Destiny 2 Catalysts: How to Get and Apply them

by | Aug 18, 2024

Exotic catalysts are some of the most sought-after items in Destiny 2. Unlike legendary weapons, some Exotics can be dramatically enhanced by their catalyst. Granted, some catalysts are duds, but others can be game-changing, taking an Exotic to an entirely new level.

While our Exotic Tier list ranks and covers all the Exotic weapons, this guide focuses on their Catalysts and tells you what they do, how to get them, and how to unlock them.

Episode 1 Echoes icon Destiny 2Updated as of Episode 1: Echoes.

What is an Exotic Catalyst

Ace of Spades Catalyst Destiny 2Catalysts are Exotic items that can “upgrade” certain Exotic weapons by granting them more stat points, a new perk, or both.  But you first need to find and upgrade them. Note that not every Exotic weapon has a catalyst.

Destiny 2 Exotic Catalyst list

These are all 90 Exotic Catalysts currently available in Destiny 2 as of Episode 1 Echoes:

NameTypeSlotCatalyst SourceAvailable?RequirementsCatalystSource ❘ RequirementsReleasedHow to UpgradeCatalyst effect
Choir of OneAuto RifleEnergyEncore Exotic MissionYesEpisode 1: EchoesChoir of One Catalyst art Destiny 2 v2
Choir of One
| Auto Rifle
Encore Exotic Mission

Episode 1: Echoes
Episode 1► Craftable► Adds one of the following Catalysts:
- Destabilizing Rounds Refit
- Onslaught Refit
- Subsistence Refit
Ergo SumSwordEnergyGrandmaster ExcisionYesThe Final ShapeErgo Sum Catalyst art Destiny 2
Ergo Sum
| Sword
Grandmaster Excision

The Final Shape
Episode 1► 500 kills► Adds Transcendent Steel perk:
Dealing damage with a Transcendent grenade grants Ergo Sum ammo.
Final WarningSidearmKineticStrikes, Crucible, and GambitYesLightfallFinal Warning Catalyst art Destiny 2
Final Warning
| Sidearm
Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit

Episode 1► 700 kills► Adds String Theory perk:
Hits against marked targets deal increased damage and have a chance to refund ammo to the magazine.
Red Death ReformedPulse RifleEnergySeason Pass (Level 145)YesFree-to-PlayRed Death Reformed Catalyst art Destiny 2
Red Death Reformed
| Pulse Rifle
Season Pass (Level 145)

Episode 1► 700 kills► Adds Helping Hand perk:

Final blows charge this weapon. When the weapon is charged, the next final blow creates a healing burst at your location and leaves a remnant behind that provides restoration to allies.
TessellationFusion RifleEnergySpecial Deliveries Kiosk (upon purchasing The Final Shape + Annual Pass)YesThe Final ShapeTessellation Catalyst art Destiny 2
| Fusion Rifle
Special Deliveries Kiosk (upon purchasing The Final Shape + Annual Pass)

The Final Shape
Episode 1► 400 kills► Adds Property: Unavoidable perk:
Targets near the blast of Property: Irreducible are [afflicted|burdened|cursed] with an elemental effect matching your equipped grenade's damage type.
VexcaliburGlaiveEnergyAvalon Exotic MissionYesLightfallVexcalibur Catalyst art Destiny 2
| Glaive
Avalon Exotic Mission

Episode 1► Craftable► Adds one of the following Catalysts:
- Immovable Refit
- Robber Refit
- Feedback Refit
Wish-KeeperCombat BowKineticStarcrossed Exotic MissionYesLightfallWish-Keeper Catalyst art Destiny 2
| Combat Bow
Starcrossed Exotic Mission

Season 23► 400 kills► Adds one of the following Catalysts:
- Enduring Snare Refit
- Multi-Threaded Snare Refit
- Vorpal Weapon Refit
- Hatchling Refit
Dragon's BreathRocket LauncherHeavyAn Old Flame questYesFree-to-PlayDragon's Breath Catalyst art Destiny 2
Dragon's Breath
| Rocket Launcher
An Old Flame quest

Season 23► 150 kills
► 200 Calibration Data
► Adds Pyromancer perk:
This weapon replenishes its fuel faster. Defeating targets with this weapon causes them to periodically drop Firesprites.
Buried BloodlineSidearmKineticIn the Shadows of the Mountain questYesLightfall Dungeon KeyBuried Bloodline Catalyst art Destiny 2
Buried Bloodline
| Sidearm
In the Shadows of the Mountain quest

Lightfall Dungeon Key
Season 23► 700 kills► Adds Splitvein Lineage perk:
While Devour is active, this weapon weakens on hit.
NecrochasmAuto RifleKineticBottomless Pit questYesFree-to-PlayNecrochasm Catalyst art Destiny 2
| Auto Rifle
Bottomless Pit quest

Season 22► 700 kills► Adds Outlaw perk
Ex DirisGrenade LauncherEnergyBanshee-44's questYesFree-to-PlayEx Diris Catalyst art
Ex Diris
| Grenade Launcher
Banshee-44's quest

Season 22► 400 kills► Adds Berserk Rush perk:
Weapon enrages faster while amplified. Final blows with this weapon make you amplified.
Monte CarloAuto RifleKineticStrikes, Crucible, and GambitYesShadowkeep PackMonte Carlo Catalyst art
Monte Carlo
| Auto Rifle
Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit

Shadowkeep Pack
Season 22► 700 kills► Adds Stochastic Vengeance perk:
At 5 stacks of Markov Chain, switch between your melee attack and Monte Carlo's bayonet. Landing a bayonet melee hit grants melee energy.
MalfeasanceHand CannonKineticStrikes, Crucible, and GambitYesFree-to-PlayMalfeasance Catalyst art
| Hand Cannon
Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit

Season 21► 700 kills► Adds Vorpal Weapon perk
► Increases range by +20.
The NavigatorTrace RifleKineticGhost of the Deep DungeonYesLightfall Dungeon KeyThe Navigator Catalyst art Destiny 2
The Navigator
| Trace Rifle
Ghost of the Deep Dungeon

Lightfall Dungeon Key
Season 21► 700 kills► Adds Gordian Knot perk:
Special reload and then fire to create a Grapple Tangle at the targeted point.
CentrifuseAuto RifleEnergyBanshee-44's questYesFree-to-PlayCentrifuse Catalyst art Destiny 2
| Auto Rifle
Banshee-44's quest

Season 21► 700 kills► Adds Static Buildup perk:
While amplified, this weapon gradually gains overcharge.
Quicksilver StormAuto RifleKineticAny Data Point in the Storm questYesLightfallQuicksilver Storm catalyst art
Quicksilver Storm
| Auto Rifle
Any Data Point in the Storm quest

Season 20► 700 kills► Adds Nano-entanglement perk:
This weapon's damage type becomes Strand. Final blows with grenades from this weapon create Tangles.
Verglas CurveCombat BowKineticBanshee-44's questYesFree-to-PlayVerglas Curve Catalyst art
Verglas Curve
| Combat Bow
Banshee-44's quest

Season 20► 700 kills► Adds Shiver Quiver perk:
Freezing a target grants this weapon faster draw speed for a short period of time.
CloudstrikeSniper RifleEnergyPlaylist Activity completionsYesBeyond Light PackCloudstrike Catalyst art Destiny 2
| Sniper Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Beyond Light Pack
Season 19► 400 kills► Adds Triple Tap perk
► Increases Handling by +25.
Revision ZeroPulse RifleKineticOperation: Seraph's ShieldNoThe Witch QueenRevision Zero Catalyst art Destiny 2
Revision Zero
| Pulse Rifle
Operation: Seraph's Shield

The Witch Queen
Season 19► Mini quests►Adds one of the following Catalysts:
- Frenzy Refit (Feeding Frenzy)
- Pressurized Refit (Under Pressure)
- Outlaw Refit (Outlaw)
- 4-Timer Refit (Fourth Time's the Charm)
The ManticoreSubmachine GunEnergyBanshee-44's questYesThe Witch QueenThe Manticore catalyst
The Manticore
| Submachine Gun
Banshee-44's quest

The Witch Queen
Season 19► 700 kills► Adds Flying Monster:
Final blows with this weapon while airborne grant damage resistance.
Hierarchy of NeedsCombat BowEnergySpire of the Watcher Master completionYesThe Witch Queen Dungeon KeyHierarchy of Needs Catalyst art Destiny 2
Hierarchy of Needs
| Combat Bow
Spire of the Watcher Master completion

The Witch Queen Dungeon Key
Season 19► 500 kills► Adds Emergency Scramble perk:
Deploying a Guidance Ring or striking a target with a seeking projectile improves draw time and reload speed for a moderate duration.
ThunderlordMachine GunHeavyPlaylist Activity completionsYesForsaken PackThunderlord Catalyst
| Machine Gun
Playlist Activity completions

Forsaken Pack
Season 18► 500 kills► Adds Return Stroke:
Causing a lightning strike with this weapon partially reloads the magazine from reserves.
Delicate TombFusion RifleEnergyBanshee-44's questYesThe Witch QueenDelicate Tomb Catalyst
Delicate Tomb
| Fusion Rifle
Banshee-44's quest

The Witch Queen
Season 18► 700 kills► Adds Ionic Interment perk:
Collecting an Ionic Trace partially reloads the magazine from reserves.
Touch of MaliceScout RifleKineticKing's Fall RaidYesFree-to-PlayTouch of Malice Catalyst
Touch of Malice
| Scout Rifle
King's Fall Raid

Season 18► 700 kills► Adds Rapid Hit perk
JötunnFusion RifleEnergyPlaylist Activity completionsYesForsaken PackJotunn Catalyst Destiny 2 art
| Fusion Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Forsaken Pack
Season 17► 500 kills► Adds Cornered & Incandescent perks
HeartshadowSwordHeavyDuality Dungeon (x3 banners)YesThe Witch Queen Dungeon KeyHeartshadow Catalyst Destiny 2 art
| Sword
Duality Dungeon (x3 banners)

The Witch Queen Dungeon Key
Season 17► 400 kills► Adds Wraithwalk perk:
Faster movement while invisible.
► Increases Ammo Capacity by +50.
TrespasserSidearmEnergyBanshee-44's questYesThe Witch QueenTrespasser Catalyst Destiny 2 art
| Sidearm
Banshee-44's quest

The Witch Queen
Season 17► 700 kills► Adds Tunnel Vision perk
The Fourth HorsemanShotgunEnergyPlaylist Activity completionsYesShadowkeep PackThe Fourth Horseman Catalyst Destiny 2
The Fourth Horseman
| Shotgun
Playlist Activity completions

Shadowkeep Pack
Season 16► 400 kills► Adds And its name was Death perk:
Adds an additional round to the magazine and increases reload speed by +40.
HawkmoonHand CannonKineticPlaylist Activity completionsYesBeyond Light PackHawkmoon Catalyst art
| Hand Cannon
Playlist Activity completions

Beyond Light Pack
Season 16► 700 kills► Adds the Hunter's Trance perk:
Increases magazine size to 9. Also increases handling, reload speed, and range based on the number of Paracausal Charge stacks.
Outbreak PerfectedPulse RifleKineticPlaylist Activity completionsYesFree-to-PlayOutbreak Perfected Catalyst Destiny 2
Outbreak Perfected
| Pulse Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Season 16► 500 precision kills► Adds Disease Vector perk:
Increases nanite damage. Enemies that die with nanites attached to them generate additional nanites.
Le MonarqueCombat BowEnergyPlaylist Activity completionsYesForsaken PackLe Monarque Catalysts Destiny 2 art
Le Monarque
| Combat Bow
Playlist Activity completions

Forsaken Pack
Season 16► 700 kills► Adds Unrelenting perk
Whisper of the WormSniper RifleHeavyPlaylist Activity completionsYesFree-to-PlayWhisper of the Worm Catalyst Destiny 2
Whisper of the Worm
| Sniper Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Season 16► 500 kills► Adds Whispered Breathing perk:
Aiming down the scope for 3 seconds increases range and precision damage while the weapon scope remains zoomed.
Dead MessengerGrenade LauncherEnergyVox Obscura Exotic MissionYesThe Witch QueenDead Messenger Catalysts Destiny 2 art
Dead Messenger
| Grenade Launcher
Vox Obscura Exotic Mission

The Witch Queen
Season 16► 200 Solar kills, 200 Void kills, 200 Arc kills► Adds Turnabout perk:
Using this weapon to break the shield of a combatant or a Guardian using their Super will grant you an overshield.
Osteo StrigaSubmachine GunKineticCrafting RelicYesThe Witch QueenOsteo Striga Catalyst Destiny 2 art
Osteo Striga
| Submachine Gun
Crafting Relic

The Witch Queen
Season 16► Reach Level 10 to purchase at Crafting Relic► Poison final blows return ammo to the magazine.
Grand OvertureMachine GunHeavyBanshee-44's questYesThe Witch QueenGrand Overture Catalysts Destiny 2 art
Grand Overture
| Machine Gun
Banshee-44's quest

The Witch Queen
Season 16► 400 kills► Missile explosions will blind combatants. Those defeated by missile impacts then explode.
ArbalestLinear Fusion RifleKineticPlaylist Activity completionsYesLightfallArbalest catalyst Destiny 2 art
| Linear Fusion Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

30th Anniversary► 500 kills► Adds Genesis perk
GjallarhornRocket LauncherHeavyGrasp of Avarice Dungeon (x3 chests)Yes30th AnniversaryGjallarhorn catalyst Destiny 2 art
| Rocket Launcher
Grasp of Avarice Dungeon (x3 chests)

30th Anniversary
30th Anniversary► 400 kills► Adds More Wolves perk:
Increases magazine size. Final blows with Wolfpack Rounds spawn a faster, more powerful missile at the target's location.
ForerunnerSidearmKineticReach Rank 16 with XurYesFree-to-PlayForerunner catalyst Destiny 2 art
| Sidearm
Reach Rank 16 with Xur

30th Anniversary► 700 kills► Adds The Rock perk:
For several seconds after a final blow, you can consume part of your ammo reserves, converting your next grenade into a fragmentation grenade.
Ager's ScepterTrace RifleKineticPlaylist Activity completionsYesBeyond Light PackAger's Scepter Catalyst Destiny 2 art
Ager's Scepter
| Trace Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Beyond Light Pack
Season 15► 1000 kills► Adds Will Given Form perk:
Hold reload to drain Super energy, overflowing and empowering the beam with bonus damage and the ability to slow and freeze targets. Can only be activated when Super energy is full.
Lorentz DriverLinear Fusion RifleEnergyBanshee-44's questYesBeyond Light PackLorentz Driver catalyst Destiny 2
Lorentz Driver
| Linear Fusion Rifle
Banshee-44's quest

Beyond Light Pack
Season 15► 400 kills► Adds Jump Driver perk:
Lorentz Driver gains an enhanced radar. Additionally, while this weapon has 3 telemetry patterns, EM Anomaly detonations no longer require a precision final blow.
The HuckleberrySubmachine GunKineticPlaylist Activity completionsYesFree-to-PlayHuckleberry Catalyst Destiny 2
The Huckleberry
| Submachine Gun
Playlist Activity completions

Season 14► 500 kills► Adds Bull Rider perk:
Kills with this weapon now reload the entire magazine.
Izanagi's BurdenSniper RifleKineticPlaylist Activity completionsYesForsaken PackIzanagi's Burden Catalyst Destiny 2
Izanagi's Burden
| Sniper Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Forsaken Pack
Season 14► 500 kills► Adds Peerless Edge perk:
Increases the damage bonus of Honed Edge when all 4 bullets are consumed.
Legend of AcriusShotgunHeavyNightfall Ordeals completionsYesFree-to-PlayLegend of Acrius Catalyst Destiny 2
Legend of Acrius
| Shotgun
Nightfall Ordeals completions

Season 14► 500 kills► Adds Deeper Pockets perk:
Increases the magazine size by +2 and expands the ammo reserves.
► Increases reload speed by +36.
Bad JujuPulse RifleKineticPlaylist Activity completionsYesForsaken PackBad Juju Catalyst Destiny 2
Bad Juju
| Pulse Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Forsaken Pack
Season 14► 700 kills► Adds Unending Curse perk:
Extends the duration of the perk String of Curses.
Sleeper SimulantLinear Fusion RifleHeavyNightfall Ordeals completionsYesFree-to-PlaySleeper Simulant Catalyst Destiny 2
Sleeper Simulant
| Linear Fusion Rifle
Nightfall Ordeals completions

Season 14► 300 kills► Lowers the weapon charge rate stat by -250 and expands the ammo reserves.
Cryosthesia 77KSidearmKineticBanshee-44's questYesBeyond Light PackCryosthesia 77K Catalyst Destiny 2
Cryosthesia 77K
| Sidearm
Banshee-44's quest

Beyond Light Pack
Season 14► 700 kills► Adds Cold Efficiency perk:
Shattering a frozen target refills this weapon's magazine from reserves.
DeathbringerRocket LauncherHeavyPlaylist Activity completionsYesShadowkeep PackDeathbringer Catalyst Destiny 2
| Rocket Launcher
Playlist Activity completions

Shadowkeep Pack
Season 14► 400 kills► Adds Dead Weight perk:
Increases how quickly Dark Descent reaches its full potential.
Polaris LanceScout RifleEnergyPlaylist Activity completionsYesFree-to-PlayPolaris Lance Catalyst Destiny 2
Polaris Lance
| Scout Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Season 14► 500 Kills
► 50 Perfect Fifth kills
► Adds Dragonfly perk
Vex MythoclastFusion RifleEnergyVault of Glass RaidYesFree-to-PlayVex Mythoclast Catalyst Destiny 2
Vex Mythoclast
| Fusion Rifle
Vault of Glass Raid

Season 14► 700 kills► Adds Calculated Balance perk:
While in full auto mode, final blows with this weapon grant bonus damage, accuracy, and stability for a short duration.
Skyburner's OathScout RifleEnergyPlaylist Activity completionsYesFree-to-PlaySkyburner's Oath Catalyst Destiny 2
Skyburner's Oath
| Scout Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Season 14► 1000 Cabal kills► Increases range by +27.
TelestoFusion RifleEnergyLegend/Master Lost Sectors completionsYesFree-to-PlayTelesto Catalyst Destiny 2
| Fusion Rifle
Legend/Master Lost Sectors completions

Season 14► 300 kills► Adds Deeper Pockets perk:
Increases the magazine size by +3 and expands ammo reserves.
Worldline ZeroSwordHeavyPVE KillsYesFree-to-PlayWorldline Zero Catalyst Destiny 2
Worldline Zero
| Sword
PVE Kills

Season 14► 300 kills► Adds Another Dimension perk:
Reduces the activation time for the perk Tesseract.
Ticuu's DivinationCombat BowEnergyBanshee-44's questYesBeyond Light PackTicuu's Divination Catalyst art
Ticuu's Divination
| Combat Bow
Banshee-44's quest

Beyond Light Pack
Season 13► 700 kills► Adds Causality Quiver perk:
Perfectly drawn arrows that detonate Sacred Flames increase arrow damage. Striking targets unaffected by Sacred Flame refreshes Causality Arrows' duration.
Dead Man's TaleScout RifleKineticPresage Exotic MissionYesBeyond Light PackDead Man's Tale Catalyst Destiny 2
Dead Man's Tale
| Scout Rifle
Presage Exotic Mission

Beyond Light Pack
Season 12► 800 kills► Adds Dark-Forged Trigger perk:
Removes hipfire accuracy penalties and increases rate of fire from hip. Stacks of Cranial Spike increase hip rate of fire further.
DualityShotgunEnergyBanshee-44's questYesBeyond Light PackDuality Catalyst Destiny 2
| Shotgun
Banshee-44's quest

Beyond Light Pack
Season 12► 400 kills► Increases weapon range by +20 and expands magazine size by +2.
No Time to ExplainPulse RifleKineticSoon questYesBeyond Light PackNo Time to Explain Catalyst Destiny 2
No Time To Explain
| Pulse Rifle
Soon quest

Beyond Light Pack
Season 12► 700 kills► Adds Blast from the Side perk:
Projectiles from the time portal shoots more frequently.
Leviathan's BreathCombat BowHeavyPVE KillsYesShadowkeep PackLeviathan's Breath Catalyst art
Leviathan's Breath
| Combat Bow
PVE Kills

Shadowkeep Pack
Season 12► 1500 kills► Adds Colossal Quiver perk:
Expands the ammo reserves by +5.
WitherhoardGrenade LauncherKineticBanshee-44's questYesShadowkeep PackWitherhoard Catalyst Destiny 2
| Grenade Launcher
Banshee-44's quest

Shadowkeep Pack
Season 11► 400 kills► Adds Silent Alarm perk:
Maximizes handling, holstering this weapon automatically reloads it after a short period of time.
Ruinous Effigy Trace RifleEnergyPVE KillsYesShadowkeep PackRuinous Effigy Catalyst Destiny 2
Ruinous Effigy
| Exotic Trace Rifle
PVE Kills

Shadowkeep Pack
Season 11► Destroy all Savathun's Eyes; or
► 5000 kills
► Adds Deconstruction perk:
Deals increased damage against targets damaged by Transmutation spheres.
Traveler's ChosenSidearmKineticPlaylist Activity completionsYesShadowkeep PackAger's Scepter Catalyst Destiny 2 art
Traveler's Chosen
| Sidearm
Playlist Activity completions

Shadowkeep Pack
Season 11► 700 kills► Adds Osmosisand Full Auto Trigger System perks
Heir ApparentMachine GunHeavyGuardian Games eventNoFree-to-PlayHeir Apparent Catalyst Destiny 2
Heir Apparent
| Heir Apparent
Guardian Games event

Season 10► 700 kills► Adds Legion's Bullwark perk:
Increases the Arc Shield's durability and partially reloads the magazine if it is destroyed.
Tommy's MatchbookAuto RifleEnergyBanshee-44's questYesShadowkeep PackTommy's Matchbook Catalyst Destiny 2
Tommy's Matchbook
| Auto Rifle
Banshee-44's quest

Shadowkeep Pack
Season 10► 700 kills► Adds Heat of the Moment perk:
While Ignition Trigger is active, your health recovers much faster.
SymmetryScout RifleEnergyBanshee-44's questYesShadowkeep PackSymmetry Catalyst Destiny 2
| Scout Rifle
Banshee-44's quest

Shadowkeep Pack
Season 9► 700 kills► Adds Electric Styx perk:
Increases the max stack size of Dynamic Charge from x15 to x20.
Eriana's VowHand CannonEnergyBanshee-44's questYesShadowkeep PackEriana's Vow Catalyst Destiny 2
Eriana's Vow
| Hand Cannon
Banshee-44's quest

Shadowkeep Pack
Season 8► 700 kills► Adds More to Give perk:
Increases magazine size by +3 and the Auto-Loading Holster perk.
LuminaHand CannonKineticAny activityYesForsaken PackLumina Catalyst Destiny 2
| Hand Cannon
Any activity

Forsaken Pack
Season 7► 250 Noble Round heals► Adds Resonant Vitrue perk:
Gain two Remnants per final blow instead of one.
Ace of SpadesHand CannonKineticKills or completions in Strikes & NightfallsYesForsaken PackAce of Spades Catalyst Destiny 2
Ace of Spades
| Hand Cannon
Kills or completions in Strikes & Nightfalls

Forsaken Pack
Season 4► 500 kills► Adds Funeral Pyre perk:
Firefly does more damage while Memento Mori is active.
Trinity GhoulCombat BowEnergyPlaylist Activity completionsYesForsaken PackTrinity Ghoul Catalyst Destiny 2
Trinity Ghoul
| Combat Bow
Playlist Activity completions

Forsaken Pack
Season 4► 400 kills► Adds Forked Lightning perk:
Reduces draw time by -108 and Lightning Rod now triggers from any arc damage final blow.
Black TalonSwordHeavyPVE KillsYesFree-to-PlayBlack Talon Catalyst Destiny 2
Black Talon
| Sword
PVE Kills

Season 4► 500 kills► Adds Reversal perk:
Shots blocked immediately after guarding increase the damage of Crow’s Wings for a very short duration.
Cerberus+1Auto RifleKineticPVE KillsYesFree-to-PlayCerberus+1 Catalyst Destiny 2
| Auto Rifle
PVE Kills

Season 4► 500 kills► Adds Focused Fire perk:
Hold reload to swap to a tighter, close-ranged spread.
Lord of WolvesShotgunEnergyAny activityYesFree-to-PlayLord of Wolves Catalyst Destiny 2
Lord of Wolves
| Shotgun
Any activity

Season 4► 500 kills► Adds Fang and Claw perk:
Increases reload speed while Release the Wolves is active and increases stability when it's not.
SUROS RegimeAuto RifleKineticKills or wins in the Crucible YesFree-to-PlaySUROS Regime Catalyst Destiny 2
SUROS Regime
| Auto Rifle
Kills or wins in the Crucible

Season 3► 300 PVP kills► Adds SUROS Ascendance perk:
Improves recoil direction and increases the chance to activate "SUROS Legacy".
CrimsonHand CannonKineticPVE KillsYesFree-to-PlayCrimson Catalyst Destiny 2
| Hand Cannon
PVE Kills

Season 2► 500 kills► Increases range by +18.
The Jade RabbitScout RifleKineticKills or wins in the Crucible YesFree-to-PlayJade Rabbit Catalyst Destiny 2
The Jade Rabbit
| Scout Rifle
Kills or wins in the Crucible

Season 2► 250 PVP kills► Increases stability by +27.
Prometheus LensTrace RifleEnergyKills or completions in Strikes & NightfallsYesFree-to-PlayPrometheus Lens Catalyst Destiny 2
Prometheus Lens
| Trace Rifle
Kills or completions in Strikes & Nightfalls

Season 2► 500 kills► Increases stability by +18 and handling by +18.
The ColonyGrenade LauncherHeavyKills or wins in the Crucible YesFree-to-PlayColony Catalyst Destiny 2
The Colony
| Grenade Launcher
Kills or wins in the Crucible

Season 2► 500 kills► Adds Deeper Pockets perk:
Increases the magazine size by +1 and expands ammo reserves.
RiskrunnerSubmachine GunEnergyBanshee-44's questYesFree-to-PlayRiskrunner Catalyst Destiny 2
| Submachine Gun
Banshee-44's quest

Season 1► 500 kills
► 50 Arc Conductor kills
► Increases range by +27.
Rat KingSidearmKineticKills or completions in Strikes & NightfallsYesFree-to-PlayRat King Catalyst Destiny 2
Rat King
| Sidearm
Kills or completions in Strikes & Nightfalls

Season 1► 1,000 kills while everyone in your fireteam is also using Rat King► Adds Infestation perk:
Increases aim assist and recoil direction. Refreshes health when Vermin activates.
The Wardcliff CoilRocket LauncherHeavyKills or completions in Strikes & NightfallsYesFree-to-PlayWardcliff Coil Catalyst Destiny 2
The Wardcliff Coil
| Rocket Launcher
Kills or completions in Strikes & Nightfalls

Season 1► 500 kills► Adds Pinpoint Guidance Module perk:
Tightens rockets spread.
MIDA Multi-ToolScout RifleKineticLegend Glory rankYesFree-to-PlayMIDA Multi-Tool Catalyst Destiny 2
MIDA Multi-Tool
| Scout Rifle
Legend Glory rank

Season 1► 250 precision kills in PVP► Adds No Distractions perk:
Aiming this weapon for a short period reduces flinch.
The ProspectorGrenade LauncherHeavyKills or completions in Strikes & NightfallsYesFree-to-PlayProspector Catalyst Destiny 2
The Prospector
| Grenade Launcher
Kills or completions in Strikes & Nightfalls

Season 1► 500 kills► Adds Deeper Pockets perk:
Increases the magazine size by +1 and expands ammo reserves.
► Increases blast radius by +20.
SunshotHand CannonEnergyPlaylist Activity completionsYesFree-to-PlaySunshot Catalyst Destiny 2
| Hand Cannon
Playlist Activity completions

Season 1► 500 kills
► 1000 Sun Blast kills
► Increases stability by +18 and range by +27.
Hard LightAuto RifleEnergyKills or completions in Strikes & NightfallsYesFree-to-PlayHard Light Catalyst Destiny 2
Hard Light
| Auto Rifle
Kills or completions in Strikes & Nightfalls

Season 1► 1000 kills
► Increases stability by +18.
Fighting LionGrenade LauncherEnergyPvE KillsYesFree-to-PlayFighting Lion Catalyst Destiny 2
Fighting Lion
| Grenade Launcher
PvE Kills

Season 1► 1000 kills
► Complete 167 bounties
► Adds Chimera perk:
When Fighting Lion is fired, equipped Kinetic and Power weapon gain increased handling and accuracy for a brief period of time.
► Increases reload speed by +27.
Graviton LancePulse RifleEnergyPlaylist Activity completionsYesFree-to-PlayGraviton Lance Catalyst Destiny 2
Graviton Lance
| Pulse Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Season 1► 500 kills
► 1000 Cosmology kills
► Adds Hidden Hand perk:
Increases the aim assist and targeting acquisition stats.
► Increases range by +18.
D.A.R.C.I.Sniper RifleHeavyPvE KillsYesFree-to-PlayDARCI Catalyst Destiny 2
| Sniper Rifle
PvE Kills

Season 1► 300 kills► Increases stability by +18.
ColdheartTrace RifleEnergyKills or completions in Strikes & NightfallsYesFree-to-PlayColdheart Catalyst Destiny 2
| Trace Rifle
Kills or completions in Strikes & Nightfalls

Season 1► 300 kills►Increases stability by +18 and reload speed by +18.
MercilessFusion RifleEnergyKills or completions in Strikes & NightfallsYesFree-to-PlayMerciless Catalyst Destiny 2
| Fusion Rifle
Kills or completions in Strikes & Nightfalls

Season 1► 500 kills► Increases stability by +36 and range by +36.
Vigilance WingPulse RifleKineticKills or wins in the Crucible YesFree-to-PlayVigilance Wing Catalyst Destiny 2
Vigilance Wing
| Pulse Rifle
Kills or wins in the Crucible

Season 1► 250 PvP kills
► 5 Blood for Blood medals
► Adds Full Auto Trigger System perk:
Makes the weapon fire fully automatic when holding down the fire button.
Tractor CannonShotgunHeavyPvE KillsYesFree-to-PlayTractor Cannon Catalyst Destiny 2
Tractor Cannon
| Shotgun
PvE Kills

Season 1► 300 kills► Adds Deeper Pockets perk:
Increases the magazine size by +3 and expands ammo reserves.
SturmHand CannonKineticPvE KillsYesFree-to-PlaySturm Catalyst Destiny 2
| Hand Cannon
PvE Kills

Season 1► 500 Sturm kills
► 500 Drang kills
► Increases handling by +40 and range by +18.
Sweet BusinessAuto RifleKineticPlaylist Activity completionsYesFree-to-PlaySweet Business Catalyst Destiny 2
Sweet Business
| Auto Rifle
Playlist Activity completions

Season 1► 250 Multikills► Adds Serious Business perk:
Reduces incoming flinch when firing Sweet Business at full speed.
BorealisSniper RifleEnergyPvE KillsYesFree-to-PlayBorealis Catalyst Destiny 2
| Sniper Rifle
PvE Kills

Season 1► 150 Solar Mode kills, 150 Void Mode kills, 150 Arc Mode kills► Increases reload speed by +18.

How to get Catalysts in Destiny 2

There are several methods to acquire Catalysts in Destiny 2. These are the main methods are:

  1. Participating in any activity
  2. Completing a specific quest
  3. Completing Playlist Activities
  4. Completing Strikes or Nightfalls
  5. Completing Nightfall: Ordeals
  6. Completing Legend or Master Lost Sectors
  7. Participating in an event
  8. Completing a Raid or Dungeon

Bungie has gradually stepped away from general requirements, such as Completing a Playlist activity, in favor of specific Exotic quests. This is especially true for new Exotics, such as the Ergo Sum Catalyst.

Dragon's Breath Catalyst Quest screen Destiny 2

Dragon’s Breath Catalyst Quest, Destiny 2

However, when adding a new Catalyst for an old Exotic weapon, Bungie still uses generic requirements, such as Malfeasance’s Catalyst, which involves “Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit” completions.

How to Apply Catalysts in Destiny 2

Once a Catalyst is found and upgraded, it can be “applied” to the weapon. Only then will the catalyst become active.

Catalysts are activated in two steps. First, you need to find it (see section above), and then you need to upgrade it. This second step often involves getting several hundred kills using the Exotic weapon. For example, Sunshot’s catalyst requires 500 weapon kills and 1000 ‘Sun Blast’ kills

Polaris Lance Catalyst screen Destiny 2

Polaris Lance Catalyst, Destiny 2

Using farming methods such as Shuro Chi or the opening section of Grasp of Avarice will speed things along. However, simply using the weapon in day-to-day content will get the catalyst done in a reasonable timeframe.

Catalysts for Older Exotics

Bungie routinely sneaks Catalysts for older Exotics. These rarely get the spotlight, but they can transform an average weapon into a monster.

The following catalysts were added with Episode 1:

Season of the Witch (S22):

Season of the Deep (S21):

Season of the Seraph (S19):

Season of the Haunted (S17):

Catalysts & the DCV

When Bungie introduced the Destiny Content Vault (DCV), close to 50% of the game was “vaulted” and effectively removed from the game. Roughly half of the locations, activities, quests, and gear were removed from the game and still cannot be experienced today.

With the DCV, several Exotic weapons and catalysts were removed and became unavailable to new players for a long time.

Reintroducing “vaulted” Exotic catalysts

But during the Witch Queen’s year, all vaulted catalysts were reintroduced to the game and are again available to new players (except Heir Apparent’s, which can only be obtained during the yearly Guardian Games event).

Before you go…

Looking to grow your collection of Exotic weapons and Catalysts? We cover all Destiny 2 Exotic Quests and the Exotic Mission Rotator here.

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. Hudson

    Why is the Suros Regime marked as not available?

  2. Max

    Is it ok to use Destiny 2 boosting services? Like I want to buy catalyst from them, but afraid a bit.

    • Ric (aka Prim)

      I wouldn’t recommend a service like that. First of all, they break the game’s terms of service and could get your account banned. Second, I find the whole thing shady, with lots of fine print (like that you need to have found the catalyst first and then they just do the kills to unlock it).

      I wouldn’t touch that stuff even with a ten-foot pole!

    • Noone

      I used to write bots for another popular game and almost all of the seller’s of such services were in the same IRC chat I belonged to— short version it’s that they use a lot of hacks and/or bots to do the hard work. This puts your account at significant risk.

  3. TT

    This page was better before, you could know how to get the catalysts and not only what are the requirements to finish them.

    • Ric (aka Prim)

      I’m surprised. Maybe there’s a formatting issue or something. Are you on mobile or desktop? From here, I can see the following columns:
      – Where to find it ❘ Requires
      – How to unlock it
      – Catalyst effect

      • TT

        Really? I’m on desktop, for me the page definitely changed. I even tried a different browser to see if the problem was on my side but it’s the same on both browsers. I tried even on my phone now and got the same page.
        I have two columns, how to unlock the catalysts and what the catalysts do.
        Here, a Print as proof.

        • Ric (aka Prim)

          Thanks for the follow up and the print screen. Just solved a huge catching issue that was plaguing that page (and maybe many more) and completely ruining the content!

          It should be finally solved now… Hopefully it did for you too. In any case, THANKS A LOT for the alert.

          • TT

            I’m glad I was able to help. This page has been on my favorites since I started playing d2 last year and I always check here to get information. I’m really glad you were able to fix the problem, grats!

  4. ben

    why is monte carlo not on the list?

    • Martin

      Monte Carlo doesn’t have a catalyst yet

  5. JEFF

    Hi. It says Riskrunner is in the Free to Play column, but requires a quest only available after Shadowkeep, which is not available to me as a free to play player currently. Is there something I’m missing? I understand Shadowkeep is a DLC.

    • averge

      i was also free to play but is still got it

    • bob

      isnt the riskrunner catalyst like 500 pve kills or something
      got the masterwork as a f2p

  6. Martin

    You only need to finish the initial mission, which is available for all players

  7. Daniel

    Sleeper catalyst should be A tier tho.

    • Gix

      At the least.

  8. Tom Evensen

    I miss how to get Jötunn catalyst? How can I get it? Please explain.

  9. Freak

    FYI – Le Monarque has a catalyst now…

  10. dino

    The Dead Messenger and Grand Overture catalyst effects are out of order.

    • Kevin

      You’re right! I just thought the Grand Overture’s info was wrong but it actually swapped info with Dead Messanger. They really gotta fix that

    • Gix

      Was going to point this out myself. Surprised it’s still not been fixed.

  11. Kevin

    Outbreak Perfected’s catalyst has an important second effect to it’s catalyst not mentioned here: Nanites spawn when an enemy infected with nanites dies, letting it spread to other enemies. Not sure if that changes anything, Tier-wise, but it’s important to keep information accurate.

  12. Jon

    I just got a Catalyst for Two-Tailed Fox (ugh, another Rocket launcher that needs “many” kills. Purple ammo hard to get!) I think I got it either during normal PVE wandering or completing a Vanguard Ops playlist.

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