Destiny 2 Marcato-45: God Rolls & How to get it

by | Aug 17, 2024

Marcato 45 is a welcome addition to the Adaptive Frame family. It’s a no-nonsense workhorse with solid perks that can provide great damage and is easy to keep rolling. The Strand element also does it justice by having some fan-favorite perks that help enhance Strand-focused builds and help the Marcato-45 become endgame-ready.


How good is the Marcato-45?

Marcato 45 has decent utility for fitting into a Strand build, and its situational perks are required to elevate it to a good usage level. It’s a good addition to the Guardian arsenal with this god roll, but ultimately, there are better options out there.

B Rank PvE – D Rank PvP

B-tier for PvE D-tier for PvP

Best alternatives:

Marcato-45 Perks and God Rolls

The Marcato-45 machine fun has the potential to roll the following perks:

  • Perk 1: Threat Detector, Steady Hands, Demolitionist, Slice, Attrition Orbs, Triple Tap.
  • Perk 2: Onslaught, Threadlings, Surrounded, Adagio, Under-Over, Gold Tricorn.
  • Origin Trait: Suros Synergy
Marcato-45 preview Destiny 2

Marcato-45 God Rolls, Destiny 2

Marcato-45 PvE god roll

PvE Roll: All-Around
Barrel Smallbore
Magazine Appended Mag
Perk 1 Threat Detector (also good: Slice, Demolitionist)
Perk 2 Surrounded (also good: Hatchling, Onslaught)
Masterwork Stability

Marcato 45 excels at clearing large waves of enemies and has the perfect perk set to do this, many focus on a Heavy as a pure damage dealer but this weapon does so much more with its combinations. Smallbore starts this roll for a bit of extra Range and to ensure Stability hits maximum when this god roll comes together. Appended Mag is the best Magazine choice to increase the Magazine size to keep the damage coming during tough encounters or to clear large waves of mobs easily.

The main perks start with Threat Detector which provides large increases to Stability, Handling, and Reload Speed when in the thick of battle. Combined this pushes these stats to their maximum which takes Marcato 45 to another level, making it feel great to use and then when paired up with Surrounded, incredibly potent in battle. Surrounded giving a 40% percent damage increase makes the Marcato 45 a solid choice in any level of content.

Marcato-45 PvP god roll

PvP Roll: All-Around
Barrel Hammer-Forged Rifling
Magazine Accurized Rounds
Perk 1 Demolitionist
Perk 2 Golden Tricorn (also good, Under-Over)
Masterwork Range

Admittedly Marcato 45 is not the best option in the slot for PvP but for fans of this weapon type, there is a very usable god roll.

Straight focus on Range is essential so do this with Hammer-Forged Rifling and Accurzied Rounds. This ensures a stickier reticle feel towards opponents engaging down longer sight lines and with ammo scarce for a Heavy weapon, this help towards accuracy is key.

Use Demolitist to reward your kills with grenade energy. This works perfectly in tandem with Golden Tricorn with the goal being to hit an ability kill before engaging with Marcato 45. Doing so will increase its damage and melt away any Guardian who tries to take you on.

How to get the Marcato-45

Marcato 45 is a world drop meaning it can only be obtained via Legendary Engrams, and Prime Engrams as a random drop from activity completions of the core playlist activities.

Before you go…

Interested in more top-tier weapons from the World Loot Pool? You should definitely check out these Heliocentric QSc God Rolls.

Post written by RiseOfBacon

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