Destiny 2 Striker: Best Builds, Exotics & Fragments

by | Feb 1, 2024

Striker is one of the five Titan subclasses available in Destiny 2. As of Season of the Wish (S23), Striker may be a somewhat average subclass, but it still has much to offer.

This guide covers the best Striker titan builds, Fragments, and Exotics that make the Striker subclass unique in its own way.

What is Striker in Destiny 2?

Striker is the name of the Arc-based subclass available to Titans in Destiny 2. 

Best Striker Fragments & Exotics

Titan Arc 3.0 featured

Striker (Arc 3.0)

  • Ranking: B Average

After the addition of Arc 3.0, Striker Titan has become one of the most dominant subclasses throughout the various parts of the game. The combination of powerful aspects and fragments makes the Striker Titan one of the best ad-clearing subclasses in the game that is still able to do high single-target damage thanks to the Thundercrash super.

Preferred Exotic: Heart of Inmost Light is the best Titan exotic here due to the insane amount of ability regen it provides. An Insurmountable Skullfort and Armamentarium are also viable options. The Cuirass of the Falling Star makes Thundercrash an extremely potent super.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
An Insurmountable Skullfort Titan Destiny 2

An Insurmountable Skullfort

TitanHelmFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Kills with Arc melee abilities trigger health regeneration and restore melee energy.
Armamentarium Titan Destiny 2


TitanChestFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 3Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Gain an additional grenade charge.
Cuirass of the Falling Star Titan Destiny 2

Cuirass of the Falling Star

TitanChestBeyond LightLost SectorsSeason 13Beyond Light Destiny 2 icon
Beyond Light
Greatly increases your Thundercrash impact damage. Gain an overshield that lasts longer the farther you travel before striking a target.
Heart of Inmost Light Titan Destiny 2

Heart of Inmost Light

TitanChestForsaken PackExotic EngramsSeason 4Forsaken Destiny 2 icon
Forsaken Pack
Using an ability (grenade, melee, or Barricade) empowers the other two abilities. Empowered means abilities have faster regen, melees and grenades do more damage, and Barricades have more hit points.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Touch of Thunder and Knockout are the two best. Juggernaut can be used in certain situations but the benefits of Knockout and Touch of Thunder outweigh its own.
  • Fragments: Spark of Magnitude, Spark of Resistance, Spark of Shock, Spark of Ions.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Resilience, Discipline, Recovery.
  • Abilities: Thundercrash is the best option over Striker. Ad-clear is already well covered by the rest of the subclass so Striker has little value. Touch of Thunder makes Pulse, Flashbang, Storm Grenades and Lightning Grenades viable options. Pulse Grenades are now the best option due to them generating Ionic Traces - a valuable source of ability regeneration. The best melee options are Seismic Strike and Thunderclap for their blinding effects and high damage, respectively.


Striker Titan builds for PvE

These are some of the best Destiny 2 Striker builds right now; you can find more excellent Titan builds here:

Titan Arc 3.0 featured

God of Thunder

Excels In: Casual Content (Seasonal Activities, Strikes, etc.)

Goal of the Build: This build aims to turn you into the ultimate ad clearing machine harnessing the power of Arc 3.0 and the Heart of Inmost Light exotic.

Mandatory gear: Heart of Inmost Light. An Ad-clear weapon with Demolitionist is recommended.

  • Aspects: Touch of Thunder and Knockout.
  • Fragments: Spark of Magnitude, Spark of Shock, and Spark of Ions.
  • Abilities: Storm Grenades, Thruster, Shoulder Charge.
  • Stats: Resilience 🡒 Discipline.
  • Mods: Heart of Inmost Light doesn’t require any mods to excel, but mods that help reduce ability cooldowns help strengthen this build.

Gameplay Loop

This is one of the strongest builds in Destiny with a very simple and easy playstyle. It excels in both solo and team content.

The playstyle of this build revolves around the Heart of Inmost Light and maintaining high ability uptime. Heart of Inmost Light’s exotic perk ‘Overflowing Light’ empowers your abilities when you use one. This increases both the damage and the regeneration of your abilities. This can stack up to 2x for each ability, and the goal is to maintain a 2x stack by using your abilities whenever they are off cooldown.

When Heart of Inmost Light is combined with storm grenades and the required aspects/fragments, you can achieve a 100% uptime on your grenade. These nades are extremely good for both ad clear and damaging bosses. With this aspect, they roam around following enemies, which makes them even more deadly. Any enemies that survive the constant barrage of thunder from the roaming grenades can be easily dealt with using your empowered melee. This results in one of, if not the best ad clearing builds in the game currently.


Striker Subclass in PvP (Strand)

Striker (Arc 3.0)

  • Ranking: B Average

Arc Subclass Destiny 2 iconWhile Sentinel has seen a major surge in usage thanks to zone-based modes dominating the competitive scene, Strikers still excel in elimination modes. Their entire kit is built for chaining, such as the Knock-Out aspect for health on melee kills and the Thruster class ability to close in on the next target. When paired with the right fragments, it might be hard to stop this train once it leaves the station.

Preferred Exotic: There are a few Arc-based exotics that work well with Striker in PvP, but the best exotics are ones that enhance the already powerful neutral game that Striker offers. These include Dunemarchers, Synthoceps, and One-Eyed Mask.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Dunemarchers Titan Destiny 2


TitanLegsFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Increases sprint speed. Sprinting builds up a static charge. After melee-attacking an enemy, that charge will chain damage to nearby enemies.
One-Eyed Mask Titan Destiny 2

One-Eyed Mask

TitanHelmForsaken PackExotic EngramsSeason 4Forsaken Destiny 2 icon
Forsaken Pack
Highlights the enemy who dares to damage you. Track down and destroy your enemy for an overshield.
Synthoceps Titan Destiny 2


TitanArmsFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Increased melee lunge range. Improved melee and Super damage when you're surrounded.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Knockout and Touch of Thunder are the aspects to use for PVP. Knockout is incredibly strong with the increased melee range and damage combined with the health regeneration. Touch of Thunder makes the already strong grenades even more deadly.
  • Fragments: Spark of Magnitude, Spark of Feedback, Spark of Recharge, Spark of Momentum.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Recovery, Discipline, Resilience.
  • Abilities: Seismic Strike is the best overall melee. It provides extra movement and is great for shotgun clean-ups. Ballistic Slam can also be great for engaging when paired with exotics like Dunemarchers or Synthoceps but is riskier. Lightning Grenades are the best choice after recent nerfs to Storm Grenades. Touch of Thunder gives you two and allows them to jolt targets which is incredibly potent for PVP. Towering Barricade is the best option for 3v3 competitive modes due to the safe utility it provides. Thruster is a good option for faster-paced game modes like 6v6. Thundercrash is the most used super due to the combination of its short charge time and effectiveness allowing for multiple high-impact supers in a single game.


Before you go…

We cover all the best Arc builds here. If you’re interested in exploring other Titan Subclasses, don’t miss our Destiny 2 Sentinel Subclass guide.

About The Author

George Cannard
George Cannard
More from George Cannard
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