Extraction Lost Sector Destiny 2: Guide and Location

by | Sep 21, 2023

Extraction is absolutely the worst Lost Sector in Destiny 2. It takes the longest amount of time out of any Lost Sector. The combination of Arc, Void shields, and both Overload and Unstoppable Champions forces a very unfun and restrictive loadout.

While our Legend Lost Sectors today guide features every Legend and Master Lost Sectors in the game, this Extraction mini-guide covers everything you need to know to prepare, including recommended loadouts, enemy shields, and Champions.

Extraction Location and Requirements

The Extraction Lost Sector is located in the Quagmire, on the Throne World.

Extraction Lost Sector Location

Extraction Lost Sector location

How to unlock Legend & Master Lost Sectors? You’ll need to clear the Lost Sector on standard difficulty and reach the soft cap 1750 Power Level to even see them in the Director.

Extraction rotation

Seasonal rotation

DateLost SectorsLocationThreatSurgesWeek #

Shields & Champions

This is an overview of what Burn, enemies, and overall difficulty you should expect in this Lost Sector:

Lost SectorLocationThreatTierShieldsChampions

These are the types of Champions you’ll have to deal with:

Extraction Champions Unstoppable Ogre Champion Overload Chieftain Champion
Legend x3 Unstoppable Ogre x1 Overload Chieftain
Master <x2 Unstoppable Ogre <x4 Overload Chieftain

Extraction Modifiers: Legend & Master

Legend Modifiers:

  • Arc Burn: +50% Arc damage dealt and received.
  • Hot Knife: Shanks now have Solar shields.
  • Equipment Locked: You will not be able to change your equipment after this activity starts.
  • Match Game: Enemy shields are highly resistant to all unmatched elemental damage.
  • Limited Revives: Limited fireteam revives. Gain additional revives by defeating Champions.
  • Shields Foes: You will face combatants with Solar and Void shields.
  • Champion Foes: You will face Barrier and Overload Champions.
  • Arach-NO!: When defeated, Fallen Vandals spawn a web mine at their feet.

Master Modifiers:

  • All of the above, plus
  • Raider Shield: Scorn Raiders now have Void shields.

Difficulty: Extraction is absolutely the worst Lost Sector in Destiny 2.

Recommended loadout

ArtNameTypeArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
Gjallarhorn artGjallarhornRocket LauncherExoticExoticHeavySolar30th AnniversaryYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavySolar Solar
S › Best
PvE + PvPGrasp of Avarice DungeonError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 30th anniversary icon
30th Anniversary
30th Anniversary eventHeavyNoTop-tier
Riptide artRiptideFusion RifleRapid-FireLegendarySpecialStasisFree-to-PlayYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialStasis Stasis
S › Best
PvEPlaylist: CrucibleError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 17KineticNoTop-tier

For Season of the Witch (S22), the best loadout is:

  • Riptide
  • Any preferred primary
  • Gjallarhorn
  • Void 3.0 Build

This season’s artifact offers a unique champion mod appearing as Unstoppable Fusion Rifles. The combination of the perk Chill Clip in addition to this new artifact mod allows for Riptide to handle both types of champions at once. When a champion is stunned, make sure to fire two shots of Gjallarhorn to finish off the enemy.

Furthermore, Bungie has since made elemental shields much easier to tackle so feel free to use any primary that feels right for you. This lost sector is incredibly flexible and allows for a myriad of playstyles.

Essential Mods

Make sure to equip these mods for easy runs:

  • 2x Solar Reserves

While your build should curate a playstyle that you want to experience, this lost sector lends itself well to benefiting from multiple reserve mods to increase the total amount of Gjallarhorn shots from the start. These extra rockets will make runs feel more consistent and overall faster.


Difficulty Legend Master
Recommended Power 1830 1840
Exotic armor (if solo) Rare Common

Needless to say, these aren’t easy, and the least you should do is ensure you have a reasonable Power Level. By reasonable, we mean no less than 10 Power Levels below the recommended levels. If you find yourself struggling, work on increasing your Power Level as much as possible and focus on Legend Lost Sectors.

Extraction guide

The opening room is filled with standard red bar enemies. However, it is followed by the plates arena which proves to be the most difficult segment of the sector.

It is recommended to capture the first plate on the right when you enter, then, cross under the middle structure to capture the left plate for the easiest time. Make sure to spam void abilities like Bastion barricades, Child of the Old Gods, and Smoke Bombs from the void subclass kit to improve survivability.

Extraction Lost Secto

Extraction Lost Sector, Destiny 2

Upon killing enough enemies in the plates section (5-7), an Unstoppable Champion will appear in the middle. Do not engage with this enemy until both plates have been claimed so you can reposition to a safer spot

Finally, in the boss room, you can bait both Unstoppable Ogres towards the entry doorway before fighting the Lucent Wizard. This will save plenty of time and reduce the enemy congestion in the arena.

Lost Sector Rewards

As a reminder, completing Legend or Master Lost Sectors solo is the only way to acquire several specific Exotic armor pieces. While our Lost Sector Exotics guide covers them all, including their rotation for the remainder of the season, these are all Lost Sector Exotics available today:

Lost Sector Exotics today

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Extraction Summary

Featuring an Arc Threat modifier, the Extraction Lost Sector features Void-shielded enemies and Overload and Barrier Champions. Due to its length to complete and difficulty, this is one of the absolute best Lost Sectors to farm.

If this guide had too much information, those are the main highlights you need to remember. Hopefully, you now have everything you need to know how to best clear this Lost Sector to farm exactly the type of Exotic armor you need.

Post written by Anchv. You can see him on Twitter or streaming on D2LostSector‘s Twitch channel.

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Resident Author
Resident Author
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1 Comment
  1. hera

    why do you say to use a scout rifle to stun unstoppable champions ?

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