Destiny 2 The Riposte: God Rolls & How to get it

by | Jun 19, 2024

The Riposte is the newest weapon available from the competitive playlist in the Crucible. In this guide, we cover how to farm and what rolls are worth chasing.


How good is The Riposte

As expected from a pinnacle PvP reward, The Riposte has a plethora of strong perks available for use in the crucible. It also has the benefit of being the only Legendary Lightweight Frame Auto Rifle in the game currently, making it feel a little bit nicer to use. On paper, The Riposte is arguably the best Auto Rifle in the game, with very high handling, stability and a decent amount of range. One of the only issues with the gun is that it has a very bright muzzle flash, but as you use it more and get used to it, it becomes very manageable.

In terms of PvE, while the perk options are lacking, it is one of two Void 720 RPM Auto Rifles available and has the better perk options of the two. 

B-tier for PvE S-tier for PvP

Best alternatives:

The Riposte Perks and God Rolls

The Riposte auto rifle can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Repulsor Brace, Tap The Trigger, Enlightened Action, Zen Moment, Killing Wind, To The Pain.
  • Perk 2: Destabilising Rounds, Target Lock, Dynamic Sway Reduction, Desperate Measures, Encore, Kill Clip.
  • Stock: Composite Stock, Fitted Stock, Hand-Laid Stock, Short-Action Stock.

The Riposte PvE god rolls

PvE Roll: All-Around
Barrel Fluted Barrel
Magazine Ricochet Rounds
Perk 1 Repulsor Brace
Perk 2 Destabilising Rounds
Stock Fitted Stock
Masterwork Range

Fluted Barrel is recommended due to the increase in Stability and Handling, making the gun feel smoother and easier to use.

Ricochet Rounds are recommended due to the slight increase in Range, and once again, Stability.

The perks recommended are the best choice in terms of PvE due to their synergy with each other. Destabilising Rounds makes the enemies volatile and Repulsor Brace will allow you to gain a Void Over Shield from killing the volatile enemy.

We recommend a Range Masterwork since Stability and Handling can be compensated for with the availability of Stock options on the weapon. We recommend the Fitted Stock option as it provides a boost to both Stability and Handling stats.

The Riposte PvP god rolls

PvP Roll: All-Around
Barrel Corkscrew Rifling
Magazine Ricochet Rounds
Perk 1 Zen Moment
Perk 2 Dynamic Sway Reduction (also good: Target Lock)
Stock Short-Action Stock
Masterwork Range

We recommend Corkscrew Rifling as it provides a well rounded boost to the most important stats when it comes to Crucible. For the same reason as above, we also recommend Ricochet Rounds giving the weapon some much needed Range while also providing a boost to Stability.

In terms of perks, Zen Moment is the best choice for the first column as it helps the weapon with increased flinch resistance and reduces visual shake and reticle bounce.

In the second column, there is a variety of good options however, we recommend Dynamic Sway Reduction as it synergises well with Zen Moment providing more Stability with each shot, and also reducing the accuracy cone making it easier to land shots. Target Lock, while not as good as it was, is also a viable option as it provides a faster time to kill against lower resilience enemies. It also makes missing headshots slightly more forgiving, as long as you don’t miss completely and lose your stacks.

We recommend the Short-Action Stock as it boosts the Handling to 70 and the Stability to 67. This also allows you to use a Range Masterwork without missing out on much more of the other stats.

How to get The Riposte

The Riposte is the newest weapon available from the competitive playlist in the Crucible. The weapon drops from completing your seven placement matches for the season, and after completing 3 matches per character, per week in the competitive playlist. 

We cover all the current weapons from the Competitive Ranks Playlist here.

Before you go

Interested in more top-tier Echoes weapons from Episode 1? You should definitely check out these Lost Signal God Rolls.

About The Author

Reece Patterson
Reece Patterson
More from Reece Patterson
1 Comment
  1. Orion

    The Riposte is NOT a pinnacle reward. It is a Powerful Reward which means it will not drop your current power level once you’ve reached 1990 power level.

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