Destiny 2 No Survivors: God Rolls and How to get it

by | May 31, 2023

No Survivors is a brand-new Solar SMG from the Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon. This Submachine gun is in direct competition with the popular CALUS Mini-Tool, a weapon that is practically impossible to obtain these days. As a suitable replacement for the CALUS Mini-Tool, and given how strong SMGs are in PvE, it is no surprise that No Survivors is in high demand.

In this article, we’ll cover how to obtain the weapon, how good it is, what perks to look out for, and more. Read on.

ArtNameArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
No Survivors SMG art Destiny 2No SurvivorsAggressiveLegendaryPrimarySolarLightfall Dungeon KeyYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimarySolar Solar
A › Strong
PvEGhost of the Deep DungeonError icon V2 NoLightfall Icon (final) Destiny 2
Lightfall Dungeon Key
Season 21EnergyNoTop-tierIncandescent

How to get the No Survivors

No Survivors drops from the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon. Thankfully, the loot table for No Survivors is very favorable as it can drop from every encounter. If you have already obtained the gun from one of these encounters, it also has a chance to drop from the two secret chests located inside the dungeon.

It’s also worth noting that Ghosts of the Deep is farmable. Even if you haven’t unlocked No Survivors in Collections, it can drop on repeat runs—there’s no weekly lockout. If you’re eager to get your hands on a god roll, finding a group to farm the first or final encounter is your best bet.

Ghost of the Deep loot table infographic v2

Ghost of the Deep loot infographic, Destiny 2

How good is the No Survivors

No Survivors is good for both PvE and PvP players. With perks like Demolitionist and Incandescent, it can dominate in PvE, and when it comes with options like Rangefinder and Target Lock, it can destroy in PvP. In some ways, it can be considered an energy version of The Immortal, which is a menace of a weapon inside the Crucible.

No Survivors is an excellent option that can match up to the competition in both PvE and PvP with some solid rolls and decent base stats.

Best alternatives:

ArtNameArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
CALUS Mini-Tool artCALUS Mini-ToolMIDA SynergyLegendaryPrimarySolarBeyond Light PackYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimarySolar Solar
S › Best
PvEPresageCheckmark icon V3 YesBeyond Light Icon (final) Destiny 2
Beyond Light Pack
Season 17EnergyCraftableTop-tierIncandescent
The Immortal artThe ImmortalAggressiveLegendaryPrimaryStrandThe Final ShapeYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimaryStrand Element Strand
S › Best
PvE + PvPTrials of OsirisError icon V2 NoThe Final Shape Icon (final) Destiny 2
The Final Shape
Season 20KineticNoTop-tier

Best No Survivors Rolls for PvE and PvP

Now that you know how to obtain it (and how good it is), let’s review what perks you should watch for.

No Survivors PvE god roll

  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel or Hammer-Forged Rifling
  • Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds
  • Perk 1: Demolitionist
  • Perk 2: Incandescent or Adrenaline Junkie

For PvE, you don’t have to concern yourself with a barrel or magazine too much; however, players may enjoy Fluted Barrel or Hammerforged Rifling for that increase in handling or range, respectively. High-Caliber Rounds will also be popular for your magazine as it reduces the number of bullets required to briefly stagger an enemy in PvE.

In perk column 1, Demolitionist is the obvious choice, and in column 2, players will want to go for Incandescent or Adrenaline Junkie to provide some extra damage to the weapon.

No Survivors PvP god roll

  • Barrel: Extended Barrel
  • Magazine: Ricochet Rounds or High-Caliber Rounds
  • Perk 1: Rangefinder
  • Perk 2: Target Lock (also good: Elemental Capacitor)

In PvP, you want to opt for range. Extended Barrel is a decent option as it bumps up your range while giving you 100 recoil direction, making your recoil perfectly vertical. For your magazine, Ricochet Rounds or High-Caliber Rounds are good. Ricochet provides stability, while High-Cailber will flinch your opponent.

For your perks, Rangefinder is the best pick for slot 1, and Target Lock will most likely be the favorite for slot 2; however, you can go for Elemental Capacitor instead if you want to spec into a bonus stat.

Is No Survivors worth farming?

No Survivors is a decent alternative to some of the more popular options, like Calus Mini-Tool or The Immortal. If you have a god roll of either the Mini-Tool or Immortal, you can probably skip No Survivors, but if you are looking for a good Solar SMG, No Survivors can definitely fill that void.

Before you go…

Interested in more top-tier Dungeon-excusive weapons? You should definitely check out The Navigator or the New Pacific Epitaph. Stay tuned as we’ll be covering every Ghost of the Deep weapon in the coming days.

About The Author

Matthew Evans
Matthew Evans
I've been hooked on Destiny 2 for years now... I've racked up countless hours and plenty of experience, which I hope to share with Blueberries who want to get involved with Destiny. You can find Matthew on Twitter.
More from Matthew Evans
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