Destiny 2 Chaos Reshaped: Weapons and Perk guide

by | Jun 11, 2024

Chaos Reshaped is a new perk released with The Final Shape and can only roll on Salvation’s Edge weapons. While it’s yet to hit the mainstream popularity it deserves, this perk is one of the strongest the game has ever seen.

Episode 1 Echoes icon Destiny 2Updated as of Episode 1: Echoes.

Chaos Reshaped Weapons in Destiny 2

Currently, Chaos Reshaped can only roll on the Legendary weapons from Salvation’s Edge:

As of The Final Shape and Episode: Echoes, Chaos Reshaped is limited to weapons available from the Salvation’s Edge raid. However, assuming this perk follows the trend that others like Reconstruction and Bait and Switch have set, it should become available on additional weapons soon.

What Chaos Reshaped does: Hard Figures

The official description of Chaos Reshaped reads as follows:

This weapon gains bonus damage while in combat for an extended time. Remaining in combat for even longer rewards a larger damage bonus and periodically heals the wielder.

Veteran players likely notice similarities between this perk’s description and Frenzy’s. However, as is far too common, this in-game explanation provides no solid numbers to go off of. According to the Destiny Data Compendium:

  • Just like Frenzy, being in combat is considered dealing or receiving damage.
  • After being in combat for 12 seconds, you’ll gain one stack of the buff.
    • Increases damage by 20%
  • After being in combat for 24 seconds, you’ll gain two stacks of the buff.
    • Increases damage by 35%
    • Restores about 40HP (<20% of total health) every 7.5 seconds

With the numbers out of the way, we now arrive at the only question that matters: is the perk worth running? Well, simply put, it depends.

No place in PvP?

Because of its lengthy activation time, we can immediately rule this perk out when looking at most PvP scenarios. However, in PvE, it’s a completely different story. 

A top PvE perk?

Both the first stack of Chaos Reshaped and Frenzy trigger after 12 seconds of combat. Comparing the two, Chaos Reshaped provides a 20% damage bonus, while Frenzy grants a 15% bonus with added reload speed and handling. So, just off of that, Chaos Reshaped is the better perk if you don’t mind losing the additional stat bumps Frenzy offers.

Unlike Frenzy, however, Chaos Reshaped has a second stack that triggers after 24 seconds of combat. While consistently triggering this portion of the perk is inarguably difficult, it provides an absurd 35% increase in damage—more than even something like Bait and Switch. This second stack also provides periodic health bumps, but this portion of the perk has already been overlooked by much of the community due to its small percentage compared to your Guardian’s HP.

Should you farm Weapons with Chaos Reshaped?

In the end, whether or not you choose to seek this perk out depends on two factors. First, do you want to have to think about triggering your weapon’s perks? If you don’t mind doing so, options like One for All, Desperate Measures, Multikill Clip, Bait and Switch, and Surrounded all provide similar bonuses.

If you instead want your perks running mindlessly in the background, factor two emerges: Do you value the stat bumps of Frenzy enough to lose out on extra damage?

It’s not likely Chaos Reshaped will be the defining factor of future metas like Bait and Switch has. Even so, the perk is an outstanding choice in a handful of scenarios and will no doubt be a popular option for Salvation’s Edge weapons and others to come.

About The Author

Andrew Sideris
Andrew Sideris
With my over seven years of game knowledge, six months of writing experience for, and hundreds of Blueberries already guided through endgame content, I hope to allow newcomers to have the same great introduction I had all those years ago. You can find Andrew on Twitter.
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