Destiny 2 Glacioclasm: God Rolls & How to get it

by | Dec 10, 2024

The Dawning is back and brought an unexpected surprise: A refreshed and improved Glacioclasm Fusion Rifle. This weapon gains popularity each Dawning but falls off throughout the year. However, given the perks it features in 2023, we don’t see that happening this time around.


How good is Glaciocasm

Based on the perk pool alone, Glacioclasm ticks all the boxes. Good ammo and damage perks for PvP and good consistency perks for PvE. While High-Impact Fusions are not as popular as some rapid-fire options like Scatter Signal or Cartesian Coordinate, they are still incredibly powerful.

It is challenging to rank Glacioclasm as there are so many good Fusion Rifles. Still, I’d pick other fusions over Glacioclasm only due to the weapon’s archetype. The slower charge rate and clunky feel of high-impact Fusion Rifles make me not enjoy the gun. Objectively, though, Glacioclasm is undoubtedly the best of the best. Glacioclasm is easily an A-tier weapon for PvE and an S-tier weapon for PvP.

A-tier for PvE S-tier for PvP

Best alternatives:

Glacioclasm Perks and God Rolls

The Glacioclasm fusion rifle can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Slideshot, Subsistence, Repulsor Brace, Under Pressure, Killing Wind, Heating Up, and Overflow.
  • Perk 2: Reservoir Burst, Golden Tricorn, High-Impact Reserves, Eye of the Storm, Fragile Focus, Controlled Burst, and Successful Warm-Up
  • Origin Trait: Dawning Surprise, Omolon Fluid Dynamics.
Glaciocasm God rolls Destiny 2

Glaciocasm God rolls, Destiny 2

Glacioclasm 2024 God Rolls infographic Destiny 2

Glacioclasm 2024 God Rolls, Destiny 2

Glacioclasm PvE god rolls

PvE Roll: All-Around
Barrel Fluted Barrel
Battery Enhanced Battery
Perk 1 Envious Assassin (also good: Slideshot)
Perk 2 Controlled Burst (also good: Reservoir Burst)
Masterwork Charge Time

Handling is the name of the game on Special Weapons inside of PvE. Having the fluidity to swap to your Fusion Rifle during a DPS phase or to burst down a tanky target quickly is crucial, so Fluted Barrel is our favourite. The battery doesn’t matter much, but Enhanced Battery simply bumps the magazine size up +1, which is always handy.

Envious Assassin and Reservoir Burst provide incredible damage, as you’ll be able to dump a ton of ammo into the boss, with much of the mag being boosted by Reservoir Burst’s damage bonus. Slideshot effectively accomplishes the same thing, but is more awkward to use. Controlled Burst is the alternative damage option and is viable as it can serve as a more consistent backup option.

Glacioclasm PvP god rolls

PvP Roll: All-Around
Barrel Arrowhead Break (also good: Hammer-forged Rifling)
Battery Particle Repeater
Perk 1 Under Pressure (also good: Lone Wolf)
Perk 2 Closing Time
Masterwork Stability (also good: Range)

Even just reading Glacioclasm’s PvP perks gives me nightmares of facing a Fusion Rifle in the Crucible; this Fusion will no doubt be top of the line in PvP. 

Arrowhead Break gives Glacioclasm a perfect 100 recoil direction, which means the recoil goes directly vertical, making this Fusion ridiculously consistent. This, combined with +20 stability from Particle Repeater and a Stability Masterwork, makes this Fusion Rifle very easy to use. Under Pressure provides a sizable Stability increase, bumping us up to 100 Stability when activated. Closing Time in the second column gives us improved handling, range, an accuracy when the mag is low, which it should almost always be as Glacioclasm is a special weapon.

How to get the Glacioclasm

Mistral Lift is a drop from Destiny 2’s winter holiday event, The Dawning. During this time, you can obtain the weapon by baking cookies for vendors, talking to Eva Levante, and participating in the event as a whole.

However, be aware that there’s no chance to farm it outside of these few couple of weeks, so don’t miss out! We cover all Dawning weapons here.

Dawning focusing screen Destiny 2

How to get Glacioclasm, Destiny 2

You can find all of our God Rolls for Destiny 2 here.

Before you go…

Interested in more top-tier weapons from the Dawning? You should definitely check out these Mistral Lift God Rolls.

About The Author

Matthew Evans
Matthew Evans
I've been hooked on Destiny 2 for years now... I've racked up countless hours and plenty of experience, which I hope to share with Blueberries who want to get involved with Destiny. You can find Matthew on Twitter.
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