Destiny 2 Gunsmith: Weapons and Rotations

by | Nov 19, 2024 | Weapons

Banshee-44, also known as the Gunsmith, finally has a relevant role in Destiny 2. Sure, he offers bounties, upgrade materials, and weapon mods. But he also offers several Foundry weapons. These weapons were not only elusive to farm until now but are considered some of the best weapons in the game.

This guide covers what weapons can be focused at the Gunsmith this season.

🚨 Free Weapons as an apology?

Starting November 19, and for a limited time, Bungie is giving away several weapons to apologize for the Perk Weighting issue. As explained on Twitter/X:

Starting November 19, Banshee-44 will have a small collection of weapons in the Tower with curated perk rolls. Our goal is to get you some perk combinations that were a bit harder to earn due to the bug.  […] We recommend picking these weapons up at your earliest convenience.

Banshee Curated Rolls Infographic Destiny 2

Banshee Curated Rolls, Destiny 2

The weapons that Banshee is giving away are:

The rolls are the following:

  • Rose: Fluted Barrel, Accurized Rounds, Slideshot, Explosive Payload, Smooth Grip, Handling MW
  • Multimach: Polygonal Rifling + Tactical Mag + Attrition Orbs + Kinetic Tremors + Reload MW
  • Indebted Kindness: Smart Drift Control + Tactical Mag + Loose Change + Voltshot + Velocity MW
  • Compass Rose: Corkscrew Rifling, Light Mag, Snapshot Sights, Slideshot, Handling MW
  • Hothead (Adept): Hard Launch + Impact Casing + Tracking Module + Clown Cartridge + Reload MW
  • VS Chill Inhibitor: Countermass + Spike Grenades + Envious Arsenal + Bait and Switch + Reload MW

Note that “Dungeon-related weapons will require Dungeon ownership and at least one Dungeon completion.”

Banshee-44 Weapons: Engram Loot Pool

Banshee-44 offers several foundry weapons you can either focus or earn through Gunsmith Engrams. These weapons have always been extremely elusive to farm, but thanks to focusing, they are much easier to farm moving forward.

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🚨 Note that only Foundry weapons from Season 16 to Season 19 can be focused at Banshee-44. Or, in other words, weapons that are at least one year old. This also means that these weapons can no longer be obtainable from Legendary Engram or as World drops.

Gunsmith Focusing screen Destiny 2

Banshee-44 loot pool, Destiny 2

Gunsmith Weapons Rotation

Banshee-44 offers two foundries per day. Each day, one of these foundries will rotate out for another, effectively allowing each foundry to have the spotlight for two days in a row. This Season, the rotation schedule is as follows:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Omolon Suros Häkke Veist
Suros Häkke Veist Omolon

Gunsmith weapons focusing cost:

  • 3 Gunsmith Engrams
  • 5,000 Glimmer

For the record, there are now more ways to earn Gunsmith Engrams:

  • Ranking up Gunsmith Reputation
  • Lost Sector Completions Normal (20%)
  • Legend (Solo and Platinum) (40%)
  • Master (Solo and Platinum) (60%)
  • Free-roam Chests (20%) 
Gunsmith Engrams screen Destiny 2

Gunsmith Engrams, Destiny 2

Best D2 Gunsmith Weapons today

With up to 24 legendary weapons to offer, it can be difficult to decide what weapons are worthy of your hard-earned engrams and glimmer. These are the Weaponsmith guns we consider to be the best:

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As a reminder, these are the different Tier levels used for our rankings:

  • S Tier – Best: Highest ranking weapon types.
  • A Tier – Strong: Very strong weapon types, but not on the same level as S Tier Choices.
  • B Tier – Average: Decent choices that can be lethal in the hands of a skilled player.
  • C Tier – Weak: The middle of the pack, somewhat mediocre.
  • D Tier – Worst: Lagging behind the competition, these don’t have much to offer.
  • Gunsmith Weapons Foundry featured Destiny 2

Where to find Banshee-44

Banshee-44 can be found in Tower, right next to Master Rahool. His location will never change, but his selection of random weapons changes weekly, at reset, on Tuesdays.

  • The Gunsmith’s offerings change on Tuesdays at 10 am PDT
Gunsmith location Destiny 2 featured

Gunsmith weapons this week, Destiny 2

Your turn

If you liked our Gunsmith overview, be sure to bookmark this page, as we will update it every Tuesday as soon as Banshee-44 changes its collection of weapons for sale.

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. Chris Stone

    Says table7 not found so no more rankings to look at.

  2. chloe

    an adept is awesome

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