire41524788High aim assist, low rangePiece of Mind artPiece of MindSamePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand Cannon


40715120-Destiny 2 Sturm artSturmPrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse RifleAdaptive40394589High handling, decent rangeThe Third Axiom artThe Third AxiomSamePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand Cannon


40185215-Destiny 2 Lumina artLuminaPrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand CannonAggressive39924654High range, low stability and handlingIgneous Hammer artIgneous HammerSamePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand Cannon


39855363-Destiny 2 Sunshot artSunshotPrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse RifleHigh-Impact39834465High range & recoil, low aim assistThe Messenger artThe MessengerSamePrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse RifleAggressive Burst39434418Excellent range, low aim assistInsidious art v2InsidiousSamePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand CannonAdaptive39344741Good stability, decent rangeEyasluna artEyaslunaSamePrimary
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2Combat Bow


38963896-Verglas Curve artVerglas CurvePrimary
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2Hand CannonDouble Fire38844902-Warden's Law artWarden's LawPrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse Rifle


38834589-Collective Obligation artCollective ObligationPrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout Rifle


38724085x5 Revolution mixDestiny 2 Symmetry artSymmetryPrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse RifleLightweight38394455Excellent handling, low rangeOgma PR6 artOgma PR6SamePrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse RifleLegacy PR-5538044455Excellent handling, low rangeBxR-55 Battler artBxR-55 BattlerSamePrimary
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2Scout RifleAggressive34494656-Long Arm artLong ArmPrimary
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2Pulse Rifle


09810String of Curses x5Destiny 2 Bad Juju artBad JujuPrimary

These are important things to understand when reading these tables:

  1. Damage perks will significantly change maximum DPS values

Just as the Destiny 2 Meta and TTK values, DPS values can dramatically change from season to season. Make sure you revisit this page at least once per season. Also, these tables use the excellent data from the Destiny 2: Quantum Damage-ics spreadsheet. A big thank you to XboxUser123 for a great job.

About the Destiny 2 DPS Meta: Power Weapons

Keep in mind that the top Power weapons are not only defined by their raw DPS or Total Damage. Many other things come into play. Some of them are almost as important as raw damage.

For example, just as damage numbers and ease of use are extremely important, a weapon’s role is critical too. This is especially true for Heavy weapons:

Role Explanation Target Weapon types
Add Clear Clearing weaker enemies faster than you could with a primary ammo weapon. For most content, primaries do the add clear job perfectly well, so this is most useful in high-difficulty PvE. Main: Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Swords

Secondary: Rocket Launchers

Single Target Damage Burning down a boss. Main: Linear Fusion Rifles, Exotic Snipers, Swords

Secondary: Grenade Launchers, Machine Guns

Burst Damage Burning down a champion quickly, or for bosses with multiple damage phases, clearing a phase quickly. Main: Rocket Launchers

Secondary: Linear Fusion Rifles

Based on that, when choosing a Power weapon, always keep in mind the type of damage you need.

DPS Chart: Methodology

About the DPS numbers: As mentioned before, the DPS figures used for this Tier list come from the excellent Destiny 2: Quantum Damage-ics database.

As explained in that document:

Mag DPS or “True DPS” > The amount of DPS without considering reloading or of a single magazine. It is the same in both the DPS of a single magazine and the DPS of omitting reloads entirely and focusing solely on damage and fire rate. Note that some weapons have a unique 1-mag DPS compared to their theoretical “True DPS” counterpart due to how they work (ex. The Fourth Horseman).

Sustained DPS > The amount of DPS while also considering reloading. This is the DPS you would expect to have for DPS phases, assuming you had infinite reserves. Note that this also assumes you reload the frame you finish firing the weapon, with the combat loop of: shoot > shoot > … > shoot > shoot last round & reload > repeat.

The Last Word

Seasoned PVE players have a good understanding of the current PVE meta, and by extension, DPS values. However, if all of this is new to you, the chart above will help you better decide what weapons to bring to your next PVE challenge.

And by the way, even if you’re a veteran, it’s always good to have these figures at hand!

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. blueberry

    Seems to be broken for me? All 3 sections show heavy weapons.

    • Ric (aka Prim)

      That was a bad bug… Thanks a lot for letting me know, that bug would have stayed up there for a while if you hadn’t altert me. Cheers

  2. berry of blue

    thunderlord and heir apparent thumbnails are switched

    • Ric (aka Prim)

      Thanks for the heads up! It is now corrected!

      • COld

        What outbreak dps

  3. vaio

    seems like Tarrabah is missing from the primary weapon list.

  4. Friend

    Can you update this to the Witch Queen changes.

  5. :(

    There is no way promethous lens deals 285k burst damage :/

    • Ric "Prim" Molina

      You’re absolutely right. That was an error on my database (it was showing the same as Total damage). Corrected now, thanks for the heads up!

  6. Oz

    No witch queen legendary or crafted weapons are top of their class? Was curious how a crafted weapon at level 20 would stack up.
    Only witch queen exotics made the cut?

  7. Oz

    Sorting by average dps on heavy weapons section shows the top 5 results out of order

  8. Nathanael

    Can we please add Element to the chart?

  9. Joseph King

    Where is Touch of Malice?

  10. kowiii

    can you try testing the bequest, it has the highest impact of all adaptive swords, and i want to know if that makes a diference

  11. nemo

    are those value aligned to season 20

  12. Veggies

    Can we get an update on this?

  13. Litch

    Why isnt dragons breath in the heavy weapons, yet its considered the king of launchers by most end game level players?

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