How to get Malfeasance + Catalyst: Darkness in the Light

by | Aug 22, 2024

Darkness In The Light is an Exotic quest obtained through playing Gambit and completing nefarious deeds for the Drifter character, located in the underbelly of the Tower.

Once completed, you’ll gain access to Malfeasance, one of the best hand cannons for end-game content.

How To Get Malfeasance: Darkness in the Light Quest

On March 20, 2020, Bungie made the Darkness In The Light quest step available to all guardians, removing the requirement to own the Forsaken Pack. You will, however, need a fair amount of patience and determination to get through some of the tougher quest steps.

Step 1: The Seething Heart

First, you’ll need to collect a Seething Heart, which, when brought to The Drifter, will begin the questline to obtain Malfeasance. This item only drops from the Ascendant Primeval Servitor boss in Gambit, which has a random chance to spawn when summoning a Primeval for your team. Thankfully, its spawn chance has dramatically increased over the last few years, so keep at it!

Ascendant Primeval Servitor featured Destiny 2

Ascendant Primeval Servitor, Destiny 2

Step 2: City of Secrets

The Corrupted. For this step, we’ll need to defeat 25 Taken Bosses or Minibosses. Head to the Dreaming City and slay several Taken bosses and/or minibosses. There are a few ways we can go about this, and depending on what the featured boss-of-the-week is for The Blind Well, it can be completed in under half an hour.

Step 3: The Corrupted

Help The Drifter track the thief who stole from him. For the next part of this quest, we’ll have to return to the Dreaming City to complete The Corrupted strike.

Step 4: Depleted Weapon Core

Deliver the depleted Weapon Core you found at Callum’s grave to The Drifter. Simple enough here, just leave the strike and return to The Drifter with the weapon core, and you’ll accept the next section of the quest!

Step 5: Business As Usual

Deposit Motes. Dropped Motes subtract x2 score. Win Gambit Matches. We’ll be heading back into Gambit for this objective, which, on paper, is fairly straightforward. You will need to deposit 400 Motes and win 10 games overall to move on to the next step. Keep in mind, losing motes subtracts twice the amount of motes you lose – so be careful if you’re sitting on 15 motes as death here could lose you 30 score, almost 10% of your completion!

Gambit Activity featured Destiny 2

Gambit Activity, Destiny 2

Step 6: Lights Out

Have an ally invader defeat four opposing Guardians in a single invasion three times, OR defeat four opposing Guardians as an invader. As an invader, defeat 25 opposing Guardians in Gambit This is a tricky one, but it’s the last step of the Darkness In The Light exotic quest, so stick with it! You will need to either invade the enemy team within a gambit match and rapidly defeat four Guardians or have one of your teammates do the same, either will count. You will also need to defeat 25 Guardians while invading, which should be completed while attempting to rapidly defeat four Guardians.

Throw on your best multi-kill super and your best Rocket Launcher – preferably with tracking. This will take some time, and not every scenario will allow for an entire team wipe, so be patient. Try to bring some long-range weaponry to pick them off from afar.

Step 7: Dark Weapon Core

Objective: Speak to the Drifter at the Tower

Malfeasance Exotic screen

Malfeasance Exotic, Destiny 2

How to get the Malfeasance Catalyst

The Malfeasance Catalyst can drop after completing any ritual activity, including Vanguard Ops, Crucible, or Gambit. In our case, it dropped after an Exotic Mission Rotator completion.  Note that as of Update 7.3.5, Comp matches have an increased Exotic Catalyst drop rate:

Competitive matches will also have an increased chance to drop Exotic weapon catalysts on victories.

The catalyst adds the following Exotic Perks and effects:

  • +20 range
  • Vorpal Weapon

Note that when paired with the Lucky Pants Hunter Exoptic, Vorpal makes the gun especially good for boss damage.

How to get Malfeasance Catalyst Destiny 2

How to get the Malfeasance Catalyst, Destiny 2

Once you have obtained the catalyst, you’ll need 700 weapon kills to unlock it. Typical farming methods such as the Shuro Chi Wish or the opening section of Grasp of Avarice will speed things along.

How good is Malfeasance

Malfeasance features the following Exotic Perks:

  • Explosive Shadow: Shoot tainted slugs that burrow into combatants. Stacking enough slugs causes them all to explode, stunning surviving combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions
  • Taken Predator: Bonus damage against Taken enemies and Gambit invaders

Originally released as one of the weakest exotics out at the time, Malfeasance now excels in many PvE activities.

The most obvious pairing for Malfeasance is the same as Warden’s Law: Lucky Pants. While only Hunters can take advantage of the synergy, the damage you can put out with this combination of exotics is absurd.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Lucky Pants Hunter Exotic Destiny 2 art

Lucky Pants

HunterLegsFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
When you ready a fully loaded Hand Cannon that deals kinetic damage or a damage type that matches your subclass energy type, each hit from that Hand Cannon increases the damage of the next shot for a short time against a combatant. Hand Cannons ready faster and are more accurate immediately after swapping to them.

Even so, Malfeasance can hold its ground without Lucky Pants just as well. With high base damage through Explosive Shadow, a boost to damage against Taken enemies with Taken Predator, Vorpal Weapon with its catalyst, and the ability to stun Unstoppable champions, Malfeasance can do just about anything. While deciding to run this over a different exotic is something you’ll rarely see, the intrinsic power of Malfeasance is unparalleled.

S-tier for PvE B-tier for PvP

Before you go…

Ready to tackle other challenging (but rewarding) Exotic quests? We cover how to get Forerunner by completing The Strange Key Quest here.

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. chloe

    for step 3 City of Secrets: you can go to the dreaming city (stay in divalian mists) and wait for the “enemies are moving against each other” (you’ll see it at the bottom of your screen) youll get a ton of mini bosses (or if ur not patient and dnt want to wait for “enemies are moving against each other” you can launch the shattered throne dungeon and kill Labyrinth Architects then jump of the cliff so you die then kill more Labyrinth Architects until you get to 25 taken bosses)

    for Step 3-The Corrupted: this is easy with a fireteam but for you solo players its a little frustrating especially last boss and the elevator encounter, for the elevator encounter I’d put on ark, void and ether point blank or aoe resistance mods on and you’ll want your resilience as high as you can get it I used riskrunner because there’s a lot of ark damage here so the “superconductor perk is almost always in affect (sunshot and graviton Lance also work really well here) and always stay moving cas the taken will hammer you and will kill you very quickly (I was running around like a mouse running from a cat lol)
    and now for the boss fight (imo its designed terribly) there a big taken boss on a small platform that can (and will) shot you off of it BUT there’s a little big rock you can hide behind to avoid his blasts (so he cant shoot you off of the platform) and cheese the encounter (I’d bring an eager edge sword just in case or you can inv a player to your team and make your life easier)

    for Step 5-Business As Usual: now for the deposit 400 motes you and one of your friends can start a private gambit match make sure to set the mote summoning number to 150 and run to 2 times with it on 150 then set the summoning numbers to 100 so you can knock out the 400 motes in 3 games then get a fireteam full of friends and set the mote summoning number to 50 so you can knock on a gambit mach supper quickly

    and lastly for the 6th step lights out: i did it w sleeper simulant with caddy (I got lucky cas I killed 2 guardians at once w it) but leviathans breath, gjallarhorn, thunderLord and Xenophage also work really well to (if u dnt wanna use ur heavy slot jade rabbit and Polaris Lance are 2 really great 3 tap scout rifles or aggressive frame sniper rifles work well also) you’ll want to do it when there close togeather if u wanna use any RL or leviathans breath

    I really hopes this helps this quest was a pain my gamertag is (nogginthumpr)

  2. Chloe

    Srry there are some errors in there like the first line i meant step 2 City of Secrets instead of step 3 City of Secrets and you can set the mote summoning number as low as 25

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