Destiny 2 Birthplace of the Vile Grandmaster Nightfall Guide

by | Feb 2, 2023

Grandmaster Nightfalls are perhaps the most challenging endgame activity in Destiny 2. With an insane Power Level requirement and unforgiving modifiers, Grandmaster Nightfalls will challenge all but the top fireteams out there.

This guide will give you everything you need to tackle and conquer the Birthplace of the Vile GM, including loadouts, preferred subclasses, tactics, and more.

Birthplace Vile NightfallBirthplace of the VileDestiny 2 Void Void5x Destiny 2 Void Void
(2x Random Shields)
12x Overload rounds Overload
8x Unstoppable rounds Unstoppable
The Witch Queen Destiny 2 icon
The Witch Queen

Loadout and Subclasses

Checkmark icon V3Updated as of Season of the Seraph (S19).

The following guide was heavily inspired by Mac‘s excellent video covering all Grandmasters this season.

Subclasses & Exotics

For class loadouts, Hunters want to rock an “Invis” Nightstalker build with Omnioculus. Warlocks want to spec into Well of Radiance with Starfire Protocol. And Titans can either run a healing-focused build with Sunbrekeaker and the Loreley Splendor Helm, or a more defensive build with Sentinel and Heart of Inmost Light.

ArmorClassTypeRequirementsSourceReleasedRequiresExotic Perk
Starfire Protocol Warlock Exotic Destiny 2 art

Starfire Protocol

WarlockChestFree-to-PlayExotic EngramsSeason 1Free to Play Destiny 2 icon
Fusion Grenades have an additional charge and recharge from empowered weapon damage, with empowered weapon final blows granting more energy. Defeating targets with Fusion Grenades grant Rift energy.
Omnioculus Destiny 2 art


HunterChestBeyond LightLost SectorsSeason 13Beyond Light Destiny 2 icon
Beyond Light
You gain a second Smoke Bomb charge and have damage resistance while invisible. When you make an ally invisible, they gain damage resistance while invisible and you gain melee energy.
Heart of Inmost Light Titan Destiny 2

Heart of Inmost Light

TitanChestForsaken PackExotic EngramsSeason 4Forsaken Destiny 2 icon
Forsaken Pack
Using an ability (grenade, melee, or Barricade) empowers the other two abilities. Empowered means abilities have faster regen, melees and grenades do more damage, and Barricades have more hit points.
Loreley Splendor Helm Titan Destiny 2 art

Loreley Splendor Helm

TitanHelmThe Witch QueenLost SectorsSeason 16The Witch Queen Destiny 2 icon
The Witch Queen
When you have Sun Warrior, your Sunspots heal you. When you are critically wounded, create a Sunspot at your location.


With Overload and Unstoppable champions, Void (and a few random) elemental shields, and a Void elemental burn, loadouts for this strike are simple, with all players wanting Witherhoard, a Void Scout rifle with an Unstoppable mod, such as the Vouchsafe, and a Void linear fusion rifle, such as the Taipan-4fr.

ArtNameTypeArchetypeRarityAmmo?Element?RequirementsIn loot pool?AmmoElementTierExcelsSourceCraftable?RequiresReleasedSlotCan be Crafted?Best of?Top Perk?
Witherhoard art Destiny 2WitherhoardGrenade LauncherExoticExoticSpecialKineticShadowkeep PackYesSpecial ammo Destiny 2 SpecialKinetic symbol Destiny 2 Kinetic
S › Best
PvE + PvPExotic KioskError icon V2 NoShadowkeep Icon (final) Destiny 2
Shadowkeep Pack
Season 11KineticNoTop-tier
Taipan-4fr artTaipan-4frLinear Fusion RiflePrecisionLegendaryHeavyVoidFree-to-PlayYesHeavy ammo Destiny 2 HeavyVoid Void
B › Average
PvEGunsmithCheckmark icon V3 YesDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 18HeavyCraftableRepulsor Brace
Vouchsafe artVouchsafeScout RifleLightweightLegendaryPrimaryVoidFree-to-PlayYesPrimary ammo Destiny 2 PrimaryVoid Void
B › Average
PvEShattered Throne DungeonError icon V2 NoDestiny 2 Icon (final) Destiny 2
Season 13EnergyNo

As always, these are simply recommendations. if you have something in mind that you feel would work better, feel free to throw it on. With all that being said, let’s get into the strategy.

Birthplace Vile Nightfall

Birthplace of the Vile Grandmaster Nightfall

GM Power Level

If you’re interested in running this GM, you need to have a proper Power Level:

Nightfall Difficulty Required to enter Power Level of activities  Adept drop rate
Grandmaster 1580 1620 Common+

More Grandmaster guides for Season 19:

Birthplace of the Vile GM guide

According to Mac’s guide, bringing at least one Invis Hunter is crucial, as it will help you easily skip entire sections and capture plates.

In the Boss room, focusing on the ads will be critical, and this is where Witherhoard will play a key role. As soon as you see blue mist, you can anticipate enemies appearing there and take of them with Witherhoard even before they are fully spawned.

About The Author

Ric Molina
Ric Molina
I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.
More from Ric Molina
1 Comment
  1. Jeff Merewether

    could use an update here

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