Destiny 2 The Title: God Rolls and How to get it

by | Mar 6, 2024

Guardian Games returns for another year of Guardian Class competition and brings a revamped version of the Void Submachine Gun, The Title. Its new perk set has elevated The Title to the next level with its god roll making it a top choice to farm during this year’s event.

How to get the The Title

The Title is a reward for depositing Guardian Games medals into the podium located in The Tower. Medals are awarded for completing activities across Destiny 2 while the event is active between March 5th and March 26th. You cannot obtain The Title outside of this event window.

To find out how to maximize your medal gains, check out our Destiny 2 Guardian Games guide.

How to get the Competitive Catalyst Quest screen Destiny 2

How to get The Title, Destiny 2

How good is The Title

The Title has always had great potential, and the 2024 version has finally unlocked that power. More of a PvE-focused weapon, the best of The Title is found when using Void builds to compliment its newly refreshed perk set. This god roll builds around clearing waves of mobs and The Title does this with top-tier efficiency. 

The Crucible is a different story. Better options across other Submachine Guns and amongst other weapons in the same slot. The Title won’t be seen as a meta choice in PvP. 

A-tier for PvE B-tier for PvP

Best alternatives:

The Title God Rolls and Perk Pool

The Title submachine gun can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Perpetual Motion, Threat Detector. Dynamic Sway Reduction, Repulsor Brace, Grave Robber, Pugilist, Attrition Orbs 
  • Perk 2: Swashbuckler, Deconstruct, Collective Action, Surrounded, Vorpal Weapon, Rangefinder, Destabilizing Rounds
  • Origin Trait: Classy Contender, Hakke Breach Armaments

The Title PvE God Roll

  • Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
  • Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
  • Perk 1: Repulsor Brace (also good: Grave Robber)
  • Perk 2: Destabilizing Rounds (also good: Surrounded)
  • Masterwork: Handling or Range

To get the best out of The Title, focusing on the Void synergies paired with a Void subclass can push the weapon to the next level. It also carries other strong perks if you want to build around it differently. 

Start with Arrowhead Brake and Ricochet Rounds. Arrowhead Brake ensures perfect Recoil control with Ricochet Rounds adding Range and Stability. This gives The Title greater control and accuracy during engagements. The combination of Repulsor Brace and Destabilizing Rounds is what shines brightest. Destabilizing Rounds debuffs targets with Void, and finishing them off causes Repulsor Brace to grant an Overshield. Keep this rolling, making Guardians nearly unkillable when slaying enemies of the Light. 

The Title PvP God Roll

  • Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling
  • Magazine: Ricochet Rounds (also good: High-Calibre Rounds)
  • Perk 1: Dynamic Sway Reduction
  • Perk 2: Rangefinder (also good: Swashbuckler)
  • Masterwork: Handling or Range

With so many strong Submachine Guns, The Title struggles to find a place but does carry the perks to make it competitive when focused on Range and accuracy, which it does with ease by pairing up Hammer Forged Rifling and Ricochet Rounds. 

Dynamic Sway Reductions bonuses when firing give the most benefit for accuracy when engaged in a gunfight. Rangefinder then rounds this off nicely with the added zoom and accuracy bonuses making The Title easy to control and deadly when closing the gap on your enemies.

Before you go…

Interested in other top-tier weapons from the Guardian Games event? You should definitely check out these Taraxippos God Rolls (and get the Heir Apparent Catalyst while you can). 

Post written by RiseOfBacon

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