Destiny 2 Jorum’s Claw: God Rolls and How to get it

by | Mar 22, 2023

Returning from the depths of the Curse of Osiris expansion, Jorum’s Claw is now available in the Iron Banner playlist. And, with how many new perks we’ve gotten recently, there’s never been a better time for this to happen.

How do you get Jorum’s Claw? How does it rank amongst its competitors? What are its best rolls? Read on, as we’ll cover all that and more.

ArtNameArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
Jorum's Claw artJorum's ClawAdaptiveLegendaryPrimarySolarFree-to-PlayYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimarySolar Solar
B › Average
PvPIron BannerError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 20EnergyNoIncandescent

How to get Jorum’s Claw in Season 20

If you’re actively searching for Jorum’s Claw, focusing Iron Engrams at Lord Saladin is the easiest way to farm for it.

Lord Saladin will offer an Iron Engram each time you hit a new Iron Banner rank. Once you unlock Jorum’s Claw in Collections (through random end-of-match rewards or directly via Saladin’s Rank 7 reward), you can purchase copies at Saladin. However, these copies aren’t cheap; each costs one Iron Engram, 25 Legendary Shards, and 20,000 Glimmer.

Jorum's Claw god rolls farming gameplay Destiny 2

Jorum’s Claw farming, Destiny 2

How good is Jorum’s Claw today’s Meta?

Being an Adaptive Frame pulse rifle, Jorum’s Claw comes out of the gates pretty weak. These have a relatively slow time to kill in the Crucible (0.93s) and don’t feel that powerful in PvE.

That said, if we compare Jorum’s Claw’s perks to its competition, you can see where the weapon may excel. With S-Tier perks left and right, this weapon turns out to be an alright pick for all areas of the game.

Overall, we’re giving Jorum’s Claw a B-Tier ranking. While it has undeniably strong perks, its frame prevents it from rising above the competition.

Best alternatives:

ArtNameArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
Insidious art v2InsidiousAggressive BurstLegendaryPrimaryArcThe Witch QueenYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimaryArc Arc
A › Strong
PvE + PvPVow of the Disciple RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesThe Witch Queen Icon (final) Destiny 2
Witch Queen
Season 16EnergyCraftableTop-tierBait and Switch
Smite of Merain artSmite of MerainAdaptiveLegendaryPrimaryKineticFree-to-PlayYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimaryKinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic
A › Strong
PvEKing's Fall RaidCheckmark icon V3 YesDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 18KineticCraftableTop-tier

Best Jorum’s Claw Rolls for PvE and PvP

Now that we’ve covered Jorum’s Claw’s sources and potential, let’s look at its best rolls for PvE and PvP.

Jorum's Claw god rolls

Jorum’s Claw god rolls, Destiny 2

Jorum’s Claw PvP god roll

In PvP, you’ll want to start with a foundation of range. For that reason, look for Full Bore or Extended Barrel in column one and Richochet Rounds in column two. Moving Target, Encore, and Outlaw are great picks for perk one, depending on your preference. As for the final column, Kill Clip is the clear winner—it reduces the weapon’s TTK to an insane 0.53s.

  • Barrel: Full Bore (also good: Extended Barrel)
  • Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
  • Perk 1: Encore (also good: Moving Target)
  • Perk 2: Kill Clip

Jorum’s Claw PvE god roll

You’ll still want to start with either Full Bore or Extended Barrel in PvE, solely for that bump in range. Flared Magwell is generally the best choice for the magazine, significantly decreasing reload speed and increasing stability. Outlaw is the clear-cut winner for perk one, while it’s a toss-up between Incandescent and Kill Clip for the final column.

  • Barrel: Full Bore (also good: Extended Barrel)
  • Magazine: Flared Magwell
  • Perk 1: Outlaw
  • Perk 2: Incandescent (also good: Kill Clip)

Before you go…

Lightfall and Season 20 delivered several top-tier new weapons you do not want to miss out on. Check out our Season 20 new weapons for more excellent weapons.

About The Author

Andrew Sideris
Andrew Sideris
With my over seven years of game knowledge, six months of writing experience for, and hundreds of Blueberries already guided through endgame content, I hope to allow newcomers to have the same great introduction I had all those years ago. You can find Andrew on Twitter.
More from Andrew Sideris
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