Destiny 2 Best PvP Weapons Today (Episode 2 Meta)

by | Jan 11, 2025

As you get more invested in Destiny 2, one of your biggest concerns will be getting the best guns in the game. But that can be confusing, as it depends on whether you’re looking for weapons for PvP, PvE, casual, or endgame content.

Today, we focus on the best PvP weapons today, including Exotic and Legendary weapons (including their PvP god rolls), and give you an overview of the current PvP meta.

EP2 Revenant icon Destiny 2Updated as of Episode 2: Revenant. See Updates

Best PvP Primary weapons

Destiny 2 Primary ammoIn this section, we cover the best Primary PvP weapons. PS: By Primary, we mean Kinetic or Energy weapons that use Primary ammo. Just remember Primary weapons use “normal” ammo, aka white ammo boxes:

WeaponsTypeAmmo?SlotRequirementsIn loot pool?SourceSource ❘ DLCVerdictPart of?
The Riposte art Destiny 2
The Riposte
Auto Rifle
Auto RiflePrimaryEnergyFree-to-PlayYesCrucible CompetitiveCrucible Competitive
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Lightweight

PvP God Roll: Zen Moment + Dynamic Sway Reduction (also good: Target Lock)

► On paper, The Riposte is arguably the best Auto Rifle in the game, with very high handling, stability, and a decent amount of range. Plus, it features a plethora of strong perks and also benefits from being the only Legendary Lightweight Auto Rifle in the game.
Igneous Hammer art
Igneous Hammer
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonPrimaryEnergyThe Final ShapeYesTrials of OsirisTrials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Aggressive

PvE God Roll: Rapid Hit (also good: Outlaw) + Rampage

► Igneous Hammer definitely isn't as popular as it was when it was first released, but the weapon still sees use in all areas of the game. With excellent stats and some top-tier perks on its side, Igneous continues to be one of the better 120 RPM hand cannons available.
Crimil's Dagger
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonPrimaryKineticFree-to-PlayNoIron BannerIron Banner
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Aggressive

PvP God Roll: Rangefinder (also good: Outlaw ) + Kill Clip

► Though Aggressive Frame Hand Cannons were significantly nerfed a while ago, Crimil's can still two-tap with Kill Clip active. However, without the perk active, Crimil's Dagger (and any other 120 RPM hand cannon) lags behind the competition in PVP.
Destiny 2 Graviton Lance art
Graviton Lance
Pulse Rifle
Pulse RiflePrimaryEnergyFree-to-PlayYesExotic EngramExotic Engram
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Second shot of a burst rips a hole through space-time, doing high damage and recoil with no falloff. Kills with this weapon cause enemies to detonate and spawn tracking Void projectiles."

► Graviton Lance is a beast of a weapon. It clears out entire rooms thanks to its explosive capabilities. It also synergizes well with certain builds, making it an excellent option right now.
Destiny 2 Thorn
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonPrimaryKineticForsaken PackYesExotic KioskExotic Kiosk
Forsaken Icon (final) Destiny 2
Forsaken Pack
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Rounds pierce targets and deal damage over time. Kills leave behind Remnants which, when absorbed, increase damage."

► Thorn has rocketed right back into the meta with the release of its Exotic Catalyst. This catalyst provides practically everything: Range, Mobility, Handling, and Stability upon a single kill, or absorbing a remnant. This allows for constant kill-chaining and lets good players take over any lobby.
Elsie's Rifle art Destiny 2
Elsie's Rifle
Pulse Rifle
Pulse RiflePrimaryEnergyFree-to-PlayYesOnslaught ActivityOnslaught Activity
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: High-Impact

PvP God Roll: Zen Moment (also good: Keep Away) + Headseeker (also good: Desperado)

► Elsie’s Rifle is an extremely powerful pulse rifle inside of the Crucible. It’s got slightly less range than The Messenger, but outside of that? Elsie has it beat. Add on the several stat boosting perks it can roll with, and you’ve got a perfect energy slot contender to The Messenger.
Aisha's Care art Destiny 2
Aisha's Care
Pulse Rifle
Pulse RiflePrimaryKineticThe Final ShapeYesTrials of OsirisTrials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Heavy Burst

PvP God Roll: Zen Moment (also good: To The Pain) + Headseeker (also good: Moving Target)

► Stacked with utility and damage perks, Aisha’s truly is a weapon made for the Crucible. It can kill in 0.87 seconds, which is respectable, especially given its base range. It is also amazing for ‘peek-shooting’, which Pulse Rifles typically struggle with.
Stay Frosty art Destiny 2
Stay Frosty
Pulse Rifle
Pulse RiflePrimaryKineticFree-to-PlayYesEvent: DawningEvent: Dawning
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Lightweight

PvE God Roll: Killing Wind (also good: Moving Target) + Kill Clip

► New with the Dawning 2022 event, Stay Frosty is one of few Lightweight pulse rifles. With pretty good PVP perks, this seasonal weapon has the opportunity to excel past competition in the Crucible. However, once the hype around it settles down, we believe Stay Frosty will fall in the middle of the pack.
Rose art
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonPrimaryKineticFree-to-PlayYesPlaylist: CruciblePlaylist: Crucible
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Lightweight

PvP God Rolls: Moving Target + Explosive Payload (also good: Eye of the Storm)

► Rose was a reward from competitive PvP, so it makes sense that it's a monster in The Crucible. The weapon has absurd stats and perks that allow it to rocket past its competition. Sure, it's harder to obtain than other options, but this grind is easily worth it if you're an avid Crucible player.
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonPrimaryKineticBeyond Light PackYesXûrXûr
Beyond Light Icon (final) Destiny 2
Beyond Light Pack
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Final blows and precision hits with Hawkmoon grant stacks of Paracausal Charge. The final round in the magazine deals bonus damage based on the number of stacks. Stowing Hawkmoon on the final round removes this bonus."

► Hawkmoon is one of the strongest Exotic Hand Cannons in PvP. It can consistently 2-tap (and even 1-tap) opposing Guardians, provided you are accurate enough. In the hands of an experienced player, Hawkmoon is definitely something to fear.

Best PvP Special weapons

Destiny 2 special ammoIn this section, we cover the best Special PvE weapons. PS: Special means Kinetic or Energy weapons that use Special ammo. Just remember, Special weapons use “Special” ammo, aka green ammo boxes:

WeaponsTypeAmmo?SlotRequirementsIn loot pool?SourceSource ❘ DLCVerdictPart of?
Matador 64 art
Matador 64
ShotgunSpecialEnergy30th AnniversaryYesGrasp of Avarice DungeonGrasp of Avarice Dungeon
Destiny 2 30th anniversary icon
30th Anniversary
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvP God Roll: Perpetual Motion + Opening Shot (also good: Killing Wind)

► Matador 64 is one of the best Shotguns in the game. Being part of the Precision Frame family gives it a boost, but its excellent perks bring it the extra mile, with Opening Shot and Perpetual Motion both being high-value perks.
Conditional Finality art
Conditional Finality
ShotgunSpecialKineticLightfallYesRoot of Nightmares RaidRoot of Nightmares Raid
Lightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Dual barrels split into Stasis and Solar damage. Landing nearly all Stasis pellets will freeze targets; landing nearly all Solar pellets will ignite targets."

► Conditional Finality is the Shotgun to use in PvE and PvP. With incredibly high utility everywhere in the game, Conditional Finality is a must-have weapon in the current meta.
Prophet of Doom
ShotgunSpecialEnergyShadowkeep PackYesGarden of Salvation RaidGarden of Salvation Raid
Shadowkeep Icon (final) Destiny 2
Shadowkeep Pack
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Roll: Feeding Frenzy + One-Two Punch (also good: Rampage)
PvP God Roll: Slideways + Opening Shot

► Prophet of Doom is a powerful all-around option that can succeed in PvE and PvP due to its performing Archetype and solid perks. However, some stronger options outclass it.
Glacioclasm art Destiny 2
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleSpecialEnergyFree-to-PlayTimed-EventEvent: DawningEvent: Dawning
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: High-Impact

PvE God Roll: Subsistence + Reservoir Burst

► A refreshed perk pool has breathed new life into Glacioclasm, and while it is held back by its charge time, the introduction of Repulsor Brace and Golden Tricorn allows for a perfectly synergized Void 3.0 build. Pair it with your favorite Void exotic and go to town.
Destiny 2 The Chaperone art
The Chaperone
ShotgunSpecialKineticBeyond Light PackYesExotic QuestExotic Quest
Beyond Light Icon (final) Destiny 2
Beyond Light Pack
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Fires a single-slug precision round. Precision kills briefly grant bonus handling, range, and precision damage with this weapon."

► It certainly requires more skill than your average pellet shotgun, but in the right hands, The Chaperone is the deadliest shotgun in the entire game. Because of its excellent base stats and Precision-slug frame, The Chaperone has the longest one-hit kill distance of any shotgun in the game, provided you can hit your headshots.
Scavenger's Fate art Destiny 2
Scavenger's Fate
ShotgunSpecialEnergyEpisode 2: RevenantYesRevenant ActivitiesRevenant Activities
EP2 Revenant icon Destiny 2
Episode 2: Revenant
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

Cloudstrike Destiny 2
Sniper Rifle
Sniper RifleSpecialEnergyBeyond Light PackYesExotic QuestExotic Quest
Beyond Light Icon (final) Destiny 2
Beyond Light Pack
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Precision final blows generate a lightning bolt at the target's location. Rapid precision hits create a lightning storm at the point of impact."

► While Cloudstrike is noticeably weaker and less popular than it was at release, the weapon continues to be a solid pick in both PvE and PvP. Most scenarios do call on you to utilize a different exotic, but if you have an open slot, Cloudstrike won't let you down.
Deadlock art Destiny 2
ShotgunSpecialKineticFree-to-PlayYesCrucible CompetitiveCrucible Competitive
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

Someday art Destiny 2
ShotgunSpecialKineticThe Final ShapeYesThe Pale HeartThe Pale Heart
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Precision

PvE God Roll: Lead From Gold + Recombination or Cascade Point

► Someday is arguably one of the strongest Shotguns in the game. With an excellent Precision Frame, brilliant base stats and a very nice perk pool, it's easy to see why Someday is one of the most used Shotguns in PvP right now. It also has some good PvE perks too, making it even better.
Defiance of Yasmin art
Defiance of Yasmin
Sniper Rifle
Sniper RifleSpecialKineticFree-to-PlayYesKing's Fall RaidKing's Fall Raid
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Roll: Snapshot Sights + Opening Shot
PvE God Roll: Firefly + Firing Line

► Defiance of Yasmin rarely gets any talk, which is strange given how solid its perk pool and stats are. Individual snipers are better in specific activities, but Defiance is a jack of all trades that's hard to beat in terms of overall potency.

Best PvP Heavy weapons

Destiny 2 Heavy ammoIn this section, we cover the best Heavy weapons for PvE. In other words, weapons that use “heavy” ammo, aka purple ammo boxes:

WeaponsTypeAmmo?SlotRequirementsIn loot pool?SourceSource ❘ DLCVerdictPart of?
Machine Gun
Machine GunHeavyHeavyBeyond Light PackYesDeep Stone Crypt RaidDeep Stone Crypt Raid
Beyond Light Icon (final) Destiny 2
Beyond Light Pack
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Reconstruction + Killing Tally (also good: Rampage)
PvP God Roll: Rapid Hit + Killing Tally

►Commemoration remains a top contender amongst machine guns even years after its introduction. Reconstruction paired with the 30% damage buff offered by Killing Tally, makes this a no-brainer option in PvE. Given that Machine Guns are some of the few heavy weapons in PvP that can reasonably get a lot of kills, it's easy to see why players will enjoy using Commemoration.
The Other Half art
The Other Half
SwordHeavyHeavyFree-to-PlayYesDares of EternityDares of Eternity
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Eager Edge + Whirlwind Blade (also good: Frenzy)

► The Other Half is Half-Truth's stronger sibling. With more perk flexibility while also coming with Eager Edge, it is one of the best swords in the game for general play, and every player should look to have The Other Half in their arsenal.
Wendigo GL3 art

Wendigo GL3
Grenade Launcher
Grenade LauncherHeavyHeavyFree-to-PlayYesNightfall: The OrdealsNightfall: The Ordeals
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Rolls: Auto-Loading Holster (also good: Field Prep) + Explosive Light (also good: Cascade Point)

► Wendigo GL3's old curated roll is still available, and with spike grenades, it's actually better than its original incarnation for PvE. Try out Cascade Point for a different spin on DPS. For PvP, Grenade Launchers are top-tier, and the Wendigo GL3 is no exception. Impulse Amplifier + Rangefinder allows for a projectile speed of 58m/s, making securing kills remarkably easy with this weapon.
Cataphract GL3 art
Cataphract GL3
Grenade Launcher
Grenade LauncherHeavyHeavyThe Final ShapeYesTrials of OsirisTrials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Rolls: Impulse Amplifier + Vorpal Weapon

► Grenade Launchers are reliable options for PvP as they can typically secure very easy kills on multiple targets if you are accurate. On top of that, Cataphract features great stats and all the right perks to excel in high stakes PvP.
Hammerhead art Destiny 2
Machine Gun
Machine GunHeavyHeavyFree-to-PlayYesOnslaught ActivityOnslaught Activity
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Rampage (also good: Rewind Rounds) + Killing Tally (also good: Onslaught)
PvP God Roll: Rampage (also good: Under-Over) + Tap the Trigger

► The re-issued Hammerhead immediately jumped to the top of the meta. Adaptive Frame machine guns remain a great option due to their well-rounded stats, and the Hammerhead's great perk pool and strong stability can make it your favorite ad-clearing weapon, DPS-dealing weapon, or even your favorite PvP heavy weapon.

Destiny 2 PvP Meta

Every sandbox change comes with a new meta. And while we love to criticize Bungie for not changing the meta often enough, the last few seasons have significantly altered the hierarchy of weapon types for PvP.

We just covered the absolute best PvP weapons right now, but it’s equally important to understand how the different weapon types compare to each other.

Alert iconAbout TTK: Measured in seconds, TTK, or time-to-kill, is critical in PVP because the lowest the TTK (generally less than a second), the faster you can kill your opponent. You can read all about it in our TTK guide.

PvP Primary weapons meta

Weapon Type RankTierTrendRole ❘ Current StateCategory
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2
Hand Cannons
S › Best


-► Hand Cannons feel great right now and can deal with all the other meta options, provided they are in the hands of a skilled player. They are unbelievably forgiving in terms of aim-assist and can compete at solid ranges. Hand Cannons are the jack of all trades, and while they may not dominate up close or far away, they are incredibly scary to face in a mid-range duel.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (120 RPM) - Example: Igneous Hammer
PVP Primaries
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Pulse Rifles
S › Best


-► Pulse Rifles have seen a resurgence in the past few seasons, with constant buffs to all types of Pulse Rifles. It is hard not to find success with one due to the high-flinch potential of Rapid-Fire Pulses or the lethal time-to-kill of High-Impact Pulses.

► Best Archetype: High-Impact (340 RPM) - Example: The Messenger
PVP Primaries
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Auto Rifles
S › Best


Trend up► Auto Rifles are remarkably easy to use. Options like Khvostov or The Summoner both excel at medium range, and if you can close the gap on Pulse Rifles, you can easily take advantage of the high flinch factor and solid time-to-kill that Auto Rifles have.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (600 RPM) - Example: Khvostov 7G-0X
PVP Primaries
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2
A › Strong


-► Sidearms have lost their place at the top of the meta, but they remain a solid pick, especially for players using a Controller, as they inherently have manageable stability with a rapid time-to-kill. Honestly, the main reason they've lost their place at the top is due to how powerful SMGs are right now.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (325 RPM) - Example: Forgiveness
PVP Primaries
SMG weapon type Destiny 2
Submachine Guns
A › Strong


Trend down► SMGs have lost a little bit of power as aggressive play isn't as prevalent as it once was, but you can definitely still succeed with certain SMGs, especially on close-range maps.

► Best Archetype: Aggressive (720 RPM) - Example: Unending Tempest
PVP Primaries
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2
Combat Bows
B › Average


-► Bows are incredibly unique. They have a remarkably slow time to kill, however, this isn't where Bows shine. Hotswap builds with bows can be incredibly potent and don't require much learning either. Bows also provide incredible value when teamshooting opponents. Despite this, Bows on their own are quite mediocre and need something behind them to really shine.

► Best Archetype: Precision (Slower Draw Time) - Example: Strident Whistle
PVP Primaries
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Scout Rifles
C › Weak


-► Scout Rifles are struggling right now. In most situations, the maps are too small to benefit the long range of a Scout rifle. An Aggressive or High-Impact Pulse Rifle will better serve your needs. Plus, Scout Rifles are abysmal up close. There are one or two outliers that shine but, on the whole, Scout Rifles are in a weak spot.

► Best Archetype: Rapid-Fire (260 RPM) - Example: Fang of Ir Yût
PVP Primaries

PvP Special weapons meta

For the sake of clarity, the categories below do not include Exotics that use an abnormal type of ammo, such as  Eriana’s Vow or Arbalest. If you’re particularly interested in these unique exotics, check out our Exotic Tier list, including every exotic weapon currently in the game.

Weapon Type RankTierTrendRole ❘ Current StateCategory
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2
S › Best


-► With the introduction of fixed (and consistent) pellet spread patterns per archetype and the reversal of some widely disliked nerfs, Shotguns are finally back. With consistent changes in the right direction, Shotguns are once more a staple pick among many PvP players.

► Best Archetype: Precision (65 RPM) - Example: Matador 64
PVP Specials
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Fusion Rifles
S › Best


-► Fusion Rifles have been at the top of the meta for a while now, and it doesn't seem to be changing. Fusions can cover the close to medium ranges excellently, and a good Fusion Rifle player can be incredibly frustrating to play against, no matter the range of the engagement.

► Best Archetype: Precision (780ms Charge Time) - Example: Main Ingredient
PVP Specials
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Sniper Rifles
A › Strong


Trend down► Sniper Rifles are still remarkably powerful, but due to certain flinch changes, they've become slightly harder to use. All this, as well as how strong certain Shotguns are, it's natural for Snipers to fall down a tier, but they are still strong, especially in Trials of Osiris.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (90 RPM)- Example: Beloved
PVP Specials
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Linear Fusion Rifles
A › Strong


-► The special ammo Linear Fusion category of weapon is rather barren, but the two weapons that occupy it, Arbalest and Lorentz Driver, are both forces to be reckoned with. While they have received some deserved nerfs throughout Seasons 17-19, they remain a solid choice for many players wanting a long range option.PVP Specials
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Trace Rifles
B › Average


-► Trace Rifles are quite a niche pick and will fall short as a competitive option in most players' hands. Even once you learn to master Trace Rifles, you'll be better off with a Special weapon that can provide a one-hit-kill t rather than one that can be out-dueled by a Primary weapon.

► All Archetypes are 1000 RPM - Best Option: Coldheart
PVP Specials
Glaive weapon type Destiny 2 art
B › Average


-► With their buffs in Season 19 and the hit registration improvements they've seen, Glaives can be quite annoying to play against. That said, they are outclassed by other mid/long range options and can't compete at close range due to their lackluster melee.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (55 RPM)- Example: The Enigma
PVP Specials
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2
Grenade Launchers
C › Weak


-► Grenade Launchers are annoying to play against, and that's about it. They can be used in a hot-swap loadout, but you'll be better served by a Bow like Le Monarque. Grenade launchers can put pressure on your enemies, but they can't bring the heat like some other Special Weapons can.

► Best Archetype: Lightweight - Example: Truthteller
PVP Specials

PvP Heavy weapons meta

Weapon Type RankTierTrendRole ❘ Current StateCategory
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2
Rocket Launchers
S › Best


-► Rocket Launchers remain a staple in many players' loadouts. They can provide high-range one-shot kills, and can also do AoE damage which can potentially allow you to clear teams if they are close enough together.

► Best Archetype: Precision (15 RPM) - Example: Gjallarhorn
PVP Heavies
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2
Grenade Launchers
S › Best


-► Heavy Grenade Launchers are an incredible option for those who are confident in landing their direct hits. They can functionally serve as a Rocket Launcher, but instead of coming with only a single shot, Grenade Launchers can bring 3, which, of course, means more potential kills.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (120 RPM) - Example: Memory Interdict
PVP Heavies
Machine gun weapon type Destiny 2
Machine Guns
A › Strong


-► Machine Guns are still an incredible option for Control as they can provide many kills. However, they do require multiple shots to kill which can lead to you potentially being Sniped or peak-shot by a Primary Weapon.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (450 RPM) - Example: Corrective Measure
PVP Heavies
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Linear Fusion Rifles
B › Average


-► Linear fusion rifles are in the middle of an identity crisis. They are stronger than sniper rifles and have more aim assistance, but they still require Heavy ammo and a headshot to one-shot an enemy. On top of that, they also have a charge time to take into account. Compared to a sniper rifle that fires immediately and only uses Special ammo, Linear Fusion rifles make little sense for the Crucible.PVP Heavies
Sword weapon type Destiny 2
C › Weak


-► Swords are perhaps the most fun option (especially with Eager Edge); however, they are too inconsistent to warrant any competitive use. Furthermore, benefitting from third-person view is no longer possible without Heavy ammo, making the only niche usage swords had redundant.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive/Lightweight- Examples: Half-Truths/Quickfang
PVP Heavies

Alert iconWhat is the “Meta”? Meta refers to the most used weapons for a particular activity. Generally, these weapons are the most used because they are the most powerful/efficient. The Meta can change in a heartbeat, but you can rest assured, though, this overview is up to date with the current season and will be updated as soon as a new meta arrives.

These are the different Tier levels used for these Tier lists:

  • S Tier – Best: Highest ranking weapon types.
  • A Tier – Strong: Very strong weapon types, but not on the same level as S Tier Choices.
  • B Tier – Average: Decent choices that can be lethal in the hands of a skilled player.
  • C Tier – Weak: The middle of the pack, somewhat mediocre.
  • D Tier – Worst: Lagging behind the competition, these don’t have much to offer.

Best Crucible weapons: Loadouts

Until now, we have split our top PvP guns into Primaries, Special and Heavy weapons. This makes sense when comparing weapons against each other.

But once you start building towards the ultimate loadout, a weapon’s slot becomes crucial. That’s because you can only carry one Kinetic, Energy, and Heavy weapon at a time. Also, remember that you can only equip one Exotic at a time, which means that finding the best Legendary weapons is extremely important, too. We also cover the best Kinetic weapons this season here.

PVP Destiny 2 900p v3

Best Crucible weapons, Destiny 2

These are some of the most lethal PvP loadouts right now:

Destiny 2 Ace of Spades artAce of SpadesMatador 64 artMatador 64The Other Half artThe Other HalfPVP
The Immortal artThe ImmortalCloudstrike Destiny 2CloudstrikeMemory Interdict artMemory InterdictPVP
Conditional Finality artConditional FinalityIgneous Hammer artIgneous HammerTyphon GL5 artTyphon GL5PVP

Before you go…

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level in PvE, definitely check out our Top PvE weapons round-up.

See latest Updates

We keep our content up to date! These are the latest changes made to this guide:
  • January 11, 2025: General updates based on Episode 2 (Act 3) Meta.
  • July 26, 2024: General updates based on The Final Shape Meta and Episode 1 Meta.
  • December 18, 2023: Updates based on the Season 23 meta and the replacement of Ace of Spades, The Immortal, Round Robin, Exalted Truth, Fractethyst, Glacioclasm, Retold Tale, The Wardcliff Coil, Thunderlord, and Gjallarhorn.
  • September 13, 2023: Updates based on the Season 22 meta and the replacement of Austringer, Hawkmoon, Ikelos SMG V1.0.3, Tarrabah, Drang (Baroque), Forerunner, Main Ingredient, Dead Messenger and Typhon GL5.
  • April 29, 2023: Updates based on the Season 20 meta
  • April 13, 2022: Updates based on Destiny 2’s Year 5 meta
  • March 22, 2021: Updates based on Destiny 2’s Year 4 meta
  • October 17, 2020: The guide is published for the first time.

Stay tuned, and don’t forget to bookmark this page for next season!

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. Rockpicken

    Felwinter’s is a shotty not a handgun 🙂

    • Ric (aka Prim)

      Yep, that was a typo…. Thanks for the heads up! 🙂

  2. BoB

    The shadow price has got to be one of the bets auto rifles in the game (in my opinion) as long as you hit your shots it has almost the same if not better ttk than 140 handcannons and is better at range

    • Ric (aka Prim)

      Auto Rifle tier list coming soon, stayed tuned 🙂

  3. Tim

    Excellent list, thanks Prim and Patty! Two minor nitpicks though: Fractethyst can’t roll killing wind and “PVE God Roll” should probably be “PVP God Roll” in the verdict about Tomorrow’s Answer.

    Anyone using DIM can find their PVP god rolls from the list by entering the following search query:

    name:”ace of spades”
    (name:”the messenger” perkname:”rapid hit” (perkname:”desperado” or perkname:”kill clip”))
    name:”vex mythoclast”
    (name:”the palindrome” (perkname:”killing wind” or perkname:”quickdraw”) perkname:”rangefinder”)
    (name:”shayura’s wrath” (perkname:”tunnel vision” or perkname:”killing wind”) perkname:”kill clip”)
    name:”dead man’s tale”
    (name:”multimach ccx” (perkname:”dynamic sway reduction” or perkname:”killing wind”) (perkname:”kill clip” or perkname:”iron grip”))
    (name:”fatebringer” (perkname:”explosive payload” or perkname:”killing wind”) (perkname:”opening shot” or perkname:”firefly”))
    (name:”darkest before” (perkname:”heating up” or perkname:”moving target”) perkname:”multikill clip”)
    name:”vigilance wing”
    name:”the chaperone”
    (name:”fractethyst” (perkname:”quickdraw” or perkname:”slideshot”) perkname:”opening shot”)
    (name:”main ingredient” perkname:”under pressure” (perkname:”high-impact reserves” or perkname:”tap the trigger”))
    (name:”uzume rr4″ perkname:”snapshot sights” (perkname:”explosive payload” or perkname:”high-impact reserves”))
    (name:”found verdict” (perkname:”slideshot” or perkname:”surplus”) perkname:”opening shot”)
    (name:”adored” perkname:”killing wind” perkname:”snapshot sights”)
    (name:”eye of sol” perkname:”snapshot sights” (perkname:”opening shot” or perkname:”vorpal weapon”))
    name:”lorentz driver”
    (name:”riiswalker” (perkname:”quickdraw” or perkname:”surplus”) perkname:”iron reach”)
    (name:”commemoration” perkname:”dynamic sway reduction” (perkname:”eye of the storm” or perkname:”rampage”))
    name:”heir apparent”
    name:”the wardcliff coil”
    (name:”tomorrow’s answer” perkname:”tracking module” perkname:”cluster bomb”)

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