Destiny 2 Guardian Ranks: Rewards and Levels

by | Sep 5, 2024

A system introduced with Lightfall, Guardian Ranks aims to both help new players get acquainted with the game and provide an additional challenge for veterans to take on.

This guide features all quests, challenges, and rewards tied to Guardian Ranks as of Episode 1: Echoes.

Episode 1 Echoes icon Destiny 2Updated as of Episode 1: Echoes.

Guardian Rank 11 Requirements: Paragon

These are all the objectives you’ll need to complete to reach the Level 11 Paragon Rank:

The stories of you grow in myth and legend. Secure your place in the upper echelons of the Tower by achieving feats deemed unachievable by most and earn exaltation through recognition from fellow Guardians.

CategoryObjectiveObjective / Description
GrandmasterConquerorComplete the Triumphs to acquire the Conqueror Title.
GrandmasterGilded ConquerorComplete the Triumphs to gild the Conqueror Title.
EndgameSalvation's Edge MasteryComplete the most recently released raid on Master difficulty.
EndgameSolo SpelunkerComplete either of the "Ghosts of the Deep" or "Warlord's Ruin" dungeons solo.
EndgameMaster SpelunkerComplete the most recently released dungeon on Master difficulty.
Lost SectorsMaster Staying AliveComplete a Master Lost Sector solo without dying.
CollectionsTitlesClaim 7 Titles.
CommendationsBelovedAchieve a commendation score of 1800.
CommendationsShepherdReceive 200 ally and leadership commendations. Leadership commendations provide bonus progress.
Guardian Ranks screen Destiny 2

Exemplar Guardian Rank, Destiny 2

Guardian Rank 10 Requirements: Exemplar

These are all the objectives required for Level 10 Exemplar Rank: 

Become a paradigm of a leader among your fellow Guardians by earning their recognition and unlocking your full potential while defeating the most challenging foes.

CategoryObjectiveObjective / Description
Seasonal JourneySeasonal RanksAcquire 65 Seasonal ranks.
Seasonal JourneySeasonal ChallengesComplete 25 Seasonal Challenges.
Seasonal JourneyFailsafe ReputationIncrease your reputation level to 10 with the Episode 1 vendor found in the H.E.L.M.
Seasonal JourneySeasonal DifficultyComplete the current Seasonal activity or Exotic quest on the highest difficulty.
PowerPinnacle CapIncrease your Power to the pinnacle cap of 2000.
RaidsClear all 9 RaidsComplete the Last Wish, Garden of Salvation, Deep Stone Crypt, Vow of the Disciple, King's Fall, Vault of Glass, Root of Nightmares, Crota's End, and Salvation's End raids.
DungeonsClear all 8 DungeonsComplete the Ghost of the Deep, Shattered Throne, Pit of Heresy, Prophecy, Grasp of Avarice, Spire of the Watcher, Duality, and Warlord's Ruin dungeons.
NightfallMaster NightfallComplete a Nightfall on Master difficulty or higher.
NightfallNightfall ScoreComplete a Nightfall at Master difficulty or higher, with a score of 180000 or more.
NightfallGrandmaster NightfallComplete the featured Nightfall on Grandmaster difficulty.
Lost SectorsMaster Solo Lost SectorsComplete 5 Master Lost Sectors solo.
DarknessDark WielderUnlock all Darkness subclasses.
DarknessStasis CollectorCollect 5 Stasis Fragments.
DarknessStrand CollectorCollect 5 Strand Fragments for a single character.
DarknessDark MasteryComplete a Grandmaster Nightfall with a Darkness subclass equipped.
CollectionsCatalyst CollectorFully Masterwork 25 Exotic weapons using catalysts.
CollectionsArmor CollectorCollect 20 pieces of Exotic armor.
CollectionsExotic WeaponsCollect 90 pieces of Exotic weapons.
CollectionsTitlesClaim 5 Titles.
CommendationsCherishedAchieve a commendation score of 1525. Leadership commendations from difficult activities provide the most progress to your commendation score.
CommendationsCoachReceive 75 ally and leadership commendations. Leadership commendations provide bonus progress.

Guardian Rank 9 Requirements: Vanquisher

These are all the objectives required for Level 9 Vanquisher Rank:

Overcome adversity and build rapport among humanity’s allies by fighting back against our foes, even those lurking in the darkest reaches of the Sol system.

CategoryObjectiveObjective / Description
Seasonal JourneySeasonal RanksAcquire 50 Seasonal ranks.
Seasonal JourneySeasonal ChallengesComplete 15 Seasonal Challenges.
Seasonal JourneyFailsafe ReputationIncrease your reputation level to 8 with the Episode 1 vendor found in the H.E.L.M.
NightfallExpert DifficultyComplete a Nightfall on Expert difficulty or higher.
NightfallExpert Platinum RewardsComplete a Nightfall on Expert with Platinum rewards.
NightfallExpert ScoreComplete a Nightfall on Expert with a score of 115,000 or better.
Seasonal ArtifactSeasonal Artifact PerksActivate 12 perks from your Seasonal Artifact.
Seasonal ArtifactArtifact Power BonusIncrease your Power bonus from the Seasonal Artifact to +12.
Lost SectorsFlawless, Solo, & ExpertComplete a Expert Lost Sector solo without dying.
Lost SectorsSolo Expert Lost SectorsComplete 5 Expert Lost Sectors solo.
EndgameSalvation's EndComplete the Salvation's End raid.
EndgameCrota's EndComplete the Crota's End raid.
EndgameGhosts of the DeepComplete the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon.
EndgameWarlord's RuinComplete the Warlord's Ruin dungeon.
CommendationsRespectedIncrease your commendation score to 910 or higher.
CollectionsExotic ArmorCollect 15 Exotic armor pieces.
CollectionsExotic WeaponsCollect 15 Exotic weapons.
CollectionsTitlesClaim 2 Titles.

Guardian Ranks: The Complete list

These are all the objectives for every Guardian Rank this season: 

TitleCategoryObjectiveObjective / Description
11 - ParagonGrandmasterConquerorComplete the Triumphs to acquire the Conqueror Title.
11 - ParagonGrandmasterGilded ConquerorComplete the Triumphs to gild the Conqueror Title.
11 - ParagonEndgameSalvation's Edge MasteryComplete the most recently released raid on Master difficulty.
11 - ParagonEndgameSolo SpelunkerComplete either of the "Ghosts of the Deep" or "Warlord's Ruin" dungeons solo.
11 - ParagonEndgameMaster SpelunkerComplete the most recently released dungeon on Master difficulty.
11 - ParagonLost SectorsMaster Staying AliveComplete a Master Lost Sector solo without dying.
11 - ParagonCollectionsTitlesClaim 7 Titles.
11 - ParagonCommendationsBelovedAchieve a commendation score of 1800.
11 - ParagonCommendationsShepherdReceive 200 ally and leadership commendations. Leadership commendations provide bonus progress.
10 - ExemplarSeasonal JourneySeasonal RanksAcquire 65 Seasonal ranks.
10 - ExemplarSeasonal JourneySeasonal ChallengesComplete 25 Seasonal Challenges.
10 - ExemplarSeasonal JourneyFailsafe ReputationIncrease your reputation level to 10 with the Episode 1 vendor found in the H.E.L.M.
10 - ExemplarSeasonal JourneySeasonal DifficultyComplete the current Seasonal activity or Exotic quest on the highest difficulty.
10 - ExemplarPowerPinnacle CapIncrease your Power to the pinnacle cap of 2000.
10 - ExemplarRaidsClear all 9 RaidsComplete the Last Wish, Garden of Salvation, Deep Stone Crypt, Vow of the Disciple, King's Fall, Vault of Glass, Root of Nightmares, Crota's End, and Salvation's End raids.
10 - ExemplarDungeonsClear all 8 DungeonsComplete the Ghost of the Deep, Shattered Throne, Pit of Heresy, Prophecy, Grasp of Avarice, Spire of the Watcher, Duality, and Warlord's Ruin dungeons.
10 - ExemplarNightfallMaster NightfallComplete a Nightfall on Master difficulty or higher.
10 - ExemplarNightfallNightfall ScoreComplete a Nightfall at Master difficulty or higher, with a score of 180000 or more.
10 - ExemplarNightfallGrandmaster NightfallComplete the featured Nightfall on Grandmaster difficulty.
10 - ExemplarLost SectorsMaster Solo Lost SectorsComplete 5 Master Lost Sectors solo.
10 - ExemplarDarknessDark WielderUnlock all Darkness subclasses.
10 - ExemplarDarknessStasis CollectorCollect 5 Stasis Fragments.
10 - ExemplarDarknessStrand CollectorCollect 5 Strand Fragments for a single character.
10 - ExemplarDarknessDark MasteryComplete a Grandmaster Nightfall with a Darkness subclass equipped.
10 - ExemplarCollectionsCatalyst CollectorFully Masterwork 25 Exotic weapons using catalysts.
10 - ExemplarCollectionsArmor CollectorCollect 20 pieces of Exotic armor.
10 - ExemplarCollectionsExotic WeaponsCollect 90 pieces of Exotic weapons.
10 - ExemplarCollectionsTitlesClaim 5 Titles.
10 - ExemplarCommendationsCherishedAchieve a commendation score of 1525. Leadership commendations from difficult activities provide the most progress to your commendation score.
10 - ExemplarCommendationsCoachReceive 75 ally and leadership commendations. Leadership commendations provide bonus progress.
9 - VanquisherSeasonal JourneySeasonal RanksAcquire 50 Seasonal ranks.
9 - VanquisherSeasonal JourneySeasonal ChallengesComplete 15 Seasonal Challenges.
9 - VanquisherSeasonal JourneyFailsafe ReputationIncrease your reputation level to 8 with the Episode 1 vendor found in the H.E.L.M.
9 - VanquisherNightfallExpert DifficultyComplete a Nightfall on Expert difficulty or higher.
9 - VanquisherNightfallExpert Platinum RewardsComplete a Nightfall on Expert with Platinum rewards.
9 - VanquisherNightfallExpert ScoreComplete a Nightfall on Expert with a score of 115,000 or better.
9 - VanquisherSeasonal ArtifactSeasonal Artifact PerksActivate 12 perks from your Seasonal Artifact.
9 - VanquisherSeasonal ArtifactArtifact Power BonusIncrease your Power bonus from the Seasonal Artifact to +12.
9 - VanquisherLost SectorsFlawless, Solo, & ExpertComplete a Expert Lost Sector solo without dying.
9 - VanquisherLost SectorsSolo Expert Lost SectorsComplete 5 Expert Lost Sectors solo.
9 - VanquisherEndgameSalvation's EndComplete the Salvation's End raid.
9 - VanquisherEndgameCrota's EndComplete the Crota's End raid.
9 - VanquisherEndgameGhosts of the DeepComplete the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon.
9 - VanquisherEndgameWarlord's RuinComplete the Warlord's Ruin dungeon.
9 - VanquisherCommendationsRespectedIncrease your commendation score to 910 or higher.
9 - VanquisherCollectionsExotic ArmorCollect 15 Exotic armor pieces.
9 - VanquisherCollectionsExotic WeaponsCollect 15 Exotic weapons.
9 - VanquisherCollectionsTitlesClaim 2 Titles.
8 - JusticiarThe Final Shape The Final Shape - Legendary Pt.1 & 2Complete The Final Shape campaign on Legendary difficulty.
8 - JusticiarThe Final ShapeVendor Rank-UpsIncrease your vendor reputation with your Ghost in the Pale Heart by 6 ranks.
8 - JusticiarThe Final ShapeCooperative Focus CampaignComplete 3 missions in The Final Shape campaign on Cooperative Focus mode.
8 - JusticiarSeasonal JourneySeasonal RanksAcquire 30 Seasonal ranks.
8 - JusticiarSeasonal JourneyFailsafe ReputationIncrease your reputation level with the Episode 1 vendor found in the H.E.L.M to rank 6.
8 - JusticiarSeasonal JourneySeasonal ChallengesComplete 10 Seasonal Challenges.
8 - JusticiarSeasonal JourneyResearch QuestsComplete Failsafe's research quests to earn Research Technologies.
8 - JusticiarPowerPowerful CapIncrease your Power to the powerful cap of 1990.
8 - JusticiarPowerPinnacle RewardsEarn 2 pinnacle rewards by completing weekly vendor challenges.
8 - JusticiarSeasonal ArtifactSeasonal Artifact PerksActivate 10 perks from your Seasonal Artifact.
8 - JusticiarSeasonal ArtifactArtifact Power BonusIncrease your Power bonus from the Seasonal Artifact by 8.
8 - JusticiarCollectionsExotic ArsenalIncrease the number of Exotic weapons in your collection to 10.
8 - JusticiarCollectionsExotic ArmorerCollect 10 Exotic armor pieces.
8 - JusticiarCollectionsTitlesClaim a Title.
8 - JusticiarCommendationsAppreciatedAcquire a commendation score of 477.
7 - EliteThe Final ShapeThe Final Shape CampaignComplete The Final Shape campaign.
7 - EliteThe Final ShapeVendor Rank-UpsIncrease your vendor reputation with your Ghost in the Pale Heart.
7 - EliteThe Final ShapeCooperative Focus CampaignComplete missions in The Final Shape campaign on Cooperative Focus mode.
7 - EliteThe Final ShapePale Heart PathfinderIn the Pale Heart, complete a path in the Pathfinder.
7 - EliteSeasonal JourneySeason RankIncrease your Season Rank to 15.
7 - EliteSeasonal JourneySeasonal ChallengesComplete 8 Seasonal Challenges from the current Season.
7 - EliteSeasonal JourneyFailsafe ReputationIncrease your reputation level with the Episode 1 vendor found in the H.E.L.M. by 4.
7 - EliteSeasonal JourneyResearch QuestsComplete Failsafe's research quests to earn Research Technologies.
7 - EliteSeasonal JourneyRed Death ReformedDefeat 50 targets with the Exotic Pulse Rifle Red Death Reformed.
7 - EliteSeasonal JourneySeasonal Playlist RewardsIncrease your reputation with the Vanguard Ops, Crucible, or Gambit vendors by 4.
7 - EliteSeasonal ArtifactSeasonal Artifact PerksActivate 5 perks from your Seasonal Artifact.
7 - EliteSeasonal ArtifactArtifact Power BonusIncrease your Power bonus from the Seasonal Artifact to 5.
7 - EliteNightfallThreats and SurgesComplete 3 Nightfalls while using a subclass that matches the current surge.
💠 Rewards: Armor Change Mods Unlocked
7 - EliteNightfallPlatinum RewardsComplete Nightfalls and earn 2 Platinum rewards.
7 - EliteChampionsUnstoppable ChampionsStun 6 Unstoppable Champions.
7 - EliteChampionsBarrier ChampionsStun 6 Barrier Champions.
7 - EliteChampionsOverload ChampionsStun 6 Overload Champions.
7 - EliteCommendationsLikedIncrease your commendation score to 200.
6 - VeteranThe Final ShapeTransmigrationComplete "Transmigration" quest.
6 - VeteranThe Final ShapePoint of ContactMeet the destination vendor in the Pale Heart.
6 - VeteranSeasonal JourneySeason RankIncrease your Season Rank by 7.
6 - VeteranSeasonal JourneySeasonal ChallengesComplete 4 Seasonal Challenges from the current Episode.
6 - VeteranSeasonal ArtifactSeasonal ArtifactObtain the current Seasonal Artifact.
6 - VeteranSeasonal ArtifactSeasonal Artifact PerksActivate 3 perks from your Seasonal Artifact.
6 - VeteranSeasonal ArtifactArtifact Power BonusIncrease your Power bonus from the Seasonal Artifact by 3.
6 - VeteranGear ProgressionModify ArmorEquip slot-specific mods on armor.
💠 Rewards: Armor Energy Unlocked
6 - VeteranGear ProgressionArmor EnergyIncrease the energy level of a piece of armor by 2.
💠 Rewards: Enhancement Exchange Unlocked
6 - VeteranGear ProgressionMasterwork WeaponsIncrease the Masterwork level of a weapon by 2.
💠 Rewards: Weapon Mods Unlocked
6 - VeteranGear ProgressionEnhancement MaterialsAcquire Enhancement Prisms.
💠 Rewards: Loadouts +3
6 - VeteranGear ProgressionWeapon ShapingUnlock the ability to shape weapons at the Relic in the Mars Enclave by completing the "The Arrival" quest and progressing the quest "The Relic."
6 - VeteranPowerSoft CapIncrease your Power to the soft cap of 1940.
6 - VeteranPowerVendor ChallengesComplete 2 weekly vendor challenges to acquire powerful rewards.
💠 Rewards: Arsenal Armor Mods Unlocked
6 - VeteranTrialsTrials IntroductionTalk to Saint-14 to learn about Trials of Osiris.
5 - AdventurerExotic QuestsAcquire RiskrunnerComplete the Exotic weapon mission "Spark of Hope" to obtain Riskrunner.
5 - AdventurerExotic QuestsMasterwork RiskrunnerOnce the Riskrunner catalyst has been obtained, open Riskrunner's weapon details and apply the catalyst to the weapon.
5 - AdventurerExotic QuestsSubclass Mastery QuestsComplete one of the Subclass Mastery Quests. There are three quests: "Taming the Storm" for Arc, "Exalting the Flame" for Solar, and "Into the Abyss" for Void. They each reward an Exotic Armor piece related to your Light Subclasses.
5 - AdventurerPlaylistsVanguard OpsComplete a Vanguard Ops.
5 - AdventurerPlaylistsPathfinderComplete Pathfinder nodes. You can view the Pathfinder from the Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit Director screens.
5 - AdventurerPlaylistsCommendationsCommend 2 other players in Vanguard Ops.
5 - AdventurerPlaylistsMeet Lord ShaxxLearn about the Crucible from Lord Shaxx.
5 - AdventurerPlaylistsMeet DrifterLearn about Gambit from the Drifter.
5 - AdventurerCollectionsCollect WeaponsIncrease the number of Legendary weapons in your collection to 9.
5 - AdventurerCollectionsCollect ArmorIncrease the number of Legendary armor pieces in your collection to 10.
4 - ScoutLight SubclassesLearning LightComplete the "Learning Light" quest.
4 - ScoutLight SubclassesPurchase AspectsPurchase 2 Aspects from Ikora Rey
4 - ScoutLight SubclassesPurchase FragmentsPurchase 3 Fragments from Ikora Rey.
💠 Rewards: Loadouts +3
4 - ScoutLight SubclassesLight SubclassesComplete a Light subclass quest from Ikora Rey.
4 - ScoutLight SubclassesTimeline ReflectionComplete the Timeline Reflection Quest.
4 - ScoutGunsmithMeet Banshee-44Talk to Banshee-44.
4 - ScoutGunsmithGlimmerCollect Glimmer.
4 - ScoutGunsmithEnhancement CoresComplete Gunsmith bounties to earn Enhancement Cores.
4 - ScoutGunsmithArming UpPurchase a weapon from Banshee-44.
4 - ScoutGear ModificationShadersApply 3 shaders to your gear.
💠 Rewards: Armor Synthesis Unlocked
4 - ScoutGear ModificationUpgrading Your GhostEquip an Economic or Tracking mod on your Ghost.
3 - InitiateExplore The Pale HeartTransmigrationComplete "Transmigration" quest.
💠 Rewards: Seasonal Challenges Unlocked
3 - InitiateExplore The Pale HeartPoint of ContactMeet the destination vendor in the Pale Heart.
3 - InitiateExplore EDZDiscover EDZLand in Earth's European Dead Zone, otherwise known as the EDZ, and speak with Devrim Kay, located in the belfry of Trostland Church.
3 - InitiateExplore EDZEDZ Public EventsComplete 3 public events in the EDZ.
3 - InitiateExplore NessusExplore NessusLand on Nessus and meet the eccentric AI, Failsafe, located in the wreckage of the Exodus Black colony ship.
3 - InitiateExplore NessusPatrolsComplete 1 patrol on Nessus.
3 - InitiateExplore NessusLost SectorsComplete 2 Lost Sectors on Nessus.
2 - ExplorerRanking UpThe VanguardComplete the New Light quest, "A Guardian Rises."

Guardian Ranks explained

As described by Bungie:

No longer will the number next to your nameplate be a representation of how much you’ve grinded the Season Pass; instead, it’s a representation of your experience as a Guardian and the challenges you’ve faced and overcame.

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
  1. Ian Kirkness

    Hell, it look like i wouldn’t be doing Guardian Rank 9, heck I haven’t even done ANY of the Raid at all. Where the hell i supposed to find people to do them. I am worst than a newbie when doing the Raid. NICE GOING BUNGIE for screwing this up. Just great. I guess i be playing Diablo 4 or Dead Island 2 .

    • TheGamefreek

      Look into the destiny 2 lfg discord or some different tiktok and twitch creators. While a lot of the community is neutral towards new lights there are a lot of us who absolutely love to help everyone we can so that we can all enjoy everything destiny 2 has to offer.

    • Ben

      Just git gud

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