Destiny 2 Best PvE Weapons Today (Episode 2 Meta)

by | Oct 31, 2024

As you get more invested in Destiny 2, one of your biggest concerns will be getting the best guns in the game. But that can be confusing, as it depends on whether you’re looking for weapons for PvP, PvE, casual, or endgame content.

Today, we focus on the best PvE weapons today, including Exotic and Legendary weapons (including their PvE god rolls).

EP2 Revenant icon Destiny 2Updated as of Episode 2: Revenant.

See Updates.

Best PvE Primary weapons

Destiny 2 Primary ammoIn this section, we cover the best Primary PvE weapons. PS: By Primary, we mean Kinetic or Energy weapons that use Primary ammo. Just remember Primary weapons use “normal” ammo, aka white ammo boxes:

WeaponsTypeAmmo?SlotRequirementsIn loot pool?SourceSource ❘ DLCVerdictPart of?
Khvostov 7G-0X art Destiny 2
Khvostov 7G-0X
Auto Rifle
Auto RiflePrimaryKineticThe Final ShapeYesThe Pale HeartThe Pale Heart
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Every seventh bullet from this weapon deals additional damage and ricochets to nearby targets. Features the Shoot to Loot perk."

► The Khvostov is absolutely bonkers in both PvE and PvP. In PvE, it's one of the best ad-clearing primaries in the game and also comes with Shoot to Loot, making it incredibly fluid to use. In PvP, it's extremely powerful when dueling and can score random kills around corners thanks to its ricocheting bullets, making it outrageously oppressive in PvP.
Destiny 2 Graviton Lance art
Graviton Lance
Pulse Rifle
Pulse RiflePrimaryEnergyFree-to-PlayYesExotic EngramExotic Engram
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Second shot of a burst rips a hole through space-time, doing high damage and recoil with no falloff. Kills with this weapon cause enemies to detonate and spawn tracking Void projectiles."

► Graviton Lance is a beast of a weapon. It clears out entire rooms thanks to its explosive capabilities. It also synergizes well with certain builds, making it an excellent option right now.
Red Death Reformed art Destiny 2
Red Death Reformed
Pulse Rifle
Pulse RiflePrimaryEnergyFree-to-PlayYesSeason PassSeason Pass
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Final blows with this weapon cure you and increase reload speed; reloading after final blows cures nearby allies. When you deal damage with this weapon, it gains increased handling, takes reduced flinch, and movement speed is increased for a short time. When you are at reduced health, this weapon deals additional damage."

► Red Death is one of the nicest feeling weapons in D2, mainly thanks to the recent Pulse Rifle buffs. Plus, Red Death's "Redemption" perk providing Cure x2 on kills means it is almost impossible to die when slaying out in PvE. In PvP, it is very stable and can two burst enemies. Its health regen will also save you every so often.
Destiny 2 Outbreak Perfected art
Outbreak Perfected
Pulse Rifle
Pulse RiflePrimaryKineticFree-to-PlayYesZero HourZero Hour
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "This weapon creates SIVA nanite swarms on rapid hits and precision kills and does more damage to enemies based on the number of SIVA nanites that attach to them."

► Outbreak Perfected's theme and great firing feel alone make it a popular PVE choice. And with buffs to Exotic primary weapon damage, it's now an excellent option for casual PVE content.
Midnight Coup art Destiny 2
Midnight Coup
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonPrimaryKineticFree-to-PlayYesOnslaught ActivityOnslaught Activity
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Firefly or Explosive Payload + Frenzy or One for All

► Midnight Coup offers a plethora of perks. While the classic Outlaw and Rampage combo is still strong, Midnight Coup offers insane perk combinations that set it apart, and help it excel, be it for ad clear or taking down Majors.
No Hesitation art Destiny 2
No Hesitation
Auto Rifle
Auto RiflePrimaryEnergyThe Final ShapeYesThe Pale HeartThe Pale Heart
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Support

PvE God Roll: Physic + Circle of Life (Also good: Incandescent)

► No Hesitation is part of a new auto rifle frame called the Support Frame. This new frame is capable of healing your allies, in addition to hurting foes. Rapidly healing allies grants restoration to your allies and increases your weapon damage. Talk about a utility weapon!
Destiny 2 Sunshot art
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonPrimaryEnergyFree-to-PlayYesExotic EngramExotic Engram
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "This weapon fires explosive rounds. Targets killed with Sunshot explode in Solar energy."

► While it may not have access to the Season 23 Artifact that made it truly pop, Sunshot continues to dominate the current PvE meta. Even if you aren't rocking a Solar build, this weapon is a great option for any PvE activity you dive into.
Zaouli’s Bane art
Zaouli’s Bane
Hand Cannon
Hand CannonPrimaryEnergyFree-to-PlayYesKing's Fall RaidKing's Fall Raid
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Explosive Payload + Incandescent

► On top of offering excellent base stats (which can only be expected from a raid weapon), the Zaouli's Bane can also roll with an extremely lethal and unique perk combination: Explosive Payload + Incandescent. With a strong Solar 3.0 Build, a Zaouli's Bane with Incandescent can be a monster in mid to high-end PvE content.
Rufus's Fury art
Rufus's Fury
Auto Rifle
Auto RiflePrimaryKineticLightfallYesRoot of Nightmares RaidRoot of Nightmares Raid
Lightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Rolls: Demolitionist (also good: Reconstruction) + Hatchling (also good: Target Lock)
PvP God Rolls: Reconstruction + Tap the Trigger

► Even with the introduction of additional strand Auto Rifles into the game, Rufus's Fury remains at the top of the pack with an outstanding perk pool, impressive stability, and versatility in both PvE and PvP.
Necrochasm art Destiny 2
Auto Rifle
Auto RiflePrimaryKineticFree-to-PlayYesCrota's End RaidCrota's End Raid
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Precision final blows with this weapon trigger a Cursed Thrall explosion. Final blows with Cursed Thrall explosions refill the magazine."

► Necrochasm remains a top-used weapon in both PvE and PvP, but it truly shines at ad-clearing. It's powerful as is due to its exploding perk, Cursebringer, but if you can get the catalyst, One For Thrall will increase damage, range, and handling when you hit 3 opponents. Perfect for ad control.

Best PvE Special weapons

Destiny 2 special ammoIn this section, we cover the best Special PvE weapons. PS: By Special, we mean kinetic or Energy weapons that use Special ammo. Just remember, Special weapons use “Special” ammo, aka green ammo boxes:

WeaponsTypeAmmo?SlotRequirementsIn loot pool?SourceSource ❘ DLCVerdictPart of?
Still Hunt art Destiny 2
Still Hunt
Sniper Rifle
Sniper RifleSpecialEnergyThe Final ShapeYesExotic QuestExotic Quest
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Pick up Orbs of Power or land precision hits to charge this weapon's Super bar. Once full, [Alternate Weapon Action] to fire Golden Gun shots. This weapon gains passive bonuses to target acquisition, aim down sight speed, and flinch resistance. The bonus increases when this weapon's super mode is active."

► Still Hunt is absolutely insane. This Exotic on Hunter, paired with the Celestial Nighthawk Exotic Helmet, allows you to deal insane damage with just a Special Weapon. Plus, you can add a DPS weapon such as Apex Predator and use a Solar Holster mod to form an incredible swap rotation between both weapons. Overall, Still Hunt is incredibly overpowered.
The Call art Destiny 2
The Call
SidearmSpecialKineticThe Final ShapeYesThe Pale HeartThe Pale Heart
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rocket-Assisted

PvE God Roll: Lead from Gold (also good: Demolitionist) + One for All (also good: Desperate Measures)

► In PvE, The Call is outstanding. While its offerings mostly coincide with Indebted Kindness, its unique Strand element allows it to roll with more unique options as well. Regardless, The Call’s outstanding archetype and well-rounded perk pool are sure to make the weapon a PvE staple.
Ergo Sum art Destiny 2
Ergo Sum
SwordSpecialEnergyThe Final ShapeYesThe Pale HeartThe Pale Heart
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "This weapon collects less ammo. Deals increased damage while Transcendent; defeating targets lengthens Transcendence." Has access to an additional random rolled Exotic Perk.

► Ergo Sum is nothing short of spectacular. This sword massively boosts the viability of Swords as a DPS option in the current meta and is also the highest-damage sword in the entire game with the right roll. Ergo Sum can play both rolls: a damage-dealing beast or a highly effective support tool.
Cloudstrike Destiny 2
Sniper Rifle
Sniper RifleSpecialEnergyBeyond Light PackYesExotic QuestExotic Quest
Beyond Light Icon (final) Destiny 2
Beyond Light Pack
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Precision final blows generate a lightning bolt at the target's location. Rapid precision hits create a lightning storm at the point of impact."

► While Cloudstrike is noticeably weaker and less popular than it was at release, the weapon continues to be a solid pick in both PvE and PvP. Most scenarios do call on you to utilize a different exotic, but if you have an open slot, Cloudstrike won't let you down.
Riptide art
Fusion Rifle
Fusion RifleSpecialKineticFree-to-PlayYesPlaylist: CruciblePlaylist: Crucible
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Auto-Loading Holster (also good: Compulsive Reloader) + Chill Clip

► Thanks to Crucible focusing and Chill Clip's ability to combat all champions, Riptide is not only a must-have weapon; it's also extremely easy to get. Riptide currently dominates the PvE meta, and TTK changes to Rapid-Fire fusions mean this could be a welcome addition to a PvP loadout.
The Supremacy art Destiny 2
The Supremacy
Sniper Rifle
Sniper RifleSpecialKineticForsaken PackYesLast Wish RaidLast Wish Raid
Forsaken Icon (final) Destiny 2
Forsaken Pack
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire

PvE God Roll: Rewind Rounds (also good: Lead from Gold) + Bait and Switch (also good: Focused Fury)
PvP God Roll: Snapshot Sights (also good: Discord) + Opening Shot

► The Supremacy had a small fanbase upon initial release, but its popularity has only grown since its reissue in Season of the Deep. With strong perks, excellent stats, and the ability to be crafted, there's really nothing holding The Supremacy down.
Aberrant Action art Destiny 2
Aberrant Action
SidearmSpecialEnergyEpisode 1: EchoesYesEchoes ActivitiesEchoes Activities
EP1 Echoes Icon (final) Destiny 2
Episode 1: Echoes
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rocket-Assisted

PvE God Roll: Heal Clip (also good: Beacon Rounds) + Incandescent (also good: Demolitionist)

► Without Lead from Gold, many high-end PvE players will naturally opt for Aberrant Action’s predecessors. However, its ability to roll with Solar-related perks can’t be understated, and this is the primary draw to the weapon.
Euphony FINAL art Destiny 2
Linear Fusion Rifle
Linear Fusion RifleSpecialKineticThe Final ShapeYesSalvation's Edge RaidSalvation's Edge Raid
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Dealing sustained damage with this weapon spawns Threadlings at your target's location. Threadling damage increases this weapon's damage."

► Euphony is remarkably powerful, and it gets even better when used on Strand Warlock thanks to Broodweaver's ability to spawn lots of Threadlings, stacking the Spindle perk faster, allowing Euphony to rival some Heavy Weapons for damage.
Conditional Finality art
Conditional Finality
ShotgunSpecialKineticLightfallYesRoot of Nightmares RaidRoot of Nightmares Raid
Lightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Stasis Stasis | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Dual barrels split into Stasis and Solar damage. Landing nearly all Stasis pellets will freeze targets; landing nearly all Solar pellets will ignite targets."

► Conditional Finality is the Shotgun to use in PvE and PvP. With incredibly high utility everywhere in the game, Conditional Finality is a must-have weapon in the current meta.
Indebted Kindness art preview Destiny 2
Indebted Kindness
SidearmSpecialEnergyLightfall Dungeon KeyYesWarlord's Ruin DungeonWarlord's Ruin Dungeon
Lightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Lightfall Dungeon Key
Slot: Arc Arc | Ammo: Special ammo Destiny 2 Special | Archetype: Rocket-Assisted

PvE God Roll: Beacon Rounds (also good: Impulse Amplifier) + Voltshot (also good: Adagio)

► Dropping from Warlord's Ruin, Indebted Kindess is the hot weapon to farm for. With the right roll, this goofy little sidearm can actually be the highest DPS special weapon in the game thanks to Adagio or Surrounded. It can even turn into a different damage type thanks to Permeability.

Destiny 2 Best PvE Heavy weapons

Destiny 2 Heavy ammoIn this section, we cover the best Heavy weapons for PvE. In other words, weapons that use “heavy” ammo, aka purple ammo boxes:

WeaponsTypeAmmo?SlotRequirementsIn loot pool?SourceSource ❘ DLCVerdictPart of?
Apex Predator art Destiny 2
Apex Predator
Rocket Launcher
Rocket LauncherHeavyHeavyForsaken PackYesLast Wish RaidLast Wish Raid
Forsaken Icon (final) Destiny 2
Forsaken Pack
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Reconstruction (also good: Tracking Module) + Bait and Switch (also good: Explosive Light)

► Possibly the most impactful weapon reissue in Destiny 2's history, Apex Predator went from D-Tier to S-Tier in a single season. This drastic shift is due to Apex's ability to roll with powerful perks never-before-seen on a Rocket Launcher: Reconstruction and Bait and Switch. Get your hands on this beast ASAP, as only a few replacements exist.
Destiny 2 Tractor Cannon art
Tractor Cannon
ShotgunHeavyHeavyFree-to-PlayYesExotic EngramExotic Engram
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "This weapon emits a powerful impulse that pushes enemies away, suppresses their abilities, and makes them more vulnerable to all incoming damage."

► Ever since Divinity was nerfed, players now use Tractor Cannon instead, as it is extremely easy to use and applies one of the strongest debuffs in the entire game. To truly be an optimal Fireteam, someone should always have a Tractor Cannon on hand.
Destiny 2 Whisper of the Worm art
Whisper of the Worm
Sniper Rifle
Sniper RifleHeavyHeavyFree-to-PlayYesThe WhisperThe Whisper
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Solar Solar | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Higher base precision damage. Rapidly landing three precision hits refills the magazine and missing a shot has a chance to return ammo."

► Whisper of the Worm is unrivaled in the total damage department, but as the current meta doesn't require such levels of total damage, players may prefer more burst options such as Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, or Still Hunt.
Cataphract GL3 art
Cataphract GL3
Grenade Launcher
Grenade LauncherHeavyHeavyThe Final ShapeYesTrials of OsirisTrials of Osiris
The Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Slot: Strand Element Strand | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvP God Rolls: Impulse Amplifier + Vorpal Weapon

► Grenade Launchers are reliable options for PvP as they can typically secure very easy kills on multiple targets if you are accurate. On top of that, Cataphract features great stats and all the right perks to excel in high stakes PvP.
Edge Transit art Destiny 2
Edge Transit
Grenade Launcher
Grenade LauncherHeavyHeavyFree-to-PlayYesOnslaught ActivityOnslaught Activity
Destiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Slot: Void Void | Ammo: Heavy ammo Destiny 2 Heavy | Archetype: Adaptive

PvE God Roll: Envious Assassin (also good: Cascade Point) + Bait and Switch

► With the same perk pool that made Cataphract GL3 so popular upon its release, Edge Transit offers the best heavy grenade launcher experience possible while being extremely easy to obtain.

Destiny 2 PvE Meta

Every sandbox change comes with a new weapons meta. And while we love to criticize Bungie for not changing the meta often enough, the last few seasons have significantly altered the hierarchy of PvE weapon types in Destiny 2.

Alert iconAbout DPS: DPS, or damage per second, is important for PvE because the higher the DPS, the more damage you can deal to a Boss or Major. You can read all about it in our DPS guide.

We covered the absolute best PvE weapons this season, but it’s still important to understand how the different weapon types compare with each other.

PvE Primary weapons meta

Weapon Type RankTierTrendRole ❘ Current StateCategory
Pulse rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Pulse Rifles
S › Best


-► Pulse Rifles are in a great place right now. They offer good range and pretty decent damage, allowing you to take down some beefier targets nicely. There are also some excellent pulses in the game right now, like Insidious, Sacred Provenance, or New Purpose. Unfortunately, High-Impact and Aggressive frames are the only archetypes worth your time, as the others rely on Exotic Perks or god rolls to compete.

► Best Archetype: Aggressive (450 RPM) - Example: Insidious
PVE Primaries
Hand cannon weapon type Destiny 2
Hand Cannons
S › Best


-► Hand Cannons have shot up the rankings thanks to the changes introduced this Season, all the way up to the S tier. They have solid range and can dispatch enemies with complete ease in almost all difficulties. Hand Cannons have truly taken over the spotlight with their most recent buffs, and they shouldn't be leaving it any time soon.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (140 RPM) - Example: Fatebringer
PVE Primaries
Auto rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Auto Rifles
A › Strong


Trend up► Auto Rifles are in a good place right now, options like Khvostov are incredibly potent, and utility picks such as No Hesitation make Auto Rifles a very solid option for those wanting to use a good Primary Weapon.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (600 RPM) - Example: Khvostov 76-0X
PVE Primaries
Combat bow weapon type Destiny 2
Combat Bows
A › Strong


-► Bows are a high-damage, high-range option for players who prefer to keep their distance. The main issue with bows is that they are slow at clearing ads (outside of Trinity Ghoul). and when you have to deal with ads up close, bows can massively struggle. However, their solid range and excellent damage make them a strong option.

► Best Archetype: Precision - Example: Under Your Skin
PVE Primaries
SMG weapon type Destiny 2
Submachine Guns
B › Average


Trend down► SMGs are not so hot anymore, due to the buffs to other weapon archetypes, as well as the prevalence of ability usage at close range, there is little space for SMGs to compete these days.

►Best Archetype- Aggressive (750 RPM) - Example: Unforgiven
PVE Primaries
Scout rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Scout Rifles
B › Average


-► Scout Rifles are the definition of average right now. They can do the job just fine, you can plink away at enemies from a safe distance in high-level content; however, when it comes down to it, most players will prefer to use a Hand Cannon or SMG as they simply do the same job better and faster. Scouts aren't bad at all, but they certainly aren't a go-to

► Best Archetype: Lightweight (200 RPM) - Example: Tarnished Mettle
PVE Primaries
Sidearm weapon type Destiny 2
C › Weak


-► Aside from a few select sidearms with certain perks, there really isn't much of a reason to use Sidearms. They have slightly higher damage numbers than SMGs, but typically come with significantly less range. Outside of top-tier weapons like a god-roll Brigand's Law or High Albedo, there is no real reason to run a sidearm.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (491 RPM) - Example: High Albedo
PVE Primaries

PvE Special weapons meta

For the sake of clarity, the categories below do not include Exotics that use an abnormal type of ammo, such as  Eriana’s Vow or Arbalest. If you’re particularly interested in Exotic weapons, check out our Exotic Tier list.

Weapon Type RankTierTrendRole ❘ Current StateCategory
Fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Fusion Rifles
S › Best


Trend up►Fusion Rifles are brilliant right now. Outside of Sniper Rifles, Fusion Rifles are the traditional 'backup damage' weapons due to options like Scatter Signal or Cartesian Coordinate. On top of this, you can use Fusions like Riptide for some utility instead, or even Merciless as a unique burst DPS option.

► Best Archetype: Rapid-Fire (500ms Charge Time) - Example: Scatter Signal
PVE Specials
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Sniper Rifles
S › Best


Trend up► Sniper Rifles have continued to grow into a strong Special Weapon subtype. With options like The Supremacy, Ikelos Sniper Rifle, and Still Hunt, it's very common for Sniper Rifles to be included in DPS rotations.

► Best Archetype: Rapid-Fire (140 RPM) - Example: Supremacy
PVE Specials
Shotgun weapon type Destiny 2
A › Strong


Trend down► Shotguns are pretty decent right now. Slug Shotguns aren't as strong as they once were, and Shotguns have mostly been demoted to being a funnel for One-Two Punch Melee builds. However, they are definitely still capable, and can be used in a general loadout.

► Best Archetype: Lightweight (90 RPM) - Example: Wastelander M5
PVE Specials
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2
Grenade Launchers
A › Strong


Trend down► Grenade Launchers are brilliant right now. They are versatile and are arguably the best pick in almost all areas. GLs have excellent ad control through Blinding Grenades or Wave Frame GLs like Forbearance, and they also have good boss damage in certain hot-swap builds due to Spike Grenades. Simply put, having a strong arsenal of Grenade Launchers is something you should definitely try to do as a player looking to get into high-level content.

► Best Archetype: Wave-Frame - Example: Forbearance
PVE Specials
Trace rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Trace Rifles
B › Average


-► With the nerfs to the double-special ammo economy, Trace Rifles have been knocked down a notch. Using a Primary weapon is just more efficient these days. However, they remain solid utility weapons and a go-to if players still want to run double-special lodouts. They also have a couple of solid Exotic options too, making them a decent pick right now.PVE Specials
Glaive weapon type Destiny 2 art
B › Average


-► Glaives require a bit of getting used to, but when you do, they can grant you crazy levels of damage resistance. However, they are quite a risky pick, especially if you haven't learned how to master them first. Glaives are also one-dimensional. There is basically no reason to use their melee attack, which is unfortunate as that is probably the most fun part of the Glaives.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (55 RPM) - Example: The Enigma
PVE Specials
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Linear Fusion Rifles
C › Weak


-► Linear Fusion Rifles are difficult to rank as there are only two of them. While Arbalest is definitely a powerful weapon, it is by no means a must-pick anymore. And Lorentz Driver isn't exactly a serious contender for PvE. Overall, this archetype is quite weak, especially now that Arbalest isn't the top-pick it used to be.PVE Specials

PvE Heavy weapons meta

Weapon Type RankTierTrendRole ❘ Current StateCategory
Sniper rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Exotic Sniper Rifles
S › Best


Trend upMain role: Single Target damage

► The recent buffs to certain Snipers, like Whisper of the Worm, and the Sniper's Meditation artifact mod make Exotic Sniper Rifles an easy, accessible, and powerful DPS option on bosses like The Witness in particular. Any boss that has a reasonable crit spot and a decently lengthed damage phase can be destroyed by Whisper right now, and you should definitely take advantage of it.

► Best Archetype: Aggressive (72 RPM) - Example: Whisper of the Worm
PVE Heavies
Grenade launcher weapon type Destiny 2
Grenade Launchers
S › Best


Trend upMain role: Add Clear (Secondary role: Single Target Damage).

► Grenade Launchers have finally reached the apex of the DPS meta. Grenade Launchers like Edge Transit and Cataphract GL3 with Envious Assassin and Bait and Switch are incredibly powerful thanks to the amount of burst damage they can put out. Because of this, it's safe to say that Grenade Launchers belong in the top tier of PvE Heavies.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (120 RPM) - Example: Edge Transit
PVE Heavies
Machine gun weapon type Destiny 2
Machine Guns
A › Strong


Trend upMain role: Add Clear

► With the nerf to double-special loadouts, players can't mindlessly spam Machine Guns at enemies anymore and be rewarded for it. However, Machine guns are still excellent at ad clear and remain decent for DPS. That said, for DPS, they are massively outclassed by Rocket Launchers.

► Best Archetype: Rapid-Fire (900 RPM) - Example: Retrofit Escapade
PVE Heavies
Sword weapon type Destiny 2
A › Strong


Trend upMain roles: Add Clear & Single Target damage (i.e. Boss damage).

► Swords are pretty decent right now. In fact, they are the go-to option for Crota in Crota's End and for the Herald of Finality in Salvation's Edge. However, this is only because of the design of the boss fight and a specific buff to Sword damage against Crota. Outside of these bosses, Swords are a decent but mediocre option as they are simply out-damaged by other heavy weapons.

► Best Archetype: Whirlwind - Example: Falling Guillotine
PVE Heavies
Rocket launcher weapon type Destiny 2
Rocket Launchers
A › Strong


Trend downMain role: Burst Damage (Secondary role: Add Clear)

► Rockets aren't as good as they used to be, but they are still definitely usable. In most relevant content such as the most recent raid, Salvation's Edge, Rockets aren't too popular (outside of Still Hunt rotations). Despite this Rockets are still a competitive option, and they do some solid burst damage.

► Best Archetype: Adaptive (20 RPM) - Example: Apex Predator
PVE Heavies
Linear fusion rifle weapon type Destiny 2
Linear Fusion Rifles
A › Strong


Trend downMain role: Single Target damage (Secondary role: Burst Damage)

► Linear Fusion Rifles might not be the top dogs anymore, but they are still serious contenders when it comes to total damage. Options like Cataclysmic and Briar's Contempt can still see some use in today's meta. However, despite their strengths, most situations do not require the amount of total damage that Linear Fusions offer, and if they do, options like Leviathan's Breath can fill that void very easily.

► Best Archetype: Precision (533 RPM) - Example: Reed's Regret
PVE Heavies

Alert iconWhat is the “Meta”? Meta refers to the most used weapons for a particular activity. Generally, these weapons are the most used because they are the most powerful/efficient. The Meta can change in a heartbeat, but you can rest assured, though, this overview is up to date with the current season and will be updated as soon as a new meta arrives.

These are the different Tier levels used for these Tier lists:

  • S Tier – Best: Highest ranking weapon types.
  • A Tier – Strong: Very strong weapon types, but not on the same level as S Tier Choices.
  • B Tier – Average: Decent choices that can be lethal in the hands of a skilled player.
  • C Tier – Weak: The middle of the pack, somewhat mediocre.
  • D Tier – Worst: Lagging behind the competition, these don’t have much to offer.

Destiny 2 Best PvE loadouts

Until now, we have split our Top PvE guns into Primaries, Special and Heavy weapons. This makes sense when comparing weapons against each other.

But once you start building towards the ultimate loadout, a weapon’s slot becomes crucial. That’s because you can only carry one Kinetic, one Energy, and one Heavy weapon at a time. For example, if you’re committed to using Trinity Ghoul as your Primary weapon, then your Special weapon will have to sit on the Kinetic slot.

PVE Destiny 2 900p

Best PvE weapons, Destiny 2

These are some of the most lethal PvE loadouts right now:

Witherhoard art Destiny 2WitherhoardCALUS Mini-Tool artCALUS Mini-ToolApex Predator art Destiny 2Apex PredatorPVE
Destiny 2 Wish Ender artWish-EnderNessa's Oblation artNessa's OblationCataclysmic art v2CataclysmicPVE
Osteo Striga artOsteo StrigaForbearance art v2, Forbearance (Brave) art Destiny 2Forbearance,Forbearance (Brave)Cold Comfort art Destiny 2Cold ComfortPVE

Remember that you can only equip one Exotic at a time, which means that finding the top Legendary weapons is extremely important too. We also cover the best Kinetic weapons this season here.

Before you go…

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level in PvE, definitely check out our Top PvP weapons round-up.

See latest Updates

We keep our content up to date! These are the latest changes made to this guide:
  • July 26, 2024: General updates based on The Final Shape Meta and Episode 1 Meta.
  • December 18, 2023: Updates based on the Season 23 meta and the replacement of Osteo Striga, Necrochasm, Ikelos SMG V1.0.3, Zaouli’s Bane, The Other Half Riptide, Nessa’s Oblation, Cold Comfort, Cataclysmic, and The Other Half.
  • September 13, 2023: Updates based on the Season 22 meta and the replacement of Rufus’s Fury, Outbreak Perfected, Submission, Unforgiven, Arbalest, Iterative Loop, Cloudstrike, Thunderlord and The Hothead.
  • May 1, 2023: Updates based on the Season 20 meta
  • April 13, 2022: Updates based on Destiny 2’s Year 5 meta
  • March 22, 2021: Updates based on Destiny 2’s Year 4 meta
  • September 30, 2020: The guide is published for the first time.

Stay tuned, and don’t forget to bookmark this page for next season!

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. pizzaman

    Good guide, Thank you!

  2. Cody

    I think you forgot to put the machine guns in the meta list. But it was very helpful! Thank you

  3. DonPool

    Any updates coming to this with the overall weapons guide getting updated?

    • Ric (aka Prim)

      I’m working on it! This one is completely overdue and desperately needs an update… Sorry for the delay but I hope to have a proper refresh out by Monday the latest!

  4. Rae

    There’s a typo classing Deafening Whisper as a Fusion rifle

    • Ric (aka Prim)

      Damn, you’re right! Completely missed that one, thanks for the heads up!

  5. classzero

    PVE Energy weapons types are not correct.

    • Ric (aka Prim)

      What do you mean? I’m looking for something to correct but found nothing!

      • Django

        I think he meant you labeled IKELOS_SMG_V1.0.2 as an auto rifle, while in fact it’s an SMG (as suggested in its name lol)

        • Superhobo

          Why is Trinity Ghoul listed as free to play. I thought it was only for the Forsaken DLC that you can get it.

  6. Whataloadofbull

    Hilarious. scout rifles are B? sidearms are A ? pure BS . let me know your sidearm load out in a GM or Master raid please

  7. Acklow

    Hi there I was looking over this and was wondering if you were going to be updating the guide for this season or if you were going to be updating it for Witch Queen. There are some outdated recommendations and some mistakes I saw in the loadouts. I’d like to be able to show my newbie friends this page but it’s kinda outdated.

    • Acklow

      For example you list Nation of Beasts as a kinetic weapon when it’s actually an arc primary hand cannon and you cannot pair it with the Seventh Seraph CQC

  8. Spicyy

    So many weapons are missing bro what

  9. Yuzuki

    I think this would need an update with the season of plunder lol

  10. Iunnrais

    Why is Taipan-4FR not listed here? The crafted god-roll for Taipan is an absolute staple in raids for boss DPS, with Veist, Firing Line, and Triple Tap. Nearly everyone is running it, and for good reason.

  11. ItsSonnyInIT

    Instead of being rude, please add something constructive. What loadout do you prefer for GM and master raid? I’m sure other people could learn from your experiences.

  12. Nico

    S20 Machine Guns @ B ? They’re at least A.. Can’t go wrong with Thunderlord, retrofit or commemoration

  13. cozyi

    wish ender is in the kinetic slot and is a primary ammo weapon. multiple guides you have made have wish ender under special/energy slot. very informative and great content – thank you!

    • Ric Molina

      Ok, I couldn’t understand as I have it as Kinetic/Primary in my database, and that’s also the case on this post. Found the issue on the loadout section, it has been corrected. Thank you for the heads up!

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