Fashion in Destiny 2 is such an integral part of each player’s identity that portions of the community say that “dresstiny” is the true endgame of Destiny 2. Especially now that transmog is in place, there’s little to no reason to ignore all the ways you can customize your Guardian’s appearance.
Today, we’ll provide a wide variety of looks to ensure your Titan stays sharp, even while utilizing some of the more popular exotics so as to not sacrifice gameplay.
Bringing in the experts
Before we begin, thank you to MuffinBandit for putting together these top-tier sets with us! If you want to take your fashion game to the next level, check them out on YouTube and Twitter!
Exotic Titan Fashion
Dressing your Guardian up is fun and all, but often you’ll need a specific Exotic armor piece for a build. But that doesn’t mean you’ll have to throw your fashion game away. These are some prime examples of excellent fashion using some of the most meta Titan exotics:
Heart of Inmost Light fashion
Loreley Splendor Helm fashion
Synthoceps fashion
General Titan Fashion in Destiny 2
Whether you’re diving into a more casual activity or are simply trying to make a good-looking armor set to post online, sometimes running a specific gameplay-focused exotic isn’t necessary. While we’ve already proved that you can make do with these restrictions, being able to freely use any armor you want can open a world of possibilities as to how you’d like to style your Guardian. Here are a couple more examples that don’t take into account any exotic armor restrictions:

Credit to wyspt from Reddit

Credit to
@FancyPantsORYX on Twitter
“Award-winning” Titan fashion
These come from the latest fashion contest hosted by our friend Pattycakes. Hosting some of the biggest Fashion contests in the Destiny 2 community, Pattycakes took this second edition of his contest to new heights: More contestants, more judges (including yours truly!), and more prize money. These were the top Titan highlights:

Brown Grug Titan fashion, Destiny 2

BBuRi Titan fashion, Destiny 2
But with every contender coming in with 5 different sets each, we had to go over 160 different fashion builds. Some were decent, others were good, and a surprising amount of them were excellent. We cover below some of our favorite Titan fashion builds:

Prime, Titan fashion

Mytheria, Titan fashion

IsKyu, Titan fashion

Grey, Titan fashion

Ryn, Titan fashion
Your turn
With how diverse Destiny 2’s armor sets are, experimenting with them yourself can be good fun at times. Hopefully, the sets showcased today have given you inspiration to either find or create a look that suits both your stylistic and gameplay needs. Do you have an awesome fashion build you’d like to share? Share it with us on Twitter!
Do you guys even play this game lmao? There’s a Warlock fashion in this article 😂
I created the post for all three classes at the same time, it is possible that I made an error when bringing posts online
What warlock fashion are you referring to?