Destiny 2 Rogue Network Quest: Vesper’s Host Class Items

by | Oct 14, 2024

Vesper’s Host is here, and it has significantly more puzzles than any dungeon preceding it. Here, we’ll cover the first seven puzzles, which complete the Rogue Network questline, unlock class item drops, progress the Ice Breaker catalyst quest, and more. Let’s begin.

How to get Vesper’s Host Class Items: Rogue Network

Before even stepping foot into Vesper’s Host, you should head to Spider in the Market District area of the H.E.L.M. to grab the Rogue Network quest. This will lead you through the dungeon multiple times, completing puzzles all throughout.

💠 We cover the full Vesper’s Host Dungeon Loot Table here.

The first step is to simply complete the activity on any difficulty. Upon completion, you’ll be prompted to pick up a beacon—it will be to the left of the final loot chest, just don’t forget to pick it up! After this, you’ll talk to Spider once more, and he’ll ask you to go back in and solve some secrets.

Rogue Network Quest screen Destiny 2

Rogue Network Quest Tab, Destiny 2

The first message puzzle activates after you complete the first encounter, and is located in that same room. Upon finishing the encounter, enter the room to the right of the exit door (one of the three sub-rooms you enter during the fight; it’s the one that isn’t completely destroyed).

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Look around the room for a circular plate on the ground, flashing white. Once you find it, step on it. Continue to seek out the flashing white plates, stepping on each one until the sequence is complete. If you end up stepping on an incorrect one, the puzzle will simply reset. Once you complete it, grab the data pad that pops up in the room with an objective marker, and continue through the dungeon.

Puzzle #2

Moving to the second puzzle, continue onward until you reach the transition encounter where you first meet the servitor boss (the maze with five nuclear cores). Head to the room where you dunk the first bomb (the room straight ahead from where you enter). Inside this room, there will be a terminal with a grid of triangles, one of which will be flashing. Every triangle corresponds to a plate, and you’ll need to step on whichever one the flashing triangle indicates. This map, created by Skarrow9, should help you navigate this section pretty easily.

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If it helps orient yourself, you’re currently right next to nuke #1 (assuming you’re at the terminal we mentioned). After completing the sequence, grab the message collectible next to the terminal you started at and continue through the dungeon.

Puzzle #3

The third puzzle is after the second encounter, in the large jumping puzzle that takes place in space. Around halfway through this area, you’ll come across a terminal identical to the one from puzzle #2 (it will be in some wreckage on the main path, to your right). This puzzle works exactly the same as the last—you’ll look for the flashing triangle on the screen, and then activate the corresponding plate. Once again, this map from Skarrow9 helps a ton.

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The path traced on the map (and the numbers as well) correlates to how you progress through the area. Plate 5 is right next to the terminal you’re currently at, and plates 1-4 are ones you’ve already moved past. Plates 6 and 7 are both on panels on the satellite to the right of where you’ll exit the terminal area (away from where you’re “supposed” to go). Six in particular is a bit hidden—you’ll find it on the back side of one of the panels. Lastly, plates 8-10 are before you enter the glowing hole in the wall. Eight and nine are on a wall, while plate ten is on the floor in a dark corner.

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After stepping on all 10 in the correct order, head back to the terminal to pick up the third and final message of this part of the quest. To progress it further, you’ll need to restart the dungeon.

Puzzle #4

You’re now able to unlock a door in the nuclear maze transition just before the second encounter. After dunking the fourth nuke in this section, head forward until you enter a larger red hallway with the boss servitor inside. Instead of moving further to deposit the fifth core, head to the left—there should be a door you can unlock, granting a loot chest and progressing the quest.

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Important to note is that only the person who opens the door can open the chest. If multiple people need it in your fireteam, you’ll need to reload the instance to get everyone’s quest progress. 

After picking this up, you’ll be tasked to find three more secret messages. Backtrack to the first encounter area, to the same place we completed puzzle #1. Upon entering, you’ll notice numbered panels as well as the Operator and Scanner buffs. Whoever picks up Scanner should do the opposite of what the dungeon typically requires—instead of calling out the panels that turn white on your minimap when approaching them, you should call out the ones that disappear. Those panels, the ones that disappear from the Scanner’s minimap, are the ones the Operator should shoot. Completing this section will, once again, award a data pad for you to collect.

Puzzle #5

Both the second and third puzzles for this section (Puzzles 5 and 6 overall) are in the large jumping puzzle between encounters two and three. In the first area of this jumping section, right where you fight the Brig, you’ll see terminals with the Scanner and Operator buffs as well as panels scattered around. Once again, scan for the ones that disappear on your minimap, then have the Operator shoot them. Some of the panels here are hidden on lower platforms, as well as wreckage surrounding the main area, so keep your eyes peeled.

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Puzzle #6

Puzzle #6 is right before the final boss, after you kill the Machine Priest that shields the way forward. Head inside the large wreckage in the center of this area—you should, once again, see both the Scanner and Operator buffs. Complete the puzzle by scanning for panels that disappear from your minimap, then shooting them with the Operator buff (same as the last two). Upon finishing the puzzle, pick up the datapad, which should now advance the quest.

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Head back to where you came from until you enter a room with fallen tripwires. You’re looking for a closed door that goes into a room with a chest inside. This one is way easier to spot than the first since it’s surrounded by a large glass window visible from the main path. Open the chest, then talk to Spider.

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Spider will have you return to this same large jumping section and have you solve one more puzzle. This puzzle makes you shoot four black ovals scattered throughout the dungeon. The first and second are just before the first boss encounter. Continue past the maze until you enter a yellow hallway that eventually leads to a broken part of the ship (pictured below). Look behind each of the door frames you pass through; one should have a black oval above it. Shoot it, then progress onward.

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The second panel is just before the first boss as well. Upon entering the first boss room, turn directly around and go straight. This will first lead you back the way you came, but eventually (if you keep going straight and don’t turn right) you’ll come across a computer-filled hallway with a panel on the left wall. Shoot it.

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The third and fourth panels are in the large jumping puzzle between the second and third encounters. Directly after the Brig section (where Puzzle #5 was), you’ll move forward by hugging a catwalk on the right side of the main space station. Look behind you; there should be a terminal flashing blue numbers just above you on the wall. Shoot it, then continue on.

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The final panel you’re looking for is where Plates 9 and 10 were from Puzzle #3. Just before entering the glowing hole in the wall that leads to the chest you opened in the previous step, you’ll want to turn around. Inside this room, looking out toward space, there should be another panel. Shoot it, then progress to the security clearance room you opened a chest in previously.

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Inside this room, you’ll find the Operator buff. Shoot 4 and 2 on the panels to your left (the far right panel and the middle left panel), then activate the terminal in front of them. After doing this, you can reopen the chest in the same room, granting the dungeon class item! Talk to Spider to finish up the quest. Now that you’ve completed that, you’ll be able to go for the Ice Breaker catalyst, and focus specific dungeon loot!

How to Focus Armor in Vesper’s Host

IMPORTANT: This guide assumes you’ve completed the above “Rogue Network” questline.

After obtaining your legendary class item, the next step is to complete some more puzzles to unlock another “digit slot” in the secret loot room (where you got the class item). This will allow you to input more complex codes, resulting in opportunities to focus new gear.

As has been typical with these sections, the first puzzle in this set is in the “heart room” in the first encounter (the sub-section that doesn’t lead into space, on the right side of the arena). After completing the encounter, head into the room, where you’ll find an Operator buff. Head down the stairs and look behind you; you should see a bunch of red number panels, as well as some blue panels on the left and right.

The left blue panels will show a random number. Your goal is to shoot four unique red panels that add up to that number. For instance, if the blue number was 16, shooting 6, 7, 1, and 2 would complete the puzzle.

Puzzle 2

Puzzle 2 is later on in the dungeon and is actually on the main path, meaning you won’t miss it. It’s located right before the second encounter, just after you pass through a yellow hallway that breaks off into space. The setup here is exactly the same as Puzzle 1, although the red panels work slightly differently.

Instead of four digits adding to make the given two-digit number, your four digits must multiply to make it. For instance, if the given number was 80, you’d want to shoot 1, 2, 5, and 8. Note that the 7 and 8 panels are outside of the main room, just in case you need them for your solution.

Puzzle 3

Puzzle 3 of this series is also on the main path, around halfway through the jumping puzzle (before the hidden loot room. It’s a room with a servitor and tons of other enemies inside; you won’t miss it). Here, you’re given a 3-digit number. To make it, you must create 2 two-digit numbers that, when multiplied, equal the given number. You’ll shoot four digits for each factor, which will be added together to create the factor itself. For instance, if the given number was 500, you’d shoot 9, 1, 8, and 7, which add to make 25 (your first factor, which will pop up on the display). Then, you could shoot 9, 7, 3, and 1 to make 20 (your second factor). These would multiply, creating the 500 you need.

This third and final puzzle will unlock another digit slot in the secret chest room, allowing you to focus legendary armor. You can enter one code per character per week, so make it count! If you’re looking for armor, the codes are:

  • Helmet: 124
  • Arms: 231
  • Chestpiece: 412
  • Legs: 132
  • Class Item: 42

If you’re instead looking to focus for dungeon weapons (or you want the Ice Breaker catalyst!), you’ll need to complete one final puzzle. 

About The Author

Andrew Sideris
Andrew Sideris
With my over seven years of game knowledge, six months of writing experience for, and hundreds of Blueberries already guided through endgame content, I hope to allow newcomers to have the same great introduction I had all those years ago. You can find Andrew on Twitter.
More from Andrew Sideris
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