Best Titan Subclass in Destiny 2 this Season (S23)

by | Feb 1, 2024

Destiny 2 is a complex game with buffs, nerfs, and an ever-changing meta. And since Abilities and Supers are so strong, Subclasses are a crucial part of the game. With the right combination of Aspects, Fragments, and Exotics, the right Subclasses can take your game to the next level, allowing you to create some of the most powerful Titan builds.

Today we review and rank each Titan subclass for PvE and PvP. More importantly, we cover each subclass’s strengths and weaknesses and tell you how to optimize them. (PS: These are the best Hunter and Warlock Subclasses).

Subclass Element Version
Striker Arc Subclass 3.0
Sunbreaker Solar Subclass 3.0
Sentinel Void Subclass 3.0
Behemoth Stasis Subclass 1.0
Strand Strand Subclass 1.0

Checkmark icon V3Updated as of Season of the Wish (S23).

Best Titan Class & Subclass for PvE

Titan Subclass StrandBerserkerVoid Strand


-PvES › Best
PvE Sunbreaker Titan Solar 3.0 featuredSunbreakerSolar Solar


-PvES › Best
PvE Sentinel Titan Void 3.0 featuredSentinel Void Void


-PvEA › Strong
PvE Striker Titan Arc 3.0 featuredStrikerArc Arc


Trend downPvEB › Average
PvE Behemoth Titan Stasis gameplayBehemothStasis Stasis


Trend downPvEC › Weak

Titan Subclass Strand

Berserker (Strand)

  • Ranking: S Best

The new kid on the block, Berserker Titan, has quickly become one of the most dominant PVE subclasses. Capable of easy Woven Mail generation for great damage resist combined with some of the best ad-clear in the game, Berserker is an S Tier subclass for all PVE activities.

Preferred Exotic: Berserker is all about a fast-paced, in-your-face playstyle and exotics that fit this playstyle or build on the powerful Strand mechanics work best. These include Abeyant Leap, Synthoceps, and Wormgod's Caress.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Abeyant Leap Titan exotic

Abeyant Leap

TitanLegsLightfallLost SectorsSeason 20Lightfall Preorder icon
Drengr's Lash spawns two additional projectiles, tracks targets more aggressively, and travels farther. Gain Woven Mail when suspending targets.
Synthoceps Titan Destiny 2


TitanArmsFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Increased melee lunge range. Improved melee and Super damage when you're surrounded.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Into the Fray and Banner of War are the most used aspects for Strand builds. Into the Fray provides near constant uptime of Woven Mail through Tangles, while Banner of War’s insane damage buff, health bumps, and support potential make it a must-have for any activity. Drengr’s Lash is a requirement for any suspend-focused build, and Flechette Storm is a fun, melee-centered aspect that is great for lower-end content.
  • Fragments: Thread of Mind, Thread of Continuity, Thread of Generation, Thread of Ascent.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Resilience, Discipline, Strength.
  • Abilities: Currently, Berserker only has 1 option for both the Melee and Super, Frenzied Blade, and Bladefury, respectively. Thankfully both of these are strong, especially with the additional charges Frenzied Blade has. Grapple Grenade is perfect if leaning into Banner of War, as the grapple melee damage is also buffed, while Shackle Grenade is perfect for suspend builds.


Titan Solar 3.0 featured

Sunbreaker (Solar 3.0)

  • Ranking: S Best

The Sunbreaker Titan has always been a reliable choice since the Red War. Solar 3.0 made Sunbreaker one of the best subclasses for solo content by making your titan almost impossible to kill. Sunbreaker has some of the best access to the Solar 3.0 mechanics, such as restoration and cure, which allow it to survive situations where other subclasses would fail.

Preferred Exotic: Loreley Splendor Helm, Phoenix Cradle, and Hallowfire Heart are examples of exotics that synergize well with Sunbreaker and Solar 3.0. Synthoceps are another great choice for Throwing Hammer builds and are considered the best overall choice. Plus, the new Pyrogale Gauntlets (we cover how to get the Pyrogale Gauntlets here) can vastly improve most Solar builds.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Hallowfire Heart Titan Destiny 2

Hallowfire Heart

TitanChestFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Solar takedowns while standing in a Sunspot create a Sunspot. Greatly improves recharge rate of your Solar abilities while your Super is charged. Provides a small benefit to the airborne effectiveness stat of all weapons.
Loreley Splendor Helm Titan Destiny 2 art

Loreley Splendor Helm

TitanHelmThe Witch QueenLost SectorsSeason 16The Witch Queen Destiny 2 icon
The Witch Queen
When you have Sun Warrior, your Sunspots heal you. When you are critically wounded, create a Sunspot at your location.
Phoenix Cradle Titan Destiny 2

Phoenix Cradle

TitanLegsShadowkeepExotic EngramsSeason 8Shadowkeep Destiny 2 icon
Sun Warrior lasts twice as long. Allies who pass through your Sunspots are granted Sun Warrior.
Synthoceps Titan Destiny 2


TitanArmsFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Increased melee lunge range. Improved melee and Super damage when you're surrounded.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Roaring Flames and Sol Invictus are the bread and butter of most Sunbreaker builds. Consecration can be built around but lacks the diversity that the other aspects offer.
  • Fragments: Ember of Char, Ember of Eruption, Ember of Solace, Ember of Torches.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Resilience, Discipline, Strength.
  • Abilities: Both Hammer of Sol and Burning Maul are solid choices for the super. Throwing Hammer is the better of the two melees. Being able to pick up the hammer and use it at range makes it the best choice. Thermite and Solar Grenades are the best for ad-clear whilst the healing provided by the Healing Grenade makes these the go-to choices.


Titan Void 3.0 featured

Sentinel (Void 3.0)

  • Ranking: A Strong

One of Destiny’s most iconic subclasses, Sentinel has only gotten stronger since the release of Void 3.0. Sentinel allows Titan to take on more of a supportive role inside both PVP and PVE by supplying fireteam members with over-shields and debuffing enemies. Sentinel offers lots of customization in terms of playstyle, whether you want to lean more into the fireteam support or create some of the hardest-hitting melee builds in the game.

Preferred Exotic: Helm of Saint-14 and Doom Fang Pauldron are the two most dominant exotics that are built around Sentinel. Peregrine Greaves is also a solid choice for those wanting to take full advantage of Shield Bash. You could also go for No Backup Plans, as the Exotic perk is all about Overshields and shotguns.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Doom Fang Pauldron Titan Destiny 2

Doom Fang Pauldron

TitanArmsFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Defeating targets with Void damage has a chance to grant an escalating bonus to damage with Void weapons. Defeating targets with Void melee grants Super energy. While Sentinel Shield is active, defeating targets with melee attacks recharges Shield Throw, which extends your Super on hitting a target.
Helm of Saint-14 Titan Destiny 2

Helm of Saint-14

TitanHelmFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 2Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Enemies that enter Ward of Dawn are blinded, while allies that pass through gain an overshield. Guarding with Sentinel Shield blinds nearby enemies.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: All 3 of Sentinel’s Aspects are great to use. They all synergize well with each other, and hence any two can be chosen depending on the overall build/playstyle.
  • Fragments: Echo of Expulsion, Echo of Leeching, Echo of Dilation, Echo of Undermining.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Resilience, Discipline, Strength.
  • Abilities: Ward of Dawn is usually the best choice for Super. The buffs and protection it gives are extremely valuable, especially in end-game content. Both Shield Bash and Shield Throw are excellent melees. Shield Throw opens up the ability for a more ranged playstyle, whereas Shield Bash opens the door for some extremely strong melee builds. Vortex and Suppressor Grenades are the best options for PvE and PvP, respectively.


Titan Arc 3.0 featured

Striker (Arc 3.0)

  • Ranking: B Average

After the addition of Arc 3.0, Striker Titan has become one of the most dominant subclasses throughout the various parts of the game. The combination of powerful aspects and fragments makes the Striker Titan one of the best ad-clearing subclasses in the game that is still able to do high single-target damage thanks to the Thundercrash super.

Preferred Exotic: Heart of Inmost Light is the best Titan exotic here due to the insane amount of ability regen it provides. An Insurmountable Skullfort and Armamentarium are also viable options. The Cuirass of the Falling Star makes Thundercrash an extremely potent super.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
An Insurmountable Skullfort Titan Destiny 2

An Insurmountable Skullfort

TitanHelmFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Kills with Arc melee abilities trigger health regeneration and restore melee energy.
Armamentarium Titan Destiny 2


TitanChestFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 3Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Gain an additional grenade charge.
Cuirass of the Falling Star Titan Destiny 2

Cuirass of the Falling Star

TitanChestBeyond LightLost SectorsSeason 13Beyond Light Destiny 2 icon
Beyond Light
Greatly increases your Thundercrash impact damage. Gain an overshield that lasts longer the farther you travel before striking a target.
Heart of Inmost Light Titan Destiny 2

Heart of Inmost Light

TitanChestForsaken PackExotic EngramsSeason 4Forsaken Destiny 2 icon
Forsaken Pack
Using an ability (grenade, melee, or Barricade) empowers the other two abilities. Empowered means abilities have faster regen, melees and grenades do more damage, and Barricades have more hit points.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Touch of Thunder and Knockout are the two best. Juggernaut can be used in certain situations but the benefits of Knockout and Touch of Thunder outweigh its own.
  • Fragments: Spark of Magnitude, Spark of Resistance, Spark of Shock, Spark of Ions.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Resilience, Discipline, Recovery.
  • Abilities: Thundercrash is the best option over Striker. Ad-clear is already well covered by the rest of the subclass so Striker has little value. Touch of Thunder makes Pulse, Flashbang, Storm Grenades and Lightning Grenades viable options. Pulse Grenades are now the best option due to them generating Ionic Traces - a valuable source of ability regeneration. The best melee options are Seismic Strike and Thunderclap for their blinding effects and high damage, respectively.


Titan Stasis gameplay

5. Behemoth (Stasis)

  • Ranking: C Tier - Weak

Behemoth excels are creating large fields of stasis crystals that obstruct both movement and damage from enemies and players alike. Behemoth has a simple but rewarding gameplay loop built around the creation and destruction of stasis crystals. Aspects and Fragments can then improve this loop and make Behemoth a great subclass for all levels of content.

Preferred Exotic: Hoarfrost-Z and Heart of Inmost Light are the two best exotics for Behemoth due to their ability regeneration. Synthoceps are also very good when combined with Howl of the Storm and Whisper of Fissures.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Heart of Inmost Light Titan Destiny 2

Heart of Inmost Light

TitanChestForsaken PackExotic EngramsSeason 4Forsaken Destiny 2 icon
Forsaken Pack
Using an ability (grenade, melee, or Barricade) empowers the other two abilities. Empowered means abilities have faster regen, melees and grenades do more damage, and Barricades have more hit points.
Hoarfrost-Z Titan Destiny 2 art v2


TitanChestThe Witch QueenLost SectorsSeason 16The Witch Queen Destiny 2 icon
The Witch Queen
When using the Stasis subclass, your Barricade becomes a wall of Stasis crystals that slows nearby targets when created. Standing behind this barricade will grant you and your allies increased weapon reload speed, stability, and range.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Behemoth is all about creating as many stasis crystals and shards as possible; hence Tectonic Harvest, Diamond Lance, and Howl of the Storm are the best aspects.
  • Fragments: Whisper of Chains, Whisper of Shards, Whisper of Rime, Whisper of Conduction, Whisper of Fissures.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Resilience, Discipline, Recovery.
  • Abilities: Behemoth only has one melee and one Super; however, both of these are good. Glacier Grenade is the best option as it fits perfectly into the crystal generation gameplay loop.


Best Titan Subclasses for PvP

PvP Sentinel Titan Void 3.0 featuredSentinel Void Void


-PvPS › Best
Titan Subclass StrandBerserkerVoid Strand


Trend upPvPB › Average
PvP Striker Titan Arc 3.0 featuredStrikerArc Arc


Trend downPvPB › Average
PvP Behemoth Titan Stasis gameplayBehemothStasis Stasis


Trend downPvPC › Weak
PvP Sunbreaker Titan Solar 3.0 featuredSunbreakerSolar Solar


Trend downPvPC › Weak

Sentinel (Void 3.0)

  • Ranking: S Best

Void Subclass Destiny 2 iconSimply put, the best PvP subclass in the game right now. While many (rightfully) despise Sentinel, the fact of the matter is that overshields are overpowered in PvP and will continue to be as long as they exist. While 45 HP might not seem like much on paper, it can change the time-to-kill just enough to win the gunfight, and when paired with a certain exotic, can be nigh-unstoppable.

Preferred Exotic: Like Striker, Sentinel lacks Void-based exotics that work well inside PvP. Even with recent nerfs, Peacekeepers are a phenomenal choice to complement the aggressive playstyle. Other options include the jack-of-all-trades exotics like Crest of Alpha Lupi or One-Eyed Mask.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Crest of Alpha Lupi Titan Destiny 2

Crest of Alpha Lupi

TitanChestFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Generates an additional Orb of Power from Supers and a healing pulse when Barricade is activated.
One-Eyed Mask Titan Destiny 2

One-Eyed Mask

TitanHelmForsaken PackExotic EngramsSeason 4Forsaken Destiny 2 icon
Forsaken Pack
Highlights the enemy who dares to damage you. Track down and destroy your enemy for an overshield.
Peacekeepers Titan Destiny 2


TitanLegsFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Reloads stowed Submachine Guns and allows you to ready them instantly. Improves your handling with SMGs and your movement while wielding one.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Bastion is the must-have aspect for a PVP Sentinel build. The Overshield on the barricade is extremely potent. Offensive Bulwark pairs perfectly with this and provides a lot of buffs. Controlled Demolition can also be used to make players volatile for extra damage.
  • Fragments: Echo of Expulsion, Echo of Dilation, Echo of Leeching, Echo of Undermining.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Recovery, Resilience, Discipline.
  • Abilities: Suppressor and Vortex Grenades offer the most utility. Suppressor Grenades are extremely potent in ability-heavy sandboxes and can shutdown supers. Vortex Grenades help to block off lanes and can pull enemies from behind cover. Shield Bash is the better melee as it provides an extra movement option and can be used to suppress/finish off low-health targets. Ward of Dawn is an excellent super due to its survivability, buffs, and low cooldown. It is most effective in slower 3v3 game modes like Trials.


Berserker (Strand)

  • Ranking: B Average

Strand logo Destiny 2 artStrand Titan in PVP fails to meet the same levels of power that it shows for PVE. It is far harder to maintain the gameplay loop that Strand is great at. Certain Fragments are less powerful/have less duration which puts Berserker into a very niche, weak state. In most situations, other subclasses will be far more effective and valuable for PVP, and Berseker struggles to close the power gap between them.

Preferred Exotic: Abeyant Leap is currently the only Strand-based exotic in Titan’s arsenal. Whilst it can be used effectively, it is often better to use a strong neutral game exotic like Dunemarchers or Antaeus Wards.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Abeyant Leap Titan exotic

Abeyant Leap

TitanLegsLightfallLost SectorsSeason 20Lightfall Preorder icon
Drengr's Lash spawns two additional projectiles, tracks targets more aggressively, and travels farther. Gain Woven Mail when suspending targets.
Antaeus Wards Titan Destiny 2

Antaeus Wards

TitanLegsForsaken PackExotic EngramsSeason 4Forsaken Destiny 2 icon
Forsaken Pack
Improved slide. Sliding after sprinting for a short time reflects incoming projectiles.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Drengr’s Lash and Into the Fray is probably the best combination for a PVP-based Berserker build. They have great synergy with each other, and whilst Flechette Storm is fun, it is way too risky to use inside PVP due to the large amount of time you spend in the air.
  • Fragments:  Thread of Mind, Thread of Continuity, Thread of Generation, Thread of Ascent.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Resilience, Discipline, Strength.
  • Abilities: Berserker only has 1 melee and super choice currently, which leaves debating what grenades to take as the main issue. The two best options for PVP are the Grapple Grenade and Shackle Grenade. Grapple Grenade provides great movement and allows Strand Titan to be the most mobile Titan subclass. Shackle Grenade is a great offensive option. Being able to suspend enemies makes for easy kills, which can then tie into the gameplay loop for chaining even more kills. Rally barricade is again the best choice due to the larger amount of cover it offers.


Striker (Arc 3.0)

  • Ranking: B Average

Arc Subclass Destiny 2 iconWhile Sentinel has seen a major surge in usage thanks to zone-based modes dominating the competitive scene, Strikers still excel in elimination modes. Their entire kit is built for chaining, such as the Knock-Out aspect for health on melee kills and the Thruster class ability to close in on the next target. When paired with the right fragments, it might be hard to stop this train once it leaves the station.

Preferred Exotic: There are a few Arc-based exotics that work well with Striker in PvP, but the best exotics are ones that enhance the already powerful neutral game that Striker offers. These include Dunemarchers, Synthoceps, and One-Eyed Mask.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Dunemarchers Titan Destiny 2


TitanLegsFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Increases sprint speed. Sprinting builds up a static charge. After melee-attacking an enemy, that charge will chain damage to nearby enemies.
One-Eyed Mask Titan Destiny 2

One-Eyed Mask

TitanHelmForsaken PackExotic EngramsSeason 4Forsaken Destiny 2 icon
Forsaken Pack
Highlights the enemy who dares to damage you. Track down and destroy your enemy for an overshield.
Synthoceps Titan Destiny 2


TitanArmsFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Increased melee lunge range. Improved melee and Super damage when you're surrounded.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Knockout and Touch of Thunder are the aspects to use for PVP. Knockout is incredibly strong with the increased melee range and damage combined with the health regeneration. Touch of Thunder makes the already strong grenades even more deadly.
  • Fragments: Spark of Magnitude, Spark of Feedback, Spark of Recharge, Spark of Momentum.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Recovery, Discipline, Resilience.
  • Abilities: Seismic Strike is the best overall melee. It provides extra movement and is great for shotgun clean-ups. Ballistic Slam can also be great for engaging when paired with exotics like Dunemarchers or Synthoceps but is riskier. Lightning Grenades are the best choice after recent nerfs to Storm Grenades. Touch of Thunder gives you two and allows them to jolt targets which is incredibly potent for PVP. Towering Barricade is the best option for 3v3 competitive modes due to the safe utility it provides. Thruster is a good option for faster-paced game modes like 6v6. Thundercrash is the most used super due to the combination of its short charge time and effectiveness allowing for multiple high-impact supers in a single game.


Behemoth (Stasis)

  • Ranking: C Weak

Stasis Subclass Destiny 2 iconBehemoth is not the powerhouse it once was. Several changes to its melee and Stasis overall have left this subclass’ viability in flux. Some find resounding success with the melee knockback and crystal generation, but for the average player, you’ll want something with more ease of use. If used well, one Behemoth can cause more headaches than three Sentinels, though that skill-ceiling is high.

Preferred Exotic: Hoarfrost-Z is one Stasis-based exotic that can be built around for PVP. However, like the other subclasses, exotics that buff the general neutral game can be more effective if you prefer a more neutral playstyle instead of spamming crystals. Dunemarchers and One-Eyed Mask are good examples.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Dunemarchers Titan Destiny 2


TitanLegsFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Increases sprint speed. Sprinting builds up a static charge. After melee-attacking an enemy, that charge will chain damage to nearby enemies.
One-Eyed Mask Titan Destiny 2

One-Eyed Mask

TitanHelmForsaken PackExotic EngramsSeason 4Forsaken Destiny 2 icon
Forsaken Pack
Highlights the enemy who dares to damage you. Track down and destroy your enemy for an overshield.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Tectonic Harvest forms the base for nearly all stasis titan builds and hence is a must-use. Either Cryoclasm or Howl of the Storm makes good choices for the remaining spot. Cryoclasm allows for a more aggressive playstyle, whereas Howl of the Storm provides an additional source of stasis crystals and can freeze opponents.
  • Fragments: Whisper of Conduction, Whisper of Chains, Whisper of Shards, Whisper of Fissures.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Recovery, Resilience, Discipline.
  • Abilities: All 3 grenades are viable and the choice comes down to personal playstyle and what kind of build you are going for. Glacier Grenade is great for blocking lanes and creating a source of stasis crystals. Duskfield Grenade is great for 1v1 situations as the slow it provides gives you a huge advantage. Coldsnap Grenades are good for freezing enemies or forcing them out from cover. There are only 1 melee and super option, Shivering Strike and Glacial Quake.


Sunbreaker (Solar 3.0)

  • Ranking: C Weak

Solar Subclass Destiny 2 iconWhilst not as strong as other solar subclasses in PVP, Sunbreaker can still be used effectively when built correctly. Building into the healing aspects of Solar 3.0 allows Sunbreaker to become very sustainable and can supply teammates with buffs such as Restoration or Radiant.

Preferred Exotic: Loreley Splendor and The Path of Burning Steps are the best Solar-based exotics for PVP. Lorely Splendor adds a lot of survivability to Sunbreaker, and The Path of Burning Steps makes a great base for a weapon-focused playstyle.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
The Path of Burning Steps Titan Destiny 2

The Path of Burning Steps

TitanLegsBeyond LightLost SectorsSeason 14Beyond Light Destiny 2 icon
Beyond Light
Solar final blows periodically grant you an escalating bonus to weapon damage, and Solar grenade final blows grant you the highest bonus. You are harder to slow or freeze with Stasis, and when you break out, you take no damage from doing so, creating a burst of Solar energy around yourself.

Preferred Aspects and Fragments:

  • Aspects: Sol Invictus is what a PVP focus Sunbreaker is built around. The healing and ability regeneration is key and cannot be overlooked. Roaring Flames can allow for certain abilities to one shot and is useful to keep the momentum of a fight going. Builds created around Consecration can be used for a more casual and fun playstyle for 6v6 game modes.
  • Fragments: Ember of Beams, Ember of Combustion, Ember of Wonder, Ember of Eruption.

Preferred Abilities and Stats:

  • Stats: Recovery, Discipline, Resilience
  • Abilities: Hammer of Sol serves as one of the best roaming supers due to its duration and ranged capabilities. Burning Maul is more niche but can be used to counter other supers. Hammer Strike is the best melee. Like the other shoulder charge melees, it offers more mobility and the potential for fast shotgun-melee combos. All the solar grenades can be used but the strongest are Healing, Thermite, and Tripmine Grenades. The extra healing provided by Healing Grenades makes them worth taking over more offensive grenades in certain situations.


Before you go…

If you truly want to master the Titan class in Destiny 2, we have also ranked all Titan Exotics and written entire playbooks for the best Titan builds in the game right now!

About The Author

George Cannard
George Cannard
More from George Cannard
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