Destiny 2 Suspectum 4fr: God Rolls & How to get it

by | Jul 31, 2024

Although Linear Fusion Rifles’ time in the sun has passed, that hasn’t stopped Bungie from giving us three “new” ones this season. Suspectum-4fr is but one of them, and while at first glance it might seem like a hard pass, it has some great utility rolls that come in handy during Nightfalls and solo Lost Sectors, especially when the season Overload mods are mid. Today, we’ll go over everything you need to know about this Stasis Linear Fusion Rifle.


How good is the Suspectum 4fr

As snipers have retaken their place as the defacto precision DPS weapon, LFRs on the whole aren’t as meta as they have been since Witch Queen, but what sets Suspectum apart is one perk: Chill Clip. Thanks to its recent rework, this will apply Freeze in two shots on all non-Rapid Fire Frame weapons, and with the ability to roll Envious Assassin, this means up to 12 extra Chill Clip shots! While this doesn’t mean much for damage phases, it does mean you can free up whatever you were using as your Overload/Unstoppable weapon, so long as you make your shots count.

In PvP, LFRs are the farthest thing from a meta Heavy weapon pick. Rockets and GLs are just far superior for the simple reason they don’t require headshots to actually kill anything. There’s one perk combination that could be useful in the hands of an experienced Arbalest/Lorentz player, but it’s so niche you’re better off using anything else.

B-tier for PvE D-tier for PvP

Best alternatives:

Suspectum 4fr Perks and God Rolls

The Suspectum 4fr linear fusion rifle can roll with the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Headstone, Envious Assassin, Backup Plan, No Distractions, Ensemble, Enlightened Action.
  • Perk 2: Disruption Break, Golden Tricorn, Swashbuckler, Dragonfly, Destabilizing Rounds, Frenzy.
  • Origin Trait: Veist Stinger

Suspectum 4fr PvE god rolls

PvE Roll: All-Around
Barrel Fluted Barrel or Polygonal Rifling
Battery Accelerated Coils or Ionized Battery
Perk 1 Envious Assassin or Headstone
Perk 2 Chill Clip (also good: Firing Line)
Masterwork Charge Time

Since the main idea here is to use this as a utility weapon against champs, having a quick swap time is very important. To that end, we’ll be using Fluted Barrel for its +15 Handling, but if you want to use this as a backup DPS weapon, Polygonal Rifling will help keep shots on target. Same mindset goes for the magazine: Accelerated Coils for utility, Ionized Battery for damage since you’re likely not going to need a reload.

As for the perks, Envious and Headstone are undeniably the best for Perk 1. Envious will let us take greater advantage of Chill Clip, and Headstone can help clear some chaff around the larger targets. Perk 2 has a slightly larger pool of “useful” perks, but Chill Clip is just too good to pass up. Being able to directly stun two out of three champions means freeing up those slots for whatever else you please, and when paired with Envious, you’ll never have to worry about reloading to reactivate the perk. And did I mention it comes with Viest Stinger?

Suspectum 4fr PvP god rolls

PvP Roll: All-Around
Barrel Fluted Barrel or Arrowhead Break
Battery Accelerated Coils
Perk 1 Backup Plan
Perk 2 High Ground
Masterwork Charge Time or Handling

LFRs just aren’t for PvP, but if one were to try and make it work, the idea would be quick swaps and even quicker charge times. Fluted Barrel is our friend here, but you could opt for Arrowhead Break for the massive increase to the recoil direction, depending on your choice for Masterwork. Accelerated Coils, as always, will be our friend for charge time boosts.

Perk 1 is one that’s rarely recommended due to its 20% damage reduction: Backup Plan. LFRs aren’t as affected by it, so here it can be used for quick two-body’s, and even quicker head taps, hence the need to reduce the base charge time as much as possible. For Perk 2, nothing really stands out except for High Ground, given its extremely passive nature. All others just don’t work in PvP, especially given the build we’re going for.

How to get Suspectum 4fr

As a world drop, it is nigh impossible to directly farm for this weapon, as many activities or enemies can drop it, along with all the other active world loot. However, a good place to start are destination activities such as Terminal Overload, Altars of Sorrow, or even Overthrow.

However, the new Overthrow activity within the Pale Heart is probably the most efficient source of world drop weapons. Not only that, but you have several other chests around the area to loot as well, so this should remedy the typical woes of world drop farming.
You could also wait for it to show up in the Lost Sector loot pool, though you might be waiting a while if you do.

How to get Maahes HC4 screen Destiny 2

How to get Maahes HC4, Destiny 2

Before you go

Interested in more top-tier weapons from the World Loot pool? You should definitely check out these Maahes HC4 God Rolls.

About The Author

Wyatt Lamb
Wyatt Lamb
If you asked any of my friends what I like to do with Destiny 2, they’d probably say “break it”. Build the biggest DPS, clear ads the fastest, zip zoom across the room; that’s my game. And with, I hope to show you all how to top the charts and make your friends go “wow”. You can find Wyatt on Twitter.
More from Wyatt Lamb
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