Top 10 Rarest Emblems in Destiny 2

by | Jan 16, 2023

Of all the cosmetics available in Destiny 2, emblems are arguably the most flashy. They’re the first thing everyone sees when you join a fireteam, which means having a rare one is an essential part of showing off your skills to your team (and as an added bonus, these can’t be purchased on the Eververse).

With so many emblems available these days, some are bound to be rarer than others.

Destiny 2’s 10 Rarest emblems today

This guide covers ten of the rarest types of emblems and how to get them. Not only will you be able to tell who has the most skills in your fireteam, but perhaps you’ll also be able to show off a bit yourself!

To keep things fair, emblems connected to Bungie Store purchases have been excluded from our Top 10)!


Outside the Lines Emblem

10. Artist of the Week Emblems (Outside the Lines)

A relatively recent addition to the TWAB, the Artist of the Week segment showcases the best Destiny-related art creations each week. Those talented and lucky enough to get their art showcased receive a unique emblem, similar to the process of Movie of the Week.

These, along with the fashion emblems, are some of the most creative and colorful in the game, allowing you to make a statement immediately upon joining a fireteam.

While the specific emblem up for grabs changes about once every year, there will always be one to chase. Just create any destiny-related artwork of any medium and submit it through this page. If your art gets selected, you should automatically receive an emblem within a short timeframe.

✅ Still Possible to obtain! Right now, the emblem up for grabs is Outside the Lines. As of the writing of this article, only about 84 players have earned it, making it one of the rarest emblems Destiny 2 currently has to offer.


And… Action Emblem

9. Movie of the Week Emblems (And… Action!)

A lot of players’ favorite part of the TWAB, the Movie of the Week segment, showcases community-created videos every week. From funny clips to montages to large community projects, nearly every video can win this spot in the TWAB.

While this set of emblems is just as rare as the Artist of the Week set, the winning submissions tend to be significantly more diverse. Are you a good PVP player? Submit a montage! Do you collect funny raid or Grandmaster clips while playing with friends? Create a compilation and send it in! As long as it’s a video that relates to Destiny 2 in some way, it seems to have a chance of winning.

Like Artist of the Week emblems, a new version tends to come out about once a year. To have a chance at getting your hands on one, send in a Destiny-related video through this link. If your video gets chosen to be featured, you and anyone listed as a contributor should receive an emblem automatically soon.

✅ Still Possible to obtain! “And… Action!” is the currently available Movie of the Week emblem, and with only about 250 players accessing it, it’s one of the rarest available emblems in the game.


Dazzling Visage Emblem

8. Fashion Emblems (Dazzling Visage)

Members of the community often joke that the true endgame of Destiny 2 is “dresstiny,” but with fashion-based emblems, that simple joke has become a reality.

With the relatively new addition of the transmog system and new and creative armor sets constantly added to the game (like Spire of the Watcher cowboy hats), it’s never been easier to make your Guardian look fashion show-ready.

Fashion contests aren’t as regular as Movie or Artist of the Week, but their emblems tend to be more visually colorful and exciting. New fashion emblems are also released more frequently than Movie/Artist of the Week ones, with a new one released for almost every contest.

 You’ll want to follow Bungie/Destiny 2 social media platforms to get your hands on one of these emblems, as contests will first be announced there. They’re also sometimes mentioned in the TWAB, but that doesn’t seem to be a guarantee. Once one begins, just follow the instructions on the social media post—it’s usually as simple as posting your Guardian’s fashion with a specific hashtag.

✅ Still Possible to obtain! If you’re lucky enough to win, you’ll get your hands on one of the rarest emblems in the game. The current fashion emblem, “Dazzling Visage,” has been obtained by only about 140 players.


Binary Cascade Emblem

7. Content Creator Giveaway Emblems (Binary Cascade)

If you follow any content creators on social media, you may have recently seen them post giveaways for random emblems. For the most part, these emblems are given to those creators by Bungie directly to give to players like you.

The criteria to win each giveaway depends on the creator hosting the giveaway, and the specific emblem they’re giving away. Some just require a retweet, while others may require you to create a themed fashion set.

 Finding out when these emblems are up for grabs is a bit tougher than the last three, but following various prominent creators on social media is your best bet. Then, just do whatever the post says to enter, and hope to get randomly selected to win!

✅ Still Possible to obtain! The emblem pictured above, Binary Cascade, has been acquired by roughly 300 Guardians, putting it on par with most other highly-sought after emblems.


Master Guide Emblem

6. Guided Games Emblems (Master Guide)

Did you know there’s a system in the game to help new players get through raids? Most Guardians don’t, since the system has been neglected by Bungie since its release over five years ago.

Guided Games pairs a fireteam of 4-5 clan members with 1-2 random Guardians looking to learn a raid. In theory, this system allows new players who aren’t in a clan to experience raids without needing third-party LFG services.

In reality, almost no one uses this system and opts to use other resources instead. Especially with the upcoming LFG service being added to the game in Year 6, it’s relatively easy to use other, more well-kept methods.

All that said, if you do choose to round up some clan members to help a fellow Guardian out, you’ll gain access to some of the more exclusive emblems after completing the Guided Game.

✅ Still Possible to obtain! The rarest emblem in this category, “Master Guide,” is pictured above. You’ll receive it after completing 50 raid encounters as a guide, becoming a part of the 5,100 Guardian group with access to it.


Vanquisher's Standard Emblem

5. Bungie Bounty Emblems (Vanquisher’s Standard)

Some of the most fun community events frequently organized by Bungie, Bungie Bounties place community members against the game developers themselves.

Every once in a while, Bungie will announce via social media and the TWAB that a Bungie Bounty will be hosted soon. They’ll include the platform, game mode, date, time, and usernames you should keep a lookout for.

 As long as you’re on the same platform as the target Guardian(s) is/are on, playing the announced game mode during the event gives you a chance to matchmake with them. If you run into them, there are two ways to obtain the emblem:

  • If you are on the target player’s team, you need to win the match to gain the emblem.
  • If you are facing against the target player(s), you must win against them to gain the emblem.

✅ Still Possible to obtain! If one of these requirements is met, you’ll automatically gain access to this rare emblem. The most recent one, “Vanquisher’s Standard,” has been redeemed by only about 6,500 Guardians.


Heavy as Death Emblem

4. Heavy as Death

Ask any veteran Guardian for the top five hardest-to-acquire Destiny 2 emblems, and “Heavy as Death” is virtually guaranteed to make that list.

In Season of the Drifter, Iron Banner events came with two new player effects—Iron Burden and Wolf’s Favor. When activated, Wolf’s Favor increased your Power Level by 100 automatically, giving you a significant advantage in the power-enabled mode of Iron Banner.

On the other hand, Iron Burden decreased your power level by 100, making you do significantly less damage against Guardians (and receive a substantial amount more).

To get the “Heavy as Death” emblem, you needed to kill 2,500 Guardians while under the effects of Iron Burden. This was especially hard because of the presence of Wolf’s Favor, which made almost everyone max Power Level.

⛔ No longer obtainable… While it’s no longer obtainable, “Heavy as Death” deserves to be on this list more than any other individual emblem. It’s one of the rarest gameplay-related emblems out there, with only about 5,400 copies redeemed.


Royalty Emblem

3. Raid Sherpa Emblems (Royalty)

If you’re looking for a reward for teaching newer Guardians raids but don’t want to endure the ancient Guided Games system, raid sherpa emblems via Bungie Rewards are for you.

Redeemable after escorting 10 individual players through a specific raid for the first time, this set of emblems continues to be rare due to not many Guardians knowing about them. They’re never advertised in-game, so you must log in to Bungie Rewards to view or claim them.

✅ Still Possible to obtain! The newest one in this set, “Royalty,” is available by helping 10 Guardians through King’s Fall for the first time. Only about 15,000 Guardians have redeemed it at the time of writing this article, making it even rarer than the Day 1 emblem for the same raid!


Flight of Soteria Emblem

2. Solo Flawless Dungeon Emblems (Flight of Soteria)

Do you enjoy a rewarding PvE challenge but don’t have a fireteam for it? Look no further than solo flawless dungeons, some of the most difficult PvE challenges out there.

When creating each new Destiny 2 dungeon, Bungie ensures you can complete it solo. And, ever since the release of Pit of Heresy, emblems have been offered to anyone who can complete an entire dungeon solo without dying.

When chasing these rare emblems, it’s important to note the following requirements to guarantee you get the emblem at completion:

  • Any death counts. Even if you die at a jumping puzzle instead of an encounter, you’ll need to restart the run.
  • Checkpointed runs don’t work. If you load into the dungeon at a checkpoint (even if you obtained that checkpoint solo flawlessly), you won’t be eligible for the emblem.
  • No one can join your fireteam during the activity. Because of this, we recommend setting your fireteam privacy settings to Private or Invite Only.

✅ Still Possible to obtain! If you complete this challenge in a dungeon, you’ll gain access to some of the rarest emblems in the game. Spire of the Watcher’s addition, “Fight of Soteria,” has been redeemed by only 37,000 players, giving it a rarity of 0.2%.


Wish Ascended Emblem

1. Day One Raid Emblems (Wish Ascended)

Along with solo flawless dungeons, Day One raids are some of the most challenging, rewarding, and exciting PVE experiences Destiny 2 offers.

To get a Day One raid emblem, all you have to do is complete every raid encounter within 24 hours of the raid’s launch (or the challenge mode version if it’s a returning raid). Sounds easy, right? Well, not entirely.

These events are challenging, and they only come around twice a year. You’ll need an exceptionally equipped fireteam to stand a chance, as the Contest modifier keeps you 20 Power Levels below each encounter. You’ll likely be figuring out the mechanics for yourself, as guides tend not to release early enough to help you out here.

Don’t let all that discourage you, though. Day One raids are some of the most fun experiences in the game. Seeing massive environments, new mechanics, complex bosses, and crazy weapons for the first time without spoilers gives you a feeling you won’t get with any other Destiny 2 event. Personally, Day One raids have always been the thing I look forward to with each new DLC.

⛔ No longer obtainable…The Last Wish Day One emblem, “Wish Ascended,” is by far the rarest in this category. Only two fireteams completed the raid within 24 hours, meaning only 12 Guardians have this emblem.

Important Note: All of the data for this article came from the superb and Destiny Emblem Collector websites.

Top 5 Coolest Destiny 2 Emblems

Not every emblem needs to be extremely rare; some are popular simply because they look amazing or are for a great cause. Here are our Top 5 best Destiny 2 emblems based on those factors.


Blood of the Wolf emblem

5. Blood of the Wolf

One of many great-looking Iron Banner emblems, Blood of the Wolf is acquired by reaching Iron Banner Rank 10 after already resetting your Iron Banner rank once.

While it’s suspected to only be available during Season 19, many other beautiful Iron Banner emblems are sure to come. Just make sure to go in expecting a grind, as these aren’t easy to get!


A Sibyl's Dreams emblem

4. A Sibyl’s Dreams

A Sibyl’s Dreams is an older emblem that most people have forgotten about, but its fashion is rarely matched.

To obtain, simply complete all eight Nightmare Hunt Time Trials on the Moon in Master Difficulty. While this used to be a reasonably difficult challenge, it’s now not too terrible if you have a well-equipped team.


Long Live the Queen emblem

3. Long Live the Queen

Long Live the Queen is a part of the collection of emblems received by donating two gifted subs to Twitch streamers.

Not only does this emblem look amazing, but obtaining it helps Destiny 2 content creators out a ton. Simply find a creator livestreaming Destiny 2 on Twitch with the Destiny 2 extension enabled, gift two subs, and check Amanda Holliday in-game. For more information on the extension and this process, click here.


Empowered Voices emblem

2. Empowered Voices

Want to receive an extraordinary emblem while helping an even better cause? Look no further than Empowered Voices, available by purchasing the International Women’s Day Pin from the Bungie Store.

100% of the profits from the pin go to supporting organizations that help uphold the rights and liberties of all women, giving you the satisfaction of supporting a good cause while receiving an in-game emblem in return.


Prophetic Visionary emblem

1. Prophetic Visionary

Almost as stunning as the dungeon itself, Prophetic Visionary is the solo flawless emblem for Prophecy.

This entry could be replaced by any other solo flawless dungeon emblem, as they are all stunning. However, we believe Prophetic Visionary is a cut above the rest, encapsulating the colorful synthwave aesthetic of the dungeon itself.

Before you go…

New emblems are constantly being released, and Bungie’s art team always nails it. However, now you know some of the coolest and rarest emblems currently in Destiny 2. If you’re looking for free (but equally as stunning) emblems to expand your collection, check out the new Nebula Prime Emblem or our comprehensive guide featuring all of Destiny 2’s Free Emblems!

About The Author

Andrew Sideris
Andrew Sideris
With my over seven years of game knowledge, six months of writing experience for, and hundreds of Blueberries already guided through endgame content, I hope to allow newcomers to have the same great introduction I had all those years ago. You can find Andrew on Twitter.
More from Andrew Sideris
1 Comment
  1. Marco

    1. Day One Raid Emblems (Wish Ascended)
    Only 11 guardians have it now.
    One of the guardians that completed Last Wish day 1 was banned like a couple years ago, so he lost it with his account.

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