Destiny 2 Raid Challenges this Week: Rotation and Guides

by | Feb 11, 2025 | Leveling

Raids are hard enough as it is. Not necessarily because the enemies are lethal or the bosses are tough, but because they require a coordinated 6-player team, and that’s hard to find for most casual players.

But once you commit to raiding, learn the mechanics, and dare using LFG groups, raids become an accessible and rewarding experience. The next big “challenge” becomes completing the official Weekly Master Challenges.

Raid Challenges this Week: February 11, 2025

These are all the Raid Challenges available this week.

ArtRaid ChallengeEncounterDescriptionRaid
Macrocosm encounter Root of NightmaresCosmic Equilibrium MacrocosmGuardians must move all Dark planets to the left side and all the Light planets to the right side.
Root of Nightmares
King's Fall raidThe Grass is Always GreenerTotemsPlayers cannot take the same Brand type twice in a row.King's Fall
WarpriestDevious ThieveryWarpriestPlayers must steal the Brand of the Initiate within a couple of seconds of taking the Brand Claimer buff.King's Fall
Golgoroth EncounteGaze AmazeGolgorothThe gaze holder must stand in the Pool of Unclaimed Light when swapping the gaze.King's Fall
Daughters of OryxUnder ConstructionDaughters of OryxPlayers cannot stand on the same plate twice in a single phase.King's Fall
OryxHands OffOryxPlayers must not kill the same Ogre or Light-Eater Knight throughout the encounter.King's Fall
Rhulk Vow of the DiscipleLooping CatalystRhulkDo not lose Leeching Force before the damage phase.Vow of the Disciple
Oracles Vault of Glass ChallengeThe Only Oracle for YouOraclesPlayers may not destroy the same oracle twice.Vault of Glass
Atraks-1 DSC ChallengeCopies of CopiesAtraks-1Do not send any Debuffs into airlocks/space.Deep Stone Crypt
First Encounter Garden of SalvationLeftovers First EncounterComplete the first 2 rooms without killing specific Cyclopes.Garden of Salvation
Second Encounter Garden of SalvationA Link to the ChainSecond EncounterAll six fire team members must replenish enlightenment at the same time.Garden of Salvation
Consecrated Mind Garden of SalvationTo The TopConsecrated MindAlways deposit Ten (x10) motes at a time to summon the boss.Garden of Salvation
Sanctified Mind Garden of SalvationZero to One HundredSanctified MindOnce you deposit motes, you have 10 seconds to fully fill the bank. This applies to both banks. Garden of Salvation
Kali ChallengeSummoning RitualKalliActivate and cleanse all nine plates, then kill all nine Knights and Ogres before damaging Kalli.Last Wish

🚨 Every raid has one Challenge available per week,  except for the featured raid of the week, which has all its challenges available simultaneously.

Master Challenges rewards

Some might tackle Master Challenges for the glory but must do so on a weekly basis for a chance to earn exclusive rewards.

The sections below cover all the challenges every raid has to offer as well as their Master mode rewards.  More importantly, you’ll find links to our detailed step-by-step guides to help you beat them.

Root of Nightmares Challenges & rewards

ArtRaid ChallengeEncounterDescription
Root of Nightmares Cataclysm encounter Destiny 2Illuminated TormentCataclysmAll Tormentors must be killed by someone with the Field of Light buff.
Scission encounter Root of NightmaresCrossfireScissionGuardians can only shoot the launcher crystals (to activate the jump pads) on the opposite side.
Macrocosm encounter Root of NightmaresCosmic Equilibrium MacrocosmGuardians must move all Dark planets to the left side and all the Light planets to the right side.
Nezarec encounter Root of Nightmares RaidAll HandsNezarecGuardians must complete a node on each side, Light and Dark (both sides must be completed around the same time).

King’s Fall Challenges & rewards

ArtRaid ChallengeEncounterDescription
King's Fall raidThe Grass is Always GreenerTotemsPlayers cannot take the same Brand type twice in a row.
WarpriestDevious ThieveryWarpriestPlayers must steal the Brand of the Initiate within a couple of seconds of taking the Brand Claimer buff.
Golgoroth EncounteGaze AmazeGolgorothThe gaze holder must stand in the Pool of Unclaimed Light when swapping the gaze.
Daughters of OryxUnder ConstructionDaughters of OryxPlayers cannot stand on the same plate twice in a single phase.
OryxHands OffOryxPlayers must not kill the same Ogre or Light-Eater Knight throughout the encounter.

Unlike the Vault of Glass, RoN doesn’t have a rotating Adept weapon to offer. It does, however, reward players with masterwork materials, and spiky high-stat armor with a focused stat that changes weekly.

If you complete the Master challenge, however, you’ll receive extra rewards, including a random Adept raid weapon.

💠 Check out our detailed Root of Nightmares Master Challenges guide for more.

King’s Fall Master rewards

Just like RoN, King’s Fall rewards players with masterwork materials, and spiky high-stat armor with a focused stat that changes weekly. If you complete the Master challenge, you’ll also receive a random Adept raid weapon.

💠 Check out our detailed King’s Fall Master Challenges guide for more.

Vault of Glass Challenges & rewards

ArtRaid ChallengeEncounterDescription
Confluxes VoGWait for It…ConfluxesSacrificial Wyverns cannot die before beginning to sacrifice at the confluences.
Oracles Vault of Glass ChallengeThe Only Oracle for YouOraclesPlayers may not destroy the same oracle twice.
Gatekeeper VoGStrangers in TimeGatekeeperThe Wyvern and Minotaurs that spawn simultaneously must die within 5 seconds of each other.
Templar VoGOut of Its WayTemplarDefeat Templar without lettim him teleport.
Vault of Glass Destiny 2 featuredEnsemble's RefrainAtheonEach player may only destroy one Oracle per wave.

Vault of Glass Master Reward this week

Vault of Glass rewards players with unique Timelost weapons that rotate on a weekly basis.

💠 Check out our detailed VoG Master Challenges guide for more.

Vow of the Disciple Challenges & Rewards

ArtRaid ChallengeEncounterDescriptionRaid
Acquisition Vow of the DiscipleSwift DestructionAcquisitionKill all Champions within a few seconds of each other, on all rounds.Vow of the Disciple
Caretaker Vow of the DiscipleBase InformationCaretakerOnly pick up one (1) stack of Knowledge (Glyph) per run.Vow of the Disciple
Exhibition VowDefenses DownExhibitionEach player can’t kill more than one Taken Knight in total.Vow of the Disciple
Rhulk Vow of the DiscipleLooping CatalystRhulkDo not lose Leeching Force before the damage phase.Vow of the Disciple

Vow of the Disciple Rewards

Vow of the Disciple rewards players with masterwork materials, and spiky high-stat armor with a focused stat that changes weekly. If you complete the Master challenge, you’ll also receive a random Adept raid weapon.

💠 Check out our detailed Vow Master Challenges guide for more.

Deep Stone Crypt Challenges & Rewards

ArtRaid ChallengeEncounterDescription
Crypt Security DSC ChallengeRed RoverCrypt SecurityAll players have to be operator and shoot the two panels on lower level (This challenge requires 3 phases)
Atraks-1 DSC ChallengeCopies of CopiesAtraks-1Do not send any Debuffs into airlocks/space.
Taniks DSC Challenge Of All TradesTaniksEach guardian must do all three roles (Operator, Scanner, and Suppressor).
Taniks final phase DSC ChallengeThe Core FourTaniksGuardians must dunk all four cores before DPS phases.

Deep Stone Crypt Rewards

Be aware that Deep Stone Crypt does not have either a Master mode or Adept weapons as rewards. Completing Challenges will simply reward you with one extra drop from the loot table.

Garden of Salvation Challenges & Rewards

ArtRaid ChallengeEncounterDescription
First Encounter Garden of SalvationLeftovers First EncounterComplete the first 2 rooms without killing specific Cyclopes.
Second Encounter Garden of SalvationA Link to the ChainSecond EncounterAll six fire team members must replenish enlightenment at the same time.
Consecrated Mind Garden of SalvationTo The TopConsecrated MindAlways deposit Ten (x10) motes at a time to summon the boss.
Sanctified Mind Garden of SalvationZero to One HundredSanctified MindOnce you deposit motes, you have 10 seconds to fully fill the bank. This applies to both banks.

Garden of Salvation Rewards

Just as in the Deep Stone Crypt raid, Garden of Salvation does not have a Master mode, and completing its Challenges only rewards you with one extra drop from the loot table.

Your turn

You now know everything there is to know about Challenges and Master Challenge rewards in Destiny 2. If clearing a raid is now an ordinary feat for you and you feel ready to start tackling Master mode challenges, follow the links below for step-by-step instructions on how to complete them!

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
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