Exotic armor is a unique and essential part of Destiny 2. While weapons get most of the attention, your choice of Exotic armor plays a crucial role, too, as one piece of equipment can elevate your build to new levels. Destiny 2 is all about finding synergies within your gear, and Exotic armor is often the first piece of the puzzle.
This guide covers all Destiny 2 Titan Exotics, including the new Stoicism.
Updated as of Episode 1: Echoes. See Updates.
Titan Exotic Tier list (Ep1)
This Tier list features the best Titan Exotic armor in the game for both PvE and PvP:
Name | Type | Rank | Excels | Subclass | Source | Requirements | Armor | Tier rank | Subclass? | Final Verdict | Class |
Dunemarchers | Legs | S › Best | PvE | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Dunemarchers | Best ❘ S Excels in: PvE | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Increases sprint speed. Sprinting builds up a static charge. After melee-attacking an enemy, that charge will chain damage to nearby enemies. ► Dunemarchers is the main Titan exotic for enhanced movement inside of PvP. It grants improved Sprint Speed and Slide Distance passively and also gives your melees the ability to chain light to other enemies, provided you have been sprinting for 1.5 seconds. | Titan |
Synthoceps | Arms | S › Best | PvE + PvP | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Synthoceps | Best ❘ S Excels in: PvE + PvP | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Increased melee lunge range. Improved melee and Super damage when you're surrounded. ► With their lunge range buff removed and the melee buff tuned down, Synthos aren't what they used to be. However, that hasn't stopped them from remaining one of the best Titan exotics to this day, especially with Banner of War. | Titan |
Heart of Inmost Light | Chest | S › Best | PvE + PvP | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Forsaken Pack | Heart of Inmost Light | Best ❘ S Excels in: PvE + PvP | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Using an ability (grenade, melee, or Barricade) empowers the other two abilities. Empowered means abilities have faster regen, melees and grenades do more damage, and Barricades have more hit points. ► Heart of Inmost Light has been through the balancing wringer, but it has come through still strong. The ability regeneration from this exotic is still something that you can't ignore, and it still outclasses practically all of the competition. | Titan |
Peacekeepers | Legs | S › Best | PvP | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Peacekeepers | Best ❘ S Excels in: PvP | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Reloads stowed Submachine Guns and allows you to ready them instantly. Improves your handling with SMGs and your movement while wielding one. ► Peacekeepers grant numerous buffs to SMGs when equipped allowing for a far more aggressive playstyle inside PVP. | Titan |
Stronghold | Arms | S › Best | PvE | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Forsaken Pack | Stronghold | Best ❘ S Excels in: PvE | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Maximizes guard stats on equipped Swords. You take reduced damage while blocking with a Sword. Rapidly damaging targets after blocking shots with a Sword grants restoration for a duration determined by the number of shots blocked. ► Stronghold is the exotic for Sword aficionados. With this exotic now granting Restoration and massive damage reduction while blocking, it's hard not to recommend these Gauntlets if you are planning on using a sword in endgame content. The only thing that holds this exotic back is the current state of Swords. | Titan |
Loreley Splendor Helm | Helm | S › Best | PvE + PvP | Solar | Lost Sectors | The Witch Queen | Loreley Splendor Helm | Best ❘ S Excels in: PvE + PvP | Solar | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:When you have Sun Warrior, your Sunspots heal you. When you are critically wounded, create a Sunspot at your location. ► Even after the nerf, Lorely is still one of the strongest builds for endgame content. With the right setup, you can be almost immortal. Check out the Top Titan Builds for an example. | Titan |
Pyrogale Gauntlets | Arms | S › Best | PvE | Solar | Lost Sectors | Season 22 | Pyrogale Gauntlets | Best ❘ S Excels in: PvE | Solar | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:Modifies Burning Maul into a single high-damage slam of your hammer that creates five cyclones of flame. Consecration's second slam creates a cyclone of flame. ► Pyrogale Gauntlets are the new DPS option for Titans. Being one of the few Super-modifying exotics that grant an additional effect, Pyrogale has a natural advantage over the competition. Burning Maul, in particular, does incredible damage with these Gauntlets equipped. | Titan |
Stoicism | Class Item | S › Best | PvE + PvP | Prismatic | Master Rahool | The Final Shape | Stoicism | Best ❘ S Excels in: PvE + PvP | Prismatic | Exotic Perk:Can randomly roll with two of the following Stoicism Exotic Traits. ► It’s hard to argue that an exotic that lets you combine two other exotics into one would be anything but #1 for Prismatic Titans. While Titans arguably got the short end of the stick with their perk options, that doesn’t make the god rolls any less powerful. | Titan |
Lion Rampant | Legs | A › Strong | PvE + PvP | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Lion Rampant | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE + PvP | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Provides additional aerial maneuverability and enables accurate hipfire while you're in the air during Lift. ► Always helpful for jumping puzzles found in raids and dungeons, its good to always have a pair in your inventory. | Titan |
Doom Fang Pauldron | Arms | A › Strong | PvE | Void | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Doom Fang Pauldron | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE | Void | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Defeating targets with Void damage has a chance to grant an escalating bonus to damage with Void weapons. Defeating targets with Void melee grants Super energy. While Sentinel Shield is active, defeating targets with melee attacks recharges Shield Throw, which extends your Super on hitting a target. ► This is arguably the best Void-focused exotic for Titans. Not only does it have its Super extending property, but Into the Light gave it a new one where Void kills grant a stacking Surge buff, up to x4, with melee kills instantly activating it and granting Super energy! | Titan |
Eternal Warrior | Helm | A › Strong | PvP | Arc | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Eternal Warrior | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvP | Arc | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Arc final blows grant an escalating damage bonus with Arc weapons. Gain an overshield when activating Fists of Havoc, and gain the highest tier damage bonus to Arc weapons when your Fists of Havoc Super ends. ► Much like Doom Fang Pauldron, Eternal Warrior was given a new Exotic perk that grants a stacking Surge buff from Arc kills. The difference is that the guaranteed x4 surge here comes after Fists of Havoc ends, but since the Arc kills can come from any source, it's just as viable. | Titan |
Wormgod Caress | Arms | A › Strong | PvE | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Wormgod Caress | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Melee kills increase melee damage for a period of time. Additional kills extend duration and increase effects. ► Whilst taking more set-up compared to Synthoceps, the combination of damage stacking and Wormgod Caress can lead to some of the strongest builds in the game. | Titan |
Phoenix Cradle | Legs | A › Strong | PvE | Solar | Exotic Engrams | Shadowkeep | Phoenix Cradle | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE | Solar | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Sun Warrior lasts twice as long. Allies who pass through your Sunspots are granted Sun Warrior. ► After Solar 3.0 and the addition of Restoration, Phoenix Cradle has become a viable option for early to mid-game content. However, they only find use in fireteam content and don't get value in solo content. | Titan |
Antaeus Wards | Legs | A › Strong | PvP | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Forsaken Pack | Antaeus Wards | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvP | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Improved slide. Sliding after sprinting for a short time reflects incoming projectiles. ► Antaeus Wards have been one of the best options for Titans for a while. Thankfully, they were recently nerfed to consume your entire class ability energy when deflecting damage. Despite this nerf, they are still arguably one of the best neutral game exotics you can run in PvP on Titan. | Titan |
Aeon Safe | Arms | A › Strong | PvE | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Aeon Safe | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Exotic Perk? Instead of an Intrinsic perk, Aeon Exotics have an additional mod socket which is used for Aeon Cult mods. ► An extremely valuable exotic for end game Fireteam based activities such as Raids and GMs, and the ability to tailor the exotic perk to the situation makes it a very strong choice in a team setting. | Titan |
One-Eyed Mask | Helm | A › Strong | PvP | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Forsaken Pack | One-Eyed Mask | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvP | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Highlights the enemy who dares to damage you. Track down and destroy your enemy for an overshield. ► A well-rounded exotic that excels in PVP and rewards kills allowing for you to easily go on streaks due to the overshield it generates. | Titan |
Precious Scars | Helm | A › Strong | PvE | Neutral | Lost Sectors | Beyond Light | Precious Scars | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE | Neutral | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:Final blows from weapons with a damage type matching your subclass energy create a burst of healing around you. After reviving or being revived, you gain an aura that provides overshields to you and nearby allies. ► After the rework, the exotic perk provides a great source of healing both after resurrections and in general combat. The only downside is having to match the weapon and subclass element. | Titan |
The Path of Burning Steps | Legs | A › Strong | PvE + PvP | Solar | Lost Sectors | Beyond Light | The Path of Burning Steps | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE + PvP | Solar | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:Solar final blows periodically grant you an escalating bonus to weapon damage, and Solar grenade final blows grant you the highest bonus. You are harder to slow or freeze with Stasis, and when you break out, you take no damage from doing so, creating a burst of Solar energy around yourself. ► With the addition of Solar 3.0 and Radiant, it has become a lot easier to make this exotic work. The damage bonus stacks with Radiant making weapons hit a lot harder. | Titan |
Second Chance | Arms | A › Strong | PvE | Void | Lost Sectors | The Witch Queen | Second Chance | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE | Void | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:Gain a second charge of your Shield Throw melee. Your Shield Throw melee now weakens targets and becomes shield-piercing, stunning Barrier Champions. When you stun a Barrier Champion with your Shield Throw melee, you regain a melee charge. ► Second Chance is one of the better neutral game options for Void Titans right now. Shield Throw can make enemies volatile, increasing your DPS. Having these can be valuable in high-level content when needing to take down beefy targets. Additionally, the anti-champion features of this exotic boost its viability in endgame content. | Titan |
Abeyant Leap | Legs | A › Strong | PvE | Strand | Lost Sectors | Lightfall | Abeyant Leap | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE | Strand | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:Drengr's Lash spawns two additional projectiles, tracks targets more aggressively, and travels farther. Gain Woven Mail when suspending targets. ► Still as strong as ever, Abeyant Leap got a minor update to work with Prismatic. It now also enhances the tracking of the Strand Knot created when using Thruster while Drengr's Lash is equipped, letting it have a leg up over the Spirit version of Stoicisim. | Titan |
Wishful Ignorance | Arms | A › Strong | PvE | Strand | Master Rahool | The Final Shape | Wishful Ignorance | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE | Strand | Exotic Perk:Gain an additional Frenzied Blade charge. Frenzied Blade and Flechette Storm briefly increase their damage with each strike. Pulses from your Banner of War return melee energy based on the number of allies healed. ► What looked like a Synthos replacement has actually turned out to be something of it's own. Wholly focused on buffing Strand melees, Wishful Ignorance actually has more purpose for Flechette Storm than Frenzied Blade, especially when you throw in the extra melee regen. | Titan |
Hazardous Propulsion | Chest | A › Strong | PvE | Neutral | Master Rahool | The Final Shape | Hazardous Propulsion | Strong ❘ A Excels in: PvE | Neutral | Exotic Perk:Weapon precision hits or final blows have a chance to load a Kinetic Exodus rocket. Activating your class ability fires loaded Exodus rockets. Damaging targets with Exodus rockets temporarily increases the damage you deal with all other rockets. ► One of the more unique exotics to come out, Hazardous Propulsion is a fun exotic for damage phases and champion busting, but not much else. Still, the raw power of the Exodus Rockets and the buff it gives to "rocket-based damage" sets it above most others. | Titan |
Tier Ranks used for our list:
- S Tier – Best: Highest ranking Exotics in our Tier List.
- A Tier – Strong: Very strong Exotics, but not on the same level as S Tier Choices.
- B Tier – Average: Decent choices that can be lethal in the hands of a skilled player.
- C Tier – Weak: The middle of the pack, somewhat mediocre.
- D Tier – Worst: Lagging behind the competition, these don’t have much to offer.
Swaps: You’ll see a couple of armor pieces ranked as “Swap.” Swap refers to those armor pieces that are generally not great but can be excellent in very specific situations, namely when using your Super.
Rest of the Best
This database includes all Titan Exotics available in Destiny 2:
Name | Type | Rank | Excels | Subclass | Source | Requirements | Armor | Tier rank | Subclass? | Final Verdict | Class |
Actium War Rig | Chest | B › Average | - | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Actium War Rig | Average ❘ B | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Steadily reloads a portion of your equipped Auto Rifle's or Machine Gun's magazine from reserves. ► The main benefit of using this exotic is its ability to improve the Xenophage Exotic. However, Machine Guns are not a good DPS option, meaning that Actium War Rig is a pretty mediocre option. That said, Xenophage can be a solid pick if you want a slightly more ammo-efficient, non-precision option. | Titan |
An Insurmountable Skullfort | Helm | B › Average | - | Arc | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | An Insurmountable Skullfort | Average ❘ B | Arc | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Kills with Arc melee abilities trigger health regeneration and restore melee energy. ► With Prismatic, this exotic has a bit more usability as you're not limited to the Arc subclass anymore. A fun combo can be made with Diamond Lance, but it still lacks a purpose once you hit high-tier content like Grandmaster Nightfalls and Master Raids and Dungeons. | Titan |
Citan's Ramparts | Arms | B › Average | PvP | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Shadowkeep | Citan's Ramparts | Average ❘ B Excels in: PvP | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:You and your allies can shoot through your Towering Barricade, which has reduced health and duration. ► Previously a scourge of Trials of Osiris, Citan's Ramparts aren't as mind-numbingly powerful as they once were. However, despite the major increase in cooldown to your barricade, the ability to shoot at an enemy and them not being able to shoot back at you remains extremely effective, especially when using one-hit-kill weapons like Snipers. | Titan |
Helm of Saint-14 | Helm | B › Average | - | Void | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Helm of Saint-14 | Average ❘ B | Void | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Enemies that enter Ward of Dawn are blinded, while allies that pass through gain an overshield. Guarding with Sentinel Shield blinds nearby enemies. ► Now the source of the Weapons of Light buff, Helm of Saint-14 is, regrettably, a requirement for Bubble Titans during boss encounters if there is no Warlock present. While it bumps it a tier, the overall functionality is not as good as it could be, especially now. | Titan |
Armamentarium | Chest | B › Average | PvE + PvP | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Armamentarium | Average ❘ B Excels in: PvE + PvP | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Gain an additional grenade charge. ► Now generating orbs on grenade kills, Armamentarium has a slightly better use case than before. Adding two Firepower mods to your arms means the orb generation cooldown is one second, which can turn you into a Super engine if built into. | Titan |
Peregrine Greaves | Legs | B › Average | PvE + PvP | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Forsaken Pack | Peregrine Greaves | Average ❘ B Excels in: PvE + PvP | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:All shoulder charge abilities (Seismic Strike, Hammer Strike, or Shield Bash) deal bonus damage when activated in the air. ► Peregrine Greaves can allow for some unexpected one-shots in PVP. In PVE they are a viable choice, especially when combined with a 1-2 punch build. | Titan |
Crest of Alpha Lupi | Chest | B › Average | PvE + PvP | Void | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Crest of Alpha Lupi | Average ❘ B Excels in: PvE + PvP | Void | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Generates an additional Orb of Power from Supers and a healing pulse when Barricade is activated. ► The small healing pulse it provides when casting barricade can come in handy both in PVP and PVE. The ability to generate an extra orb can also be valuable on certain subclasses, like Ward of Dawn, but overall, this exotic remains mediocre in the current sandbox. | Titan |
ACD/0 Feedback Fence | Arms | B › Average | PvE | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | ACD/0 Feedback Fence | Average ❘ B Excels in: PvE | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Melee hits grant Armor Charge, and you take less melee damage while you have Armor Charge. Taking melee damage causes you to emit a burst of damaging Arc energy that Jolts targets, consuming your Armor Charge and dealing more damage based on the number of stacks consumed. ► ACD/0 Feedback Fence has seen a few changes, most notably so that it now interacts with the Armor Charge system. With this change, a build arises where you can spam your Flechette Storm melee attacks from the skies, rarely needing to come back down. Despite this cool interaction though, there are much stronger builds for Titan right now. | Titan |
Ashen Wake | Arms | B › Average | - | Solar | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Ashen Wake | Average ❘ B | Solar | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Fusion Grenades now explode on impact and gain increased throw speed. Final blows with Fusion Grenades grant grenade energy. ► Even with the change to make Ashen's Fusion Grenades stun Unstoppable Champions, it still requires some effort to get the build to max power. Still, this is a fun exotic that can make short work of Solo Lost Sectors and the like. | Titan |
No Backup Plans | Arms | B › Average | - | Neutral | Lost Sectors | Beyond Light | No Backup Plans | Average ❘ B | Neutral | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:While using a Void subclass, rapid Shotgun final blows or defeating a powerful combatant with a Shotgun will grant a Void overshield and start health regeneration. While you have a Void overshield, Shotguns deal additional damage, and Shotgun final blows refresh the overshield. Provides a moderate benefit to Shotgun airborne effectiveness and reload speed. ► Whilst it can be valuable in its niche, the current sandbox doesn't favour the playstyle required to get the most from this exotic. | Titan |
Hoarfrost-Z | Chest | B › Average | PvE | Stasis | Lost Sectors | The Witch Queen | Hoarfrost-Z | Average ❘ B Excels in: PvE | Stasis | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:When using the Stasis subclass, your Barricade becomes a wall of Stasis crystals that slows nearby targets when created. Standing behind this barricade will grant you and your allies increased weapon reload speed, stability, and range. ► Stasis has been a viable option in both PVE and PVP. Most titan builds revolve around energy generation using crystal, making Hoarfrost-Z an ideal choice for stasis builds. | Titan |
Point-Contact Cannon Brace | Arms | B › Average | - | Arc | Lost Sectors | The Witch Queen | Point-Contact Cannon Brace | Average ❘ B | Arc | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:Defeating targets with your Thunderclap melee restores melee energy. Targets near you when you use your Thunderclap suffer lightning strikes and become jolted; being amplified increases the damage of these lightning strikes. ► Point-Contact got some love during Lightfall. Not only does it jolt targets, but the lightning strikes now do more base damage, as well as 50% more while being amplified! This has turned Thunderclap into a devestating melee option, especially on Prismatic! | Titan |
Ursa Furiosa | Arms | C › Weak | PvE | Void | Exotic Engrams | Forsaken Pack | Ursa Furiosa | Weak ❘ C Excels in: PvE | Void | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Move faster while guarding when Sentinel Shield is active. Guarded damage converts to Super energy when the Super ends. ► After the general nerfs to super regeneration, this exotic has lost value. Whilst it can be good in niche situations, it is often better to run another more powerful exotic. | Titan |
Khepri's Horn | Helm | C › Weak | - | Solar | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Khepri's Horn | Weak ❘ C | Solar | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Solar final blows recharge your Barricade, which unleashes a blast of Solar energy that scorches targets when summoned. ► Khepri's Horn is a niche exotic. Firing out a blast of scorching Solar damage, it can catch enemies off-guard in PvP, and clear a wave of enemies in PvE, but it won't be viable in any high-level or challenging content. | Titan |
Severance Enclosure | Chest | C › Weak | - | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Shadowkeep | Severance Enclosure | Weak ❘ C | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Powered melee final blows unleash a damaging explosion. Finishers and final blows against more powerful targets increase the radius and damage of the explosion. ► There are many sources of weakening in the game currently, and the size of the explosion plus the set-up required to generate puts Severance Enclosure in a weak spot. | Titan |
Hallowfire Heart | Chest | C › Weak | - | Solar | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Hallowfire Heart | Weak ❘ C | Solar | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Solar takedowns while standing in a Sunspot create a Sunspot. Greatly improves recharge rate of your Solar abilities while your Super is charged. Provides a small benefit to the airborne effectiveness stat of all weapons. ► Even with the change to create Sunspots from Solar kills while in a Sunspot, Hallowfire is still heavily outclassed by Heart of Inmost Light. | Titan |
Icefall Mantle | Arms | C › Weak | - | Stasis | Lost Sectors | Beyond Light | Icefall Mantle | Weak ❘ C | Stasis | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:Stasis final blows have a chance to grant an escalating bonus to Stasis weapon damage. Replaces your Barricade ability with a personal overshield. When you activate your Barricade, you gain the highest-tier Stasis weapon damage bonus and create a burst around yourself that slows combatants. While you have this overshield, you are slowed and Barricade does not recharge. ► While it gained an escalating Surge buff to Stasis weapons, much like Eternal Warrior or Doom Fang Pauldron, the main functionality hinders its use. Being slowed and unable to deftly maneuver is not a worthy tradeoff for a 100 HP overshield. | Titan |
Cadmus Ridge Lancecap | Helm | C › Weak | - | Stasis | Lost Sectors | Lightfall | Cadmus Ridge Lancecap | Weak ❘ C | Stasis | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:Diamond Lances create Stasis crystals on impact when thrown, with more crystals created by hitting bosses and vehicles. While using a Stasis subclass and behind your rally barricade, rapid precision hits and combatant final blows with a Stasis weapon creates a Diamond Lance near you. ► Thanks to Prismatic, this overlooked exotic got slightly better than before. While nowhere near as powerful as others, the ability to run it off of the Behemoth subclass is a huge boon, given that the subclass is still struggling in PvE. | Titan |
Arbor Warden | Chest | C › Weak | - | Neutral | Lost Sectors | Lightfall | Arbor Warden | Weak ❘ C | Neutral | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:Using your class ability channels defensive Light inward, providing a grenade that creates a barricade on impact. ► Arbor Warden is the definition of a gimmick exotic. It's a fun, goofy option that unfortunately provides little value in serious settings. You're rarely going to want to go through the hassle of throwing your barricade when you could just place it in front of you. However, it is a fun option and has some synergy with Drengr's Lash. | Titan |
Mask of the Quiet One | Helm | D › Worst | - | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Mask of the Quiet One | Worst ❘ D | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Grants ability energy when you're damaged. When critically wounded, regain maximum health on kills. ► Both parts of the exotic perk grant very small amounts of abilities and health respectively. Whilst it does heal you to maximum health, this is not maximum shields which makes it far less significant. | Titan |
Mk. 44 Stand Asides | Legs | D › Worst | - | Neutral | Exotic Engrams | Free-to-Play | Mk. 44 Stand Asides | Worst ❘ D | Neutral | Source: Exotic Engrams Exotic Perk:Grants an overshield when you're sprinting at full health with Seismic Strike, Hammer Strike, or Shield Bash equipped and charged. Hits with these abilities recharge a portion of your melee energy. ► Not only does this exotic only work with a shoulder charge melee, but the overshield it grants can also easily be destroyed and struggles for value. | Titan |
Cuirass of the Falling Star | Chest | Swap | PvE | Arc | Lost Sectors | Beyond Light | Cuirass of the Falling Star | Swap Excels in: PvE | Arc | Source: Legend/Master Lost Sectors Exotic Perk:Greatly increases your Thundercrash impact damage. Gain an overshield that lasts longer the farther you travel before striking a target. ► If you are set on using Striker inside of PvE, Cuirass of the Falling Star is THE exotic to run (at least for DPS phases). This exotic makes Thundercrash a viable damage option while also granting you a small overshield to help you survive. However, this exotic has zero functionality without your Super, making it purely a Swap exotic. | Titan |
More Destiny 2 Exotic Armor Tier lists:
Top 10 Titan Exotics Today
This section covers the top Exotic Titan armor pieces in the game and tells you where to find them. On top of being top-tier options for PvE and PvP, some of them look great. So much so that they are often seen in Destiny 2 fashion contests.
Overall, these are our favorite Titan Exotics for PvE and PvP.
10. Aeon Safe
Excels in PvE
For most of their life, the Aeon Cult exotics have been extremely lackluster. However, they got a substantial rework in Season of the Chosen, allowing the user to benefit their fireteam and themselves in various ways.
Aeon Soul doesn’t have a normal exotic perk. To replace it, it has three different unique mods you can select. These allow you to customize what the exotic does for you and your team while also staying as powerful as any other exotic.
The most popular of the three mods is “Sect of Insight” by far. This mod allows you to generate ammo for the rest of your fireteam (not yourself) by finishing different types of enemies. Finishing Elites (such as Honored Legionaries or Quantum Goblins) gives special ammo, while finishing minibosses or bosses (like Champions) gives heavy.
While Sect of Insight is widely regarded as the strongest of the three mods, each one is extremely unique and can benefit your team in various ways. Overall, this exotic gives strong benefits to the rest of your team and is a great option to run in any team-based PVE activity.
How to get it: Aeon Safe can be acquired via Exotic engrams, Xûr, or farming Lost Sectors.
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
Aeon Safe | Titan | Arms | Free-to-Play | Exotic Engrams | Season 2 | Free-to-Play | Exotic Perk? Instead of an Intrinsic perk, Aeon Exotics have an additional mod socket which is used for Aeon Cult mods. |
9. One-Eyed Mask
Excels in PvP
Ever since its debut in Forsaken, the One-Eyed Mask has become an infamous exotic inside the crucible. Even after receiving multiple nerfs, it still manages to hold its own and be a great choice for PVP.
One-Eyed Mask’s exotic perk is Vengeance. This works by granting you an overshield for defeating a target that has damaged you. While it no longer possesses the tracking through walls, it still highlights the target that damaged you, making it easy for you to track them. The 95HP overshield is incredibly useful inside PVP as the extra health can alter the TTK of weapons giving you a clear advantage in 1v1 situations.
Despite not being as strong as its prime, the One-Eyed Mask is a great choice for PVP if you want to play an aggressive playstyle and get rewarded for chaining kills.
How to get it: One-Eyed Mask can be acquired via Exotic engrams, Xûr, or farming Lost Sectors.
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
One-Eyed Mask | Titan | Helm | Forsaken Pack | Exotic Engrams | Season 4 | Forsaken Pack | Highlights the enemy who dares to damage you. Track down and destroy your enemy for an overshield. |
8. Loreley Splendor Helm
Excels in PvE and PvP
When it was first released in Season 16, Loreley was nothing groundbreaking and an average choice at best. However, when Solar 3.0 came out, Loreley quickly became one of the strongest exotics in the game.
Cauterizing Flame is the perk of this exotic and generates a sunspot when you reach critical health with your barricade charged or when you cast your barricade. With Solar 3.0 these sunspots granted Restoration, an extremely powerful healing ability. This is a solid foundation to make a variety of builds upon helping Loreley to cover a wide range of roles by using Solar 3.0 to the maximum.
Even after receiving a nerf, Loreley is still one of the go-to exotics for high-light-level activities as the easy source of Restoration makes harder-hitting enemies more manageable.
How to get it: Loreley Splendor Helm can only be acquired via solo Expert+ Lost Sectors or Vex Strike Forces.
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
Loreley Splendor Helm | Titan | Helm | The Witch Queen | Lost Sectors | Season 16 | The Witch Queen | When you have Sun Warrior, your Sunspots heal you. When you are critically wounded, create a Sunspot at your location. |
7. Wormgod Caress
Excels in PvE
Sometimes, the best way to rework an underutilized exotic is to simply make it easier to use. Wormgod was but one of these exotics, crying out for some QoL after being relegated to second fiddle next to Synthoceps. And oh, what a rework it got.
Wormgod Caress had its Burning Fists Exotic effect changed during Season of the Wish to make it much more user-friendly. It now shows as a buff meter with 5 stacks total, with finisher and (glaive) melee kills contributing one stack each. Not only that, but the buff decays over time instead of dropping all at once, meaning you have more time to use and regain it. It also provides a weapon buff for each stack, maxing out at 35%!
While not as easy to use as Synthoceps, Wormgod Caress now offers a choice to players that has been long absent. Does one go with ease of use? Or do they choose to deal more damage at the cost of managing the buff? The choice, they say, is yours.
How to get it: Wormgod Caress can be acquired via Exotic engrams, Xûr, or farming Lost Sectors.
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
Wormgod Caress | Titan | Arms | Free-to-Play | Exotic Engrams | Season 3 | Free-to-Play | Melee kills increase melee damage for a period of time. Additional kills extend duration and increase effects. |
6. Abeyant Leap
Excels in PvE
While Strand Titan is most known for its insane melee damage output, there was a brief period during Lightfall where they were the masters of suspension; thanks in large part to Abeyant Leap.
Abyeant’s perk, Puppeteer’s Control, is all about the Suspended debuff. The first half improves Drengr’s Lash, causing the projectiles to travel farther and track harder. The other half gives you Woven Mail any time you suspend a target. This means Drengr’s, the shackle grenade, and Wish-Keeper will all activate this part of the perk. When combined with Into the Fray, you become nigh-unkillable in endgame content. Just make sure to watch your health.
While nowhere as directly powerful as the Syntho/Wormgod builds, Abeyant Leap offers Strand Titans a way to control the battlefield from a distance and support their team.
How to get it: Abeyant Leap can be unlocked from the Vex Offensive or Tier 3 Exotic Focusing at Rahool.
How to get it: Abeyant Leap can only be acquired via solo Expert+ Lost Sectors or Vex Strike Forces.
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
Abeyant Leap | Titan | Legs | Lightfall | Lost Sectors | Season 20 | Lightfall | Drengr's Lash spawns two additional projectiles, tracks targets more aggressively, and travels farther. Gain Woven Mail when suspending targets. |
5. Cuirass of the Falling Star
Excels in PvE
Cuirass of the Falling Star is perhaps the best example of a “Swap” Exotic. It turns Thundercrash from a mid-tier super to an S-tier super.
This exotic doubles the damage of Thundercrash and provides an overshield after the super ends. Glorious Charge makes Thundercrash one of the best DPS supers in the game due to how much damage it adds. The super can be used quickly for some instant damage, and then you can retreat to use your DPS weapons. This is made easier by the overshield that it generates when you strike someone. This overshield lasts longer based on the duration of your flight so even if the target is far away, the overshield will last until you can get back in cover.
It only adds value to your Thundercrash exotic and, hence, is best used as a “Swap” Exotic. This means it doesn’t cost your neutral game anything and you can still use other exotics, only swapping to Cuirass for super damage.
How to get it: Cuirass of the Falling Star can only be acquired via solo Expert+ Lost Sectors or Vex Strike Forces.
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
Cuirass of the Falling Star | Titan | Chest | Beyond Light | Lost Sectors | Season 13 | Beyond Light | Greatly increases your Thundercrash impact damage. Gain an overshield that lasts longer the farther you travel before striking a target. |
4. Peacekeepers
Excels in PvP
Even with the nerfs to both this exotic and SMGs themselves, Peacekeepers continue to dominate the PvP sphere and will do so until the foreseeable future.
Peacekeepers add a total of 7 different buffs when you are using an SMG, more than any other exotic. They passively grant 40 Airborne Effectiveness, 25 Mobility, increased sprint speed and slide distance, bonus FOV when ADS, and 50 Handling with a 0.8x animation. This adds up to make SMGs have almost instant swapping speeds and the mobility bonus plays a huge role in closing the gap to get within SMG ranges.
Peacekeepers also reload your SMG when it is not equipped making this exotic provide lots of value even without holding an SMG. They are a game changer for SMGs and create a far more aggressive and powerful playstyle when using them.
How to get it: Peacekeepers can be acquired via Exotic engrams, Xûr, or farming Lost Sectors.
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
Peacekeepers | Titan | Legs | Free-to-Play | Exotic Engrams | Season 1 | Free-to-Play | Reloads stowed Submachine Guns and allows you to ready them instantly. Improves your handling with SMGs and your movement while wielding one. |
3. Dunemarchers
Excels in PvP
Dunemarchers have been an iconic exotic inside the crucible ever since the game first came out. Whilst there have been occasions where another exotic has temporarily taken the top spot, Dunemarchers have always been a reliable pick that has withstood the test of time.
Dunemarchers grant an increased sprint speed and slide distance that works in tandem with the main part of the exotic perk. Linear Actuators build an arc charge when sprinting for more than 1.5s. When you then melee someone, this charge is released in the form of chain lightning that does 50 damage to enemies within 12m. This is incredibly strong inside PVP as the extra damage can allow for easier clean-ups when paired with a CQC weapon like a shotgun or one of Titan’s many buffed melees.
The overall utility of Dunemarchers makes them the go-to pick for Titans looking for a fast-paced and aggressive playstyle within the Crucible.
How to get it: Dunemarchers can be acquired via Exotic engrams, Xûr, or farming Lost Sectors.
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
Dunemarchers | Titan | Legs | Free-to-Play | Exotic Engrams | Season 1 | Free-to-Play | Increases sprint speed. Sprinting builds up a static charge. After melee-attacking an enemy, that charge will chain damage to nearby enemies. |
2. Synthoceps
Excels in PvE and PvP
Much has changed for this exotic over the years, and yet, it has remained largely the same. While it has had some nerfs that brought down its melee enhancements, as well as removing the lunge range increase, Synthoceps continues to be the top choice for most melee focused builds.
What makes Synthoceps much more appealing than Wormgod Caress is the ease of use. Syntho’s only requirement is that you are surrounded. That’s it. No need to manage a buff meter or perfectly time your damage. Just roll up and get to work. What’s more is that it also enhances Super damage, making this excellent for Berserker Titans running Banner of War! However, it is worth mentioning that Wormgod’s melee buff is 275% vs Syntho’s 165%, so you can see why it’s a tough call!
After all it’s been through, Synthoceps remains the premier melee exotic. While not the strongest, it’s ease of use makes it that much more desirable to most.
How to get it: Synthoceps can be acquired via Exotic engrams, Xûr, or farming Lost Sectors.
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
Synthoceps | Titan | Arms | Free-to-Play | Exotic Engrams | Season 1 | Free-to-Play | Increased melee lunge range. Improved melee and Super damage when you're surrounded. |
1. Stoicism
Excels in PvE
Stoicism, much like its Hunter and Warlock counterparts, shakes the very foundation of power creep to its core. So much so that it had to be limited to work only on Prismatic, as not doing so would have made everything else irrelevant.
What makes Stoicism so powerful, as well as frustrating to farm for, is the random double perk gimmick. The catch, however, is that the perks have been watered down. Spirit of Inmost Light, for instance, only gives the ability regen and not the extra damage. Spirit of the Armamentarium doesn’t get intrinsic Firepower. You get the idea.
But even with those restrictions in place, the builds utilizing Stoicism are some of the best out there. Spirit of Inmost Light and Armamentarium turns you into an ability spammer unlike any other, and Eternal Warrior + Star Eaters lets you dish out ludicrous boss damage. Those are just two of the 64 possible combinations on this exotic!
How to get it: We cover the most sought-after Stoicism God Rolls (and how to get it) here.
Armor | Class | Type | Requirements | Source | Released | Requires | Exotic Perk |
Stoicism | Titan | Class Item | The Final Shape | Master Rahool | Episode 1 | The Final Shape | Can randomly roll with two of the following Stoicism Exotic Traits. |
How to farm titan Exotics
Farming specific Exotic armor can be a notoriously difficult task. Unlike Exotic weapons, which have direct acquisition methods, Exotic armor can only be farmed indirectly, which means RNG will play a large role in whether you’ll ever find the god roll you’re looking for. Having said that, Bungie has been continuously adding new avenues to make Exotic armor farming easier:
Exotic Engrams
Most Exotic armor can be found within Exotic Engrams: These can be found in the Season pass, they are sold by Xur and can also drop randomly at any time. There isn’t much more to say about Exotic engrams, only that they have a higher chance to drop from end-game activities. If collecting exotics is your priority, Nightfall: The Ordeals are for you. And the higher the difficulty, the higher the chance to get one.
Exotic Armor focusing
Some Exotic engrams won’t automatically decrypt when found. These can be taken to the Tower and can be decrypted into exactly the Exotic you want (it will cost you, though). We cover Exotic armor focusing in detail here.
Lost Sector farming
If you’re looking for new Exotic armor, those can be farmed by completing Legend and Master Lost Sectors solo. You can read more about how to farm Legend and Master Lost Sectors here.
Vex Strike Force Public event
Another option is to participate in Vex Strike Forces, which are unique (and very challenging) Public events that randomly occur in Neomuna. These can drop up to three Exotic armor pieces per completion!
See latest Updates
- September 3, 2024: General updates based on The Final Shape (and Episode 1) meta.
- October 30, 2023: General updates based on recent buffs/nerfs to underused Exotics, plus, inclusion of Year 5 (Lightfall) Exotics.
- December 15, 2023: General updates and the inclusion of Year 4 (The Witch Queen) Exotics.
- May 30, 2021: The guide is published for the first time.
Stay tuned, and don’t forget to bookmark this page for next season!
This is absolutely amazing in both content and delivery… This is going to go a long way in helping me clean up the duplicate exotics that I might use one day but don’t know what super to pair them with… or the ideal distribution of stats…
Is there a spreadsheet of this available anywhere?
Crest Excellent run down however the following are all subclass neutral
Crest of Alpha Lupi (listed as Void)
The Path of the Burning Steps (listed as Solar)
Khepris Horn (listed as Solar)
Icefall Mantle (listed as Stasis)
They each synergise or have associations with the listed subclass, but none require you to use that subclass to gain the benefit of the exotic perk.
Second Chance should absolutely be in S tier. paired with Monte Carlo, you can do so many things to make harder content more difficult. In my fireteam, we always have an warlock, and a solar or strand hunter. this exotic has become my permanent piece of equipment for void, with a void grenade launcher and a high damage void heavy wapon, i have incredibly high single enemy damage output. Captain America vibes for sure.