Bottomless Pit Exotic Quest: How to get Necrochasm

by | Oct 2, 2023

Raid exotics always get substantial attention from the community, and the Necrochasm Exotic auto is no exception. Coming from Crota’s End, its raw power combined with interesting interactions with gear like Necrotic Grip have made it both a fun and potent option for all things PvE.

However, Necrochasm isn’t like other recent raid exotics in that it isn’t just a random drop from the end of its respective raid. Instead, this auto rifle comes from a quest—Bottomless Pit. So, how do you obtain and complete this quest? In this guide, we’ll cover Bottomless Pit step-by-step, providing tips along the way to get Necrochasm as quickly as possible. Read on.

Necrochasm Quest Requirements

Like the Crota’s End raid itself, Bottomless Pit isn’t tied to any piece of paid content, meaning there are virtually no barriers to obtaining Necrochasm.

The only thing to keep in mind is that you will be required to step into Crota’s End multiple times to progress and complete Bottomless Pit. To do so, you’ll want to be at least 1790 Power and have five other experienced Guardians by your side.

Bottomless Pit Essence Exotic Quest

Essence of the Oversoul, Destiny 2

How to Get the Necrochasm, Step-By-Step

Obtaining the Bottomless Pit Quest

To begin, we’ll need to obtain the quest. After completing the Crota’s End raid, interact with the sword near the front of the Crota boss arena. This functions as the raid vendor for Crota’s End and will offer the Bottomless Pit quest for free—all you need to do is remember to pick it up.

WeaponTypeElementRankQuest AvailableRequirementsWeapon ❘ TypeQuest NameAvailable?RequiresExotic Perk | Quest Guide
NecrochasmAuto RifleKineticA › StrongYesFree-to-PlayNecrochasm art Destiny 2
Necrochasm | Auto Rifle
Bottomless PitCheckmark icon V3Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Slot: Kinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic | Ammo: Primary ammo Destiny 2 Primary | Archetype: Exotic

Exotic Perk: "Precision final blows with this weapon trigger a Cursed Thrall explosion. Final blows with Cursed Thrall explosions refill the magazine."

Bottomless Pit guide.

Step 1: Defeat Hive with Husk of the Pit

The first step of Bottomless Pit requires you to defeat 100 Hive with Husk of the Pit, a common variant of Necrochasm that should have dropped when you got the quest from the raid vendor. If you seem to have misplaced Husk of the Pit, don’t fret: you can purchase additional copies from Collections at any time.

Completing this step in Crota’s End is the easiest and quickest method, as kills inside the raid grant faster progress. However, if you’re looking to do an easier activity, load into Altars of Sorrow on the Moon. Hive spawn endlessly here, so getting 100 kills should prove easy.

Bottomless Pit Altars Exotic Quest

Bottomless Pit Quest Progress, Destiny 2

Step 2: Collect Essence of the Oversoul

Step 2 of Bottomless Pit requires you to venture back into Crota’s End to collect 20 Essence of the Oversoul. This step progresses retroactively, so any Essences you collected before getting to this step will count.

In short, this currency randomly drops from the end of encounters in the Crota’s End raid. However, there are a few quirks you can take advantage of:

  • Your first full run of Crota’s End each week will grant two Essence of the Oversoul.
  • Additional full runs are guaranteed to drop one.
  • Various triumphs relating to Crota’s End grant Essence of the Oversoul, up to 14 total.
  • There’s a random chance to earn all of the Essence necessary to complete Bottomless Pit and Necrochasm’s Catalyst upon defeating Crota during a full run. This is similar to getting the Exotic drop from previous raids.

With all that said, what’s the best way to farm Essence of the Oversoul? If you feel as though luck may be on your side, farming Ir Yut or Crota repeatedly is the quickest way to have a chance at random drops. However, if you’d rather just stick to guaranteed methods, farming full clears of the raid while completing some of the raid’s triumphs is the safest option.

Completing this step will grant Eidolon Ally, a legendary version of Necrochasm. This isn’t needed for the quest and can be dismantled if you don’t plan on using it (it can also be pulled from Collections at any point if you change your mind!).

Bottomless Pit Eidolon Ally Exotic Quest

Bottomless Pit’s Eidolon Ally, Destiny 2

Step 3: Defeat Crota

After obtaining all the Essence you need, the final step of the quest is simply to defeat Crota one last time. Once you’ve done so, speak with the sword vendor at the end of the raid again, and you’ll be rewarded with Necrochasm.

Before you go…

Ready to tackle more challenging (but rewarding) Exotic quests? We cover how to get Malfeasance by completing the Darkness in the Light quest here.

About The Author

Andrew Sideris
Andrew Sideris
With my over seven years of game knowledge, six months of writing experience for, and hundreds of Blueberries already guided through endgame content, I hope to allow newcomers to have the same great introduction I had all those years ago. You can find Andrew on Twitter.
More from Andrew Sideris
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